BCS Bid, the worst thing to happen to UCONN football... | Syracusefan.com

BCS Bid, the worst thing to happen to UCONN football...


Aug 16, 2011
its strange, but in many ways, UCONN getting the BCS bid last year has been anything but a positive for them, because it:

1) Cost them over a million dollars to buy unsold tickets.

2) (to a degree) changed their public perception from an up and coming program, to one that "didn't deserve a BCS bid and got boatraced"

3) Catapulted Edsall to a job that he wanted, and took the day AFTER the BCS game. which was waaaay late to be in the market for a college head coach...which led to...

4) The hire of Coach P. which is not looking like the best hire of last season...which led to...

5) The public meltdown of Booster Burton, which makes Burton and the school look kind foolish publically...which ultimate leads to...

6) The firing of Jeff Hathaway, which may have been eminent any way. But if there's ever a time you don't want to be without an AD...its now.

7) and because Hathaway was the NCAA chair, and the Big East needs representation, the league is forced to hire Hathaway back to be lobby for the basketball schools. Which is like being a third wheel and your best friend and ex girlfriend go on a date.

...just sayin..
It was the best of times...it was the worst of times.

On top of that, their BBall program wins a national championship under the shadow if NCAA sanctions.
its strange, but in many ways, UCONN getting the BCS bid last year has been anything but a positive for them, because it:

1) Cost them over a million dollars to buy unsold tickets.

2) (to a degree) changed their public perception from an up and coming program, to one that "didn't deserve a BCS bid and got boatraced"

3) Catapulted Edsall to a job that he wanted, and took the day AFTER the BCS game. which was waaaay late to be in the market for a college head coach...which led to...

4) The hire of Coach P. which is not looking like the best hire of last season...which led to...

5) The public meltdown of Booster Burton, which makes Burton and the school look kind foolish publically...which ultimate leads to...

6) The firing of Jeff Hathaway, which may have been eminent any way. But if there's ever a time you don't want to be without an AD...its now.

7) and because Hathaway was the NCAA chair, and the Big East needs representation, the league is forced to hire Hathaway back to be lobby for the basketball schools. Which is like being a third wheel and your best friend and ex girlfriend go on a date.

...just sayin..

Setting aside your customary gratuitous Coach P attack/insult - which as ususal is inaccurate - you have no idea how well he is coaching right now - there is some truth to the idea that getting that BCS game last year - a fluke - UConn hurt the BE.

WVU would have been a better rep for the BE - again.

And, of course, Randy Edsall left UConn because he knew that what had happened was a fluke - that he would field a weak 2011 team in East Hartford and that he'd likely not have another chance to get what he figured would be a better job.

And last I saw Randy - who inherited a 9-4 team - wasn't exactly lighting it up in College Park. Is he now a lousy coach?
its strange, but in many ways, UCONN getting the BCS bid last year has been anything but a positive for them, because it:

1) Cost them over a million dollars to buy unsold tickets.

2) (to a degree) changed their public perception from an up and coming program, to one that "didn't deserve a BCS bid and got boatraced"

3) Catapulted Edsall to a job that he wanted, and took the day AFTER the BCS game. which was waaaay late to be in the market for a college head coach...which led to...

4) The hire of Coach P. which is not looking like the best hire of last season...which led to...

5) The public meltdown of Booster Burton, which makes Burton and the school look kind foolish publically...which ultimate leads to...

6) The firing of Jeff Hathaway, which may have been eminent any way. But if there's ever a time you don't want to be without an AD...its now.

7) and because Hathaway was the NCAA chair, and the Big East needs representation, the league is forced to hire Hathaway back to be lobby for the basketball schools. Which is like being a third wheel and your best friend and ex girlfriend go on a date.

...just sayin..

Perhaps you are suggesting this otherwise but I honestly believe that UConn's representation of the league in a BCS spot probably pushed SU and Pitt (as well as several other schools including SU) to accept any offer they received. For years the Big East was told they didn't deserve a BCS. But the league actually represented themselves reasonably well in the bowls, including some BCS bowls (thanks WVU). In fact, the ACC has come closer to getting caught in the performance measure originally constructed for the Big East critics who argued the league didn't deserve a BCS spot.

Now that the league is losing SU, Pitt and TCU and hoping to get schools like UCF, Huston, SMU, Air Force, etc. While WVU, Louisville and even Cincinnati appear to have some options, UConn (thanks to their friends in Chestnut Hill) may be frozen out of a BCS conference if the Big East falls apart or if the league loses its BCS spot. I really believe the handwriting was on the wall when you saw that matchup between Oklahoma and UConn.
What's inaccurate? That the hiring an NFL coordinator who is a bit long in the tooth and his sidekick who have been out of the college game a long while (and where the school's #1 booster clearly has an ax to grind with the man) wasn't the move of the season?
What's inaccurate? That the hiring an NFL coordinator who is a bit long in the tooth and his sidekick who have been out of the college game a long while (and where the school's #1 booster clearly has an ax to grind with the man) wasn't the move of the season?

Stop being gratuitous!!!
Setting aside your customary gratuitous Coach P attack/insult - which as ususal is inaccurate

Seriously, you're not able to respond to a post that even remotely suggests P isn't Vince Lombardi, without defending him are you?

I mean, its not possible is it? You're like a 5th grader "gotcha last!'.

And for the record, what I stated was fact. Burton did not want P.

My remarks about P were neither an attack nor gratuitous. Its a shame that someone as educated and intelligent as you cannot rationally discuss any subject remotely associated with Paul Pasqualoni.
Seriously, you're not able to respond to a post that even remotely suggests P isn't Vince Lombardi, without defending him are you?

I mean, its not possible is it? You're like a 5th grader "gotcha last!'.

And for the record, what I stated was fact. Burton did not want P.

My remarks about P were neither an attack nor gratuitous. Its a shame that someone as educated and intelligent as you cannot rationally discuss any subject remotely associated with Paul Pasqualoni.

It's sort of ironic how Coach P inherited something similar to Robinson. Big East champs (or co-champs), who lost some pretty important pieces. Yet the story of inheritance seems to be very different when you read it sometimes.

More differences to come I'm sure, but to date the biggest difference in their defenses of championships has been facing BJ Daniels instead of Matt Grothe.
I'm waiting for a GIF of Otto the Orange saying "UConn screwed UConn!" with "No Chance" playing.
Putting the focus back on UConn and off of Coach P ;)

...it's eerily familiar to me. We win the NCAA bb championship and are on a high and then the ACC expansion thing happens and we are fighting to save our lives.

In the Huskies case they go to their first BCS Bowl game AND win the NC in bb and now they are scrambling.

Setting aside your customary gratuitous Coach P attack/insult - which as ususal is inaccurate - you have no idea how well he is coaching right now - there is some truth to the idea that getting that BCS game last year - a fluke - UConn hurt the BE.

WVU would have been a better rep for the BE - again.

And, of course, Randy Edsall left UConn because he knew that what had happened was a fluke - that he would field a weak 2011 team in East Hartford and that he'd likely not have another chance to get what he figured would be a better job.

And last I saw Randy - who inherited a 9-4 team - wasn't exactly lighting it up in College Park. Is he now a lousy coach?

if "the hire of Coach P. ... not looking like the best hire of last season" is a "gratuitous Coach P attack/insult", then P not only must have been the best hire of last season, it must be so obvious that he was the best hire that thinking otherwise is not just an attack/insult, but a gratuitous one.

orange yes's google alerts have nothing on your's!
(I'm not getting into the Coach P thing.) I think the BCS is just bad for college football- splitting a divsion in two, isolating some strong programs that just happen to be in the wrong conference and creating a monopoly of the sport's big money. Finally, it has caused schools to abandon conferences with their natural rivals for conferences that have a BCS bid or have a secure BCS bid. Thus the Big East is trying to bring in Boise State after TCU bugged out while the Big 12 was talking to Pittsburgh at one point. If the bowl bids were simplyu based on a ranking of the teams, teams could be in whatever conference they wanted and still get a bid or a high bid or a spot in the national title game if they deserved it and things would settle down. It wouldn't have mattered if we were in the Big East. it would just have mattered how good we were.
It was the best of times...it was the worst of times.

On top of that, their BBall program wins a national championship under the shadow if NCAA sanctions.

Happenstance I am sure, but in both the Summer of 2003 and the Fall of 2011, the ACC has expanded, both times raiding the Big East. And on both occasions, they thwarted the defending NCAA Basketball Champions (2003-SU, 2011-UConn).

Strange, huh?
Seriously, you're not able to respond to a post that even remotely suggests P isn't Vince Lombardi, without defending him are you?

I mean, its not possible is it? You're like a 5th grader "gotcha last!'.

And for the record, what I stated was fact. Burton did not want P.

My remarks about P were neither an attack nor gratuitous. Its a shame that someone as educated and intelligent as you cannot rationally discuss any subject remotely associated with Paul Pasqualoni.

I re-read you post.

I will admit that I overstated the negativity of your P comment.

It was negative and premature - in keeping with the conventional wisdom of this board.

It was not sufficiently negative, however, to justify the intensity of my response. I'll grant you that.

I guess I'm an intelligent/educated fifth grader, huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad.
(I'm not getting into the Coach P thing.) I think the BCS is just bad for college football- splitting a divsion in two, isolating some strong programs that just happen to be in the wrong conference and creating a monopoly of the sport's big money. Finally, it has caused schools to abandon conferences with their natural rivals for conferences that have a BCS bid or have a secure BCS bid. Thus the Big East is trying to bring in Boise State after TCU bugged out while the Big 12 was talking to Pittsburgh at one point. If the bowl bids were simplyu based on a ranking of the teams, teams could be in whatever conference they wanted and still get a bid or a high bid or a spot in the national title game if they deserved it and things would settle down. It wouldn't have mattered if we were in the Big East. it would just have mattered how good we were.
this view leaves out the large $ deals that conferences have negotiated (or failed to negotiate) with TV networks - teams generally don't make their money off the bowl games it's from the TV deals and when they do generate a BCS bowl windfall they then have to share it with the teams they're tied to via conference affiliation.

throw in quality of opponents in the conference and their potential effect on home game attendance and you'd still have schools looking for the best deal possible via their conference affiliation.
I guess I'm an intelligent/eduated fifth grader, huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad.

5th graders usually know how to spell educated. ;)
I re-read you post.

I will admit that I overstated the negativity of your P comment.

It was negative and premature - in keeping with the conventional wisdom of this board.

It was not sufficiently negative, however, to justify the intensity of my response. I'll grant you that.

I guess I'm an intelligent/educated fifth grader, huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad.

If Jimmy B has taught us anything its that "premature anything just isn't good"

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