Don't read the Duke board |

Don't read the Duke board


Living Legend
Sep 1, 2011
Unless you want to drop kick those, what I'm assuming to be, bandwagon little b*tches or former Cameron Crazies who still haven't gotten laid.

Saying it was a charge on Fair while never acknowledging the play where Parker dump trucked his way over Silent G.

They then go on to so eloquently state that "at least none of our players fouled out". Apparently those geniuses didn't realize that they got their "Grant on Dawkins moment" when we couldn't play a Center due to phantom 4th fouls on BMK and Keita with half the second half to go.

Calling a flagrant on that human troll early in the game doesn't give you ammunition to defend THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF.
Unless you want to drop kick those, what I'm assuming to be, bandwagon little b*tches or former Cameron Crazies who still haven't gotten laid.

Saying it was a charge on Fair while never acknowledging the play where Parker dump trucked his way over Silent G.

They then go on to so eloquently state that "at least none of our players fouled out". Apparently those geniuses didn't realize that they got their "Grant on Dawkins moment" when we couldn't play a Center due to phantom 4th fouls on BMK and Keita with half the second half to go.

Calling a flagrant on that human troll early in the game doesn't give you ammunition to defend THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF.
I literally don't care what they have to say.

They are hardly human.

Its like.. " hey dude's, guess what Kim Jung Ill just said about our constitution."

no bearing.
I went to a College Basketball Board that I had not posted on in over 2 years (used to be an active member until the board started to suck in part because of an ignorant mod who was a Duke fan)... I had maybe visited 3 times in the past year.

I called out the Duke poster who was responsible for killing the board and making members leave. He had been all over Syracuse in the past month. Will probably get banned. Felt good.
I think the part about not getting laid was a bit over the top for this forum.
Lol ok. Go talk X's and O's with the 3 other people here who don't think the refs majorly affected the outcome of this game.
I think you're missing the point. NCSt fans were up in arms over the "continuation" call that was called non shooting. Duke fans were up in arms over the non foul on Hood that was called a block. Both of those calls went our way and we escaped with wins. Fans are going to get pissed when they lose a game and there is a close call they can blame it on. Syracuse fans are no different.
longislandcuse said:
It's actually a fact. Did you watch their Gameday crowd? Not meant as an insult.

Chicks in North Carolina > Chicks in Syracuse

And it's not even close
What are they supposed to say?

Well, considering the whine-fest they put up, you would think they would see the error in their ways and post about happy they were to get all the calls tonight!
The Duke board looks exactly like this board did after you guys won the first game.

Exactly the same.
Just my view. A month ago they were all bitching like the Hood no call was some travesty, and that they got hosed the entire game. Well now they get a few breaks on their home court and they decide to act like dickheads coming to your board. It's the way the cookie crumbles. 2 50/50 calls decided the game, and both teams got the call on their home court.

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