Guthrie our biggest missing piece? |

Guthrie our biggest missing piece?

Tommy has struggled so ED has been missed. Slayton has drawn love as the most missed player, but man do we miss Guthrie's ability to get people on the ground.

For sure and shy. But hopefully we get bear back and the lbs grow. Guthrie got much better as the season went on last year. Maybe this crew can improve too.
Well, the obvious answer is Eric Dungey -- who moved the sticks and helped mask OL issues.

Speaking of which, if we exclude Dungey than I'd say that Koda Martin is a much bigger missing piece than Guthrie. Or Chris Slayton.
Still hard to believe that in Year 4 we still have so many missing pieces... troubling and I hope this staff rights the ship via recruiting.
I agree with the Slayton and Martin thinking. I have been banging the Slayton drum for some time and Martin was absolutely a steadying presence on the oline. I think our linebackers will play better as the season progresses.
Let's also give some credit to the running back from Maryland, the guy ran hard. Strong and low center of gravity. TV showed him squatting 500. Not an easy take down. I bet coaches hammer on the arm tackles prominently this week.
Sean Lewis. Shy Cullen. Chance Amie.

Hendrix hurt. Heckel hurt.
I have great faith in this coaching staff, but recruiting has to get better. We continue to finish near the middle/bottom of the conference in recruiting and it shows. Recruiting good athletes doesn’t always translate into good football players. We need great football players. I can put a great athlete on the basketball court, but it doesn’t make him a great player. The same goes for football. This team is much better than it showed last Saturday and I think they will play better against Clemson. The talent level between SU and Clemson is enormous.
We really have no clue if Chance was the commodity his camp legend suggests.
But we do know that he was the only guy we had behind Devito that seemed like a bona fide dynamic QB prospect, based solely on the staff's recruiting strategy and prioritizations. Logically he should have been the #2 right now. Big hole.
I have great faith in this coaching staff, but recruiting has to get better. We continue to finish near the middle/bottom of the conference in recruiting and it shows. Recruiting good athletes doesn’t always translate into good football players. We need great football players. I can put a great athlete on the basketball court, but it doesn’t make him a great player. The same goes for football. This team is much better than it showed last Saturday and I think they will play better against Clemson. The talent level between SU and Clemson is enormous.
We need to start paying recruits, or ratting out those who are. Half, maybe 1/4 joking.
But we do know that he was the only guy we had behind Devito that seemed like a bona fide dynamic QB prospect, based solely on the staff's recruiting strategy and prioritizations. Logically he should have been the #2 right now. Big hole.
DeVito runs a faster 40 than Dungey and extended plays with his legs throughout summer camp.

We know nothing until we see it on the field, regarding QB’s imo.
We really have no clue if Chance was the commodity his camp legend suggests.
Based on his play this year at Blinn probably not. He is 2-8 passing for 20 yards with one pick. He does have 95 yards on the ground. Blinn has played three games and he has only played in one.
Chris Slayton. Needed to be doubled on most plays. Collapsed the pocket and wa always coaching up his teammates.

Magnified even moreso by the injury to Williams in camp. Black and Ruff are freak athletes but sometimes you just need an immovable mountain in the middle.
Compounded even moreso by LBs that don't shed blocks well to date and we are getting gouged in the middle. I'm not looking forward the Etienne this week but hope the boys find something in practice this week. I'll be there and convinced we're going to win by the time I enter the Dome regardless
I have great faith in this coaching staff, but recruiting has to get better. We continue to finish near the middle/bottom of the conference in recruiting and it shows. Recruiting good athletes doesn’t always translate into good football players. We need great football players. I can put a great athlete on the basketball court, but it doesn’t make him a great player. The same goes for football. This team is much better than it showed last Saturday and I think they will play better against Clemson. The talent level between SU and Clemson is enormous.

I agree that the talent gap between SU and Clemson is enormous, but the talent gap between Clemson and all but 5 of the P5 conference members is enormous. Alabama, Georgia, TOSU are are only teams even close in top to bottom talent. Cuse biggest issue is that PITT, GT, BC, Maryland, Are getting players that we are recruiting hard. That where you need more wins than losses and is most concerning to me.
Run downhill?

I think Shy is a big loss.
Yeah I think Richards would do what shy did last year. We miss shy bad but Richards is big fast and aggressive. Why not try him. How many of us were pining for shy last year and as it turned out he just didn’t get enough of a shot. I think Richards would be the same.
Prior to last season the scouting report on our D was that the linebackers were the biggest weak link by far. Not ACC material etc. Guthrie made a remarkable turnaround in the second half of last season but he’s not here anymore.

Ward’s entire scheme lives and dies on that position. But if we can plug one or two studs in there it can make a world of difference. Gives me hope that we’re not that far from where we want to be. The personnel is almost identical to last year with that one exception.
Still hard to believe that in Year 4 we still have so many missing pieces... troubling and I hope this staff rights the ship via recruiting.
It's college football. You can't hit on every recruit and only Clemson and Alabama don't have missing pieces. It's how you mask those issues that determines how good you can be.
It's college football. You can't hit on every recruit and only Clemson and Alabama don't have missing pieces. It's how you mask those issues that determines how good you can be.

So you're saying we bring back the Dome Ranger?

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