My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
I think almost all SU fans have been dreading playing this game. We all remember what happened in 2017. The team was poised to get ranked and go to a great bowl game after the Clemson game, but injuries/lack of depth caught up with the team, almost everyone on defense played hurt and we could not stop simple power run plays. Just got physically dominated the second part of the season.

When Clemson and Pitt dominated the late stages of those games this season with power runs, and our defense was clearly exhausted, the outlook for the rest of the season didn’t look good. How could we stop ND and BC from running the ball? Heck, how could we stop Wake and N.C. State?

Props to the coaches for recognizing that we couldn’t stop the run running 4 2 5. Once we started playing Shy against run formations, everything changed. I thought Shy again played really well yesterday. There was a graphic displayed during the game saying BC threw tee ball to the TE more than any other school (over 60%!). The BC TEs have terrorized the SU defense I. The past but not this time. I saw a lot of targets though, and it seemed like Shy was covering the TE just about every time and breaking up the play every time. It had to be very sweet for Shy to have a big game in front of his friends and famiy, against a lot of players he must know from growing up in the area. His speed, strength, toughness and smarts (he has a knack of being in the right place at the right time) were huge. And he did it all playing with a broken thumb.

On the subject of linebackers, the ascent of Ryan Guthrie as this season has developed needs to be talked about more. He is playing at an insanely high level. Seems to make a great tackle a couple of times every series. What a tackling machine. I will be very disappointed if he doesn’t make at least 2nd team all conference. Whitner doesn’t have Guthrie physical gifts. He isn’t the biggest or strongest guy in the world, isn’t a big hitter and doesn’t have awesome speed. But he makes his reads well and I think he is really good defending the pass.

When I heard no Josh Black and no Kendall Coleman (and no Cordy), I was really worried. Wanted to credit Kingsley for continuing his improvement at DE. He has been quietly been making strides at DE but really stepped up yesterday, particularly against the run. It is a shame Black got hurt; he has been playing the best ball of his career and just displaced McKinley Williams as the starting NT. McKinley really stepped up with Black out though.

Robinson had another big game. He has become more than a good pass rusher who can’t defend the run his season. Much more disciplined, noticeably stronger and tougher holding the edge and blowing up running plays. There are some great DEs in the ACC. BC has 2, Clemson has 3 and #99 for Florida State is awesome too. Coleman, when healthy, is damned good too. But Robinson needs to be at least 2nd team all conference. He has become a complete player, a focal point of the defense and has elevated the entire defense with his play.

Chris Slayton doesn’t make many tackles. He doesn’t get many sacks either and most of the time, you can’t even see him in the mass of humanity he works from every play. But he occupies 2 OL just about every play and that gives players like Robinson and Guthrie to shine. I hope he makes all conference. I haven’t said this in a long time but there is no doubt in my mind he will get drafted and play in the NFL. Enjoy him while we still have him.

Thought Trill was terrific except for the foolish late hit. That interception was something AA types do. He shut down his guy much of the game and made some huge hits too. Can defend in space like no one else on the team and is making some good plays defending the run too. I kind of take Fredrick for granted at this point. He is good In man coverage and solid against the run too.

Foster also did a good job taking the BC TEs out of the game. He is tackling much better this season. Probably the biggest hitter on the team. Has the size and speed we need at SS. And Cisco had another good game. He is up there now in Tommy Myers/Markus Paul territory with interceptions now, and keeps getting better defending the run too. I think he is going to be 2nd team all conference as a frosh.

I like Tommy Devito a lot. The guy has a ton of talent and i expect him to win a lot of games during his time at Syracuse. But this is not his time. If there was any doubt who the first team all conference QB was in the ACC this year, that issue was settled on Saturday. Ryan Finley is a fine quarterback and I have a lot of respect for him. He makes good reads and throws it accurately. But Eric does all that plus serves as another RB out of the backfield plus brings a special ability to make a big play out of nothing, often in crucial situations, that makes this offense so hard to defend.

I can’t believe he played. Period. Then he dominates the game and makes play after play where there should have been a sack or an interception or an incomplete pass. Dino likes to say there will be a lot of tall tales told about Eric when he is gone. Yeah. Exactly,

I am really happy these seniors get a chance to see their team get national respect, a place in the top 25, highlights on SportsCenter, enjoy the excitement of bowl talk, get the bling bowl teams get, etc. So good to see the senior roomies Whitner, Guthrie and Dungey go out like this. Richly deserved. But perhaps the guy I am most happy from is Strickland.

He hasn’t enjoyed a ton of success on the field. Even his own fan base has not been very supportive. I am sure he has gotten a ton of crap from RU freaks at home and then there is the whole nightmare he went through in HS. He is having a really good senior season and had a monster game Saturday. Was great to see how hard he ran and how well he did.

What was up with that awful crowd for BC?

That hit #28 made on Stritz was a cheap shot and that thug should have been ejected. Officials are entrusted with the health of the kids playing the game and thry have to make protecting them their top priority. Was also disappointed at the shockingly late whistle when BC had Dungey tied up with 4 guys running him backwards and the incompetent officials were too lazy to blow their whistles. Another cheap shot where the officials were just as responsible as the BC thugs.

Camping Bowl. There should be no debate from anyone. Syracuse is clearly the 2nd best team in the ACC. This is the 2nd best landing spot this year. End of story. NC State, enjoy Charlotte.

Loved Dino’s presser. He is so smart and enjoyable to listen to. It is great to have the most intelligent and articulate coach in the country. I so like being relevant again. Like everyone else, hoping and praying an extension will be forthcoming. This is a major fork in the road for the football program. I don’t expect Syracuse to pay $5 million a year for Dino. If he wants SEC money, he can get to be able to going elsewhere. I hope Dino is not just about money. I hope SU is not just about keeping salaries and spending low. I hope Dino will stay if we complete the Dome reno, give the staff substantial raises and address other infrastructure issues to level the playing field for recruiting. The issue of player housing needs to be addressed. Hoping some big money alums, probably former players, can step up and help here.

This is it. Do we want to be a player in college athletics? The Dome reno is a huge step. We are so close. C’mon Dino. C’mon John. C’mon alums. Let’s make this happen!
wildhack will open the piggy bank. It’s no longer money I’m worried about.
Was also disappointed at the shockingly late whistle when BC had Dungey tied up with 4 guys running him backwards and the incompetent officials were too lazy to blow their whistles!

What I didn’t get was, if they don’t blow their whistles, you cannot enforce a sack on that play. Should have been incomplete pass, and let the refs suffer the embarrassment of the play resulting in no loss of yardage. It’s one of the other.
I agree, Tom, about the money part.

We are AAA in salaries (to use a baseball metaphor) and there are schools that are major leagues. There are schools that put more emphasis on football and the expenses that go with it than being an academic institution (I'm looking at you, SEC). It's just the way it is and truthfully I am proud of my alma mater for not being one of those.

The thing that worries me is this; Dino is a late bloomer. SU was really his first big payday. He is late 50's and has been a journeyman assistant/coordinator and mid-major head coach up until 3 years ago. He has a finite amount of time to be a financial rock star in his profession if that is what drives him. He and his wife have moved around a lot and may not want to move again. Or maybe they have no problem with moving one more time. Only they know. They have lived a ton of places. Maybe they can be happy with Syracuse being their final stop. Or maybe they hate the snow. Only they know. Maybe Dino desires the prestige that comes from coaching at a true traditional football factory or perhaps he likes the idea of building a national power in an indoor facility in CNY that allows his offense the maximum climatological advantage. Only he knows. I do firmly believe that Dino is positive that he can be successful anywhere he wishes and he is probably right.

Mac was likewise a journeyman assistant prior to SU and he said that taking the Patriots job allowed he and his wife to see their way financially through for the rest of their lives. I do worry about whether that might apply to Dino as well and whether whatever package of $$$ and facilities we can offer will satisfy the side of him. Perhaps I am worrying over nothing. I hope so.
Question? What was up with the low and strange snaps to Dungey yesterday? He had to bend over and pick up a number of snaps almost off the ground. I kept thinking 'ouch' for a QB with a bad back. They seemed very difficult to handle. Also kudos to Dungey for pulling BC and in particular #96 offsides with hard counts - that appeared to be an additional new twist for the offense.
That hit #28 made on Stritz was a cheap shot and that thug should have been ejected.
i believe the rule states you are not allowed to lead with the crown of the helmet. if contact is made with the lower body first then helmet to helmet is allowed. i believe that is why the officials waived off targeting on review. the helmet was not the initial contact point.
I think almost all SU fans have been dreading playing this game. We all remember what happened in 2017. The team was poised to get ranked and go to a great bowl game after the Clemson game, but injuries/lack of depth caught up with the team, almost everyone on defense played hurt and we could not stop simple power run plays. Just got physically dominated the second part of the season.

When Clemson and Pitt dominated the late stages of those games this season with power runs, and our defense was clearly exhausted, the outlook for the rest of the season didn’t look good. How could we stop ND and BC from running the ball? Heck, how could we stop Wake and N.C. State?

Props to the coaches for recognizing that we couldn’t stop the run running 4 2 5. Once we started playing Shy against run formations, everything changed. I thought Shy again played really well yesterday. There was a graphic displayed during the game saying BC threw tee ball to the TE more than any other school (over 60%!). The BC TEs have terrorized the SU defense I. The past but not this time. I saw a lot of targets though, and it seemed like Shy was covering the TE just about every time and breaking up the play every time. It had to be very sweet for Shy to have a big game in front of his friends and famiy, against a lot of players he must know from growing up in the area. His speed, strength, toughness and smarts (he has a knack of being in the right place at the right time) were huge. And he did it all playing with a broken thumb.

On the subject of linebackers, the ascent of Ryan Guthrie as this season has developed needs to be talked about more. He is playing at an insanely high level. Seems to make a great tackle a couple of times every series. What a tackling machine. I will be very disappointed if he doesn’t make at least 2nd team all conference. Whitner doesn’t have Guthrie physical gifts. He isn’t the biggest or strongest guy in the world, isn’t a big hitter and doesn’t have awesome speed. But he makes his reads well and I think he is really good defending the pass.

When I heard no Josh Black and no Kendall Coleman (and no Cordy), I was really worried. Wanted to credit Kingsley for continuing his improvement at DE. He has been quietly been making strides at DE but really stepped up yesterday, particularly against the run. It is a shame Black got hurt; he has been playing the best ball of his career and just displaced McKinley Williams as the starting NT. McKinley really stepped up with Black out though.

Robinson had another big game. He has become more than a good pass rusher who can’t defend the run his season. Much more disciplined, noticeably stronger and tougher holding the edge and blowing up running plays. There are some great DEs in the ACC. BC has 2, Clemson has 3 and #99 for Florida State is awesome too. Coleman, when healthy, is damned good too. But Robinson needs to be at least 2nd team all conference. He has become a complete player, a focal point of the defense and has elevated the entire defense with his play.

Chris Slayton doesn’t make many tackles. He doesn’t get many sacks either and most of the time, you can’t even see him in the mass of humanity he works from every play. But he occupies 2 OL just about every play and that gives players like Robinson and Guthrie to shine. I hope he makes all conference. I haven’t said this in a long time but there is no doubt in my mind he will get drafted and play in the NFL. Enjoy him while we still have him.

Thought Trill was terrific except for the foolish late hit. That interception was something AA types do. He shut down his guy much of the game and made some huge hits too. Can defend in space like no one else on the team and is making some good plays defending the run too. I kind of take Fredrick for granted at this point. He is good In man coverage and solid against the run too.

Foster also did a good job taking the BC TEs out of the game. He is tackling much better this season. Probably the biggest hitter on the team. Has the size and speed we need at SS. And Cisco had another good game. He is up there now in Tommy Myers/Markus Paul territory with interceptions now, and keeps getting better defending the run too. I think he is going to be 2nd team all conference as a frosh.

I like Tommy Devito a lot. The guy has a ton of talent and i expect him to win a lot of games during his time at Syracuse. But this is not his time. If there was any doubt who the first team all conference QB was in the ACC this year, that issue was settled on Saturday. Ryan Finley is a fine quarterback and I have a lot of respect for him. He makes good reads and throws it accurately. But Eric does all that plus serves as another RB out of the backfield plus brings a special ability to make a big play out of nothing, often in crucial situations, that makes this offense so hard to defend.

I can’t believe he played. Period. Then he dominates the game and makes play after play where there should have been a sack or an interception or an incomplete pass. Dino likes to say there will be a lot of tall tales told about Eric when he is gone. Yeah. Exactly,

I am really happy these seniors get a chance to see their team get national respect, a place in the top 25, highlights on SportsCenter, enjoy the excitement of bowl talk, get the bling bowl teams get, etc. So good to see the senior roomies Whitner, Guthrie and Dungey go out like this. Richly deserved. But perhaps the guy I am most happy from is Strickland.

He hasn’t enjoyed a ton of success on the field. Even his own fan base has not been very supportive. I am sure he has gotten a ton of crap from RU freaks at home and then there is the whole nightmare he went through in HS. He is having a really good senior season and had a monster game Saturday. Was great to see how hard he ran and how well he did.

What was up with that awful crowd for BC?

That hit #28 made on Stritz was a cheap shot and that thug should have been ejected. Officials are entrusted with the health of the kids playing the game and thry have to make protecting them their top priority. Was also disappointed at the shockingly late whistle when BC had Dungey tied up with 4 guys running him backwards and the incompetent officials were too lazy to blow their whistles. Another cheap shot where the officials were just as responsible as the BC thugs.

Camping Bowl. There should be no debate from anyone. Syracuse is clearly the 2nd best team in the ACC. This is the 2nd best landing spot this year. End of story. NC State, enjoy Charlotte.

Loved Dino’s presser. He is so smart and enjoyable to listen to. It is great to have the most intelligent and articulate coach in the country. I so like being relevant again. Like everyone else, hoping and praying an extension will be forthcoming. This is a major fork in the road for the football program. I don’t expect Syracuse to pay $5 million a year for Dino. If he wants SEC money, he can get to be able to going elsewhere. I hope Dino is not just about money. I hope SU is not just about keeping salaries and spending low. I hope Dino will stay if we complete the Dome reno, give the staff substantial raises and address other infrastructure issues to level the playing field for recruiting. The issue of player housing needs to be addressed. Hoping some big money alums, probably former players, can step up and help here.

This is it. Do we want to be a player in college athletics? The Dome reno is a huge step. We are so close. C’mon Dino. C’mon John. C’mon alums. Let’s make this happen!
Tom all of your post are great. I look forward to them after each game. This one is top 5. I couldn't agree with you more. The administration has a rare opportunity to achieve greatness again. Jan 1 greatness. We wont find another Dino. He is perfect for us. I hope they all realize this and dare to be great.
Not going to lie I was hoping for shy to be matched up more with the running back. I was nervous every time he dropped into coverage... would have loved him to blitz more. He did a decent job... had the dropped interception I give him a hard time for but I know he couldn’t help it with the thumb. I think he had 2 other passes defended. They split him out wide one time and I almost threw up when I saw it but they threw the other way... still not used to seeing him in coverage. I am glad the coaches decided to start playing him and I know they trust him and he grades well with what they assign him. I think him doing what he does has freed up ryan to be more aggressive and doing well with his assignments. Not going to lie his Ryan’s job is what I want to see Shy play. I think he will do very well with those assignments and his tackles and tackles for loss could be crazy. I would like to say thanks to the guys who have said all the nice things about Shy. It’s good to hear from someone else besides myself lol. Plus it offsets the... Shy is to slow... the coaches know he can’t play or he would... shy isn’t good enough to play in the acc posts. Looking forward to the bowl and hopefully a fully healed Shy out there for a big stage game to play more!
i believe the rule states you are not allowed to lead with the crown of the helmet. if contact is made with the lower body first then helmet to helmet is allowed. i believe that is why the officials waived off targeting on review. the helmet was not the initial contact point.
I think it was, but the problem was that the camera angle didn't make it clear on the replay and the officials weren't close enough to the collision to make the call during the play.
i believe the rule states you are not allowed to lead with the crown of the helmet. if contact is made with the lower body first then helmet to helmet is allowed. i believe that is why the officials waived off targeting on review. the helmet was not the initial contact point.

I disagree with your take. It was very clearly helmet-to-helmet contact at the defender's point of impact. It's not like he jumped into him legs first.
I disagree with your take. It was very clearly helmet-to-helmet contact at the defender's point of impact. It's not like he jumped into him legs first.

What killed me was that the play was really over too- there was no runback on that kick that I can even recall that needed any blocking. Targeting calls just seem to be applied subjectively when the goal was supposedly to help curb serious injuries especially head trauma like Stritzinger suffered. The message was it's okay to take free shots to an opponents's head even when there is no play since it's a crap shoot whether it will be penalized.
Not going to lie I was hoping for shy to be matched up more with the running back. I was nervous every time he dropped into coverage... would have loved him to blitz more. He did a decent job... had the dropped interception I give him a hard time for but I know he couldn’t help it with the thumb. I think he had 2 other passes defended. They split him out wide one time and I almost threw up when I saw it but they threw the other way... still not used to seeing him in coverage. I am glad the coaches decided to start playing him and I know they trust him and he grades well with what they assign him. I think him doing what he does has freed up ryan to be more aggressive and doing well with his assignments. Not going to lie his Ryan’s job is what I want to see Shy play. I think he will do very well with those assignments and his tackles and tackles for loss could be crazy. I would like to say thanks to the guys who have said all the nice things about Shy. It’s good to hear from someone else besides myself lol. Plus it offsets the... Shy is to slow... the coaches know he can’t play or he would... shy isn’t good enough to play in the acc posts. Looking forward to the bowl and hopefully a fully healed Shy out there for a big stage game to play more!
Shy has all the tools and not even being at practice I could see it on special teams. Kinda shocked the coaches didn’t. Either way they do now and u tell him we say he should definatly stay. We need him. Really have to say also all backers played well yesterday. I am hard on whit but he did his job well along with Guthrie. Great day to be orange. Sign Dino now please.
I think almost all SU fans have been dreading playing this game. We all remember what happened in 2017. The team was poised to get ranked and go to a great bowl game after the Clemson game, but injuries/lack of depth caught up with the team, almost everyone on defense played hurt and we could not stop simple power run plays. Just got physically dominated the second part of the season.

When Clemson and Pitt dominated the late stages of those games this season with power runs, and our defense was clearly exhausted, the outlook for the rest of the season didn’t look good. How could we stop ND and BC from running the ball? Heck, how could we stop Wake and N.C. State?

Props to the coaches for recognizing that we couldn’t stop the run running 4 2 5. Once we started playing Shy against run formations, everything changed. I thought Shy again played really well yesterday. There was a graphic displayed during the game saying BC threw tee ball to the TE more than any other school (over 60%!). The BC TEs have terrorized the SU defense I. The past but not this time. I saw a lot of targets though, and it seemed like Shy was covering the TE just about every time and breaking up the play every time. It had to be very sweet for Shy to have a big game in front of his friends and famiy, against a lot of players he must know from growing up in the area. His speed, strength, toughness and smarts (he has a knack of being in the right place at the right time) were huge. And he did it all playing with a broken thumb.

On the subject of linebackers, the ascent of Ryan Guthrie as this season has developed needs to be talked about more. He is playing at an insanely high level. Seems to make a great tackle a couple of times every series. What a tackling machine. I will be very disappointed if he doesn’t make at least 2nd team all conference. Whitner doesn’t have Guthrie physical gifts. He isn’t the biggest or strongest guy in the world, isn’t a big hitter and doesn’t have awesome speed. But he makes his reads well and I think he is really good defending the pass.

When I heard no Josh Black and no Kendall Coleman (and no Cordy), I was really worried. Wanted to credit Kingsley for continuing his improvement at DE. He has been quietly been making strides at DE but really stepped up yesterday, particularly against the run. It is a shame Black got hurt; he has been playing the best ball of his career and just displaced McKinley Williams as the starting NT. McKinley really stepped up with Black out though.

Robinson had another big game. He has become more than a good pass rusher who can’t defend the run his season. Much more disciplined, noticeably stronger and tougher holding the edge and blowing up running plays. There are some great DEs in the ACC. BC has 2, Clemson has 3 and #99 for Florida State is awesome too. Coleman, when healthy, is damned good too. But Robinson needs to be at least 2nd team all conference. He has become a complete player, a focal point of the defense and has elevated the entire defense with his play.

Chris Slayton doesn’t make many tackles. He doesn’t get many sacks either and most of the time, you can’t even see him in the mass of humanity he works from every play. But he occupies 2 OL just about every play and that gives players like Robinson and Guthrie to shine. I hope he makes all conference. I haven’t said this in a long time but there is no doubt in my mind he will get drafted and play in the NFL. Enjoy him while we still have him.

Thought Trill was terrific except for the foolish late hit. That interception was something AA types do. He shut down his guy much of the game and made some huge hits too. Can defend in space like no one else on the team and is making some good plays defending the run too. I kind of take Fredrick for granted at this point. He is good In man coverage and solid against the run too.

Foster also did a good job taking the BC TEs out of the game. He is tackling much better this season. Probably the biggest hitter on the team. Has the size and speed we need at SS. And Cisco had another good game. He is up there now in Tommy Myers/Markus Paul territory with interceptions now, and keeps getting better defending the run too. I think he is going to be 2nd team all conference as a frosh.

I like Tommy Devito a lot. The guy has a ton of talent and i expect him to win a lot of games during his time at Syracuse. But this is not his time. If there was any doubt who the first team all conference QB was in the ACC this year, that issue was settled on Saturday. Ryan Finley is a fine quarterback and I have a lot of respect for him. He makes good reads and throws it accurately. But Eric does all that plus serves as another RB out of the backfield plus brings a special ability to make a big play out of nothing, often in crucial situations, that makes this offense so hard to defend.

I can’t believe he played. Period. Then he dominates the game and makes play after play where there should have been a sack or an interception or an incomplete pass. Dino likes to say there will be a lot of tall tales told about Eric when he is gone. Yeah. Exactly,

I am really happy these seniors get a chance to see their team get national respect, a place in the top 25, highlights on SportsCenter, enjoy the excitement of bowl talk, get the bling bowl teams get, etc. So good to see the senior roomies Whitner, Guthrie and Dungey go out like this. Richly deserved. But perhaps the guy I am most happy from is Strickland.

He hasn’t enjoyed a ton of success on the field. Even his own fan base has not been very supportive. I am sure he has gotten a ton of crap from RU freaks at home and then there is the whole nightmare he went through in HS. He is having a really good senior season and had a monster game Saturday. Was great to see how hard he ran and how well he did.

What was up with that awful crowd for BC?

That hit #28 made on Stritz was a cheap shot and that thug should have been ejected. Officials are entrusted with the health of the kids playing the game and thry have to make protecting them their top priority. Was also disappointed at the shockingly late whistle when BC had Dungey tied up with 4 guys running him backwards and the incompetent officials were too lazy to blow their whistles. Another cheap shot where the officials were just as responsible as the BC thugs.

Camping Bowl. There should be no debate from anyone. Syracuse is clearly the 2nd best team in the ACC. This is the 2nd best landing spot this year. End of story. NC State, enjoy Charlotte.

Loved Dino’s presser. He is so smart and enjoyable to listen to. It is great to have the most intelligent and articulate coach in the country. I so like being relevant again. Like everyone else, hoping and praying an extension will be forthcoming. This is a major fork in the road for the football program. I don’t expect Syracuse to pay $5 million a year for Dino. If he wants SEC money, he can get to be able to going elsewhere. I hope Dino is not just about money. I hope SU is not just about keeping salaries and spending low. I hope Dino will stay if we complete the Dome reno, give the staff substantial raises and address other infrastructure issues to level the playing field for recruiting. The issue of player housing needs to be addressed. Hoping some big money alums, probably former players, can step up and help here.

This is it. Do we want to be a player in college athletics? The Dome reno is a huge step. We are so close. C’mon Dino. C’mon John. C’mon alums. Let’s make this happen!

Wonderful post and I agree almost fully with every point.

My question to you is -- what are you betting on to happen? Does SU take the full plunge? We had the opportunity to in the mid 90's during McNabb years and held status quo. No upgrades to facilities, no significant improvements to the program, and look where it took us. Down a dark spiral that nearly cost the football program everything.

We are on the upswing and have put in the necessary funds to get to the lower level of the Power 5 -- indoor practice facility was a big first step. And the Dome renovation had better happen, and I think it will. SU wouldn't announce something like this publicly without having intentions to do this.

Housing situation needs to be looked at throughout campus, let alone for athletics. Refurbishing a few of them and earmarking them for football/basketball/appropriate women's teams for Title IX purposes shouldn't be too tough I wouldn't think?

Ant then you look at the staff compensation. I think the support staff that we have hired over the last 3 years have proven their worth. Between Boller's recruiting and the graphics/videos that are being produced, all of that stuff matters to the 16-17 year old kids we are trying to get to come to SU.

Individual position coaches and coordinators, I'm not sure what SU pays them. I think the cost of living in Syracuse should be taken into account here. I don't think any of these guys is starving for food. Can they be paid more at other schools? Absolutely. But what does their quality of life look like? What pressure is on each of them to do more? If you're at Auburn or Baylor, who is pushing the buttons to make decisions -- is it the coach? Is it the AD? Or is it the delusional donor who is giving $100M?

I think Babers likes it at Syracuse -- he has a good relationship with everyone, I think. He has seen the success that can be had at this school and I think he knows this is just the tip of the iceberg. I truly hope that. I think SU will do everything it can to keep him -- just hope it is enough. I think it will be.
Question? What was up with the low and strange snaps to Dungey yesterday? He had to bend over and pick up a number of snaps almost off the ground. I kept thinking 'ouch' for a QB with a bad back. They seemed very difficult to handle. Also kudos to Dungey for pulling BC and in particular #96 offsides with hard counts - that appeared to be an additional new twist for the offense.
Noticed that last week too. Thought it really hampered TD, especially on what were supposed to be quick sideline passes (that usually ended up losing yardage).
One thing I think Dino loved is the crowd momentum. 42k for a GRob version of Louisville. And the away crowds showed up big in NYC and Boston. Unfortunately we didn’t get the chance to explode in NYC, but those of you in Boston made up for it. It was loud on TV.

How do we know SU won’t pay $5M? Because we haven’t before? We’ve also never had a this combination of administration and economics when such a decision would be made.
What was up with that awful crowd for BC?

I don't think that it's much of an exaggeration to say that the crowd was 25% SU. "Let's go Orange" drowned out anything the BC fans could muster. Great experience.

We should OPEN the conference season against BC, not close it. If this is our "rivalry" game why play it with virtually no students on campus in questionable (at best) weather conditions and when the fate of one or both teams is basically decided. Play this game the first week in October and I am there every even numbered year.
Best post of the season. Your insights are highly respected. Well done,and thank you.
What I didn’t get was, if they don’t blow their whistles, you cannot enforce a sack on that play. Should have been incomplete pass, and let the refs suffer the embarrassment of the play resulting in no loss of yardage. It’s one of the other.

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