The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken |

The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken

I remember one year we beat Brown like 101-50...we lost the next week to Rhode Island IIRC. Enjoy the win, hope for another. Dayton can beat Cuse...I figure we'll be a 7 pt favorite.
Don't count the chickens . . . we said the same after FSU game. But still, I feel bettah now. It was nice to be stuck at work during game and not be freaking out like I did two years ago for UNC-Asheville
Don't count the chickens . . . we said the same after FSU game. But still, I feel bettah now. It was nice to be stuck at work during game and not be freaking out like I did two years ago for UNC-Asheville

We looked much better than FSU IMHO. FSU we still shot it pretty bad and execution was so so. Biggest thing still is that CJ needs to defer unless he has an open lane or is just hot. Today he even got some time on the bench. I love the kid but he needs to score in the flow and on the occasional ISO. Having him come off a screen to get the ball every possession slows down the offense far too much. They let things come to them and moved the ball much much better today than they have in a while.
I remember one year we beat Brown like 101-50...we lost the next week to Rhode Island IIRC. Enjoy the win, hope for another. Dayton can beat Cuse...I figure we'll be a 7 pt favorite.

I believe the sequence went Brown, then the loss to David Robinson's Navy team in the Dome.
and its's pissed.

I will be happy if we beat Dayton and get to the Sweet 16. One more victory and I will get pissed (as in England's use of the word).
I remember one year we beat Brown like 101-50...we lost the next week to Rhode Island IIRC. Enjoy the win, hope for another. Dayton can beat Cuse...I figure we'll be a 7 pt favorite.

What the heck is wrong with the elbows of the cheerleader featured in your avatar. It's like she's inside out!
I told everyone as did others. Some SU fans need much stronger intestinal fortitude.

SU is ready!

Well, I may have weak intestinal fortitude but there's something that's strong on me but I can't remember what it is. The second thing that goes is the memory and I can't remember the first!

I'm still worried about Dayton until I see it!
Well, I may have weak intestinal fortitude but there's something that's strong on me but I can't remember what it is. The second thing that goes is the memory and I can't remember the first!

I'm still worried about Dayton until I see it!
Don't be worried about Dayton. Just like the team, be ready for Dayton.
We looked much better than FSU IMHO. FSU we still shot it pretty bad and execution was so so. Biggest thing still is that CJ needs to defer unless he has an open lane or is just hot. Today he even got some time on the bench. I love the kid but he needs to score in the flow and on the occasional ISO. Having him come off a screen to get the ball every possession slows down the offense far too much. They let things come to them and moved the ball much much better today than they have in a while.

WMU had some of the most inept offense and bad turnovers I've ever seen vs zone. We looked better vs FSU. FSU is a WAY better team than WMU.

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