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Rewatched the game


Personal fouls happen. But when it is the same three guys all the time it is a problem. Is anything being done to address this?

What was up with the D TO on the goaline where UL fumbled and may have been a 14 point swing. Marrone said after the game we hadn't gotten the full D call in. Why? UL snapped the ball with 10 on the play clock. How in the hell does 30 seconds go bye and we don't have the call in? This seems to happen quite a bit on D. Lots of TOs because we are disorganized.

Then there is game management. I liked his agressiveness on 4th down. Personally I woulda kicked a FG. He was lucky at the end of the half. Why not call a TO? Say UL has a bad snap on a punt, you have no time left to take advantage. Even if you get the ball pined deep, you can just take a knee and go into half. UL only had 2 TOs so you wouldn't have to punt yourself. The problem here is UL should have thrown a Hail Mary instead of punting. They were at our 48 and had nothing to lose. Finally there was the last PAT. Why not practice your 2 pt conversion O? Don't call you go to play cuz you don't want film on it. But you still go for two and see if your guys can step up and make a play. Plus it cuts the lead to two scores instead of three. If you are going to on side kick, it makes no sense to not also go for two.


It seems like we are always conservative in the 3rd Q. Our O has stunk all year that Q and it cost us again this game. I thought the Express play on 3rd down was a bad call. I like the play but it is a hit or miss play. 3rd down is too big a play to call it IMO. We had a decent drive going and that killed it. Also didn't like the tosses on second and long. We ran that several times for losses.


The amount of blown coverages we have is insane. Way too often we have guys in the wrong spot or guys playing man while others are playing zone. This is unacceptable. We are in our eight game and we have an experienced secondary. What? Also I dont want to hear about our youth on D. UL started seven freshman and sophomores on D. Why can they have a Top 40 D?


Nassib actually had a good first quarter. Since we were down 14-0 after one, you cannot put the whole gme on him. After that he missed some throws which were unacceptable. His first pass was nice to West. He had a chance with a big play to Lemon, but was under heavy pressure. Give UL credit for forcing the throw. He shoulda kept it on the option. Thought it was a bad play call but the decision to pitch it was bad. Under pressure he stepped up and found Graham for a first. A few plays later he stepped up again and hit Provo. Then under pressure he hit Graham. He was 5-6 for 47 in the first quarter. He did a good job.

He also made a couple nice plays with his legs. He had the scramble and then thew the ball away. Although it was close to a intentional grounding. He also had a nice runon a 3rd and long to pick up a first.

In the second he had a deep ball to an open Chew that he overthrew. I would say that cost us at least 3 points. Then the West pass in the ends one where he was open. As an aside it is silly that people double blame Nassib for not hitting Provo on the play as well. Both guys were open. You can't throw to them both. Anyway that was another 4 points he left out there. So Nassib was the difference from the gme being tied at half.

The third quarter Nassib really didn't have much to blame. He missed Chew on the sideline. The problem I have with that is he didn't give Chew a chance to make a play. But Chew wasn't wide open so I can't pick on Nassib for this. I think too many people expect every deep pass to be complete. That doesn't happen in the NFL. Heck Bridgewater had three bad deep passes this game. The first woulda been a 90 yard TD but instead was a sideline catch. The 2nd was under thrown and the WR made a nice play to catch it and go for a TD. The third he overthrew an open guy. Nassib absolutely has to do a better job giving his WRs a chance to make a play, even if they wouldn't likely do so. I would like to see some under thrown balls. He had another deep pass in the third that was out of Lemons reach. However Lemon was fighting with the DB, if he were just running he woulda caught it.

So now after three it shoulda been 17-14 UL. Then came the long TD run. We then came back and faced a 4th down and 7. Here is where Nassib over shot an open Stevens. Nassib needs to be able to put touch on these passes. He makes good throws but they are too strong. This cost us another seven.

Nassib absolutely was the reason why this was not a close game. However even with Luck as our QB we likely lose this one.


Bailey had a solid game. He didn't get a lot of carries. Had some nice runs and did a great job getting a third down and four. Smith ran hard on the 4th down play. AAM went the wrong way one play putting us in a third and long. on our second play either Bailey or Harris screwed up. Harris went backside like it was a counter and helped Hay. Bailey ran to the hole vacated by Harris and the LB had filled. So either one of them messed up or it was an awful play design.


Quiet day for all involved. Graham had a nice end around. Chew and Provo kept their streaks going.


This group struggled big time. Lots of penalties and missed assignments. The first play of the game was a run. Both Mackey and Tiller released to block the LB leaving the DT alone to make a TFL. How does this happen? Mackey was also blown up on a run in the first quarter resulting in a loss. When will Hay stop with the hits after the play is over??? He was also beat badly by an inside rush for a sack. The second quarter we were driving and a false start turned a 2nd and six into eleven. Not sure who was the culprit. Chibane missed a block on a screen. On a pass a defender came free on a blitz. Mackey was helping Tiller with the DT. He shoulda released earlier to stop the blitz. In fairness the DT did have a hold of Mackeys jersey hurting his chances of making the block. In the fourth Mackey got beat badly. In fairness Tiller shoulda provided some help, and Nassib needs to do a better job of avoiding that sack. But still it didn't help that he was beaten so badly. That was a third down and lead to us punting and ULs score to put us down 24-3. Back to back false starts made it first and 20 on the drive Nassib missed Stevens for a TD on 4th down and 7. Without those we never face the 4th down.


Chandler had a nice sack and another batted pass. On a second and seven at the ten, Bromley was held and the RB got ten yards. This was an obvious hold and a huge non call that helped lead to the second UL TD. Bromley extended the last drive of the half with a dumb roughing the passer.


Davis made a nice play on an end around. Lynch had a nice sack where he closed in a hurry. Spruill did a nice job forcing a fumble and Greta recovery by Diabate. Diabate just missed on a sack that turned into a five yard scramble. On a first and twenty Spruill missed a tackle making it second and six.


Either Phil Thomas or Anderson blew the coverage on the first play. Anderson played it like a zone. Thomas was playing like it was man. One of them screwed up. Lyn was beat for a TD. I don't blame him for preventing the catch but he shoulda recovered and made a tackle. On another play Lyn thought we were in zone will everyone else playing man. The TD was called back for holding and the D later forced a fumble. Still unacceptable. UL had a third and sixteen and got a big play on a WR screen. First of all why are we so godamn bad at recognizing a screen. Second Phil took an awful angle. He coulda prevented a first down. UL ended up getti g a TD that drive. That was just the first quarter.

On a third down UL had a catch on the sideline where the WR was pushed out. That IMO was total BS and it extended the drive. Phil Thomas came very close to a late hit out of bounds. He comes too close too often on these. Phil also got called for a hold on a punt pushing us further back. On a third and eight Fisher was caught cheating in a zone leaving a man underneath wide open, getting the first. On a third and nine we got beat for a 62 yard TD on an option. Shamarko needs to take the pitch man as no one was outside him. Also the DBs need to come up and make a tackle. Embarrassing play.


Lots of penalties and mistakes. There musta been a strong wind as we got deep KOs all day, including a touchback. Our first drive started deep thanks to a penalty on the KR. We couldn't get the muffed fumble and on top of that Kobena dumb to be punching at ball and gettinga flag. We had a 36 yard punt and a face ask on the play. The punts seemed short all day. UL also had a good PR that got them into FG range. That FG had a bobbled snap and resulted in a TD. Luckily they had men down field and it was called back.

I would put the first quarter on the D. The second quarter on Nassib. The third Q on the O. And the 4th on everyone.
The screens are one of the things that drive me nuts. Other teams know we are suckers for it due to our aggressiveness, but we can't/don't return the favor when it seems like we have the opportunity to turn the tables.
The defense has blown coverages all year.. I think anselmo not being back there as much this year is showing
we had more chances to make big plays than ul and made none of them. UL made something out of nothing, that stuff adds up.. on the wr penalty, the rcvr also bobbled the ball and hit the ground before catching it.. should have been reviewed anyway.
Nice write-up. I'm in general agreement on the points you make. In regards to the HC and not getting the full D call in on the TO - I often see (both in college and the pros) the D play-caller on the field making the call just seconds before the ball is snapped. I have to assume it is not an on-field read, but rather signaled in from the sidelines. If so, and they were just a few seconds late getting the call in, I am willing to give them a pass on this one. Would it have been a swing in momentum/score? Yes, huge. But even the pros have problems with this sometimes.
Nice write-up. I'm in general agreement on the points you make. In regards to the HC and not getting the full D call in on the TO - I often see (both in college and the pros) the D play-caller on the field making the call just seconds before the ball is snapped. I have to assume it is not an on-field read, but rather signaled in from the sidelines. If so, and they were just a few seconds late getting the call in, I am willing to give them a pass on this one. Would it have been a swing in momentum/score? Yes, huge. But even the pros have problems with this sometimes.

It was 2nd and goal and we had 30 seconds to get it in. How many possible D calls do we have in goaline? It really shouldn't be that hard. The fumble was in hindsight. And that really isn't as big a deal as us being constantly disorganized before a snap on D.

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