Apologies to former players...especially Troy Nunes | Syracusefan.com

Apologies to former players...especially Troy Nunes


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
In all seriousness, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and some of the other former Syracuse Orangemen players.

About a year or so ago, we all got on Troy's case because he raised a stink when former players were not being allowed into Manley practices. His feeling (and the feeling of other former players) was that the Marrone administration didn't show enough respect to former players.

Most everyone here (myself included) agreed with DM. We called the former players a "distraction" to the current team. I even created the following image as my way of showing my displeasure with this "entitled" former QB.


Well, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and the other former players who raised a stink about DM not allowing them into the program. I see now that DM is a genuine dickhead and that the former players were probably in the right.

Gentlemen, I am sorry.
As a former player, I appreciate the job that Marrone did bringing the Cuse back from the depths of college football. With that being said, I thought he treated former players with disrespect causing most to wonder why. Now, many of the ex-gridders I speak with are extremely pleased with HCSS for he has embraced and welcomed us back with open arms. We have received emails from him asking us to attend practices and speak to the team when appropriate. HCSS may not be a former Orange player but he bleeds orange and that is what the Cuse needs as we enter the ACC.
Why on earth would this even be an issue? Is this a common practice to consider former players an annoyance? A distraction? They are a RESOURCE. Anyone that cannot see that ..well..let's just say I dont really have confidence that such a person is who you want leading your team into battle.
As a former player, I appreciate the job that Marrone did bringing the Cuse back from the depths of college football. With that being said, I thought he treated former players with disrespect causing most to wonder why. Now, many of the ex-gridders I speak with are extremely pleased with HCSS for he has embraced and welcomed us back with open arms. We have received emails from him asking us to attend practices and speak to the team when appropriate. HCSS may not be a former Orange player but he bleeds orange and that is what the Cuse needs as we enter the ACC.
As a former player, I appreciate the job that Marrone did bringing the Cuse back from the depths of college football. With that being said, I thought he treated former players with disrespect causing most to wonder why. Now, many of the ex-gridders I speak with are extremely pleased with HCSS for he has embraced and welcomed us back with open arms. We have received emails from him asking us to attend practices and speak to the team when appropriate. HCSS may not be a former Orange player but he bleeds orange and that is what the Cuse needs as we enter the ACC.

SO well said! Couldn't agree more. Not only does this apply to HCSS but the coaches he has brought in. They are all "college coaches" with interest in the young men they bring to the program, with interest in helping them develop into the best they can be at Syracuse University. Not to say some won't eventually leave for greener pastures but I think they are vested in Syracuse University for all the right reasons. Go CUSE!
In all seriousness, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and some of the other former Syracuse Orangemen players.

About a year or so ago, we all got on Troy's case because he raised a stink when former players were not being allowed into Manley practices. His feeling (and the feeling of other former players) was that the Marrone administration didn't show enough respect to former players.

Most everyone here (myself included) agreed with DM. We called the former players a "distraction" to the current team. I even created the following image as my way of showing my displeasure with this "entitled" former QB.


Well, I would like to apologize to Troy Nunes and the other former players who raised a stink about DM not allowing them into the program. I see now that DM is a genuine dickhead and that the former players were probably in the right.

Gentlemen, I am sorry.
I don't know this to be true but maybe Morrone thought there was so much to straighten out in the program that outside influences, positive or negative, would be a distraction to what he was trying to do. Right or wrong, what he did worked.

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Jesus you'd think Doug slept with your wives/mothers and never called them back or something
Jesus you'd think Doug slept with your wives/mothers and never called them back or something
That's not true, Doug still calls my wife constantly. When I answer, he tells me that a "real man" wants to talk to her. Also, he kicks my dog when he leaves. Says dating my daughter when she's of age will be his dream job.

In fairness, there's lots of fun things to do in the basement he makes me hide in when he's over. Not the finished section mind you, the room where my furnace is.

If you'll excuse me, I've got some dead mice to get back to; he's over now.

Doug's the man though, go Bills and Go SU!

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
this is getting a bit ridiculous. i agree it was a mystery why he alienated former players, but for what he did bringing us back from the dead I will always be grateful.
Doug Marrone treated coaching SU like it was an NFL coaching job. Starting when he ran off players who he didn't feel would help the team. He did a great job building us back into a respectable program. However, I think sooner rather than later his NFL attitude would have harmed the program. Shafer and his staff understand the difference between college and NFL. Let's hope he and his staff have the same or more on the field success as Marrone did.
That's not true, Doug still calls my wife constantly. When I answer, he tells me that a "real man" wants to talk to her. Also, he kicks my dog when he leaves. Says dating my daughter when she's of age will be his dream job.

In fairness, there's lots of fun things to do in the basement he makes me hide in when he's over. Not the finished section mind you, the room where my furnace is.

If you'll excuse me, I've got some dead mice to get back to; he's over now.

Doug's the man though, go Bills and Go SU!

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Post of the week. Kudos, have this imaginary trophy I just pretended to make for you.
That's not true, Doug still calls my wife constantly. When I answer, he tells me that a "real man" wants to talk to her. Also, he kicks my dog when he leaves. Says dating my daughter when she's of age will be his dream job.

In fairness, there's lots of fun things to do in the basement he makes me hide in when he's over. Not the finished section mind you, the room where my furnace is.

If you'll excuse me, I've got some dead mice to get back to; he's over now.

Doug's the man though, go Bills and Go SU!

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

You may have some issues!
My dad's an ex-SU player and he loved Marrone for getting us back to a respectable program. That said, he always thought Marrone was a long-term coach because SU was his supposed dream job and he took him at his word. When all the rumors started, he defended Marrone. The second Marrone left, he went to the total opposite side of the spectrum and now mocks him. He remains hesitantly optimistic about Shafer after Marrone's departure because he assumes if things go well, he will leave in ~5 years.
My dad's an ex-SU player and he loved Marrone for getting us back to a respectable program. That said, he always thought Marrone was a long-term coach because SU was his supposed dream job and he took him at his word. When all the rumors started, he defended Marrone. The second Marrone left, he went to the total opposite side of the spectrum and now mocks him. He remains hesitantly optimistic about Shafer after Marrone's departure because he assumes if things go well, he will leave in ~5 years.

Nice to get some insight from former players. Did your dad have any interaction with DM during his time here?
My dad's an ex-SU player and he loved Marrone for getting us back to a respectable program. That said, he always thought Marrone was a long-term coach because SU was his supposed dream job and he took him at his word. When all the rumors started, he defended Marrone. The second Marrone left, he went to the total opposite side of the spectrum and now mocks him. He remains hesitantly optimistic about Shafer after Marrone's departure because he assumes if things go well, he will leave in ~5 years.

obviously nobody really knows HCSS true feelings, but from everything I have seen I am confident we can keep him. I forget where, but there was a good article that came out when he got the head coaching job. He said how he learned a lot when he left a good situation at Stanford to take a shot at DC for one of the "big boys" Michigan. He went on to say he learned that bigger isn't always better. From all sounds of it he and his family really seem to like the Syracuse community. He has moved them his whole life, I have a good feeling he would stick around and see things through. Then again if he does so good where he starts to get courted by the SEC, NFL, or other elites I think we will be in a great place.
I have heard the same about he and his family seeming to really enjoy the Syracuse area
obviously nobody really knows HCSS true feelings, but from everything I have seen I am confident we can keep him. I forget where, but there was a good article that came out when he got the head coaching job. He said how he learned a lot when he left a good situation at Stanford to take a shot at DC for one of the "big boys" Michigan. He went on to say he learned that bigger isn't always better. From all sounds of it he and his family really seem to like the Syracuse community. He has moved them his whole life, I have a good feeling he would stick around and see things through. Then again if he does so good where he starts to get courted by the SEC, NFL, or other elites I think we will be in a great place.

I think he could potentially stay awhile, but I think it's just made my dad lose trust in coaches everywhere that they aren't really in it for the building of a program, but more so to quickly jumping from school to school in an attempt to get at a certain place. He's pulling for Shafer, even donated to the IPF fund (which is big because he was never contacted under the Marrone era), but he's just keeping his expectations down from what I gather.

Nice to get some insight from former players. Did your dad have any interaction with DM during his time here?

Nothing too out of the ordinary. He saw him at a couple events and nothing outside of the typical small talk that Marrone would have done with anybody else I'd imagine. But Marrone was o-line and my dad was o-line (a few years before Marrone) so my dad originally loved the hire.
This is at least a legitimate criticism. I would have liked to have seen the former players feel more welcome as well.

Some of the other garbage floating around here the past few days, I.e. Marrone should plan his draft strategy around taking SU players, is just lunacy.
This is at least a legitimate criticism. I would have liked to have seen the former players feel more welcome as well.

Some of the other garbage floating around here the past few days, I.e. Marrone should plan his draft strategy around taking SU players, is just lunacy.

I don't care about Marrone one way or another but that what forums do. Put like minded people together and also there is the other side to it. To me it is part of being on a forum.
And another thing- Doug Marrone is a terrible driver.

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Yeah, he tends to fixate on the road two feet in front on his car, like some posters here...:) Broad general concepts tend to slip past you when you have horse blinkers on...:)

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