A Report on the 4th Orangeyes Open | Syracusefan.com

A Report on the 4th Orangeyes Open


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
The fourth OE Open was held yesterday afternoon on a fairly cold and windy day at Foxfire Golf Course. It was been a really rainy year in CNY, so it was no surprise that it rained on and off during the round, but not nearly hard enough to deter the hardy people who play in this prestigious event.

I think we had 10 teams play this year. As in past years, there was a strong presence from the Syracuse fan.com community. I hesitate to try and name everyone from the board that participated because I will definitely miss some people but among the people there were Obie9, Shenexon, OrangeTown, RayInVa abs bus wife Carol, TexanMark, JackBauer44, and rrlbees and his son Tyler. And of course, tournament directors OrangeOnions and CNYCentralCuse.


OrangeOnions led his team to the team championship. They shot a 59, which was barely good enough to force a sudden death playoff with a team led by fellow Westhill basketball star and former teammate Craig Kowadla. Brian's team won with a birdie on the.2nd playoff hole.

The long drive was won by a guy on Kowadla's team who looked like Dustin Johnson, dressed like him and hit the ball like him (he almost drove the 10th hole).

Mrs. RayInVa dominated the women's events, winning the longest drive and closest to the pin. Ray and Carol drove up from Virginia just for this event.

CNYCentralCuse, aka Niko Tamurian, spoke after dinner, and told some great stories about Orangeyes and how special a person he was. Niko also lined up a bunch of great items for auction from local pro teams.

On the topic of donations, props to rrlbees for donating his tickets to the Clemson football game and the Maryland basketball game. No word if Smokefree won the bidding for the Terp tickets. llandz and Guy Calabrese made generous cash donations as did a bunch of people I am missing.

cto again donated courtsidec tickets and a primo parking pass for a basketball game. awesome. That was the biggest money earner of all, as the Colliers (thanks Steve) again won the bidding for that great prize,

Lastly, Tammy Palmer from Channel 9 in Syracuse talked about her experience living with ulcerative colitis (the same thing Dan suffered from). She gave the audience a small sense of hoe awful thus disease is and how difficult it is to live with. She has a Facebook page dedicated to helping people with the disease and their parents and has become a major resource supporting the same. She got well deserved spontaneous standing ovation after speaking. I played many rounds with Dan when I knew he was not well but I never fully appreciated what he was dealing with. He would tell me that the only time he was relatively free from the suffering was when he was on the course, so deep in focus on playing that he could forget what was going on with his body for a bit. What a tough, remarkable person. The same goes to Tammy and everyone else who has to deal with this.

Before ending this post, I want to thank everyone who played, attended the dinner, contributed prizes or money or volunteered their time to help make this tournament a success. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Final numbers were not in last night but I know thousands of dollars were raised to fight this disease. I had a chance to see a lot of Dan's friends and family again, and many board luminaries. We told stories about and remembered Dan and talked SU sports some too (thanks guys for the lobbying help on the Miami game road trip). In short, it was a great day. Can't wait to do it again next year.

Speaking of next year, please save the date in your calendar now.

Saturday August 4th. 12:15 pm. Foxfire.

War Damn Otto! War Damn Orangeyes!
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Awesome. I can't wait for the time I set my visit up around this tournament. I will be attending this. Thanks for the synopsis. 59 is really solid.
Amazing tournament again this year. Thank you to everyone who participated.

We raised $4,229 this year. In the 4 years of the Orangeyes Open, we've raised $19, 235.27 for the Western & Central chapter of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America.

See you August 4th, 2018 at 12:15pm at Foxfire for the 5th Orangeyes Open!

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