Who is the Third Attackman? | Syracusefan.com

Who is the Third Attackman?


Renowned lacrosse analyst
Jul 16, 2014
Things have been pretty quiet on this board the last few days, so I thought I would pose a question that has been bothering me. Syracuse has a number of questions pertaining to their starting lineup, but perhaps because the attack position is the most "glamorous", I have spent a lot of time wondering who is going to join Owen Hiltz and Owen Seebold on the starting attack line. Earlier this offseason I had been hoping for the team to bring in transfer, but as time goes on, it looks likely that no help will come from outside the program. Below I listed the players I thought were most likely to grab that last spot. I listed based on what I thought would happen, but also made clear what my choice to actually happen is. Given the skill sets of both Owens, I think Syracuse can choose the best available player on their roster - they don't "need" a quarterback since both starters are good passers, and both players in general seem to compliment each other pretty well, with Hiltz's shooting ability and Seebold's dodging.

1. Griffin Cook, JR - Probably not what most people want. But Cook was the starter in '20 and put up 9 points in 5 games. Of course in '21 he lost his spot to Hiltz and put up just three points in 13 games as a midfielder. Cook came in as a highly regarded recruit, but just seems to be missing something. I still don't think he has the speed to make up for his lack of size. He is a tremendous rider, but I think a starting attackman simply needs to put up more points. I would think he is the leading contender in the clubhouse, but if he can't produce the staff won't hesitate to remove him again.
2. Liam Ferris, SO - I was very high on Ferris after a few games last year, he has size and is a strong dodger. Gait has also made clear he wants his players to show more creativity - Ferris had a wicked backhanded shot in an early game last year (missed the cage). But, Ferris did not produce a lot of points last year (one goal) and looked pretty lost when he got extensive playing time as a second line midfielder. In his defense, he lost his entire senior year of high school and still got playing time for Syracuse as a freshman, which is rare. Ferris is my pick due to his ceiling. The question is, as a lefty, how does he play with Hiltz? Rhefuss is a lefty and played well with #77, but he was a quarterback type who was comfortable behind the goal. Ferris is more of a dodger and I didn't seem him play often behind the goal. Doesn't mean he can't, but it's something to consider.
3. Tucker Dordevic, RS JR - Probably most of the discussion will center around Dordevic. His game seems very transferable to the attack position, with his quick change of direction and stutter-stepping. But moving him from midfield would really hurt a unit that doesn't have a clear replacement. I also think his outside shooting prowess is better served at midfield. I would keep him at midfield, but I know a lot of votes will come in for him to move to attack.
4. Brendan Curry, SR - Curry is another candidate to move positions. Early in the year he had a ton of success inverting his defender behind the cage, so logically a move would make sense. But this tactic fell out of favor as more teams stuck a long pole on Curry and he was unable to gain separation. Curry is best operating in space, running by his defender and getting a shot or pass off. I think he would be too easily neutralized at attack.
5. Brett Tenaglia, RS FR - A transfer from Furman, the lefty put up 20 points in his one shortened season for them (seven games). My understanding is that he would play midfield for the Orange, but as a natural attackman maybe he fits in better down low. As a lefty he has the same issues as Ferris and is coming off a season ending injury. Not very big at only 5'8. Tenaglia is the player I have seen the least of, but he could be a very pleasant surprise.
6. Mikey Berkman, RS SO - The dark horse candidate, Berkman was brought up last year by Desko as a replacement for Scanlan but never got any playing time. He has the quarterbacking talents that might work well with the Owens. But from the very limited film I've seen of him in mop up duty, he doesn't really stand out. He has only played three games in his career and has never registered a point.
7. Matteo Corsi, FR - The highest rated incoming attackman and recruit for SU according to IL, Corsi seems to do a lot of things well, pass, shoot and has good quickness and size. In the tape I've seen he likes to play behind the goal, though I've seen him attack from all over. But for some reason he has not gained a lot of traction in the press. To be a starter for a team like Syracuse as a freshman, you have to come in with pretty high accolades and I don't think Corsi is quite there yet.

Seven options is a lot, which should give Syracuse fans optimism, but there isn't a single player that jumps off the page. If there is anyone I am missing please let me know. Given that Pat March returns as OC, the coaching staff isn't starting from blank in evaluating these players, but I am sure Gait will bring different priorities to this position. I also wonder how Spallina will factor into the decision of who plays this year? It probably shouldn't, but in the back of the staff's mind is that Spallina will most likely be running things from day one in '23. Do they consider a player who might match up well with him over someone else? Again, Ferris to me offers the most upside of the players listed. In regards to switching one of the attackman, it might just come down to which position has more depth next year. After having "the best midfield in college lacrosse" in '20, the '21 version didn't look nearly as good. For now, I think Dordevic and Curry should remain at midfield, since that unit looks pretty weak without those two. Anyway, lots of time for the staff to evaluate, or even bring in a transfer. Whatever they do, and whoever earns the job, Syracuse can't afford to not have a productive third attackman next year.
I’m not saying he’ll start right away, but if Gait can teach Corsi how to finish, he has the quickness to be starter material. You can’t teach quickness.
I’m not saying he’ll start right away, but if Gait can teach Corsi how to finish, he has the quickness to be starter material. You can’t teach quickness.
Agreed. Even though it was a fairly casual commited combine game, his performance there was pretty convincing for me. Biggest weakness I have seen so far is shooting, especially from long range. That hurts more if you are trying to get on the field as a middie. If I had to guess if we see him at all next year it could be in a Griffin Cook type capacity where we have him as a reserve middie and he inverts on a short stick when he is in the game.
The boat has passed on experimenting with moving Curry or Dordevic to attack. Both are in their fifth year with this being last for Curry as well as Quinn. Besides all three are needed at mid since nobody has yet emerged behind them . Watching Seebold, Cook and Ferris being run out of position at mid was both telling and disheartening. Leads me to believe Birtwhistle will be 4th mid if not 3rd attackman. Fiorini and Magnan were highly rated "18 recruits. Both going into fourth year , they need to put a stake in the ground.
The boat has passed on experimenting with moving Curry or Dordevic to attack. Both are in their fifth year with this being last for Curry as well as Quinn. Besides all three are needed at mid since nobody has yet emerged behind them . Watching Seebold, Cook and Ferris being run out of position at mid was both telling and disheartening. Leads me to believe Birtwhistle will be 4th mid if not 3rd attackman. Fiorini and Magnan were highly rated "18 recruits. Both going into fourth year , they need to put a stake in the ground.
Respect this opinion on Curry and Dordevic, but also feel like we opened the door slightly by running very consistent invert plays with them last year, which often produced. In the end it may be the lack of depth at middie that keeps them in that position, but if the reality is that the other 5 or 6 options are simply not skilled enough to be worthy of seeing the field for every offensive possession (which is the baseline of what it means to play "attack" nowadays) then we may have no choice but to try one of them. Certainly agree that another year of cook and Ferris producing nothing at 2nd middie would be a failure, but having either one of them doing that same minimal production at attack would be even more costly.

One skill that is not really present among these 7 guys listed is a knack for excellent off ball play. I developed a lot of confidence in Seebold as not just a dodger but a QB in general after his play at the end of the season. I also have confidence that Hiltz will show more of his skills as a dodger/QB next year and we know he is an incredible feeder. With that in mind could our real need end up being for a guy who can both catch and finish around the goal in traffic and put it in the cage at a high percentage on mid range shooting as well? A Keogh/Bomberry/Voigt type? Not the names I would throw around when describing who the guys on this list play like. Maybe Ferris has a little of that to his game when given the opportunity? Tough decisions ahead. I think a lot of this will depend on how Hiltz's role develops.
Doc, The off ball attackman you just described is Basil Aburn who gets overlooked despite his penchant for producing. Not flashy just efficient .Has great hands, converts his opportunities and can shoot some from outside. He played both attack and mid at Boys Latin with teammates including Spencer, Shewell, Winaskaus and Brandaus at Boys Latin .
The boat has passed on experimenting with moving Curry or Dordevic to attack. Both are in their fifth year with this being last for Curry as well as Quinn. Besides all three are needed at mid since nobody has yet emerged behind them . Watching Seebold, Cook and Ferris being run out of position at mid was both telling and disheartening. Leads me to believe Birtwhistle will be 4th mid if not 3rd attackman. Fiorini and Magnan were highly rated "18 recruits. Both going into fourth year , they need to put a stake in the ground.
Are you saying you don't think it is a great idea to break up 2/3 of the "best midfield line in America"? :)

Intrigued by many of the ideas presented in this forum...thanks Powellfan for shaking up the board today!

It is actually very exciting that the 3rd and maybe even the 2nd attackmen are not secured going into Fall ball. Hiltz seems to be the only player who is a guaranteed starter. Seebold definitely came into his own but I would think his spot is not 100%.
IMHO cook , berkman and corsi would be ideal but agree they all need to finish which I think Gait could correct.
I think cooks biggest problem is in his head.
I also like birtwhistle at mid.
Fall ball may be like the hunger games! People fighting for a lot of “open” spots on the field. More questions about lineup this year than last.
Things have been pretty quiet on this board the last few days, so I thought I would pose a question that has been bothering me. Syracuse has a number of questions pertaining to their starting lineup, but perhaps because the attack position is the most "glamorous", I have spent a lot of time wondering who is going to join Owen Hiltz and Owen Seebold on the starting attack line. Earlier this offseason I had been hoping for the team to bring in transfer, but as time goes on, it looks likely that no help will come from outside the program. Below I listed the players I thought were most likely to grab that last spot. I listed based on what I thought would happen, but also made clear what my choice to actually happen is. Given the skill sets of both Owens, I think Syracuse can choose the best available player on their roster - they don't "need" a quarterback since both starters are good passers, and both players in general seem to compliment each other pretty well, with Hiltz's shooting ability and Seebold's dodging.

1. Griffin Cook, JR - Probably not what most people want. But Cook was the starter in '20 and put up 9 points in 5 games. Of course in '21 he lost his spot to Hiltz and put up just three points in 13 games as a midfielder. Cook came in as a highly regarded recruit, but just seems to be missing something. I still don't think he has the speed to make up for his lack of size. He is a tremendous rider, but I think a starting attackman simply needs to put up more points. I would think he is the leading contender in the clubhouse, but if he can't produce the staff won't hesitate to remove him again.
2. Liam Ferris, SO - I was very high on Ferris after a few games last year, he has size and is a strong dodger. Gait has also made clear he wants his players to show more creativity - Ferris had a wicked backhanded shot in an early game last year (missed the cage). But, Ferris did not produce a lot of points last year (one goal) and looked pretty lost when he got extensive playing time as a second line midfielder. In his defense, he lost his entire senior year of high school and still got playing time for Syracuse as a freshman, which is rare. Ferris is my pick due to his ceiling. The question is, as a lefty, how does he play with Hiltz? Rhefuss is a lefty and played well with #77, but he was a quarterback type who was comfortable behind the goal. Ferris is more of a dodger and I didn't seem him play often behind the goal. Doesn't mean he can't, but it's something to consider.
3. Tucker Dordevic, RS JR - Probably most of the discussion will center around Dordevic. His game seems very transferable to the attack position, with his quick change of direction and stutter-stepping. But moving him from midfield would really hurt a unit that doesn't have a clear replacement. I also think his outside shooting prowess is better served at midfield. I would keep him at midfield, but I know a lot of votes will come in for him to move to attack.
4. Brendan Curry, SR - Curry is another candidate to move positions. Early in the year he had a ton of success inverting his defender behind the cage, so logically a move would make sense. But this tactic fell out of favor as more teams stuck a long pole on Curry and he was unable to gain separation. Curry is best operating in space, running by his defender and getting a shot or pass off. I think he would be too easily neutralized at attack.
5. Brett Tenaglia, RS FR - A transfer from Furman, the lefty put up 20 points in his one shortened season for them (seven games). My understanding is that he would play midfield for the Orange, but as a natural attackman maybe he fits in better down low. As a lefty he has the same issues as Ferris and is coming off a season ending injury. Not very big at only 5'8. Tenaglia is the player I have seen the least of, but he could be a very pleasant surprise.
6. Mikey Berkman, RS SO - The dark horse candidate, Berkman was brought up last year by Desko as a replacement for Scanlan but never got any playing time. He has the quarterbacking talents that might work well with the Owens. But from the very limited film I've seen of him in mop up duty, he doesn't really stand out. He has only played three games in his career and has never registered a point.
7. Matteo Corsi, FR - The highest rated incoming attackman and recruit for SU according to IL, Corsi seems to do a lot of things well, pass, shoot and has good quickness and size. In the tape I've seen he likes to play behind the goal, though I've seen him attack from all over. But for some reason he has not gained a lot of traction in the press. To be a starter for a team like Syracuse as a freshman, you have to come in with pretty high accolades and I don't think Corsi is quite there yet.

Seven options is a lot, which should give Syracuse fans optimism, but there isn't a single player that jumps off the page. If there is anyone I am missing please let me know. Given that Pat March returns as OC, the coaching staff isn't starting from blank in evaluating these players, but I am sure Gait will bring different priorities to this position. I also wonder how Spallina will factor into the decision of who plays this year? It probably shouldn't, but in the back of the staff's mind is that Spallina will most likely be running things from day one in '23. Do they consider a player who might match up well with him over someone else? Again, Ferris to me offers the most upside of the players listed. In regards to switching one of the attackman, it might just come down to which position has more depth next year. After having "the best midfield in college lacrosse" in '20, the '21 version didn't look nearly as good. For now, I think Dordevic and Curry should remain at midfield, since that unit looks pretty weak without those two. Anyway, lots of time for the staff to evaluate, or even bring in a transfer. Whatever they do, and whoever earns the job, Syracuse can't afford to not have a productive third attackman next year.
I wonder about the practice of moving freshmen attacks to middle. Ferris and Cook looked lost in their first years, I believe, because the middle position demands significantly different skills. In his high school videos Ferris showed he could move to either side from x and shoot with either hand. He seemed to me one of the few natural x attacks to come to SU in recent years. I think the move to middie set Cook back and should have been scrapped much sooner.

Last season, the very good first middie line ran into good teams that schemed to handcuff it from Army on throughout the season. I think they played better in games where the team had at least half the possessions. In blowouts, they could not use the momentum gained in games where there were enough possessions to overwhelm teams in the second half they way they had the previous season.

I would like to see SU put Ferris back at x attack and give him as much experience as possible in the fall. I have no idea who should be the starting x attack, not a clue. Tenaglia was very impressive in his first year at Furman, so I'd give him every chance at the position. Corsi is stud, strong enough to play almost any offensive position. Let's give him a shot. For me the key is the FOGO. Without a capable consistent 50% er, it is not going to matter who plays at the x.
Doc, The off ball attackman you just described is Basil Aburn who gets overlooked despite his penchant for producing. Not flashy just efficient .Has great hands, converts his opportunities and can shoot some from outside. He played both attack and mid at Boys Latin with teammates including Spencer, Shewell, Winaskaus and Brandaus at Boys Latin .
I watched Aburn play several games through his high school career. Until his senior season, he was invisible three quarters of the time, but had a knack for scoring around the goal. He often seemed to want to pass rather than move with the ball, which was probably a good idea because he did not handle it very well. It is difficult for me to imagine him playing from x. As a designated shooter or someone to pass to in tight situations around the goal, he could suffice.
I wonder about the practice of moving freshmen attacks to middle. Ferris and Cook looked lost in their first years, I believe, because the middle position demands significantly different skills. In his high school videos Ferris showed he could move to either side from x and shoot with either hand. He seemed to me one of the few natural x attacks to come to SU in recent years. I think the move to middie set Cook back and should have been scrapped much sooner.

Last season, the very good first middie line ran into good teams that schemed to handcuff it from Army on throughout the season. I think they played better in games where the team had at least half the possessions. In blowouts, they could not use the momentum gained in games where there were enough possessions to overwhelm teams in the second half they way they had the previous season.

I would like to see SU put Ferris back at x attack and give him as much experience as possible in the fall. I have no idea who should be the starting x attack, not a clue. Tenaglia was very impressive in his first year at Furman, so I'd give him every chance at the position. Corsi is stud, strong enough to play almost any offensive position. Let's give him a shot. For me the key is the FOGO. Without a capable consistent 50% er, it is not going to matter who plays at the x.

Thanks for this post, lots of good insight here. I agree with you on the practice of moving attackmen to midfield - it can be done, but I thought last year the SU offensive midfielders really struggled playing defense and gave up a lot of goals in transition. Trimboli may have been the only one who looked somewhat comfortable playing defense, and he's gone now. Adding converted attackmen to the mix won't help that aspect of the position. There has been lots of talk about lacrosse becoming "position-less" but offensive players still need to get back and play defense.

That said, I think Birtwistle and Tenaglia are good bets to see time at midfield if they don't get a starting attack spot. Not sure if this is something the coaches just need to focus on more with the team?

The more I think about it, the more I think Tenaglia has a good chance of getting that starting attack spot - I already mentioned his 20 points in seven games (five starts), but five of those points were against UNC and he did most of his damage early, before the game turned into a blowout. He also had three assists against Penn State and never had less than two points in a game. His production far outweighs any of the other contenders to the position outside of Dordevic and Curry (who, I agree with IT, are probably not switching positions). Plus he has four years of eligibility left given that he was a freshman in '20 and injury redshirted last year. Anyways, I just feel like he's been someone slept on but he has clearly shown he can produce.
Tenaglia took Bowen to the woodshed twice for scores in that game . Told me he plays with confidence

had made a good impression in early fall practice before achilles Injury. Should be fully recovered but long layoff nonetheless and alot of candidates to seapate from. Unless a established transfer arrives, 3rd spot likely is a rotation of two if not even three

As far as transition d , Hiltz, Cook and yes Scanlan appeared to defend better than most mids when caught on that end but not a fan of moving attackman to midfield either unless they display necessary attributes .

Most 2nd line mids will not have the same O capability of 1st line (though our second line was outperformed our first line at times last year ) so showing two way abilities could help one see some minutes regardless of class.
Thanks for this post, lots of good insight here. I agree with you on the practice of moving attackmen to midfield - it can be done, but I thought last year the SU offensive midfielders really struggled playing defense and gave up a lot of goals in transition. Trimboli may have been the only one who looked somewhat comfortable playing defense, and he's gone now. Adding converted attackmen to the mix won't help that aspect of the position. There has been lots of talk about lacrosse becoming "position-less" but offensive players still need to get back and play defense.

That said, I think Birtwistle and Tenaglia are good bets to see time at midfield if they don't get a starting attack spot. Not sure if this is something the coaches just need to focus on more with the team?

The more I think about it, the more I think Tenaglia has a good chance of getting that starting attack spot - I already mentioned his 20 points in seven games (five starts), but five of those points were against UNC and he did most of his damage early, before the game turned into a blowout. He also had three assists against Penn State and never had less than two points in a game. His production far outweighs any of the other contenders to the position outside of Dordevic and Curry (who, I agree with IT, are probably not switching positions). Plus he has four years of eligibility left given that he was a freshman in '20 and injury redshirted last year. Anyways, I just feel like he's been someone slept on but he has clearly shown he can produce.
you make it easy to post by writing great summaries.
The boat has passed on experimenting with moving Curry or Dordevic to attack. Both are in their fifth year with this being last for Curry as well as Quinn. Besides all three are needed at mid since nobody has yet emerged behind them . Watching Seebold, Cook and Ferris being run out of position at mid was both telling and disheartening. Leads me to believe Birtwhistle will be 4th mid if not 3rd attackman. Fiorini and Magnan were highly rated "18 recruits. Both going into fourth year , they need to put a stake in the ground.

Good post and spot on. Believe those looking to move Curry or Dordevic will be disappointed as I don't believe either is under consideration at this point. Tuckers injury history makes a move down to attack unlikely and moving Curry is robbing Peter to Pay Paul at this point and in my mind isn't worth it especially with Curry still struggling with consistency.

Agree on Cook and Ferris, I believe Ferris only played some middie due to injuries and wanting to get him on the field but he clearly did not look comfortable. Cook actually played some middie in HS and had experience running through the box but he also did not look comfortable be it his frosh season or last year. A bit surprised he hasn't entered the portal to be honest. Unless Gait can get him back on tract and unlock the 5 star talent he was coming out of HS I don't see much PT on the horizon which hurts me to say.

Birtwistle was moved to middie last year but I could see him being moved back to attack depending on what the staff sees and how he looks this fall. Definite concerns about the second mid line, the lack of PT for Fiorini and Magnan is not a good sign, some help incoming with the Frosh and returning young middies who RS but second line needs a total overhaul especially with Quinn highly likely to move to the `1st line with Curry and Tucker.
Things have been pretty quiet on this board the last few days, so I thought I would pose a question that has been bothering me. Syracuse has a number of questions pertaining to their starting lineup, but perhaps because the attack position is the most "glamorous", I have spent a lot of time wondering who is going to join Owen Hiltz and Owen Seebold on the starting attack line. Earlier this offseason I had been hoping for the team to bring in transfer, but as time goes on, it looks likely that no help will come from outside the program. Below I listed the players I thought were most likely to grab that last spot. I listed based on what I thought would happen, but also made clear what my choice to actually happen is. Given the skill sets of both Owens, I think Syracuse can choose the best available player on their roster - they don't "need" a quarterback since both starters are good passers, and both players in general seem to compliment each other pretty well, with Hiltz's shooting ability and Seebold's dodging.

1. Griffin Cook, JR - Probably not what most people want. But Cook was the starter in '20 and put up 9 points in 5 games. Of course in '21 he lost his spot to Hiltz and put up just three points in 13 games as a midfielder. Cook came in as a highly regarded recruit, but just seems to be missing something. I still don't think he has the speed to make up for his lack of size. He is a tremendous rider, but I think a starting attackman simply needs to put up more points. I would think he is the leading contender in the clubhouse, but if he can't produce the staff won't hesitate to remove him again.
2. Liam Ferris, SO - I was very high on Ferris after a few games last year, he has size and is a strong dodger. Gait has also made clear he wants his players to show more creativity - Ferris had a wicked backhanded shot in an early game last year (missed the cage). But, Ferris did not produce a lot of points last year (one goal) and looked pretty lost when he got extensive playing time as a second line midfielder. In his defense, he lost his entire senior year of high school and still got playing time for Syracuse as a freshman, which is rare. Ferris is my pick due to his ceiling. The question is, as a lefty, how does he play with Hiltz? Rhefuss is a lefty and played well with #77, but he was a quarterback type who was comfortable behind the goal. Ferris is more of a dodger and I didn't seem him play often behind the goal. Doesn't mean he can't, but it's something to consider.
3. Tucker Dordevic, RS JR - Probably most of the discussion will center around Dordevic. His game seems very transferable to the attack position, with his quick change of direction and stutter-stepping. But moving him from midfield would really hurt a unit that doesn't have a clear replacement. I also think his outside shooting prowess is better served at midfield. I would keep him at midfield, but I know a lot of votes will come in for him to move to attack.
4. Brendan Curry, SR - Curry is another candidate to move positions. Early in the year he had a ton of success inverting his defender behind the cage, so logically a move would make sense. But this tactic fell out of favor as more teams stuck a long pole on Curry and he was unable to gain separation. Curry is best operating in space, running by his defender and getting a shot or pass off. I think he would be too easily neutralized at attack.
5. Brett Tenaglia, RS FR - A transfer from Furman, the lefty put up 20 points in his one shortened season for them (seven games). My understanding is that he would play midfield for the Orange, but as a natural attackman maybe he fits in better down low. As a lefty he has the same issues as Ferris and is coming off a season ending injury. Not very big at only 5'8. Tenaglia is the player I have seen the least of, but he could be a very pleasant surprise.
6. Mikey Berkman, RS SO - The dark horse candidate, Berkman was brought up last year by Desko as a replacement for Scanlan but never got any playing time. He has the quarterbacking talents that might work well with the Owens. But from the very limited film I've seen of him in mop up duty, he doesn't really stand out. He has only played three games in his career and has never registered a point.
7. Matteo Corsi, FR - The highest rated incoming attackman and recruit for SU according to IL, Corsi seems to do a lot of things well, pass, shoot and has good quickness and size. In the tape I've seen he likes to play behind the goal, though I've seen him attack from all over. But for some reason he has not gained a lot of traction in the press. To be a starter for a team like Syracuse as a freshman, you have to come in with pretty high accolades and I don't think Corsi is quite there yet.

Seven options is a lot, which should give Syracuse fans optimism, but there isn't a single player that jumps off the page. If there is anyone I am missing please let me know. Given that Pat March returns as OC, the coaching staff isn't starting from blank in evaluating these players, but I am sure Gait will bring different priorities to this position. I also wonder how Spallina will factor into the decision of who plays this year? It probably shouldn't, but in the back of the staff's mind is that Spallina will most likely be running things from day one in '23. Do they consider a player who might match up well with him over someone else? Again, Ferris to me offers the most upside of the players listed. In regards to switching one of the attackman, it might just come down to which position has more depth next year. After having "the best midfield in college lacrosse" in '20, the '21 version didn't look nearly as good. For now, I think Dordevic and Curry should remain at midfield, since that unit looks pretty weak without those two. Anyway, lots of time for the staff to evaluate, or even bring in a transfer. Whatever they do, and whoever earns the job, Syracuse can't afford to not have a productive third attackman next year.

Good post and breakdown, a few things.

I like Corsi a lot but hard to see him getting the NOD here. I don't think the staff is looking for an exact replica of Rehfuss on the field but Corsi does have a good overall or well rounded game like Rehfuss. That said, I suspect the staff will look for more of a feeder or a guy more familiar with March's offense at least to start the season. That said he has come on strong in his Sr year and he will at least be in the mix.

Curry and Dordevic to me are to valuable at middie and create to many secondary issues in moving then down to attack, barring massive injuries or something unforeseen I don't see it.

Gait maybe able to unlock the potential we have been waiting for with Cook but to me his ship sailed at this point. He has struggled to make much of an impact despite extensive playing time at both attack and mid and his finishing ability has been for lack of a better word abysmal. I am a big Cook fan and was super high on him coming in but he has struggled mightily and has been nowhere close to his 5 star rating. I hope this is the season it all comes together but history is not on his side.

I expect Tenaglia and Birtwistle will both play major roles next year. Both looked good from what I heard before injuries derailed both. I suspect one of these two will get the nod at attack with the other either being the 4th attack or seeing extensive minutes on the 2nd mid line.

Berkman will now be 2 years post his ACL tear, the word on him has been positive but he he hasn't seen the field much. Interested to see if he can bust out in fall ball or if he's destined for back up role/the portal.

I would add an eight option - A player not yet on the roster. A late transfer I believe is still an option. I find it unlikely Nanticoke will be that guy but I wouldn't count out the staff adding an attackmen.
The reality is that we aren't replacing a third attackman but fifth year Refhuss who was the AA straw that stirred the drink. His production could only be replaced by top layer of talents in the portal and they are off the board. Can only hold out hope of a late transfer of significant talent.

Seebold did a very good job replacing Scanlan for four games but ...the production of the exiled one wont be matched whatever we think of the former persona or limitations of game

Corsi's tape impressed but he's not even listed in the IL Power 100. Every situation is different but the other ACC teams bring in attackman rated as first, fourth, eight n 14th overall recruits and none will be rushed into lineups despite talents because there is a jump.

In 2020 , Cuse was mid centric with offense initiated up top . In 2021, Cuse was attack centric with the emergence of Refhuss and Hiltz.

Do not envision Cuse attack being as statistically productive no matter who are third/ fourth attackman.

Believe offensive success will boil down to rebound by Curry and Dordevic as well as balance and coordination between midfield and attack. Intangibles are always hard to quantify but should be identified in fall.

Quiet off season is somewhat disconcerting . Hope 2022 is played not to experiment but to win.

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