A word of caution... | Syracusefan.com

A word of caution...


Living Legend
May 21, 2012
While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
  1. While Ole Hard Nosed has had a long successful tenure as an assistant/coordinator this is his first time as head coach and he will undoubtedly need a little time to adjust. Watching and doing are two different things so, we just have to give him time to settle in to the new role. He will make mistakes but he impresses me as the type of guy that won't repeat them. He is going to be a great HC - just be patient.
  2. Some on the new staff also have the same adjustment periods to go through as well, McDonald in particular has a big adjustment to make and he too will need some time.
  3. The Offense will have a new scheme and verbiage to learn and that means more mental errors than we would like to see. It will probably get ugly at times. Good play calls will seem stupid when guys blow assignments. We just have to give it time.
  4. Even the defense will be different albeit similar in style. We have holes in the D line to fill leaving some big question marks. They will get better as the season progresses.
  5. There is just no way around the fact that we lost some of the best players (with lots of experience) that we have had in a decade or more. We are going to have to struggle with the growing pains of underclassmen with less experience for a bit.
  6. Our schedule doesn't give us much margin for error. The ACC is not the Big East. Moreover, it is stronger and deeper than it has been in some time meaning every conference game will be a battle. Even our OOC games present a couple of real challenges.
Don't get me wrong, I think we can play with everybody on our schedule and I think we will see some exciting football. I am just concerned that the staff gets the proper honeymoon period it deserves. After all that we have been through and the near death experience early this year I worry that fans will lose heart easily if we hit a bad patch.

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.

I really think HCSS is made for college coaching and is a great fit for us. We need to support him and not get discouraged when things get tough. We have to be hard nosed!

I can't wait - Go Orange!
The coaches need to adjust to the talent on the team. If the verbiage is difficult within the plays, strip it out. Staff has to get through adjustment period now. Not in season. Football is football. Coaches need to be ready.

Unfortunately, SMFS has to win now. Not 3 years from now, but right now. A 3 and whatever season is not going to cut it. I'm sorry, I can't ever go back to that. I don't care what conference we are in or who is coaching team.

Winning solves everything. Absolutely everything.
The coaches need to adjust to the talent on the team. If the verbiage is difficult within the plays, strip it out. Staff has to get through adjustment period now. Not in season. Football is football. Coaches need to be ready.

Unfortunately, SMFS has to win now. Not 3 years from now, but right now. A 3 and whatever season is not going to cut it. I'm sorry, I can't ever go back to that. I don't care what conference we are in or who is coaching team.

Winning solves everything. Absolutely everything.

We will miss you.
The coaches need to adjust to the talent on the team. If the verbiage is difficult within the plays, strip it out. Staff has to get through adjustment period now. Not in season. Football is football. Coaches need to be ready.

Unfortunately, SMFS has to win now. Not 3 years from now, but right now. A 3 and whatever season is not going to cut it. I'm sorry, I can't ever go back to that. I don't care what conference we are in or who is coaching team.

Winning solves everything. Absolutely everything.
No pressure though, right? Silly statement. Would I like him to win now? Absolutely. Does he HAVE to win now. No. With the step up in competition on a week-in week-out basis, I would be happy with 7-5 and a bowl game. I could survive with 6-6.
I appreciate hedging your bets in year 1 but I have faith in this staff and these players to get us to at least 8 wins this year. I'm sure their expectations are at least that if not higher.

SS knows the returning players. SS is a smart, fiery head coach along with his assistants. We'll be bowling this year, possibly big time depnding on our DE's and the right side of the O line.

I look for this to be a breakthrough year where casual fans start paying attention once again and really get behind our players and staff like they deserve. We'll win week 1 vs Penn State in an exciting fashion and the snowball will officially be rolling.
While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
  1. While Ole Hard Nosed has had a long successful tenure as an assistant/coordinator this is his first time as head coach and he will undoubtedly need a little time to adjust. Watching and doing are two different things so, we just have to give him time to settle in to the new role. He will make mistakes but he impresses me as the type of guy that won't repeat them. He is going to be a great HC - just be patient.
  2. Some on the new staff also have the same adjustment periods to go through as well, McDonald in particular has a big adjustment to make and he too will need some time.
  3. The Offense will have a new scheme and verbiage to learn and that means more mental errors than we would like to see. It will probably get ugly at times. Good play calls will seem stupid when guys blow assignments. We just have to give it time.
  4. Even the defense will be different albeit similar in style. We have holes in the D line to fill leaving some big question marks. They will get better as the season progresses.
  5. There is just no way around the fact that we lost some of the best players (with lots of experience) that we have had in a decade or more. We are going to have to struggle with the growing pains of underclassmen with less experience for a bit.
  6. Our schedule doesn't give us much margin for error. The ACC is not the Big East. Moreover, it is stronger and deeper than it has been in some time meaning every conference game will be a battle. Even our OOC games present a couple of real challenges.
Don't get me wrong, I think we can play with everybody on our schedule and I think we will see some exciting football. I am just concerned that the staff gets the proper honeymoon period it deserves. After all that we have been through and the near death experience early this year I worry that fans will lose heart easily if we hit a bad patch.

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.

I really think HCSS is made for college coaching and is a great fit for us. We need to support him and not get discouraged when things get tough. We have to be hard nosed!

I can't wait - Go Orange!

I agree with having patience, but I don't think we're offbase having similar expectations than the staff has for the team. It's a transition, but hcss isn't new to the program. We lose talent but we still have a ton. Expectations for 6-6 or better aren't out of line. If we don't make that, we analyze why. Is it a grob clusterf or are things trending the right way and we just got beat by better teams or by some breaks? We'll see and assess accordingly. Being disappointed doesn't mean we're jumping ship.
No pressure though, right? Silly statement. Would I like him to win now? Absolutely. Does he HAVE to win now. No. With the step up in competition on a week-in week-out basis, I would be happy with 7-5 and a bowl game. I could survive with 6-6.
Has has to win more than three which is what I said. Not silly, there is certainly pressure to win now. I think winning 6 is a reasonable first year result. I'd be more than happy.
I appreciate hedging your bets in year 1 but I have faith in this staff and these players to get us to at least 8 wins this year. I'm sure their expectations are at least that if not higher.

SS knows the returning players. SS is a smart, fiery head coach along with his assistants. We'll be bowling this year, possibly big time depnding on our DE's and the right side of the O line.

I look for this to be a breakthrough year where casual fans start paying attention once again and really get behind our players and staff like they deserve. We'll win week 1 vs Penn State in an exciting fashion and the snowball will officially be rolling.

I actually share your sentiments to a large degree. Our players have gotten bigger and stronger each year and we have experience in many positions. If it weren't for the newness of the staff and schemes I would be looking for a breakout year as well. However, I know crap happens so I am tempering my expectations but not my support (not very hard nosed, I know).

I like our chances at home and think we could go 5-1 beating Wagner (H), Tulane (H), BC (H), Wake Forest (H) and Pitt (H). I think PSU, GT and Maryland are all very winnable as well even though none are in the dome. So, that's 8 games. I don't like NW away and Clemson and FSU would be major upsets (and FSU is away). I have no clue about NC State - I guess it will be a battle of transfer QB's.

I think we will get to a bowl game and if I had to forecast right now without knowing who our QB will be I would say 7-5 but I could easily go higher as the summer unfolds.
First time HC, almost entirely new staff, new offense, new terminology, first time QB, new left side of line, new and much tougher league, opening with 2 B1G 10 teams in the first month, replacing NFL talent...that is the reality. .500 should be a "goal" not an expectation.
here is the deal, I truly think r fan base is pathetic, and only supporrtive when we win, look at the 2013 final four as an example
Some words of optimism:

Best set of RBs in years. Best set of LBs in years, with more depth & game experience than we have had in years. Best DTs. OL plus TE has 4 returning starters. West is a good WR, and the spares include two underrated seniors and underclassmen with speed. Experience at CBs -- 3 with starting experience. Talent around the edges to add to the mix (Broyld, Parris, Estime).

Staff has experience together from prior roles; McDonald is new to his role, but he has experienced assistants who have been OCs or even head coaches (Tim Lester).

Find any kind of pass rush and this team could surprise.
While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
  1. While Ole Hard Nosed has had a long successful tenure as an assistant/coordinator this is his first time as head coach and he will undoubtedly need a little time to adjust. Watching and doing are two different things so, we just have to give him time to settle in to the new role. He will make mistakes but he impresses me as the type of guy that won't repeat them. He is going to be a great HC - just be patient.
  2. Some on the new staff also have the same adjustment periods to go through as well, McDonald in particular has a big adjustment to make and he too will need some time.
  3. The Offense will have a new scheme and verbiage to learn and that means more mental errors than we would like to see. It will probably get ugly at times. Good play calls will seem stupid when guys blow assignments. We just have to give it time.
  4. Even the defense will be different albeit similar in style. We have holes in the D line to fill leaving some big question marks. They will get better as the season progresses.
  5. There is just no way around the fact that we lost some of the best players (with lots of experience) that we have had in a decade or more. We are going to have to struggle with the growing pains of underclassmen with less experience for a bit.
  6. Our schedule doesn't give us much margin for error. The ACC is not the Big East. Moreover, it is stronger and deeper than it has been in some time meaning every conference game will be a battle. Even our OOC games present a couple of real challenges.
Don't get me wrong, I think we can play with everybody on our schedule and I think we will see some exciting football. I am just concerned that the staff gets the proper honeymoon period it deserves. After all that we have been through and the near death experience early this year I worry that fans will lose heart easily if we hit a bad patch.

This is an important season (aren't they all) - keeping the momentum would be huge for us. Making a bowl game and beating a team or two favored to beat us would be great.

I really think HCSS is made for college coaching and is a great fit for us. We need to support him and not get discouraged when things get tough. We have to be hard nosed!

I can't wait - Go Orange!

Great post. Expectations can be killers.

That said, 6-6 and a bowl victory is positive and I would call it a successful season. However, I would not be surprised with 9 wins this season. HCSS has a great foundation on which to build and he isn't changing the system, more fine tuning to his style. We still have a very aggressive defense, something the ACC is not used to. A very good running game, all we need is for the line to gel and the QB to be a caretaker.

You comments about our staff being in new positions is spot on. However, they have all been associated with each other and with winners. This tends to breed success. Still, they will make mistakes and we fans need to give them room to grow. Your call for a proper honeymoon period is appropriate for spoiled fans like us who recall the 80s and 90s, we can be impatient.

While our competition will be better, we are better, too. While we have changes that need to be resolved (QB, O-Line, DE) so does every other college team. I fully agree that we should not expect a NC, or even an ACC championship, I feel safe in suggesting we are at least a .500 team.

Go Orange!
Some words of optimism:

Best set of RBs in years. Best set of LBs in years, with more depth & game experience than we have had in years. Best DTs. OL plus TE has 4 returning starters. West is a good WR, and the spares include two underrated seniors and underclassmen with speed. Experience at CBs -- 3 with starting experience. Talent around the edges to add to the mix (Broyld, Parris, Estime).

Staff has experience together from prior roles; McDonald is new to his role, but he has experienced assistants who have been OCs or even head coaches (Tim Lester).

Find any kind of pass rush and this team could surprise.

McDonald was the OC at Western Michigan. This is not his first rodeo, which is a good thing. :)
Has anyone noticed that NW is favored over us by 13 and Clemson by only 8 (FSU 16)? I thought we gave NW the last game and by the end of the season we were a better team than they were.
I appreciate hedging your bets in year 1 but I have faith in this staff and these players to get us to at least 8 wins this year. I'm sure their expectations are at least that if not higher.

SS knows the returning players. SS is a smart, fiery head coach along with his assistants. We'll be bowling this year, possibly big time depnding on our DE's and the right side of the O line.

I look for this to be a breakthrough year where casual fans start paying attention once again and really get behind our players and staff like they deserve. We'll win week 1 vs Penn State in an exciting fashion and the snowball will officially be rolling.
I couldn't agree more and I'll take it a step further.

There is a very good chance that we'll have the best defense in the ACC...top three at a minimum. Even if we don't find the depth we'd like at DE, I think we'll be able to create havoc with the best group of DT in decades along with blitz packages.

What is overlooked, imo, is the fact that we have 3 very experienced corners (and Whigam, who the coaches love) that gives us the opportunity to press coverage which allows the coaches to be find creative ways to pressure the QB.

Even if our offense sputters early on, I think our defense will be good enough to keep us in every game. Fingers crossed!
First time HC, almost entirely new staff, new offense, new terminology, first time QB, new left side of line, new and much tougher league, opening with 2 B1G 10 teams in the first month, replacing NFL talent...that is the reality. .500 should be a "goal" not an expectation.

Yeah and No.

First time HC but is familiar with the players and the program so that helps with the learning curve. It is a new staff but returns 3 and the incoming coaches have all coached with SS so that should help with familiarity as well. Hickey will be fine on the left I'm more concerned with who replaces him on the right. First time QB but seems we have at least 2 viable options.

New league yes, that much tougher aside from FSU and Clemson? Perhaps not. We've done well recently OOC while struggling against more familiar teams (cinci, rutgers) and the ACC may be looking at us a lowly Big East team which will leave them in store for a nasty surprise. Week 1 B1G team down on numbers and talent and will be starting a new QB as well is a coin flip. Game 2 looks more daunting but we played them last year and should score points. Hopefully we can stop them a few times this year.

Replacing NFL talent with NFL talent, we're at a point where we can do that. Lyn = NFL, Bromley = NFL, Smith = NFL, Hickey = NFL, among others. We have enough talent to not expect to fall off a cliff barring injuries or massive incompetence and I'm not worried about the latter.

.500 should be worst case scenario expectations but we should be thinking bigger at this point. It's nice to be able to look at the schedule and not automatically assume a loss. We've come a long way, but why stop now?
Has anyone noticed that NW is favored over us by 13 and Clemson by only 8 (FSU 16)? I thought we gave NW the last game and by the end of the season we were a better team than they were.

I did. Vegas doesn't know anymore about SU this year than we do. They do know that NW reutrns a lot and can score points though.
I couldn't agree more and I'll take it a step further.

There is a very good chance that we'll have the best defense in the ACC...top three at a minimum. Even if we don't find the depth we'd like at DE, I think we'll be able to create havoc with the best group of DT in decades along with blitz packages.

What is overlooked, imo, is the fact that we have 3 very experienced corners (and Whigam, who the coaches love) that gives us the opportunity to press coverage which allows the coaches to be find creative ways to pressure the QB.

Even if our offense sputters early on, I think our defense will be good enough to keep us in every game. Fingers crossed!

3 solid CBs, 6+ LB's, 4+ DT's in rotation. Exsisting DE's have looked good but if one of the 2 JUCO's come in ready to play all the better. Safeties are talented but green. Time will tell but pass rush is the key.
While we are all excited about HCSS and his new staff it is important to realize the challenges in front of them and to have realistic expectations - AND TO BE PATIENT. IMO it is very important for them to have unwavering fan support, especially the long time fans on this board since we all know the syracuse.com idiots (Florida Steve!) will lose patience after about one game (or less).
You actually pay attention to syracuse.com comments?
Our expectation "floor" should be six wins. We're not going back to the GROB days.
First time HC, almost entirely new staff, new offense, new terminology, first time QB, new left side of line, new and much tougher league, opening with 2 B1G 10 teams in the first month, replacing NFL talent...that is the reality. .500 should be a "goal" not an expectation.
The ACC is not a tougher league then the BE was.
You actually pay attention to syracuse.com comments?
Our expectation "floor" should be six wins. We're not going back to the GROB days.
I don't but others do includong coaches kids.

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