If Allen is physically up to it, how don't you think he | Syracusefan.com

If Allen is physically up to it, how don't you think he


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
is even with the rest of the QB's? I know it's a highlight tape, but that's impressive.

Loeb is smart, excellent athlete, throws a great ball. I think his biggest problem is that he deliberate with his delivery.

If they are committed to playing the base 3 wide, balanced between run/pass, and have the zone read as a feature and not the core of the offense, then I think the battle is between Loeb and Allen.

If Hunt and Broyld are in the battle then Marrone is willing to adapt to a run heavy, play action orientation within the offense.
I think Hunt is a better passer than you are giving him credit for...

Should be an interesting spring.
K-State is run heavy through the QB. We are based on that offense. If Hunt can throw a bit and has wheels- who knows at this point? - I could see what you envision.
Balance is determined by how well you execute not by commitment. The running game has all the backs back and is minus 2 starting olinemen so we'll see where their strength is run or pass blocking. We lose two very good receivers with an unknown group coming back...yes solid but can they separate without Lemon/Sales being the focus. If the oline blocks well we'll be in great shape for a passing qb as the receivers will have more time to get open and the new qb won't feel the urgency to pass quickly or stare at one guy to get open. My theory is watch the eyes of the new qb's when they pass, the coolest customer will win the job.

Leob has been practicing against college players for 4 years, Hunt a couple, Broyld at qb? and Allen and Wilson vs high school kids. I give the mental edge to Leob. Talent wise it'll be interesting.
Well, we heard all season long about how Nassib's mastery of the offense was such a key factor in the success we had passing the ball this year. Allen will be a true freshman next year, so whether he has the physical tools or not, there's bound to be a dropoff in terms of how slow the game would move for him / making reads versus how those things happened for a fifth year senior.

I'd love for Allen to come in and pick up where Nassib left off, and solidify the QB position for the next four years. I'd also love it if Loeb turns out to be a Philcox II situation. Or if Hunt rises to the occasion after his off-field issues last year. Or if Broyld makes the conversion to QB and puts his athleticism on display for the next three years. Or if Wilson proves that he's worth the wait.

Doesn't matter to me which one of them steps up and gets the job done, so long as one of them does.
I think Hunt is a better passer than you are giving him credit for...

Should be an interesting spring.

From what I have seen of Hunt he has a big arm, good on deep drops and play action, and can be accurate rolling out. It's much more McNabb than Nassib.

I have NOTHING against Hunt. I'm looking forward to the spring, and the staff has a lot of options.
K-State is run heavy through the QB. We are based on that offense. If Hunt can throw a bit and has wheels- who knows at this point? - I could see what you envision.

They were not running an air raid spread this year, but it also was not an offense that had a heavy dose of the QB running the ball. The core of the offense is more that you will see on Sunday's than Saturday's

The formations and plays they used this year married with the no huddle uptempo was pretty unique in college football.
The new O this year is highly dependent at the QB's ability to read the D pre-snap and to then make fast, progression decisions about where the ball should go after the snap. Nassib absolutely excelled at this and this is a big reason why the NFL will be high on him.

Nassib essentially ran a 2-minute, NFL style offense all year and had the arm strength (but not necessarily the touch) to make all the throws required.

The staff will look first for the next QB who can do the above. If that guy is not here or ready, the focus of the O will have to change...
The new O this year is highly dependent at the QB's ability to read the D pre-snap and to then make fast, progression decisions about where the ball should go after the snap. Nassib absolutely excelled at this and this is a big reason why the NFL will be high on him.

Nassib essentially ran a 2-minute, NFL style offense all year and had the arm strength (but not necessarily the touch) to make all the throws required.

The staff will look first for the next QB who can do the above. If that guy is not here or ready, the focus of the O will have to change...

Good summary. The Uconn game was a thing of beauty. He was like Manning out there, just a small number of plays, but getting up to the line, making run/pass calls and then knowing where to go with the ball on pass plays, and just gashing an excellent defense.
Good summary. The Uconn game was a thing of beauty. He was like Manning out there, just a small number of plays, but getting up to the line, making run/pass calls and then knowing where to go with the ball on pass plays, and just gashing an excellent defense.

Absolutely. Give DM and Hack credit for having the "balls" to go with an NFL style 2 minute drill as the base O. But, make no mistake, it was Nassib's football IQ and arm that made it work.

From what I have read, I think the claim is that Allen ran something similar while playing 5A ball in Texas. I'm not sure if that is true, but it is a quantum leap from there to high level Div 1.
I think Hunt is a better passer than you are giving him credit for...

Should be an interesting spring.
Hopefully you're right. But let's not underestimate ZA's running ability. He might be the fastest of all the QB's.
is even with the rest of the QB's? I know it's a highlight tape, but that's impressive.

Loeb is smart, excellent athlete, throws a great ball. I think his biggest problem is that he deliberate with his delivery.

If they are committed to playing the base 3 wide, balanced between run/pass, and have the zone read as a feature and not the core of the offense, then I think the battle is between Loeb and Allen.

If Hunt and Broyld are in the battle then Marrone is willing to adapt to a run heavy, play action orientation within the offense.

How can you come to that conclusion when we really do not know what Hunt or Broyld really can do?
Not for nothing, but with this offense, you need a QB who is pretty smart. Loeb seems to be the thinking mans QB, but that's still unproven...and the way ZA plays, he makes great decisions, albeit against high school competition, as shown by his low INT numbers. I'm not sure how well Hunt or Kinder have taken in the playbook, but I think it really is going to take a smart QB to run this team as efficiently as Ryan did, or to be close to what Ryan has done at SU.

Ryan not only had the physical tools to be superb in this offense, but watching him at the LOS was really impressive. He's not Peyton, but he seemed to make some great adjustments up there and partially run the offense while already in formation. We'll probably never know if that some of that was called down from the box, or Ryan's own doing, but making those changes on the fly takes a smart QB. The most heady QB will probably win this competition
How can you come to that conclusion when we really do not know what Hunt or Broyld really can do?

From what I have seen, and what I know Broyld has little chance of running the stuff we saw last year, he's just not that guy, just like Nassib is not the guy to run a Rich Rod zone read QB run oriented offense.

From what I have seen of Hunt he is the kind of kid you would see at VT and would have fit in well in Deleone's old Syracuse offense. The staff can scheme around these guys, but my preference would be to stay with what we saw last year, or a close that as possible, and Loeb and Allen will be more dynamic running the ball.
Loeb, Hunt, Kinder, Broyld, Allen, Wilson...

One thing for sure is we should have 6 QB candidates on the roster. At least one or two have to pan out as great D1 QBs and maybe one or two change positions like Kevin Johnson. As someone else mentioned, it will be an interesting spring.
Not for nothing, but with this offense, you need a QB who is pretty smart. Loeb seems to be the thinking mans QB, but that's still unproven...and the way ZA plays, he makes great decisions, albeit against high school competition, as shown by his low INT numbers. I'm not sure how well Hunt or Kinder have taken in the playbook, but I think it really is going to take a smart QB to run this team as efficiently as Ryan did, or to be close to what Ryan has done at SU.

Ryan not only had the physical tools to be superb in this offense, but watching him at the LOS was really impressive. He's not Peyton, but he seemed to make some great adjustments up there and partially run the offense while already in formation. We'll probably never know if that some of that was called down from the box, or Ryan's own doing, but making those changes on the fly takes a smart QB. The most heady QB will probably win this competition

This was not that annoying no huddle where the whole team looks over to the sideline and the ball isn't snapped until late in the play clock, a lot of the decisions were on Nassib at the line.
Ryans best attribute is his brain. He really ran a beautiful O the second half of the year. I had a chance to watch a few practices this year and without ever having seen ZA or Wilson in person i would say that this is a horse race between Loeb and Hunt. They are both solid QB's and i feel as if they will both provide us with a chance to do very well. My two cents is that Hunt has more upside and will provide us with a better chance to make plays with a suspect OL. If Charlie could play behind this years OL he would pick teams apart. The wild card which is in Charlies favor is that if he starts Hicky gets to remain at his natural position of RT which makes the OL much stronger and doesnt place the burder on a newbie to protect the blind side of a righty. My call because of this is Charlie. Long term i think we are in great shape. Hunt ZA and Wilson in the wings. Best shape in a very long time.
From what I have seen of Hunt he has a big arm, good on deep drops and play action, and can be accurate rolling out. It's much more McNabb than Nassib.

I have NOTHING against Hunt. I'm looking forward to the spring, and the staff has a lot of options.

Going to be one of the more interesting springs in a long time. QB battles always bring that with them. Good thing about Allen is that he's been successfully operating a similarly structured offense in high school. And we have a staff who developed a HS wing T guy into a successful QB in this offense. Future looks bright. May be a few transition bumps in the road in 2013 but not a huge deal.
with the success of the no huddle, uptempo offense do you think DM stays with the same approach next year? I think a lot of the success of it should be attributed to Nassib. Personally I loved it, but it goes as the personnel goes.
From what I have seen, and what I know Broyld has little chance of running the stuff we saw last year, he's just not that guy, just like Nassib is not the guy to run a Rich Rod zone read QB run oriented offense.

From what I have seen of Hunt he is the kind of kid you would see at VT and would have fit in well in Deleone's old Syracuse offense. The staff can scheme around these guys, but my preference would be to stay with what we saw last year, or a close that as possible, and Loeb and Allen will be more dynamic running the ball.

Can you elaborate on that? I ask because I felt that the only thing lacking in the offense this year was the zone read, which seemed slow to develop at times and Nassib is not a big play run threat. Every running play thrown for a loss seemed to be on a zone read. I kept thinking that a good dual QB would be awesome in our new scheme. I was at the UConn game (first time in years) and Broyld looked unstoppable. He seemed to run strong and quick (as opposed to raw speed) and I hear he has the arm to make the throws. Is the issue the experience/decision making challenge which, of course, was Ryan's long suit.

I also thought that if the next QB (whoever it is) is a legit long ball threat, it would offset some of the other things we got with Ryan and are not likely to get with the next guy. Also, if it is a close call I would prefer Allen redshirt.
Personally, I'd like to see Loeb start next year EVEN IF Allen is at the same level as him. It will allow Allen a year to mature, learn the system, and prepare himself as a division 1 QB. That year of experience is huge.

Then, his redshirt frosh year, he becomes Zachary Football. :cool:
I think Marrone has dropped some hints that he'd like a system that utilizes a dual threat QB. Not sure that next year is the year that we see that, although Loeb is supposed to be a better runner than Nassib. With Allen, Hunt, Wilson, Kinder...there's definitely more mobility. How it eventually plays out is anybody's guess.

Loeb starts. He's earned his turn.

I don't see Broyld at the QB position.
I for one would like to see this offense run by a QB with good feet.

If Hunt can be that guy- with a big body- I'm happy with that.

Actually that's what I want to see.
with the success of the no huddle, uptempo offense do you think DM stays with the same approach next year? I think a lot of the success of it should be attributed to Nassib. Personally I loved it, but it goes as the personnel goes.

A lot of factors:

1. OL - is Pugh back, and if not how does the left side of the line develop?

2. WR - different guys, bigger, stronger, faster, can they catch the ball, run routes, block in the run game, make the right sight adjustments with the QB.

3. RB - is there an extra dimension that Morris, MacFarland, (Smith?) bring that lead to a different emphasis in the offense.

I think those things may drive the QB choice as much as the QB's themselves.
I for one would like to see this offense run by a QB with good feet.

If Hunt can be that guy- with a big body- I'm happy with that.

Actually that's what I want to see.

They are going to end up with 6000 yds, close to 50 TD's, with, and no insult intended, average talent at best. There wasn't a skill guy other than maybe Lemon, that starts on the 90's teams. I'd rather they stay on that path.

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