I guess we are winning the NY market so far... | Syracusefan.com

I guess we are winning the NY market so far...

What difference does it make what the other states think? The only state that matters in that poll is NY.
My favorite part is that Maryland residents at the moment have the ACC ahead. :rolling:

First map I've ever seen where Texas is blue and NY is red.
You must be young...


(Yes, I realize that NY is blue in this map as well... not many people cared for Carter... just pointing out that the colors used to be reversed. NBC stuck with the original color assignments the longest.)
You must be young...

View attachment 4102

(Yes, I realize that NY is blue in this map as well... not many people cared for Carter... just pointing out that the colors used to be reversed. NBC stuck with the original color assignments the longest.)

I am young but I did give it some thought when posting. Figure NY and TX would be the same color in the blowout elections but never both reversing their standard course in the same election. Could you imagine NY voting Romney and TX voting Obama in the last election? The Earth might've spun off its axis if that had happened.
The argument between Cuse and RU fans has turned up a bit in the comment section, definitely a stupid poll.
I think the question the B1G has to ask themselves is how in Jim Delaney's holy name does the ACC split Illinois in this poll?
Hold everything!!! The ACC now sits at 44% of the vote. That clinches it for Syracuse!!! Fluck Rutgers and the BiG piece of crap.

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