Ol' Bobby Knight | Syracusefan.com

Ol' Bobby Knight

Are the refs all 'Bama alums?? Hold , that was (even in full speed) the most obvious foul I have ever seen......
Right, and Knight was wondering if the officials could review the non-foul call.
I am glad I don't care who wins this game, because it would be driving me crazy. So many mistakes and missed opportunities to put the game away.
The only people happy about this are the bartenders outside MSG. All the Duke fans are probably waiting for this game to end, since there are no beer sales inside.
I am glad I don't care who wins this game, because it would be driving me crazy. So many mistakes and missed opportunities to put the game away.

And Bobby Knight just call the kids dumb...I find him amusing.

(And he just whispered, "and that was a double dribble)
lol...the crowd is LOUDLY booing the Alabama free throw shooter - because they want the game to end. Nice.
Bob Knight is an enema nozzle. I wouldn't pee in his ear if his brain was on fire. I refuse to listen/watch games in which he's an announcer.

Ya think that might be because I'm a basketball ref? :cool:
Right, and Knight was wondering if the officials could review the non-foul call.
That was a classic bit of announcing..

PBP guy - "Looked like maybe a foul on that play"
Knight - silence
PBP guy - "Wow Look at that replay an obvious foul!"
Knight - silence
PBP guy - "the crowd voicing it's displeasure"
Knight - "ehhhh...can they review that??"
PBP guy - "umm...no..."
Knight - "hmm. Looked like a foul"
I remember at the beginning of the 2009-10 season when Knight said we were the best team in the country, and the Syracuse fanbase collectively forgave him for decades of being a lousy human being. Not one of our prouder moments.
Meh. The guy won three titles, and if the networks are going to pay him a gazillion dollars to be the color analyst, who is being the fool? I know I wouldn't turn it down if I was him.
I remember at the beginning of the 2009-10 season when Knight said we were the best team in the country, and the Syracuse fanbase collectively forgave him for decades of being a lousy human being. Not one of our prouder moments.

If to forgive is divine, then perhaps it should be one of our prouder moments. However, I suspect the forgiveness was contingent on Knight's gushing over SU. I'm an IU grad who rooted for IU through the '76 undefeated season and up until Knight stated throwing chairs and choking players. I won't root for bullies, so I turned my back on IU, focused on nearby Syracuse around the Louie & Bouie years, and have been an ardent SU fan ever since. Still, I "forgave" Knight more or less when I started learning a lot from his commentary during the '09-'10 season. If he's allegedly senile now, just remember that his fate awaits us all if we live long enough.-VBOF
I remember at the beginning of the 2009-10 season when Knight said we were the best team in the country, and the Syracuse fanbase collectively forgave him for decades of being a lousy human being. Not one of our prouder moments.
Hate him as a coach, but love him as an announcer. There are only a few that are good. The rest of them, I don't even want them to try to be good. I want them to be weird.
I remember 2-3 seasons ago in a big east game I was seeing a decent amount of praise for him on here. Im wondering why the tides have turned. It's hard for me to have anything close to hatred toward this guy now. He basically mocked himself on that commercial with digger phelps last season.
I remember 2-3 seasons ago in a big east game I was seeing a decent amount of praise for him on here. Im wondering why the tides have turned. It's hard for me to have anything close to hatred toward this guy now. He basically mocked himself on that commercial with digger phelps last season.
The tide has turned because people have no appreciation for how age and senility or dementia can steal someone's thought processes. It's sad to listen to Bobby today knowing how crystal clear his commentary used to be. I hope none of you have to experience in your family what he appears to be going through.
The tide has turned because people have no appreciation for how age and senility or dementia can steal someone's thought processes. It's sad to listen to Bobby today knowing how crystal clear his commentary used to be. I hope none of you have to experience in your family what he appears to be going through.

It has nothing to do with being ignorant or disrespectful of the aging process. This is about ESPN trotting out a guy who is either (a) incapacitated or (b) cares less about his job than anyone alive, and forcing that upon us.

I'm sure we all want him to live a long and happy retirement. But things like knowing the rules of the game you are describing are prerequisites for his profession.
The tide has turned because people have no appreciation for how age and senility or dementia can steal someone's thought processes. It's sad to listen to Bobby today knowing how crystal clear his commentary used to be. I hope none of you have to experience in your family what he appears to be going through.

Just curious - how do you know that many of the rest of us don't have elderly folks with Alzheimer's in our families and thus aren't sensitive and sympathetic to that awful disease?
It has nothing to do with being ignorant or disrespectful of the aging process. This is about ESPN trotting out a guy who is either (a) incapacitated or (b) cares less about his job than anyone alive, and forcing that upon us.

I'm sure we all want him to live a long and happy retirement. But things like knowing the rules of the game you are describing are prerequisites for his profession.
Maybe ESPNs fault, but people are knocking Bobby and not ESPN.
Just curious - how do you know that many of the rest of us don't have elderly folks with Alzheimer's in our families and thus aren't sensitive and sympathetic to that awful disease?
I should have said SOME people have no appreciation----------

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