I especially got a kick out of how they couldnt wrap their heads around Syracuse being considered "upstate NY", this because Plattsburgh is so much further north they thought that's the only area meriting being called upstate.
Also the one about 15 foot of snow in October when the last few years of Global climate whatever we have summer right through september now (80's forecasted all next week, nice this week) and October is about the most beautiful month up here about anywhere you can find.
Now for a special treat I'd advise all of you to read the thread somewhere in there about how Syracuse is a dirty program and takes special measures to be cheap and take out opposing qb's with cheap malicious hits. The twisting gyrations some make to try and make it stick with "fake news points" is worth the effort to find it. Then the one or two sane decent posters there try and make the points to the opposite, ahh didn't work so well.
Heck we may never be top 3 in football, but at least we'll always be top 3 in common sense intellect.