It's so bad that the FAN BASE is doing more damage to the football program than the Greg Robinson era did. Again, the F.A.N B.A.S.E. is doing more damage than the Greg Robinson era did.
Dave Rahme hit it on the head when he said - recruits like Syracuse, they like the program, they like the coaching staff, but when they see those empty seats they go elsewhere. It's that simple.
I've been to all 3 home games thus far and its becoming an epidemic. There had to be 29,000 there tops. Of those 29,000, they were late too arrive and were itching to leave in the 3rd if Syracuse had given up one more score. At least they came though.
Many will say it's the level of opponent that we are playing. Does anyone really believe we'll hit a sellout when Maryland or BC or Virginia comes to play? Based on these past 10-15 home games, I doubt it. Maybe 35,000 will show.
I am certainly sensitive to those who have other legitimate obligations or cannot afford financially to bring the family out to a game. But for those who would rather catch the score in the Sunday newspaper or watch it on TV, I shake my head. You're not a fan, merely a contributor to this epidemic.
Dave Rahme hit it on the head when he said - recruits like Syracuse, they like the program, they like the coaching staff, but when they see those empty seats they go elsewhere. It's that simple.
I've been to all 3 home games thus far and its becoming an epidemic. There had to be 29,000 there tops. Of those 29,000, they were late too arrive and were itching to leave in the 3rd if Syracuse had given up one more score. At least they came though.
Many will say it's the level of opponent that we are playing. Does anyone really believe we'll hit a sellout when Maryland or BC or Virginia comes to play? Based on these past 10-15 home games, I doubt it. Maybe 35,000 will show.
I am certainly sensitive to those who have other legitimate obligations or cannot afford financially to bring the family out to a game. But for those who would rather catch the score in the Sunday newspaper or watch it on TV, I shake my head. You're not a fan, merely a contributor to this epidemic.