Orange Pack Golf Recap - 6/10/13 |

Orange Pack Golf Recap - 6/10/13


Watching you.
Aug 15, 2011
I posted this in the other thread, but figured it's probably going to get buried. OE and Tomcat can add to a few of my notes:

I was also there. We played great until we got called off the course due to rain, rain, rain and more rain. You needed duck boots to do anything. The beers were still cold, and the steak sandwiches were great in the tent by the 5th or 6th hole. Spoke to Shaf, Daoust and Chuck for awhile. Jason Poles was there, but didn't get a chance to thank him for doing an awesome job raising money for the IPF on this board.

Coach Reed and Smith are both extremely nice guys, well spoken and polite.

McDonald, Moore and Lester were on the west coast getting ready to hang out with Coach Harbaugh (Shafer hooked them up). He felt it was important that his whole staff be at the golf outing (and apologized they weren't all there), but felt this was a great opportunity for them to be mentored by a great friend and coach, Harbaugh. He promised that the whole staff would be in attendance next year.

This staff as a whole is like a big brotherhood... the chemistry between them is great to witness. The players must be completely drawn to it.

Introduced some of the GA's, one of which is helping Eric White with recruiting and told us to "prepare for a top 25 class". There are other things Shafer said about many 4 and 5 star kids, which caused me to laugh out loud, but I won't add that here. He said this program WILL win with kids who want to be here, not kids that need to be coddled and begged to come here. loved everything else he said, but I will leave it at that.

Shafer was presented with a hammer. He started off his speech holding the hammer. It was funny.

I will say that listening to Shafer is truly a pleasure. The man is passionate, used some off-the-record language and has a genuine desire to build SU football into a perennial winner. I could not be happier that he got the HC gig.

I will say that when I walked out of dinner, I was jacked up... Penn St cannot come soon enough.

I love SU Football. Coach Shafer does too.
Good work Rocco, having heard him before I fully agree with how you described SS. He has an innate ability to make you want to put your head through a wall.
Just a few additions.
Chris Gedney there as well. Gets around the room as well as anyone.
What Erik White said: "going to be the best recruiting class in 20 years".
Event was a full sell out -- course was loaded up and play was slow. Guessing a 6 hour round if they didn't call it after 9 soggy holes, and that was with a one-putt rule (the second putt was deemed a gimme in an effort to speed play).
Some coaches are more forthcoming than others. Asked a defensive coach about moving Ron Thompson to DE -- don't know, haven't seen him play. Asked Coach Smith about Ashton Broyld and he lit up with positive remarks.
Liked Shafer a lot, but wouldn't hurt for him to cut the salty language by half.
Just a few additions.
Chris Gedney there as well. Gets around the room as well as anyone.
What Erik White said: "going to be the best recruiting class in 20 years".
Event was a full sell out -- course was loaded up and play was slow. Guessing a 6 hour round if they didn't call it after 9 soggy holes, and that was with a one-putt rule (the second putt was deemed a gimme in an effort to speed play).
Some coaches are more forthcoming than others. Asked a defensive coach about moving Ron Thompson to DE -- don't know, haven't seen him play. Asked Coach Smith about Ashton Broyld and he lit up with positive remarks.
Liked Shafer a lot, but wouldn't hurt for him to cut the salty language by half.
other than the last line I'm with ya. Salty lingo is part n parcel and a tradition of our fraternity of football when you're with those your comfortable with. Time and place for that type thing and when you're with your own, let er rip....Consider it an honor that your part of that fraternity...LOL

After reading this thread the next thing I knew I kept hearing "the times they are a changing".
"Liked Shafer a lot, but wouldn't hurt for him to cut the salty language by half."

ehh, he can be as Fn salty as he Fn wants.

but like the OP stated, ped st cant get here soon enough.

im kind of done with shafers fire and brimstone speaches and soundbites. time to see the Fn product on the field.

otherwise hes just a loudmouth who talks a big game with no substance or results behind it.

rex ryan-lite.

Fn kickoff already and lets see what we got!

Oh Lord
I posted this in the other thread, but figured it's probably going to get buried. OE and Tomcat can add to a few of my notes:

I was also there. We played great until we got called off the course due to rain, rain, rain and more rain. You needed duck boots to do anything. The beers were still cold, and the steak sandwiches were great in the tent by the 5th or 6th hole. Spoke to Shaf, Daoust and Chuck for awhile. Jason Poles was there, but didn't get a chance to thank him for doing an awesome job raising money for the IPF on this board.

Coach Reed and Smith are both extremely nice guys, well spoken and polite.

McDonald, Moore and Lester were on the west coast getting ready to hang out with Coach Harbaugh (Shafer hooked them up). He felt it was important that his whole staff be at the golf outing (and apologized they weren't all there), but felt this was a great opportunity for them to be mentored by a great friend and coach, Harbaugh. He promised that the whole staff would be in attendance next year.

This staff as a whole is like a big brotherhood... the chemistry between them is great to witness. The players must be completely drawn to it.

Introduced some of the GA's, one of which is helping Eric White with recruiting and told us to "prepare for a top 25 class". There are other things Shafer said about many 4 and 5 star kids, which caused me to laugh out loud, but I won't add that here. He said this program WILL win with kids who want to be here, not kids that need to be coddled and begged to come here. loved everything else he said, but I will leave it at that.

Shafer was presented with a hammer. He started off his speech holding the hammer. It was funny.

I will say that listening to Shafer is truly a pleasure. The man is passionate, used some off-the-record language and has a genuine desire to build SU football into a perennial winner. I could not be happier that he got the HC gig.

I will say that when I walked out of dinner, I was jacked up... Penn St cannot come soon enough.

I love SU Football. Coach Shafer does too.

Good recap. The coaching staff got a lot younger with Shafer taking over. They seem to a man to be personable, passionate and focused. I thought Marrone's staff was pretty close but as you say, these guys are tighter. That even applies to the GAs (who by the way seem quite impressive).

Really good time. Sorry all the people didn't get together and have a talk. OE, Deubs, Coach Lea and I played 17 holes and arrived just as salads were being served, so we missed out on the cocktail hour stuff, when it would have been ideal to do some networking. We need to get more organized about this for next year.

But if you want to talk SU football in June with a bunch of fanatics, and have a chance to meet some of the coaching staff, this is a great event to attend.

What else? Coach Lea really wants to spend some time at Syracuse, is tired of moving to a new city every 2 years, would love to stay with the incoming class and at least see them through to graduation. He says he has a great group of players to work with.

Coach Shafer is a great speaker. He got excited and dropped a few cuss words but as others have noted, this was a special private event where he was with people he felt comfortable with and he wanted to get the attendees fired up. It worked; the speech was really well received.
I have heard its a very difficult tournament to get into. Waiting list and everything
I have heard its a very difficult tournament to get into. Waiting list and everything
I wouldn't say that...if you are an Orange Club member call Mary Dunham and tell her to add you to the list for next year. My only complaint is I wish they would set the date well in advance and get it out to everyone by email. Being 1700 miles away I have to plan to come several months in advance. The Orange Club staff is really only a conduit...the tourney is run by a bunch of SU Boosters in the Seneca Falls area.
I have heard its a very difficult tournament to get into. Waiting list and everything

There is a waiting list, but as TexanMark said, email her and you have a chance of getting in. Great time, well worth the slow golf.
Thanks, you hard nosed gents. Love these reports, even more so because you guys are amped up. PSU is too far away, I need my Orange Football fix soon.
"Liked Shafer a lot, but wouldn't hurt for him to cut the salty language by half."

ehh, he can be as Fn salty as he Fn wants.

but like the OP stated, ped st cant get here soon enough.

im kind of done with shafers fire and brimstone speaches and soundbites. time to see the Fn product on the field.

otherwise hes just a loudmouth who talks a big game with no substance or results behind it.

rex ryan-lite.

Fn kickoff already and lets see what we got!

Oh Lord

SS is just going to be himself. His confidence and fire is a part of what made him a great D coach and what has the potential to be what takes us to the next level. It may be all words to you - but he is instilling confidence in young men every time he speaks (and his coaches too).

He has to win - every coach has to win on the field. But I'll take this over Marrone's business demeanor everyday, all day.
SS is just going to be himself. His confidence and fire is a part of what made him a great D coach and what has the potential to be what takes us to the next level. It may be all words to you - but he is instilling confidence in young men every time he speaks (and his coaches too).

He has to win - every coach has to win on the field. But I'll take this over Marrone's business demeanor everyday, all day.

Scott Shafer has the innate ability to draw people to him when he speaks. Whether or not he is "too salty" is one thing, but he truly captivates a crowd as witnessed on Monday afternoon. Listening to him close to a recruit and his family has to be impressive.

Do not expect an incredible season this year. We lost a lot on offense and defense, most of whom were leaders on this team. That is not an excuse, just reality. DO expect this team to be hard-nosed and competitive in every game though.
I have been contacted every year since I played so I I'm not sure how much of a list there is other than its first come first serve and the info comes out pretty late for most.
Couple of notes to add, Coach Lea and his wife love the Syracuse area. He feels being a part of SU football is the best job right now. It's an exciting program and coach Shafer is great to work for.

We continued playing after the tournament was cut short and for the most part it was dry until the last two holes.

There is talk of scaling back the number of participants.

Chris Gedney mentioned that this was the 19th annual "Orange Club" golf event. (The place mat mistakenly had Orange Pack on it.) He continued, this is one event we are going to keep on having.

There were several former players there, Kyle Adams from the Rochester area was one. Artist/sculptor Jim Ridlon, who used to do great analysis on radio play by play got a loud reception from the diehards.
Couple of notes to add, Coach Lea and his wife love the Syracuse area. He feels being a part of SU football is the best job right now. It's an exciting program and coach Shafer is great to work for.

We continued playing after the tournament was cut short and for the most part it was dry until the last two holes.

There is talk of scaling back the number of participants.

Chris Gedney mentioned that this was the 19th annual "Orange Club" golf event. (The place mat mistakenly had Orange Pack on it.) He continued, this is one event we are going to keep on having.

There were several former players there, Kyle Adams from the Rochester area was one. Artist/sculptor Jim Ridlon, who used to do great analysis on radio play by play got a loud reception from the diehards.

Jim Ridlon was probably my favorite color guy ever for SU broadcasts. I loved listening to him when 90% of the games were on radio only.
Scott Shafer has the innate ability to draw people to him when he speaks. Whether or not he is "too salty" is one thing, but he truly captivates a crowd as witnessed on Monday afternoon. Listening to him close to a recruit and his family has to be impressive.

Do not expect an incredible season this year. We lost a lot on offense and defense, most of whom were leaders on this team. That is not an excuse, just reality. DO expect this team to be hard-nosed and competitive in every game though.

Can you elaborate on "do not expect an incredible season?" Do you think this is still a 6-8 win team? Is there something (outside of losing some good players last year) that causes you to temper your expectations?
"Liked Shafer a lot, but wouldn't hurt for him to cut the salty language by half."

ehh, he can be as Fn salty as he Fn wants.

but like the OP stated, ped st cant get here soon enough.

im kind of done with shafers fire and brimstone speaches and soundbites. time to see the Fn product on the field.

otherwise hes just a loudmouth who talks a big game with no substance or results behind it.

rex ryan-lite.

Fn kickoff already and lets see what we got!

Oh Lord

Couldn't agree with this post more. I don't really have a problem with whatever language Shafer chooses to use assuming he's winning games and proving himself to be a great coach. Is it terribly tasteful? probably not, but I don't expect too much from my sports figures these days.

But yeah, we need to win. I love the attitude and it's fun to hear the stuff about the recruiting class and all that stuff but I remain in wait-and-see mode. I swear a lot of the guys that look and sound the most like football coaches tend to struggle. Don't think that's the case with Shafer but I'm anxious to see how he does in August.

Edit: And thank you for using the proper name for the pedophile factory in Happy Valley. Can we all remember to use Ped State at all times? I feel this is very, very important.
I wouldn't say that...if you are an Orange Club member call Mary Dunham and tell her to add you to the list for next year. My only complaint is I wish they would set the date well in advance and get it out to everyone by email. Being 1700 miles away I have to plan to come several months in advance. The Orange Club staff is really only a conduit...the tourney is run by a bunch of SU Boosters in the Seneca Falls area.
Just a few notes on this golf outing. I am one of the committee members so this is reliable info that I am posting.
This "tournament" is the surviving golf outing of the series of outings of 20 or so years ago that included one at Auburn (Dutch Hollow), Cortland CC and more recently Erie Village. Because there was such a lack of local interest, Auburn and Cortland cancelled and we decided to move the Auburn one to Seneca Falls. For what ever reason it has been a huge success.
It is a first money in, first in. Ideally, a full field is 144 players. However, when you add in 18 to 20 coaches and staff we end up with 160+. A long day for sure, but if you can get a coach in your group, the conversation can be very candid and entertaining.
As for the scheduling, we are always dependent on the coaches schedule and thus have to wait on that, but I can tell you it is always the first or second Monday in June.
Glad to field any questions for anyone.
Just a few notes on this golf outing. I am one of the committee members so this is reliable info that I am posting.
This "tournament" is the surviving golf outing of the series of outings of 20 or so years ago that included one at Auburn (Dutch Hollow), Cortland CC and more recently Erie Village. Because there was such a lack of local interest, Auburn and Cortland cancelled and we decided to move the Auburn one to Seneca Falls. For what ever reason it has been a huge success.
It is a first money in, first in. Ideally, a full field is 144 players. However, when you add in 18 to 20 coaches and staff we end up with 160+. A long day for sure, but if you can get a coach in your group, the conversation can be very candid and entertaining.
As for the scheduling, we are always dependent on the coaches schedule and thus have to wait on that, but I can tell you it is always the first or second Monday in June.
Glad to field any questions for anyone.
Thanks for the response.

Please check your PM Inbox (upper right side you'll see a red "1") I sent you my contact info for next year.


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