Ennis on defense | Syracusefan.com

Ennis on defense


All American
Aug 26, 2011
A lot has been said about Ennis controlling game tempo and running the offense. However, despite being our only true point guard, his minutes would be reduced if he had not picked up how to play the zone. Some of the other freshmen might be able to help us on offense with a bit more experience, but it takes time to learn the intricasies of a very complicated zone defense, maybe a couple years. Until they get it figured out, they won't see much playing time in a big game. Ennis, on the other hand, does not make a lot of mistakes on defense. He learned quickly. I found it interesting that Gbinije got pulled during a Baylor run last night to get Cooney back in on defense. Silent G is still learning, and JB does not put up with lapses in his patented zone defense.
It's about who JB trusts the most. JB does not want to lose and his regs provide the best chance for success. JB's intolerance for mistakes keeps learners off the court during important games or parts of games. The upside: more chance for success. The downside: fewer players to gain his trust to help him achieve the upside. It's JB's way, and his way has led to 900+ wins.
Eh, Ennis is pretty awful at closing out and keeping guys in front of him. Just very nonchalant. But he has a knack for being able to knock the ball loose when guys drive by.
Ennis was better against baylor in his d. Lot of work to go but def better. G does a nice job on d just wish he gave us more on offense
At the end of the game, Baylor got back in the game because they just started to drive against our guards. Their penetration really hurt us with kick outs and lobs to their bigs. This could be a problem.
At the end of the game, Baylor got back in the game because they just started to drive against our guards. Their penetration really hurt us with kick outs and lobs to their bigs. This could be a problem.

Some of that may be contributed to the emphasis on calling hand checking and arm barring. MCW and Triche were able to stop penetration that way w/o fear of fouling. Plus they were longer defenders.
He would be playing no matter what. If you don't have an option as a PG, you will live with his defense, even if it is not great. TE is not great at defense...yet. He has a very high BBIQ...he will improve relatively quickly, I think.
brian williams said it all in post #7 of this thread... Defensive rules are drastically different this year. (2013-'14)

No one knows for certain if they are being called differently, but they are absolutely written differently.

MCW, Triche, Rautins and any other recent SU guard whose defense you loved cannot be compared to Tyler Ennis' if only because he doesn't have the same luxury as they did.

As most of you know, the NCAA banned hand or forearm contact in effect for the 2013-14 season. (Hand checking)

The ban is designed “to create offensive flow,” which means Ennis cannot stop penetration into the lane as easy as the aforementioned guards were able to.

And that is BY DESIGN.

The NCAA wants more offense - regardless of how much you guys want the top of the zone to suffocate opponents.

Cut the kid some slack... Seven games in, Tyler Ennis seems to really get what's needed on offense, doesn't turn the ball over and, despite what some of you may erroneously think, is anything but a liability on defense.
He will get better, but there is a lot to be desired in his defense. His closeouts arnt that good and he occasionally gets lost in the zone leaving someone open. He's still very young and will get better as the year goes on.
What Clev said. I understand that because of the rules, he can't stop penetration as well, but he can still close out on shooters and slide his feet better.
I completely disagree. The weakest part of his game is easily his defense. Allows a bit too much penetration to the foul line. People think the guy at the foul line is solely the center's defensive responsibility. It's actually primarily on the guards. Once they get the ball there, you've essentially broken down the zone.

Obviously, you beat the zone by getting the ball to the foul line (we all know this). However, as others have said, he will get better. LOVE this kid's offensive game.

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