Fine is being penalized because SYR is filled with stupid people. |

Fine is being penalized because SYR is filled with stupid people.


Aug 26, 2011
1. Lang and Davis speak for themselves - literally.

2. DA - idiot.

3. Police - idiots.

Meanwhile, Bernie is left to twist in the wind and his reputation continues to take a hit.

How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?
I dont know why you insist on upsetting the karmic apple cart...dont wish for new victims to come forward...

on a related note, I was watching the Gabby Giffords Special on ABC the other night. Other than her miraculous recovery, the thing that struck me most was that CNN reported (along with others) that they "have confirmed that Gabby Giffords had died". They actually used the word confirmed. I am pretty sure no one ever confirmed that. Just strikes me that we place alot of trust in the media when we really shouldnt.
same thing the media did when brady shot was shot during the Reagan attempt.
How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?

This is the only way this goes forward. If more come out and say it happened then he is . If not then it doesnt go any farther. Unfortunately the damage probably is already done and Bernie will never coach again. All of this talk of tapes, DA vs police, etc doesnt mean anything unless more alleged victims come out. That's basically it.
Marsh, that is what I have been saying since this broke. The three can say anything they want, without a recent accuser, there is nothing. It is not enough to have more accusers. They have to be recent. As far as a legal standpoint.
1. Lang and Davis speak for themselves - literally.

2. DA - idiot.

3. Police - idiots.

Meanwhile, Bernie is left to twist in the wind and his reputation continues to take a hit.

How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?
how do we know no other victims have contacted police?? we know of the facebook guy (which i find bizarre someone would post that on facebook) but who knows i was never molested so dont know what i would do --
There is no facebook guy. People who actually believed him will unfortunately fall into the category that this thread discusses.
Marsh, that is what I have been saying since this broke. The three can say anything they want, without a recent accuser, there is nothing. It is not enough to have more accusers. They have to be recent. As far as a legal standpoint.

I agree Dash. Pretty simple in my book. It all will boil down to other people talking. Until I hear of other accusers I will remain status quo on this regardless of how many times OTL keeps interviewing Schwarz, the accusers, etc. And by other accusers I want to see someone who has no ties to Davis. No more relatives, friends, co-workers, etc.

If there were a tape it would have come out already. So unless I see Bernie on tape giving this kid a HJ I call bullsh!t.

Now if more come out then its armaggeddon.
how do we know no other victims have contacted police?? we know of the facebook guy (which i find bizarre someone would post that on facebook) but who knows i was never molested so dont know what i would do --

That guy made no sense. He said that he had contacted Davis. 1. Why would he contact Davis and 2. How would he even get Davis' number. People need to stop believing what they see on the internet.
Theyres stoopid peipull evryewhewre u wil go

'Word' and such.
@ the OP:
Besides that, you're ignoring that Fine, himself, is a SYR person, but don't let that interrupt your logic.

re: your question about how many people molest only one or two persons... I can imagine there are COUNTLESS people who have done just that. And, their numbers aren't known because it's more difficult to catch and prosecute them. Doesn't mean their crimes are any less heinous. Fact is, the 'smart criminal' acts only once, and you never hear about those people.
1. Lang and Davis speak for themselves - literally.

2. DA - idiot.

3. Police - idiots.

Meanwhile, Bernie is left to twist in the wind and his reputation continues to take a hit.

How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?
Just because the public does not know about any others does not mean they do not exist...
No it doesn't. But it is hard to believe that the police or the d.a could keep something like that quiet right about now.
'Word' and such.
@ the OP:
Besides that, you're ignoring that Fine, himself, is a SYR person, but don't let that interrupt your logic.

re: your question about how many people molest only one or two persons... I can imagine there are COUNTLESS people who have done just that. And, their numbers aren't known because it's more difficult to catch and prosecute them. Doesn't mean their crimes are any less heinous. Fact is, the 'smart criminal' acts only once, and you never hear about those people.

He's accused of deviant behavior that seems to be compulsive and he engaged in it with only these two step brothers?

And there is the issue of the loan? He doesn't claim he was paid $5000k to keep quite, and he never went back for more, he said he lied about some student loans, and admits that Fine believed he had a right to the money back.

How does that make any sense?
the people who do this for a living, dealing with victims of abuse, say that peds don't stop at one or two. They knowa lot more about this then you and me.
Just because the public does not know about any others does not mean they do not exist...

I'd be more inclined to believe that they did not exist than that they did.

If Davis is telling the truth, then Fine doesn't come close to fitting the profile. They're attracted to children, and move onto other children. Not to 15 year molesting relationships.

I'll admit, I haven't followed all this SPD vs. DA stuff, only so much Upstate NY drama one can stomach, but has there been anything in those revelations that add any credibility to Lang?
He's accused of deviant behavior that seems to be compulsive and he engaged in it with only these two step brothers?

And there is the issue of the loan? He doesn't claim he was paid $5000k to keep quite, and he never went back for more, he said he lied about some student loans, and admits that Fine believed he had a right to the money back.

How does that make any sense?

I think they explained that in the Sunday PS article. Said something to the effect that he wanted revenge for what he had done to him so he wouldn't pay him back. Who knows. The poster that called this one big cluster F is the only one 100% right.
This is the only way this goes forward. If more come out and say it happened then he is . If not then it doesnt go any farther. Unfortunately the damage probably is already done and Bernie will never coach again. All of this talk of tapes, DA vs police, etc doesnt mean anything unless more alleged victims come out. That's basically it.

Or if the accusers have some sort of smoking gun that hasn't previously come to light.

That aside, someone else has to come forward as having been molested or someone has to come forward confirming these guys' stories

Even Davis' friend has added nothing new...she thought Bernie was strange, big deal. Davis told her "X"...big deal, he has told everyone else the same thing. She saw nothing nor does she add anything new

Right now, the accusers need to present evidence or someone else does.

Bernie could still be guilty...lack of proof doesn't mean it didn't happen. Still, if it can't be proven then we have to assume he's innocent. far we know that the SOL in NYS is legal action can be far as potentially taking someone across state border, it depends on that state's SOL.

So far, case against is very slim...unfortunately, there is a case and it will not go away unless 1) present accusers recant; 2)there was not molestation in another state which may bring another entity into this muck raking; 3)DA finds humility and decides he doesnt need a notch on his belt...
case will continue if 1)another accuser comes forward other than the two step-brothers; 2)another state becomes involved; 3)DA wants his notch and continues--also, DA may want to change the law as it presently stands with the SOL. This would not affect Bernie.

This is not ending anytime soon...we all support Bernie...but not blindly.
I would think with all this press that if there were more then they would have come forward by now. I would think we would know about it as well just like in the PSU situation were there are reports of more and more. It does seem very very odd to me that anyone would let some dude give them hand jobs until they were 27 if they didn't like it. Its seems odd to me that any sexual relationship of some 20+ years involving a penis would be limited to hand jobs and not escalate further than that.

I am predisposed to want all of this to be false but these are the few thoughts that help me still my troubled mind and go to sleep each night.
1. Lang and Davis speak for themselves - literally.

2. DA - idiot.

3. Police - idiots.

Meanwhile, Bernie is left to twist in the wind and his reputation continues to take a hit.

How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?

So are message boards.
I would think with all this press that if there were more then they would have come forward by now.

Not sure why everyone (not just you jordoo) keeps saying this. They have said already that they will not "drip" evidence. We will not know until the investigation is complete and we'll need to be very patient because it will probably take months! Everyone needs to just calm down and wait, talk hoops, take your girl/guy out to a movie, whatever..
How many molesters stop at one or two kids? doesnt happen (differentiating with peeps who commit incest). Where are the other victims?

Agree. What gets me is it sounds like he stopped doing it on the road. I would think in most cases it would escalate to doing it on the road not stop. It makes me think the info on the road only goes back to the late 80s and thats his whole case for money. Nobody can tell you whos been in a room 20 years back.

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