Silver Lining |

Silver Lining


Co 2020 Cali Award Winner, Record Thru 5 Games
Aug 27, 2011
Hard to talk positives after that one but the one positive I've seen over the last couple of weeks is the improvement of the front 7 on defense. Franklin and Bennett are playing very well, almost to all-conference consideration level. I'm not sure if this is a function of growing comfort with the scheme or a more aggressive, flexible approach by Ward with more blitzing and focus on stopping the run rather than dropping into middle coverage like most Tampa 2 Mikes are asked to do. Either way I'll take it. Clark, Pickard, Black, and Coleman (before the questionable ejection) showed flashes as well and it was great to see Samuels back clogging the middle. Only one sack but at least we saw some penetration and more hurries.

Backfield is still a mess. Safeties seem lost and corners are playing scared giving up big cushions that yield easy pitch and catch 8 yard gains whenever the opposing QB wants to take them. Our only true press corner, Winfield, fell prey to the same last night. Not sure if it was the wet field or lack of confidence in the deep cover but even against a run first team like WF it was noticeble. Have to wonder how bad Morgan is to not see the field other than specials lately. Seems like some senior leadership wouldn't hurt.

Good news is this defense is young and virtually all will be back next year. Bad news is this defense is young and virtually all will be back next year. In fact all 17 defenders credited with a tackle last night will be wearing orange again in 2017. Just seems like many of them are just bad fits for this system. Thomas is consistent and productive at the Will but with his size he seems to be more of a T2 safety than a linebacker and occasional rush DE.

Look, guys, I've been drinking the Dino kool aid from Day 1 and am in line for another cup but I'm more than a bit put off by the defensive posture he has been taking in his press conferences lately. Stating that "We should have run more" last night and discounting the suggestion that he call time out, or more appropriately spike the ball after the long run at the end of the half borders on obstinate. You learn more about a coach in defeat than in victory and I'd much rather see a little anger and passion. It's not unreasonable to realize your fan base is disappointed by the substandard execution in the last two games. Give us reason to believe (with or without evidence) that you share the disappointment and have an approach to address it rather than saying it will take two years and the cake is ready yet.

Okay, venting complete. Jersey is in the wash and I'll be cheering my a** off in the Dome come Saturday.

Go Orange!
Front 7 did look much better, need to work on blitzing and stunting. Saw way to many plays where we had 3 of the front 7 clumped together in the middle doing nothing.
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My only silver lining is that the rain abated in the second half. I don't think it ever stopped completely.

But the sun came up today and will be hoping against hope for a miracle next week in the Dome.
And that post was called "silver lining". :(
I actually thought our LBs played poorly. Lot of missed tackles or being carried for extra yardage, even by the QB.

The DL was ok wish they got more TFL. Slayton has been so good this year but he had a quiet night.

Our DBs were frustrating. They made some really nice plays last night but then they also made really really poor plays. I think our best DBs right now are Williams and Ellison. Those 2 should be on the field as often as possible. Our CBs are the weakest link by far on D. Not one ACC level kid IMO.
DE's getting caught inside and not holding the edge; linebackers caught inside having plays go right by them; DB's just playing catch-up; our defense is not a pretty picture this season.
I remind myself that 1) Babers said that things "click" usually at about game five of season two, and 2) we return almost everybody (sans some that will likely leave the program with eligibility.

What Babers does this offseason heading into 2017 is likely more pivotal than whether we beat BC or Pitt this year. And if he's the leader we think he is, this team will have the mental toughness Shafer always seem to want and extra level of speed/strength to execute. Plus with an infusion of some 20+ new players next year, we start thinking 6-6 or 7-5 in year two. And then in 2018, we beat Notre Lame 61-24 in South Bend.

God Bless the power of hope.

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