According to Mcmuprhy: It's official. Louisville to the ACC |

According to Mcmuprhy: It's official. Louisville to the ACC

Other than an "all-in" by Notre Dame, I think it's the best outcome

If we had even a chance of remaining a big boy, you are exactly right. Lville has tremendous support and has the potential to have Clemson/Va Tech type support. Exactly what the conference needs. I'm sure the football schools are happ this AM. Certainly an improvement over Maryland football.
Good FB, Good BB. Perfect.
Does Strong stay?

And look who's happy...
Eric Crawford@ericcrawford
From #UofL coach Rick Pitino via text messge: "We are in."
If we had even a chance of remaining a big boy, you are exactly right. Lville has tremendous support and has the potential to have Clemson/Va Tech type support. Exactly what the conference needs. I'm sure the football schools are happ this AM. Certainly an improvement over Maryland football.
Looking at it objectively, aside from Maryland being a defection and making the ACC look weak, L'Ville is 10x the athletic program Maryland is. Better football and ACC basketball is going to be sick. If the ACC stays together, it just got stronger.
Good FB, Good BB. Perfect.
Does Strong stay?

He may now. He's at a school flush in cash and their AD Jurich has already said he wold match any offer. I don't think he's going anywhere now. Of they stayed in the bigeast, he was a goner.
Another big difference between 'Ville and the is not broke...
This will be a good move. They traded a broken down althetic department for one that has cash and is flourishing ON BE MONEY. I'd like to hear the recording of the next JB / Pitino conversation. That will be priceless stuff.
This is very interesting: The Cardinals' current budget ranks higher than any current ACC member.
In 2011-12, the latest date available from the Office of Postsecondary Education's Equity in Athletics, Louisville had a budget of $84.4 million. The ACC's highest budget was Florida State ($81.4 million), while Maryland's budget was only $57.5 million.
This will be a good move. They traded a broken down althetic department for one that has cash and is flourishing ON BE MONEY. I'd like to hear the recording of the next JB / Pitino conversation. That will be priceless stuff.

and Pitino gets a whole new set of waitresses
The Butthurt in West Virginia will know no bounds after this. WVU was rejected on academic grounds yet Louisville passed the smell test? Expect WVU bloggers and Tweeters to launch a 24/7/365 hate campaign against the ACC, aided and abetted but pro-expansion Big 12 cronies.
The Butthurt in West Virginia will know no bounds after this. WVU was rejected on academic grounds yet Louisville passed the smell test? Expect WVU bloggers and Tweeters to launch a 24/7/365 hate campaign against the ACC, aided and abetted but pro-expansion Big 12 cronies.

not to mention the loss of a natural travel partner/rival in the Big 12.
No prob with Ville...could've had WVU last year though :noidea:

The issue is that the ACC expanded with a ND strategy. That required SU and Pitt. The ACC could have also taken WV and RU at that point to go to 16. Which means UL would be in the B12 right now and the B1G likely never expands. I don't think the B1G could have poached both MD and RU from the ACC. RU does not have the $50 million. But even if they did get both, the ACC could just stay at 14. In hindsight it was a mistake.
The ACC was desperate with the loss of the terps. They had to take Louisville. Last year, they were in no hurry, they didn't have to settle for a academic down grade in WVU. This year they did. IMO if WVU were there this year, they'd be in right now. Just a better geographical fit.

I am just glad it is not Cincinnati. Never made any sense to me. We will see what happens to Cincy and UCONN (last two solid BE programs). They are in a bad spot now. They have to hope for more schools to leave ACC, because I don't think the B10 is taking them (too much overlap). If ND ever joins, then UCONN is in. Doubtful, but that is their only hope.
What is better - the non Ohio State Ohio market, the West Virginia market or the Kentucky market?

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