Monthly Net Points- after November |

Monthly Net Points- after November


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Here are the details on the “Net Points” averaged by each scholarship player on the Syracuse team this season.

I compute the minutes, (M), per game for which the player was available. Thus Jeremy Grant’s average is over 7 games because he was suspended for one game. On the other hand Tyler Roberson, BJ Johnson and Ron Patterson have played in only four games each but they’ve been available for all 8 games so their average is per 8 games. All the other statistics: points, (P), rebounds, (R ), assists (A), steals, (S), blocks, (B), missed field goals, (MFG), missed free throws, (MFT), turnovers, (TO) and personal fouls (PF), are per 40 minutes of play. You add the “positives” (P,R,A,S,B) and subtract the “negatives”, (MFG,MFT,TO,PF) and you have “net points” (NP). Subtract MFG and MFT from P and you have “offensive efficiency” (OE). Then subtract OE from NP and you get “floor game” (FG).

I’ve put the players in three sections: Centers, Forwards and Guards. I’m counting Rakeem Chrsitmas as a center, even though he starts at forward because he plays there as much as at forward and the forward who replaces him plays more minutes than he does. I’m including BJ Johnson as a forward, even if he could play the “2”. Michael Gbinije can play forward but he’s being used as a guard so that’s where I have put him.

The first installment is “after November” but I didn’t get to it until after the 12/3/04 Indiana game.


14.4M 13.6P 12.5R 0.7A 1.0S 1.7B = 29.5+ 3.1MFG 4.2MFT 1.0TO 4.5PF = 12.8- = 16.2NP 6.3OE 10.4FG
Last Year
9.5M 15.0P 12.4R 0.5A 1.7S 1.2B = 30.8+ 7.1MFG 4.6MFT 3.0TO 3.9PF = 18.6- = 12.2NP 3.3OE 8.9FG

22.1M 8.8P 7.2R 1.1A 1.1S 2.3B = 20.5+ 1.6MFG 0.7MFT 1.1TO 5.9PF = 9.3- = 11.2NP 6.5OE 4.7FG
Last Year
20.8M 9.8P 8.8R 0.4A 1.0S 3.5B = 23.5+ 3.7MFG 1.1MFT 1.7TO 4.8PF = 11.3- = 12.2NP 5.0OE 7.2FG

14.6M 6.2P 8.9R 2.1A 1.0S 2.1B = 20.3+ 2.1MFG 0.7MFT 2.4TO 6.8PF = 12.0- = 8.3NP 3.4OE 4.9FG
Last Year
16.8m 8.9p 8.9r 0.4a 1.3s 2.7b = 22.2+ 2.0mfg 1.5mft 1.3to 5.7pf = 10.5- = 11.7NP 5.4OE 6.3FG

Comment: Coleman’s numbers were built up against the earlier, weaker teams. He doesn’t play much against the good teams for defensive reasons. But it is interesting that his rate of committing fouls, (which are often the product of bad defense), is less that Christmas or Keita, who are fouling so much that they couldn’t play an entire game because they’d foul out before it was over. It’s more interesting that that was also true last year. It’s also true that all three centers are fouling more than they did last year, which means the other team has been getting the ball into the paint too easily. Coleman is easily the best scorer and rebounder of the three and we will be really good if he ever “gets it” on defense. Keita’s production is way down. You wonder if he’s dealing with some kind of in jury or maybe his skinny body can’t take the onslaught of guys into the paint we have been getting this year.


36.3M 19.4P 6.2R 1.1A 1.8S 0.6B = 29.1+ 8.8MFG 0.7MFT 4.1TO 2.5PF = 16.1- = 13.0NP 9.9OE 3.1FG
Last Year
34.9M 16.7P 8.0R 0.8A 1.3S 1.2Bb = 28.0+ 7.0MFG 1.1MFT 1.8TO 1.8PF = 11.7- = 16.3NP 8.6OE 7.7FG

27.6M 18.9P 8.7R 2.1A 1.0S 1.0B = 31.7+ 7.0MFG 3.3MFT 0.8TO 3.5PF = 14.6- = 17.1NP 8.6OE 8.5FG
Last Year
14.3M 10.8P 8.3R 1.3A 1.2S 1.2B = 22.8+ 4.4MFG 2.2MFT 1.8TO 3.8PF = 13.2- = 10.6NP 4.2OE 6.4FG

4.6M 11.9P 10.8R 1.1A 2.2S 2.2B = 28.2+ 15.3MFG 1.1MFT 1.1TO 2.2PF = 19.7- = 8.5NP -4.5OE 13.0FG

3.3M 13.8P 3.1R 0.0A 0.0S 3.1B = 19.7+ 12.3MFG 0.0MFT 3.1TO 6.2PF = 21.6- = -1.6NP 1.5OE 3.1FG

Comment: Fair and Grant are one of the best forward tandems in college but Fair, despite his MVP in Maui, (which should have gone to Ennis), is having a sub-par season so far. He’s actually scoring more but missing more shots, rebounding less and committing far more turnovers. Part of it is adjusting to be the “main man”. Part of it is trying to show off his one on one skills for the NBA. Part of it is that, early on the has getting all the defensive attention. He’s doing better now that the backcourt guys have come on so strong. Everyone can see Grant’s talent but he hasn’t demonstrated the ability to be a strong contributors in a game-by-game basis. Roberson and Johnson have three more chances to prove they deserve more playing time: Binghamton, High Point and Eastern Michigan. If they and Patterson don’t shine in those games, we’ll have an 8 man rotation, (as usual).


32.5M 15.2P 4.5R 6.3A 3.7S 0.3B = 30.0+ 6.5MFG 1.5MFT 1.4TO 1.7PF = 11.1- = 18.9NP 7.2OE 11.7FG

29.6M 20.4P 2.2R 2.9A 3.5S 0.0B = 29.0+ 7.4MFG 0.5MFT 1.7TO 1.5PF = 11.1- = 17.9NP 12.5OE 5.4FG
Last Year
11.2M 12.2P 2.9R 2.1A 2.6S 0.3B = 20.1+ 9.1MFG 0.4MFT 1.7TO 3.0PF = 14.2- = 5.9NP 2.7OE 3.2FG

15.3M 10.5P 5.9R 3.9A 2.0S 0.7B = 23.0+ 4.6MFG 3.0MFT 1.6TO 4.3PF = 13.5- = 17.9NP 12.5OE 5.4FG

2.9M 10.4P 5.2R 3.5A 3.5S 0.0B = 22.6+ 8.7MFG 0.0MFT 3.5TO 3.5PF = 15.7- = 6.96NP 1.7OE 5.2FG

Comment: The “T and T backcourt” have almost taken over the team, the games and the season. Ennis and Cooney have, quite simply, been our best players. Ennis is playing like a senior all-American with a 4 ½ to one assist to turnover ratio, (2-1 is considered good). And he’s shown he can score and rebound, too. Cooney has become the deadly jump shooter he was advertised to be. But he’s also a good defender, (he and Ennis are averaging 7 steals a game), and can drive to the basket and dunk, which is something GMAC and Andy Rautins could not do. The only question is: to what extent are they responsible for the ball getting in the paint so much such that the centers are struggling to stop two point scoring, (other teams are shooting 50% from inside the arc after 42.5% last year), and fouling too much ?

Michael Gbiniije is actually playing OK overall, getting 6 rebounds and 4 assists per 40 minutes vs. 2 turnovers. But I thou8gh he might shoot and score a bit better. But eh can fulfill the “jack of all trades” roll. Patterson, like the other “sons”, has shown flashes of ability but needs to really show the coach something in these coming games to see much action once the conference season starts.

(1982-83 onward and only their best NP year represented)


Rony Seikaly 27.1m 22.2p 12.0r 1.4a 1.1s 3.0b 39.7+ 6.4mfg 3.7mft 2.9to 4.3pf 17.3- = 22.4NP 12.1OE 10.3FG (1986-87)

LeRon Ellis 29.0m 15.3p 10.6r 1.9a 2.7s 3.4b +33.9 5.9mfg 2.0mft 1.9to 4.7pf -14.5 = 19.4NP 7.4OE 12.0FG (1990-91)

Conrad McRae 30.0m 16.4p 9.2r 0.6a 1.6s 3.6b +31.4 4.9mfg 1.0mft 2.1to 4.3pf -12.3 = 19.1NP 10.5OE 8.6FG (1992-93)

Otis Hill 29.3m 21.3p 8.3r 1.2a 2.3s 1.5b +34.6 7.1mfg 2.3mft 2.7to 4.7pf -16.8 = 17.8NP 8.4OE 9.4FG (1996-97)

Etan Thomas 27.7m 17.7p 10.6r 0.7a 1.2s 5.7b +35.9 4.0mfg 3.5mft 2.5to 4.0pf -14.0 = 21.9NP 10.2OE 11.7FG (1999-2000)

Craig Forth 23.2m 9.8p 10.0r 1.2a 1.0s 3.5b 25.5+ 3.3mfg 0.7mft 2.2to 4.8pf 11.0- = 14.5NP 5.8OE 8.7FG (2003-04)

Darryl Watkins 29.1m 11.1p 10.4r 1.0a 1.7s 4.7b 28.9+ 3.4mfg 1.9mft 2.1to 4.9pf 12.3- = 16.6NP 5.8OE 10.8FG (2006-07)

Arinze Onuaku 22.8M 18.5P 9.0r 1.1a 1.6s 1.9b 32.0+ 4.2mfg 2.2mft 2.4to 4.7pf 13.5- = 18.5NP 12.1OE 6.4FG (2009-10)

Fab Melo 25.4M 12.3P 9.2R 1.1A 0.8S 4.6B = 28.0+ 3.9mfg 1.2mft 2.3to 4.5pf = 11.9- = 16.1NP 7.2OE 8.9FG (2011-12)


Leo Rautins 31.8m 17.8p 9.2r 7.8a 1.9s 0.5b 37.2+ 6.8mfg 1.0mft 4.5to 3.6pf 15.9- = 21.3NP 10.0OE 11.3FG (1982-83)

Rafael Addison 31.6m 18.9p 7.1r 5.2a 1.6s 0.6b 33.4+ 7.1,fg 0.7mft 2.8to 2.7pf 13.3- = 20.1NP 11.1OE 9.0FG (1985-86)

Wendell Alexis 31.8m 19.1p 9.3r 2.0a 1.7s 1.3b 33.4+ 6.4mfg 0.9mft 2.2to 3.6pf 13.1- = 20.3NP 11.8OE 8.5FG (1985-86)

Derrick Coleman 33.1m 20.4p 13.8r 3.5a 1.5s 4.1b 43.3+ 5.5mfg 2.5mft 2.9to 3.9pf 14.8- = 28.5NP 12.4OE 16.1FG (1988-89)

Billy Owens 38.0m 24.5p 12.2r 3.6a 2.6s 1.2b +44.1 9.0mfg 2.5mft 3.7to 2.8pf -18.0 = 26.1NP 13.0OE 13.1FG (1990-91)

Dave Johnson 34.9m 22.2p 7.2r 2.7a 1.8s 0.1b +34.0 8.1mfg 2.4mft 2.4to 2.8pf -15.7 = 18.3NP 11.7OE 6.6FG (1990-91)

Lawrence Moten 34.8m 24.6p 5.2r 2.5a 2.3s 0.7b +35.3 9.4mfg 1.7mft 2.1to 2.5pf -15.7 = 19.6NP 13.5OE 6.1FG (1993-94)

John Wallace 33.0m 20.4p 9.9r 3.1a 1.6s 2.2b +37.2 5.6mfg 2.0mft 3.7to 3.2pf -14.5 = 22.7NP 12.8OE 9.9FG (1994-95)

Todd Burgan 36.7m 19.2p 7.7r 3.6a 2.2s 0.2b +32.9 9.0mfg 1.6mft 3.2to 2.9pf -16.7 = 16.2NP 8.6OE 7.6FG (1997-98)

Ryan Blackwell 35.0m 14.4p 9.4r 2.6a 1.6s 0.4b +28.4 5.8mfg 1.6mft 2.9to 2.3pf -12.6 = 17.2NP 7.0OE 10.2FG (1997-98)

Eric Williams 12.5m 17.8p 10.9r 3.2a 2.3s 0.9b +35.1 5.9mfg 0.7mft 4.1to 4.3pf -15.0 = 20.1NP 11.2OE 8.9FG (1998-99)

Damone Brown 35.9m 18.3p 9.8r 2.1a 1.9s 1.6b +33.7 7.3mfg 1.1mft 2.3to 3.0pf -13.7 = 20.0NP 9.9OE 10.1FG (2000-01)

Preston Shumpert 36.9m 22.4p 6.6r 2.5a 2.0s 0.5b +34.0 10.1mfg 1.0mft 2.8to 1.8pf -15.7 = 18.3NP 11.3OE 7.0FG (2001-02)

Carmelo Anthony 36.4m 24.4p 11.0r 2.4a 1.7s 0.9b +40.4 10.5mfg 2.2mft 2.4to 2.4pf -17.5 = 22.9NP 11.7OE 11.2FG (2002-03)

Hakim Warrick 37.5m 22.8p 9.2r 1.6a 1.0s 0.8b 35.4+ 6.6mfg 3.1mft 2.7to 2.5pf 14.9- = 20.5NP 13.1OE 7.4FG (2004-05)

Josh Pace 33.3m 13.0p 6.0r 4.5a 1.8s 0.5b 25.8+ 4.5mfg 0.8mft 2.4to 1.9pf 9.6- = 16.2NP 7.7OE 8.5FG (2004-05)

Demetris Nichols 34.8m 21.8p 6.2r 1.8a 1.6s 1.2b 32.6+ 9.1mfg 0.7mft 2.5to 2.4pf 14.7- = 17.9NP 12.0OE 5.9FG (2006-07)

Donte Greene 35.8m 19.8p 8.0r 2.3a 1.4s 1.8b 33.3+ 9.7mfg 1.2mft 2.9to 3.2pf 17.0- = 16.3NP 8.9OE 7.4FG (2007-08)

Paul Harris 30.5m 15.8p 10.5r 2.8a 1.3s 0.9b 31.3+ 5.6mfg 1.5mft 2.8to 2.5pf 12.4- = 18.9NP 8.7OE 10.2FG (2008-09)

Wes Johnson 35.0m 18.9p 9.8r 2.5a 1.9s 2.1b 35.2+ 6.7mfg 1.1mft 2.6to 2.4pf 12.8- = 22.4NP 11.1OE 11.6FG (2009-10)

Kris Joseph 27.0M 16.6P 7.9R 2.4A 2.0S 0.6B 29.5+ 5.7MFG 1.8MFT 2.4TO 2.6PF 12.5- = +17.0NP +9.1OE +7.9FG (2009-10)

Rick Jackson
35.6m 14.7p 11.6r 2.5a 1.5s 2.8b 33.1+ 4.3mfg 2.1mft 2.3to 2.3pf 11.0- = 22.1NP 8.3OE 13.8FG (2010-11)

James Southerland 16.0m 17.0p 7.8r 0.9a 2.1s 2.3b = 30.1+ 7.4mfg 0.7mft 0.8to 3.3pf = 13.7- = 17.9NP 8.9OE 9.0FG (2011-12)


Eric Santifer 31.5m 22.7p 6.3r 4.2a 1.9s 0.2b 35.3+ 6.6mfg 1.4mft 3.3to 3.0pf 14.3- = 21.0NP 15.2OE 5.8FG (1982-83)

Tony Bruin 26.0m 21.0p 8.1r 3.1a 1.4s 0.4b +34.0 6.8mfg 2.7mft 3.0to 4.8pf 17.5 = 16.5NP 11.5OE 5.0FG

Pearl Washington 32.2m 21.5p 3.1r 9.7a 3.2s 0.0b 37.5+ 7.3mfg 1.8mft 4.1to 3.4pf 16.6- = 20.9NP 12.4OE 8.5FG (1985-86)

Sherman Douglas 32.6m 21.3p 3.1r 9.3a 2.1s 0.2b 36.0+ 7.0mfg 1.7mft 3.9to 2.3pf 14.9- = 21.1NP 12.6OE 8.5FG (1986-87)

Stevie Thompson 33.1m 21.7p 6.0r 2.2a 2.4s 0.5b 32.8+ 5.3mfg 2.7mft 2.6to 2.3pf 12.9- = 19.9NP 13.7OE 6.2FG (1988-89)

Adrian Autry 35.7m 18.7p 5.4r 6.8a 1.8s 0.4b +33.1 8.1mfg 1.0mft 4.3to 2.9pf -16.3 = 16.8NP 9.6OE 7.2FG (1993-94)

Lazarus Sims 35.6m 7.1p 4.1r 8.3a 1.6s 0.1b +21.2 2.9mfg 0.7mft 3.6to 2.2pf -9.4 = 11.8NP 3.5OE 8.3FG (1995-96)

Jason Hart 32.4m 17.2p 3.7r 5.4a 3.8s 0.2b +30.3 9.0mfg 0.9mft 3.9to 3.7pf -17.5 = 12.8NP 7.3OE 5.5FG (1998-99)

Gerry McNamara 35.2m 18.2p 3.1r 6.7a 2.1s 0.1b 30.2+ 10.3mfg, 0.4mft 3.8to 1.5pf 16.0- = 14.2NP 7.5OE 6.7FG (2005-06)

Billy Edelin 33.1m 16.7p 5.1r 6.3a 1.6s 0.1b 29.8+ 6.1mfg 2.3mft 2.4to 2.1pf 12.9- = 16.9NP 8.3OE 8.6FG (2003-04)

Eric Devendorf 34.2m 19.9p 3.0r 4.6a 2.0s 0.5b 30.0+ 8.2mfg 1.1mft 4.0to 3.4pf 16.7- = 13.3NP 10.6OE 2.7FG (2008-09)

Jonny Flynn 37.3m 18.7p 2.9r 7.2a 1.5s 0.2b 30.5+ 7.2mfg 1.4mft 3.6to 1.6pf 13.6- = 16.7NP 10.1OE 6.6FG (2008-09)

Andy Rautins 32.5m 14.9p 4.2r 6.0a 2.4s 0.3b 27.8+ 5.8mfg 0.5mft 3.4to 2.7pf 12.4- = 15.4NP 8.6OE 6.8FG (2009-10)

Scoop Jardine 25.2m 14.1p 3.7r 7.8a 2.1s 0.2b = 27.9+ 6.0mfg 1.3mft 3.6to 1.7pf = 12.6- = 15.3NP 6.8OE 8.5FG (2011-12)

Dion Waiters 24.1m 21.0p 3.8r 4.1a 3.0s 0.5b = 32.4+ 8.4mfg 1.4mft 2.2to 3.1pf = 15.1- = 17.3NP 11.2OE 6.1FG (2011-12)

Brandon Triche 22.5m 16.6p 4.4r 4.6a 1.8s 0.2b = 27.6+ 8.0mfg 0.9mft 2.4to 2.4pf = 13.7- = 13.9NP 7.7OE 6.2FG (2011-12)

Michael Carter-Williams 35.2m 13.5p 5.5r 8.3a 3.2s 0.5b 31.0+ 6.8mfg 1.6mft 3.9to 2.6pf 14.9- = 16.1NP 5.1OE 11.0FG (2012-13)
That is crazy production from two guards who are starting for the first time even if Cooney did get a 2 year apprenticeship which it seems he used very well.
Interesting about GBINIJE - silent production indeed!
Interesting about GBINIJE - silent production indeed!
He serves his role, he does very little wrong in his game. However, as the season goes on we're gonna have to press him to extend his role to add an additional competent, attention worthy scoring threat. Ideally if everything worked out he could establish himself as a mid range/perimeter scorer.

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