my two cents |

my two cents


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!

Nailed it

The season isn’t over and this season isn’t ruined

We got punched in the face, time to show how we rebound

Loved that Fran owned it
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!
Let's hope all of these positive seeds bear fruit.

The flatness is concerning...

The Xs & Os miscues are concerning...

Hopefully, Fran can continue the overhaul over the next year & we are better suited for next year's gauntlet.
Let's hope all of these positive seeds bear fruit.

The flatness is concerning...

The Xs & Os miscues are concerning...

Hopefully, Fran can continue the overhaul over the next year & we are better suited for next year's gauntlet.
Brand new everything. Lets remember the players he brought in and the players he retained. Imagine if none of that happened. Simply look at Frans roster and then replace it with Dinos. Here a few highlights.
Barron, Wax, Duce, OG, McCord, LA, Zeed, Reed, Spoon, Washington, Fadil , Yasin, Barnes, wilson, Lewis, Heard, Watson, Grant, Do i need to keep going... Hastings, Edwards, Meeks, Hornsby, Johnson, Nixon... Ok ill stop now.
Take all of these players away and roll it back with Dino and tell me which team you would rather have.

This is in less than one year. Dino had a decade.
Brand new everything. Lets remember the players he brought in and the players he retained. Imagine if none of that happened. Simply look at Frans roster and then replace it with Dinos. Here a few highlights.
Barron, Wax, Duce, OG, McCord, LA, Zeed, Reed, Spoon, Washington, Fadil , Yasin, Barnes, wilson, Lewis, Heard, Watson, Grant, Do i need to keep going... Hastings, Edwards, Meeks, Hornsby, Johnson, Nixon... Ok ill stop now.
Take all of these players away and roll it back with Dino and tell me which team you would rather have.

This is in less than one year. Dino had a decade.


People expecting us not to stub our toe in the first season of a new coach who hasn’t had any HC experience before were insane.

I had said all along that I thought we as a fan base were over hyping this team.

this was a learning experience, it sucked to lose, but also the sky is not falling as many think

People expecting us not to stub our toe in the first season of a new coach who hasn’t had any HC experience before were insane.

I had said all along that I thought we as a fan base were over hyping this team.

this was a learning experience, it sucked to lose, but also the sky is not falling as many think
Fran is going to end up being a great coach for SU. He is a perfect fit as he was raised in our prime recruiting area and his background is the same as many of the kids and their families that he is recruiting. If we can support him with NIL he will land talent. Hes already proven that. In my mind he has already changed the culture and energized the community and most importantly the students. Yesterday was pretty amazing. I think it was the largest student turnout for a football game ever. We can beat every team we play this year. We can also lose to all of them with the exception of Holy Cross and Uconn. Its going to be a great ride lots of ups and downs but at the end of the year regardless of final record the program will be in much better shape.
Fran is going to end up being a great coach for SU. He is a perfect fit as he was raised in our prime recruiting area and his background is the same as many of the kids and their families that he is recruiting. If we can support him with NIL he will land talent. Hes already proven that. In my mind he has already changed the culture and energized the community and most importantly the students. Yesterday was pretty amazing. I think it was the largest student turnout for a football game ever. We can beat every team we play this year. We can also lose to all of them with the exception of Holy Cross and Uconn. Its going to be a great ride lots of ups and downs but at the end of the year regardless of final record the program will be in much better shape.

Yup and I think some people had sky high expectations because of all the recruiting talent and energy he brought early on and they just assumed we were national champion contenders.

There was a reason sports analysts weren’t calling us that etc.

We’ve still got to build this program, give Fran 3 years and we will win that game last night like everyone thought we would
Yup and I think some people had sky high expectations because of all the recruiting talent and energy he brought early on and they just assumed we were national champion contenders.

There was a reason sports analysts weren’t calling us that etc.

We’ve still got to build this program, give Fran 3 years and we will win that game last night like everyone thought we would
I was certainly drinking the Orange koolaid, and was devastated with the loss. I was so hoping to go into Vegas undefeated. But I still think this team is really good, and I think Coach Brown will be making sure the players know their routes and putting them on the same page in the game. Let's not forget that we also were looking at stats like McCord leads the nation in TD passes, yadda yadda, and that got us all hyped up, for sure.
Last remark. I wouldn't want to be Fl. State. I'd rather be us.
I have waited a day to read comments and think about the game before commenting, I am just as disappointed as the rest of you.
First I am shocked at the vitriol of some of the comments being made on the board, but I will chalk some of them up to alcohol .
Fran is building a program and a culture, that is not done in 3 games! Stanford will not finish last in the ACC. We had a lot of chances and did not execute, that will be fixed.
I think Gadsons lack of production was more pouting than Stanford just my opinion.

You learn from your mistakes and you move on, Fran is building depth, some of the transfers that have come in this season as an “upgrade” may not even be considered talented enough to offer in 2-3 years, the fact we can go to Woolbaugh (if ready) both Cruz’s, Miller, Mack, Hornsby, instead of a true freshman that is 285lbs is a testament to what he has already accomplished, Haynes being out and Gill filling in, Barnes going out and having someone like Bellamy instead of a 5’9 165 backup coming in, Perry playing well with Wilson out.

We were not a 10 win team last year that was looking to improve this year and go to the playoffs, if Fran has to make changes to his staff he will.

Losing last night does not mean we will go to UNLV or Cal and lose, better days are ahead, they will learn and improve.

All teams face adversity, last night was our first, how we react will say a lot, I personally think they will react well and grow, I would not want to be Holy Cross.

Go Orange
Brand new everything. Lets remember the players he brought in and the players he retained. Imagine if none of that happened. Simply look at Frans roster and then replace it with Dinos. Here a few highlights.
Barron, Wax, Duce, OG, McCord, LA, Zeed, Reed, Spoon, Washington, Fadil , Yasin, Barnes, wilson, Lewis, Heard, Watson, Grant, Do i need to keep going... Hastings, Edwards, Meeks, Hornsby, Johnson, Nixon... Ok ill stop now.
Take all of these players away and roll it back with Dino and tell me which team you would rather have.

This is in less than one year. Dino had a decade.
Oh, no question.

With you 100%
I also don’t care what anyone says, that game last night was fun the entire time.

We lost and it sucks, but it was a blast
I wish I could be you. I don’t have fun when we play like that.
Fran is going to end up being a great coach for SU. He is a perfect fit as he was raised in our prime recruiting area and his background is the same as many of the kids and their families that he is recruiting. If we can support him with NIL he will land talent. Hes already proven that. In my mind he has already changed the culture and energized the community and most importantly the students. Yesterday was pretty amazing. I think it was the largest student turnout for a football game ever. We can beat every team we play this year. We can also lose to all of them with the exception of Holy Cross and Uconn. Its going to be a great ride lots of ups and downs but at the end of the year regardless of final record the program will be in much better shape.
Now there you go again making sense…
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!
A very balanced and well thought out post. Thank you!!
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!
On the 4th and 9 I think they called TO first then we called TO when we saw how they came out. I don't think our TO gave them any advantage. We just defended terribly.
Got to Manley about 6 had some great food drink and company and walked over the JMA on a beautiful night. The energy was high and i was expecting Fran the team to come off the bye firing on all cylinders. Oh well.

I'm not sure what happened or didn't happen during the week off, but the team was completely flat. Nothing seemed in synch from the get-go, and we didn't find our rhythm as an O the entire game. Kyle and the WR were not on the same page, and I thought the play calling wasn't taking into account what the D was giving. If not for some solid redzone stands by the D this game would have been ugly at the half. Second half same thing. Team came out flat and the initial series was simply horrible. Stanford is a team that if we played 10 times, I believe we win 8 with 6 of those being blow outs. Yesterday they out schemed, out physical, and of course out coached us. Still, we should have been able to take advantage of their D, and we didn't. Lots of credit to the Stanford coaching staff who took Fran and his to the woodshed as our staff not our players lost this game yesterday. Poor officiating again which I find hard to fathom as it seems we get the worst of it when we are home. Not sure what is behind the poor officiating, but JW needs to step in because this game was really bad. Too many to mention but Stanford could have been called for holding on half their plays.
As to 4th down D. One I don't like calling a TO in that situation. We had them on their heels, and I believe that the D had the advantage. Giving them a TO was in my opinion giving them an opportunity to regroup and plan. I would have much rather the TOs all occur on their side of the ledger if at all. Second Dont give him time. Bring it and last point is if you are not going to bring it for God's sake double down and take their stud out of the play.
Still the kid threw a beautiful pass, and of course future NFL made a great catch.
Going forward I think that the program is in excellent shape. I'm a big believer in Fran and even bigger after listening to his post-game when I got home. He owned the loss, and his comments were spot on, honest and accurate. He realizes he was out coached and also realizes we have holes that have to be fixed.
I'm not sure what the issue is as far as the run game but I don't believe it is all on the OL rather more on the scheme.
Losing Marlow is as big or bigger than most of us realized as I'm beginning to think that our LB situation has as much to do with our D issues as any position group. I posted that i felt that we could win every game we played and i still feel that way. This is one that we let get away and it sucks but the wheels are not off, and this staff is as solid as we have had in a very long time.
Keep the faith Rome wasn't built in a day.
Go Orange!
I believe our linebacker play is bad. Slow and they don’t tackle.
I believe our linebacker play is bad. Slow and they don’t tackle.
We need upgrades all over the defense. Barnes is a start.

The one thing Dino did well was consistently recruit well in the secondary. We had some good dudes back there. Over his tenure 4 of them are in the NFL or made training camps. Not bad.

Although the cupboards now being bare is also partly his fault.
I believe our linebacker play is bad. Slow and they don’t tackle.
Concerning games after a bye: Different coaches, same results. It seems the bye week strategy is to give players rest and an altered practice schedule. Question: Why not keep everything the same and practice during the bye, like you have a game on Saturday?
Upsets happen every week when teams play perceived inferior opponents.

The OL was excellent vs GT and awful Friday. Changed everything. No Nixon hurt. Allen is terrible as a lead back at this stage. We don’t need behind the back catches even when there’s holes he gets 2-3 yards where other guys get 7-8. The play where he couldn’t get the edge was brutal to watch.

McCord could have won that one himself but didn’t.

Oh well the rest are winnable and we weren’t going undefeated.

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