Another Lawsuit Against Julie Hermann? |

Another Lawsuit Against Julie Hermann?


Living Legend
Aug 24, 2011
This time in 2008 while she was an administrator at Louisville?


What a train wreck this AD candidate turned out to be.

I can't imagine that she survives.

And I remain dumbfounded as I learn more and more that incompetent coaches - those who lack the skill to coach - try to make up for their lack of technical knowledge, motivational and leadership abilities with bluster and intimidation tactics. And I am amazed at how many of those kinds of people are in the coaching business. I guess I have been naive about this.

It is a privilege to coach young people. And those who lack the ability to do it, should not be allowed to do it.

Instead it seems that there are way too many individuals trying to coach who just can't do it or do not understand the true nature of coaching and who replace ability with bluster.

Tony Dungy never yelled and screamed. And John Wooden apparently didn't either.

The truly talented don't need to yell, scream and threaten. They command respect with their diligence, their commitment to improving people, their fairness and decency and their knowlege of the game and ability to teach the game.

Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.

This time in 2008 while she was an administrator at Louisville?


What a train wreck this AD candidate turned out to be.

I can't imagine that she survives.

And I remain dumbfounded as I learn more and more that incompetent coaches - those who lack the skill to coach - try to make up for their lack of technical knowledge, motivational and leadership abilities with bluster and intimidation tactics. And I am amazed at how many of those kinds of people are in the coaching business. I guess I have been naive about this.

It is a privilege to coach young people. And those who lack the ability to do it, should not be allowed to do it.

Instead it seems that there are way too many individuals trying to coach who just can't do it or do not understand the true nature of coaching and who replace ability with bluster.

Tony Dungy never yelled and screamed. And John Wooden apparently didn't either.

The truly talented don't need to yell and scream and threaten. They command respect with their diligence, their commitment to improving people, their fairness, and decency and their knowleged of the game and ability to teach the game.

Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.
There's an article in the NYTimes. Unfortunately, I've exceeded my 10 articles a month limit...
She must have gotten alchohol poisoning at that wedding she forgot she attended which also permanently erased any memories of this lawsuit and any other negative event in her life other than being appointed AD at Buttgers.

"Oh you mean that lawsuit"

Right. Look, I'm old and I forget things. But there's no bleeping way I could ever forget a letter like the one written by the Vol players. Or the lawsuit from her former assistant. No way. She. Is. Lying.
Just one more reason why she's gotta go. Along with that joke of a college president. I believe that both will be gone by fall.

Cut 'n save.
Now that she's damaged goods, she won't even be able to return to Louisville.
I understand your point but how does an SU fan draw a line on yelling and screaming? Been to the dome for any winter events?
I understand your point but how does an SU fan draw a line on yelling and screaming? Been to the dome for any winter events?

True, but, according to the players, this was so unrelenting that they're still dealing with emotional and mental issues more than 15 years later. And it's not like they just wrote this letter. Instead, it has just surfaced.

In other words, this is not 20-20 hindsight on the part of many, this is 20-20 amnesia on the part of the only person with something to gain by having it all go away. And now we learn that at least two different institutions (Tenn., the 'Ville) have paid out settlements based on the actions, or inaction, of the new Rutgers AD.

Casey Stengel put it best: "Can't anybody here play this game?"
True, but, according to the players, this was so unrelenting that they're still dealing with emotional and mental issues more than 15 years later. And it's not like they just wrote this letter. Instead, it has just surfaced.

In other words, this is not 20-20 hindsight on the part of many, this is 20-20 amnesia on the part of the only person with something to gain by having it all go away. And now we learn that at least two different institutions (Tenn., the 'Ville) have paid out settlements based on the actions, or inaction, of the new Rutgers AD.

Casey Stengel put it best: "Can't anybody here play this game?"
Lots of conflicting statements and not just by her.

Joan Cronan, Tennessee women's AD emeritus, also voiced support for Hermann, claiming in a statement that she does not "recall it being an abusive situation."

Also, regarding the suit in question from Louisville

"She was not named in the suit,'' Christie said. "She was a witness.

If she was not named in the suit... then this is not "another lawsuit against Julie Herman".

After a trial, a jury awarded Banker $300,000 plus attorney's fees. But in February, a Kentucky appeals court overturned the decision, ruling Banker did not prove that Louisville officials had retaliated against her. Banker's attorney, Bryan Cassis, has appealed to the Kentucky Supreme Court. Lawyers for the Louisville athletic department argued Banker was fired because of poor job performance.

Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich told ESPN, "In 15½ years, I never had one problem" with Hermann. "She did impeccable work for us. No one has said anything the past 15 years. She is beloved here."

While I have no love for Rutgers, it seems like another media frenzy that does not have the legs it pretends to have and is not necessarily the story the headlines are portraying.
15 volleyball players, the entire team, write a letter back in 1997, claiming verbal and emotional abuse by the coach.

The AD Emeritus 'does not recall it being an abusive situation'. Hey, I worked in state government for 25 years. I know bureaucratic BS when I see it. That's bureaucratic BS. 15 athletes alleging abuse, and the-then AD 'does not recall it being an abusive situation'. R i-i-i-ght.

And, she wasn't 'just a witness' in the 'Ville case. She castigated the coach for going to HR when the complaint was ignored by the athletic department:

"Hermann called Banker into her office and flat-out told her, 'You should not have gone to HR,' " the filing states, adding that Hermann allegedly told Banker: "I don't know how I'm going to restore trust in you amongst staff now," and "I don't know how you're going to work downstairs after this."

Sound like 'just a witness' to you? Comes pretty close to 'pack your things and go' to me.

Finally, the fact that a state court overturns a jury verdict does not speak to the right or wrong of a situation. Anyone who understands the incestuous nature of state politics and the courts (don't want to run afoul of those Louisville pols who may have to subsequently confirm them, or reconfirm them) understands that.
And I remain dumbfounded as I learn more and more that incompetent coaches - those who lack the skill to coach - try to make up for their lack of technical knowledge, motivational and leadership abilities with bluster and intimidation tactics. And I am amazed at how many of those kinds of people are in the coaching business. I guess I have been naive about this.

It is a privilege to coach young people. And those who lack the ability to do it, should not be allowed to do it.

Instead it seems that there are way too many individuals trying to coach who just can't do it or do not understand the true nature of coaching and who replace ability with bluster.

Tony Dungy never yelled and screamed. And John Wooden apparently didn't either.

The truly talented don't need to yell, scream and threaten. They command respect with their diligence, their commitment to improving people, their fairness and decency and their knowlege of the game and ability to teach the game.

Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.

OPA, I know you and I have had some back and forths about the respect that should be given to coaches, and your comment above outlines exactly why I'm so hesitant to defer to coaches generally. The great ones deserve a ton of respect, but the bad apples make it difficult to trust the lot as a whole.
OPA, I know you and I have had some back and forths about the respect that should be given to coaches, and your comment above outlines exactly why I'm so hesitant to defer to coaches generally. The great ones deserve a ton of respect, but the bad apples make it difficult to trust the lot as a whole.

My discussion regarding coaches normally involves micro decisions such as play calling and playing time.

Like I said, I am probably a bit naive about the talent level of coaches - it is becoming clear to me that there are many out there who because of their lack of talent rely on threats and intimidation to try to succeed.

And that appears to be the case with Herrmann. She does not seem to have the ability to be an athletic administrator - at least it appears that way.
Lots of conflicting statements and not just by her.

Also, regarding the suit in question from Louisville

If she was not named in the suit... then this is not "another lawsuit against Julie Herman".


While I have no love for Rutgers, it seems like another media frenzy that does not have the legs it pretends to have and is not necessarily the story the headlines are portraying.

Apparently a jury that heard the evidence was convinced that Julie Herrmann and Louisville fired a coach wrongfully.

I do not know the facts obviously but it does seem that there is a lot of smoke surrounding Herrmann's athletic administrative abilities.
I understand your point but how does an SU fan draw a line on yelling and screaming? Been to the dome for any winter events?

Can't argue with you.

I have to admit - there are times when I look over at the bench and see the HC ripping a player - and the player looking the other way - clearly not listening to what is being conveyed to him.

And I think to myself - this is not an effective means of communication.
Lots of conflicting statements and not just by her.

Also, regarding the suit in question from Louisville

If she was not named in the suit... then this is not "another lawsuit against Julie Herman".


While I have no love for Rutgers, it seems like another media frenzy that does not have the legs it pretends to have and is not necessarily the story the headlines are portraying.

Yeah, but the best part is that the media frenzy started from a NJ paper. So it's great!

Plus, she just looks like an angry b!tch.
My discussion regarding coaches normally involves micro decisions such as play calling and playing time.

True. Unfair or not though, I view those things as trickle down decisions from their greater leadership philosophies, which for a lot of them I think are not very good, so they are open to being questioned.
Apparently a jury that heard the evidence was convinced that Julie Herrmann and Louisville fired a coach wrongfully.

I do not know the facts obviously but it does seem that there is a lot of smoke surrounding Herrmann's athletic administrative abilities.
Agree. I am not saying she's Mother Theresa...just that the truth (as usual) is somewhere in between.
True. Unfair or not though, I view those things as trickle down decisions from their greater leadership philosophies, which for a lot of them I think are not very good, so they are open to being questioned.

I have consistently suggested on this board that the impact of coaching on wins and losses is over emphasized - that talent is the most important factor - in most cases.

The true and few geniuses - Belicheck - probably can make a difference.
Agree. I am not saying she's Mother Theresa...just that the truth (as usual) is somewhere in between.

So, should she have been hired?

What do ya think?

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