You get what you pay for |

You get what you pay for


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
When will Syracuse wake up and realize that you get what you pay for in coaching. Lets do the math. Lets say we have 6 home games on average. Lets assume a poor team will eqaul 32k in actual paid attendance if they are a 5 win or less team. Lets assume that each paid customer is worth a minimum of 50.00 per game. With this as a baseline lets assume that a good coaching staff will cost an additional 2 million a year. Another million for the head coach and million for the staff.

Lets also assume that a good staff equates to 7 regular season wins or better which will also provide additional revenue in the way of product sale, bowl games, and other revenue. This extra revenue alone would pay for the 2 million increase but we will leave it out for now. With a 7 win solid team that plays well and puts a good product on the field i think that we can average an additional 7-10k paid attendance per home game. So lets peg that at an additional 50,000 paid customers over the course of a 7 game schedule. At 50.00 per individual the university would bring in a minimum of 2.5 million. With the other revenue i would say that a solid staff which equates to a good product and a strong 7 or greater win team would easily generate an additional 5 million a year in revenue for Syracuse. Not to mention what it would mean for the community and local business owners. In short the economic impact of a good program not great but solid would be significant.

The point is simple. Syracuse should realize that the best way the easiest path to success is in hiring as good a staff as possible. Recruiting is NEVER going to be an advantage that we enjoy. NEVER. The only way for us to change our situation is through coaching. Coaching can make a huge difference. Look at great programs like NDSU and Villanova. Look at Boise State when they had a great staff. Those teams dont win by having better players. They win by having great coaches who nurture talent and get the most out of it. War is a very good example of what great "coaching " can do. Just ask any soldier who has ever been in Nam under a solid first L vs a poor one. Did Patton make a difference or did he have better "recruits" Coaching is the one controllable that the Admins can control.

I hope that our Admins realize this and realize that all of the IPF in world cant ever get us to the point that we can out recruit our way to success. It cracks me up when posters on this board constantly point to our need of better players as our only solution. Always blaming it on a lack of talent. I say BS to that. Our talent is much better than our product on the field. Give me a great coaching staff and i will give you a winner with 2-3 star talent.

You get what you pay for. Now that we have ACC money it is time for the school to invest it in a solid staff.

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