No GIFs, no glory... |

No GIFs, no glory...

Agreed. If your computer slows down from it, if that's the reason for the ban, get a better computer.
Here's the thread where I first discussed the issue with temery this morning.

I think this is policy is way overboard. Delete the offending posts, warn the posters individually, move on.

Gifs were never a big issue. Gifs can highlight amazing plays without having to buffer videos. Linking gifs is the not the same posting them. Most people don't click links.

If you need more mods then make some more mods. I'm sure there are alot of responsible veteran posters who might have mod experience from other sites who'd be willing to step up and help out with cleaning up any offending posts.
What is abuse though?
Exactly. We were never told that certain users were posting gifs that might offend users. We were never given the opporunity to create something positive out of a bad situation. Please correct me if i'm wrong, but we're we ever as a userbase ever given a warning? I'm sure the users who were posting those gifs would have been 100% okay with not positing them. If not ban them. Easy fix. But to ban gifs without first asking posters to not post lewd gifs is way overboard.
GIF's are in the middle of a internet renaissance right now. They are seemingly more popular than ever. Sure there can be abuse, but the mods should punish individual abusers. It just feels wrong being on a internet board with no GIF's. It's like Christmas with no presents.
What is a gif?

One of those little vids that just keep looping through. I'd post one to show you but alas I cannot. I am glad that apparently the reason for this GIF ban may not be what I though and CTO is on the case. Funny thing is I got my post deleted in the other GIF thread earlier today for basically saying the same thing.
jordoo said:
One of those little vids that just keep looping through. I'd post one to show you but alas I cannot. I am glad that apparently the reason for this GIF ban may not be what I though and CTO is on the case. Funny thing is I got my post deleted in the other GIF thread earlier today for basically saying the same thing.

Ah. Why we dont just say videos?
Ah. Why we dont just say videos?

Cause its not like a video link or embedded link I guess. I'm not that technical I'm sure someone smarter could give a better explanation. Any takers?
It's a filetype which was born with the internet. Most are a series of pictures stitched together with no sound. Their compatible among many platforms and viewing formats. They are sometimes amazing and sometimes annoying. They are the internet.
Hey, guys... you seem to be blaming me for something I just learned about here. I know nothing about banning GIFs. I am trying to get to the bottom of what prompted it.
Thanks cto! I hope it didn't come off like I was blaming anyone in particular. I was just trying to provide some solutions to the mess with some wording that could be interpretted as being a bit critical.
Not blaming you at all, CTO. Simply making a point that a message board without GiFs in today's day in age is simply bush league.

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