Ohio State band Moon Landing | Syracusefan.com

Ohio State band Moon Landing

I remember when I was a little kid at the Dome I thought it was incredible when the SU band would make the formation of New York State. This takes it to an entirely other level.

My friend’s son is in the Baylor band. Apparently it’s all done with computer programs that are somehow connected to cell phones on the band members that tell them where to go.

Lots of practice though
That’s freaking amazing!!

I was in SUMB a zillion years ago, and thought the fairly basic formations we did were challenging.

(Remember - you have to be playing your instrument and looking up while marching, so it’s actually kinda hard to see where you’re going and where on the field you are)

Incredibly impressive performance.

OK - so now there’s exactly one thing I don’t hate about the Ohio State University. :p
Largely unrelated, but would someone please tell the good folks who carry out the huge American flag at SU games that they’re walking 5 yards too far down the field. The flag is never centered. Everyone in the Dome with OCD is upset.
Hate OSU with a passion but their band is amazing script Ohio always gives me chills.
i remember being impressed that Hooters Carousel had a table shaped like new york state. i was seated approximately between smallwood and coxsackie.
i remember being impressed that Hooters Carousel had a table shaped like new york state. i was seated approximately between smallwood and coxsackie.
Speaks volumes
I remember when I was a little kid at the Dome I thought it was incredible when the SU band would make the formation of New York State. This takes it to an entirely other level.

totally fake, just like the real moon landing
totally fake, just like the real moon landing
If we still lack the technology to get to the moon after sending robots to mars and Saturn, then we have bigger problems than a 1969 fakery.
Hate OSU with a passion but their band is amazing script Ohio always gives me chills.
I’ve always thought SU could do something similar to the “Dotting of the i” by having an SU student run out to where Syracuse is on the NYS formation. Let them jump around and enjoy a moment.
I remember when I was a little kid at the Dome I thought it was incredible when the SU band would make the formation of New York State. This takes it to an entirely other level.

What’s funny is the first spacewalk formation they did was done by Ed White, alum of the University of Michigan.

Kinda cute since 3 Michigan alums have walked on the Moon. But hey, good for the band, it’s the closest anyone from OSU has ever gotten.

I remember when I was a little kid at the Dome I thought it was incredible when the SU band would make the formation of New York State. This takes it to an entirely other level.

I think that was more complicated than the actual moon landing!
I remember when I was a little kid at the Dome I thought it was incredible when the SU band would make the formation of New York State. This takes it to an entirely other level.

That was awesome. The Big Ten is a lot better at scandals than sports these days but they still have the best bands in the land.

I didn't even try to count the tubas. Has to be over 30. Wowzers!
Don't the Big Land Grants give out lots of money to band members?
What's even more impressive is that they do a new program for every home game. My daughter is a recent OSU grad so I've been to some great games over the past several years. That band is awesome!

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