Jordan Brand Practice (long) |

Jordan Brand Practice (long)


Aug 29, 2011
Went to the Jordan Brand open practice today to check out our boy Jerami Grant. There were maybe 100 people total there in the basement of the Charlotte Convention Center mostly evenly divided between media types/NBA scouts/player's families/fans. The practice itself was quite a bit more boring than last year because they never really scrimmaged today unlike last year where 80% of the practice was East vs West scrimmage. They basically had East practicing drills and stuff on 1 court and West doing same on other and then they did mixed up a little group work with some of the international guys. Can't really point anybody out for standing out against others because of the lack of scrimmage.

As far as Jerami goes everytime that I see him play it seems like his game is improving (as it should). He definitely sticks out a little in these type of settings where they are running weaves and fast break drills and he is running up and down the floor like a gazelle throwing down sick dunks. Athletically he is a freak, in that he is thin, but not nearly as thin as a lot of the guys and has a very broad shoulders and chisled frame that he jumps out of the gym with. His 3 pt shot has definitely impoved (even though still needs some mechanical tweaking) as he was consistently hitting from outside when he got his feet set and body squared. His mid-range game is fantastic as he has real good elevation and very nice touch. Probably the most impressive thing that I noticed was how he was cleaning up the defensive boards from the wing position in the little scrimmaging that they did. Noel who was on the same team was actually struggling in this department consistently letting the ball get knocked out of his hands or off his fingers. Grant seems to have a super attitude and have just a fun time out there. His potential due to the combination of size/athleticism/genes is extraordinary and he has the looks of an NBA player. I know his height has been widely debated in relation to Anya and Coleman and I'd have to say he looks a solid 6'8 or pretty darn close to it. He looked to have an inch over some other guys listed at 6'7 like Poythress and Kyle Anderson. I'm not sure how he fits into the team next year because of the players that we have returning and limited minutes available, but if he doesn't get a lot of minutes it certainly won't be for him not being good enough. He can certainly contribute immediately and I would venture to say he will be a more complete player and ready to contribute when he arrives than many of our recently higher regarded forwards (top 40-100 guys)...Joseph, Nichols, Warrick, Damone Brown. Not saying he'll have a better career because those guys had some of the biggest improvements in the Boeheim era, but I believe Grant is coming in with a higher floor and potentially a higher ceiling too because of his versatility.

Other random stuff:

-Steven Adams- Pitt via New Zealand is a monster size wise (solid build, 7 ft) and moves pretty well and seemed to have good touch from what I saw. Didn't watch him very closely because he was on the other court but he definitely passes the "eye test" and he did shoot decent from what I saw. Heard quite a few players mentioning how he was going to be 1 and done.

-Noel- obviously he's been discussed thoroughly and we pretty much know what he's all about. He's definitely much more raw than Davis offensively who was unstoppable here last year and I'm not so so sure he's a better shot blocker like many are proclaiming. Noel definitely gets more of the highlight variety swat the hell out of the shot, but Davis' wingspan was just so long that he got his fingers on everything. Anyhow Noel is certainly a force and is going to be a stud.

-Jimmy Dykes hopping around the place like he owned it...what a douche

-After the practice they all line up on a long set of tables and the fans were given posters where they could go down the line and get autographs from the players. I didn't do this last year and wasn't going to until I realized they were giving out the posters and thought it would be a cool thing I could do and give to my son. I was decked out in 'cuse gear so was hearing it from some of the guys going down the line and got a chance to chit chat a little with some of them. They were all super polite and Shabaaz is well spoken just as comes off in the interviews. Ricky Ledo wanted to make sure that I was a Mike Carter-Williams Jerami was happy to see the Orange and I got to say hello and tell him how much I looked forward to seeing him play this coming season. Last one down the line was Noel and he said "cuuuuuse" and I was like you disappointed me He appoligized and was pretty funny as we joked for a sec, but he seems like a good kid. He made the decision that many of us may have made ourselves if in his shoes so oh he's the enemy. All in all is was pretty cool go through the line and got a pretty sweet poster that I gave my son w/ possibly a few NBA future stars autographs on it.

If I think of anything else I'll add it, but it's pretty cool event that is free and not really advertised so kinda low key.
Great report, thanks very much for sharing. I'm lookIng forward to Jerami suiting up more and more with every passing report we get on him.

And Shabazz really does come off as a really good, grounded kid whenever I see him. That's not necessarily something you expect from a player of that caliber, who could easily act like a douche since the world is very much his oyster. He's hard not to like after seeing interviews.
Went to the Jordan Brand open practice today to check out our boy Jerami Grant. There were maybe 100 people total there in the basement of the Charlotte Convention Center mostly evenly divided between media types/NBA scouts/player's families/fans. The practice itself was quite a bit more boring than last year because they never really scrimmaged today unlike last year where 80% of the practice was East vs West scrimmage. They basically had East practicing drills and stuff on 1 court and West doing same on other and then they did mixed up a little group work with some of the international guys. Can't really point anybody out for standing out against others because of the lack of scrimmage.

As far as Jerami goes everytime that I see him play it seems like his game is improving (as it should). He definitely sticks out a little in these type of settings where they are running weaves and fast break drills and he is running up and down the floor like a gazelle throwing down sick dunks. Athletically he is a freak, in that he is thin, but not nearly as thin as a lot of the guys and has a very broad shoulders and chisled frame that he jumps out of the gym with. His 3 pt shot has definitely impoved (even though still needs some mechanical tweaking) as he was consistently hitting from outside when he got his feet set and body squared. His mid-range game is fantastic as he has real good elevation and very nice touch. Probably the most impressive thing that I noticed was how he was cleaning up the defensive boards from the wing position in the little scrimmaging that they did. Noel who was on the same team was actually struggling in this department consistently letting the ball get knocked out of his hands or off his fingers. Grant seems to have a super attitude and have just a fun time out there. His potential due to the combination of size/athleticism/genes is extraordinary and he has the looks of an NBA player. I know his height has been widely debated in relation to Anya and Coleman and I'd have to say he looks a solid 6'8 or pretty darn close to it. He looked to have an inch over some other guys listed at 6'7 like Poythress and Kyle Anderson. I'm not sure how he fits into the team next year because of the players that we have returning and limited minutes available, but if he doesn't get a lot of minutes it certainly won't be for him not being good enough. He can certainly contribute immediately and I would venture to say he will be a more complete player and ready to contribute when he arrives than many of our recently higher regarded forwards (top 40-100 guys)...Joseph, Nichols, Warrick, Damone Brown. Not saying he'll have a better career because those guys had some of the biggest improvements in the Boeheim era, but I believe Grant is coming in with a higher floor and potentially a higher ceiling too because of his versatility.

Other random stuff:

-Steven Adams- Pitt via New Zealand is a monster size wise (solid build, 7 ft) and moves pretty well and seemed to have good touch from what I saw. Didn't watch him very closely because he was on the other court but he definitely passes the "eye test" and he did shoot decent from what I saw. Heard quite a few players mentioning how he was going to be 1 and done.

-Noel- obviously he's been discussed thoroughly and we pretty much know what he's all about. He's definitely much more raw than Davis offensively who was unstoppable here last year and I'm not so so sure he's a better shot blocker like many are proclaiming. Noel definitely gets more of the highlight variety swat the hell out of the shot, but Davis' wingspan was just so long that he got his fingers on everything. Anyhow Noel is certainly a force and is going to be a stud.

-Jimmy Dykes hopping around the place like he owned it...what a douche

-After the practice they all line up on a long set of tables and the fans were given posters where they could go down the line and get autographs from the players. I didn't do this last year and wasn't going to until I realized they were giving out the posters and thought it would be a cool thing I could do and give to my son. I was decked out in 'cuse gear so was hearing it from some of the guys going down the line and got a chance to chit chat a little with some of them. They were all super polite and Shabaaz is well spoken just as comes off in the interviews. Ricky Ledo wanted to make sure that I was a Mike Carter-Williams Jerami was happy to see the Orange and I got to say hello and tell him how much I looked forward to seeing him play this coming season. Last one down the line was Noel and he was like "cuuuuuse" and I was like you disappointed me He appoligized and was pretty funny as we joked for a sec, but he seems like a good kid. He made the decision that many of us may have made ourselves if in his shoes so oh he's the enemy. All in all is was pretty cool go through the line and got a pretty sweet poster that I gave my son w/ possibly a few NBA future stars autographs on it.

If I think of anything else I'll add it, but it's pretty cool event that is free and not really advertised so kinda low key.

Some people have compared Grant to Hakim, but that's not the right equivalent - Hak was a better leaper, with loong extension. Grant is more polished offensively and will be a better defender in his first year. Hak got pushed around terribly his first year, and believe it or not, people were really upset that we didn't have Mark Konecny early on, because he was a more physical presence.

The person who I most compare Grant to is John Wallace. Watch his game. He's got a decent 3 ball already, and he's got a toughness and defensive presence about him. Handles the ball fairly well. He has that explosiveness around the hoop, but he doesn't leap out of the building like a Warrick.
Some people have compared Grant to Hakim, but that's not the right equivalent - Hak was a better leaper, with loong extension. Grant is more polished offensively and will be a better defender in his first year. Hak got pushed around terribly his first year, and believe it or not, people were really upset that we didn't have Mark Konecny early on, because he was a more physical presence.

The person who I most compare Grant to is John Wallace. Watch his game. He's got a decent 3 ball already, and he's got a toughness and defensive presence about him. Handles the ball fairly well. He has that explosiveness around the hoop, but he doesn't leap out of the building like a Warrick.
I have never seen him play, but given descriptions I was definitely thinking Hak. That said, I will definitely take a John Wallace prototype!
Awesome to hear. I think Grant will be a monster for SU in 2013-2014
Thanks for the post. I REALLY like Grant and his all-around game. He is probably already more 'dialed-in' in the intangibles area than Joseph. He sure does have some bounce too.
I assume that Grant has a relatively high basketball IQ, based on his genes. Sons of good players and coaches typically know the game better than others.
what about the folks on here saying, within the last couple of days, that Grant won't be anywhere near ready to contribute at all next year?
unfortunately you'll probably only see grant in november and december. he'll be next year's MCW -- can probably help the team out when the veterans are having a bad night, but we'll be left to speculate why he DNP.
what about the folks on here saying, within the last couple of days, that Grant won't be anywhere near ready to contribute at all next year?
Well he is still raw and only a freshman next year, but for a frosh he brings a pretty good all around game that can help the team if needed and he is given the opportunity. His biggest deficiency currently is the ability to create his own shot. Early in his çareer he will be more of an energy type player, but with hard work and some skill refinement he can be a heck of a player in a couple of years

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Followed Grant for some time and have remarked he is more CJ than CJ...he is fluid, smooth, eye for the board, got hops and can shoot and defend...not sure when he breaks out (good players a year or two ahead of him) but I believe he gets time and earns more. Obviously the interesting note here is he did not shy away from 'Cuse because of players ahead of him....lots of competition for time on court...I like that in a recruit (NN are you listening)
I love John Wallace, but to use the word defense in the same sentence is not a big compliment to Grant. Defense is the reason John didn't make it in the NBA.
honestly, I don't think there's a bigger douche anywhere in the college hoops media
Oh Lord
Dykes is probably still getting off on Noel coming to UK. While there are shills for every conference, Dykes is absolutely the worst for the SEC and UK in particular.
I assume that Grant has a relatively high basketball IQ, based on his genes. Sons of good players and coaches typically know the game better than others.

Playing for DeMatha doesn't hurt, either. That's a terrific program to be drawing from.
I love John Wallace, but to use the word defense in the same sentence is not a big compliment to Grant. Defense is the reason John didn't make it in the NBA.

John played defense well for us. How his game translated to the next level is kind of irrelevant.

and just for the record, his defense in the NBA was good enough for most teams, just not good enough for Pat Riley on a Knicks team that was full of thugs like Charles Oakley.
I'm really excited about Grant. I think the low expectations for Grant in terms of being an impact player too are in part because we've been in the running for some pretty high profile guys lately. Grant's no slouch, he might not be a McDonalds All American but he's a solid top 40-50 guy. In past years we may be looking at him as a guy we rely on right off the bat. Grants in a nice position where he can be on a winning team, not be called on to do too much too early, and can slowly grow into a bigger role over the course of his career. I think he'll be a real nice player and have a strong career. He also seems like a real good kid which always helps with recruiting, chemistry, and just overall program image.
Followed Grant for some time and have remarked he is more CJ than CJ...he is fluid, smooth, eye for the board, got hops and can shoot and defend...not sure when he breaks out (good players a year or two ahead of him) but I believe he gets time and earns more. Obviously the interesting note here is he did not shy away from 'Cuse because of players ahead of him....lots of competition for time on court...I like that in a recruit (NN are you listening)

Not entirely fair to say... NN and Grant arent looking to get the same things out of college.
BTW thanks OburgCuse, great report filled with a lot of good information. I really appreciate reports like these along with Francis's information, it makes the board a great tool fans source for information.
I'm really excited about Grant. I think the low expectations for Grant in terms of being an impact player too are in part because we've been in the running for some pretty high profile guys lately. Grant's no slouch, he might not be a McDonalds All American but he's a solid top 40-50 guy. In past years we may be looking at him as a guy we rely on right off the bat. Grants in a nice position where he can be on a winning team, not be called on to do too much too early, and can slowly grow into a bigger role over the course of his career. I think he'll be a real nice player and have a strong career. He also seems like a real good kid which always helps with recruiting, chemistry, and just overall program image.
I think we may see Grant's progression similar to CJs.

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