OT: Tebowmania is over in NY... | Syracusefan.com

OT: Tebowmania is over in NY...


Living Legend
Aug 16, 2011
Being reported Tebow has been released by the Jets.

It's ok, I hear there's an Arena League team looking for a fullback, Tim.
I'm sure that Tebow is a great guy, but I am so tired of seeing coverage about him. Not entirely his fault, but what a non-story in general. Typical sports media excess.
I'm sure that Tebow is a great guy, but I am so tired of seeing coverage about him. Not entirely his fault, but what a non-story in general. Typical sports media excess.

Not really his fault at all. ESPN = TTLKN (Tiger Tebow Lebron Kobe Network)
As a Jets fan, I can sum up this in one word...

I really hate all the flack this kid has taken, and for BS reasons. Just because he's not afraid to be who he is, he gets torn down. Also, it's not his fault that people expect him to be the next John Elway when everyone knew he wasn't that coming out of college. He is not the prototypical NFL QB. Anyone who watched his college games could see that. So why does everyone expect him to be that now? You gotta feel for the kid, especially when the media had that Jets locker room divided on him even before he stepped foot in the place. None of that was his doing. As a Jets fan I wanted to see him succeed. Believe me, I did. The problem is that no one can succeed in that clown show that has become the NYJ offense. And to expect a guy who is not a true NFL style QB to do that when the team has been sucked dry of any desire to give 100% is ridiculous.

The kid is a winner. He proved it in college, against the best that game had to offer. He doesn't get into trouble. He doesn't speak out against teammates. He plays the game the way it should be played. It's amazing that the kid doesn't even have to open his mouth and he becomes a locker room cancer in the media, all because he decides to take a knee in the endzone. But it's OK for Ray Lewis to thank God in a post game interview at the Superbowl. It sucks that guys like Terrell Owens get all the press for being a$$holes and are still heroes at the end of the day. I wonder what it would have been like if TT won the Superbowl and took a knee at midfield. Would anyone really care then?

Tim Tebow's tumultuous NFL career has been an orchestrated story since day one thanks to the bi-polar sports media. They drove the unrealistic expectations and then took every opportunity to pot-shot the kid when he wasn't anything other than who he is.

I wish Tim Tebow the best. He'll catch on in the CFL probably and become a superstar. Meanwhile, the Jets will still be the Jets and be no better for having brought Tebow to town, if simply for the attention the team would get just for having him around.

And I think it was all for attention, but they got more than they thought they would...and couldn't handle it when Sanchez fumbled his way into the eternal blooper reel. Yeah, bring TT out in that mess and hope he becomes Joe Montana the minute he steps on the field. The Jets didn't do TT, or themselves, any favors. I hope Smith has better luck in NY than Tebow did.

As SU fans we would kill to have a kid like TT joining our team next season.
Not really his fault at all. ESPN = TTLKN (Tiger Tebow Lebron Kobe Network)
Wouldn't go quite that far. Him and his brother 'the handler' did a lot of putting him in the spotlight and maximizing his publicity.. Good riddins.
Wouldn't go quite that far. Him and his brother 'the handler' did a lot of putting him in the spotlight and maximizing his publicity.. Good riddins.

Well alot of it goes back the the SEC media coverage bias. Had Tebow played in another conference in college A) he's likely not as highly drafted and B) most folks wouldn't have had any idea who he was. ESPN has been on Tebows jock since he was 19 years old.
Well alot of it goes back the the SEC media coverage bias. Had Tebow played in another conference in college A) he's likely not as highly drafted and B) most folks wouldn't have had any idea who he was. ESPN has been on Tebows jock since he was 19 years old.
No doubt. I mean he was a winner in college and was huge for college football. But so much of him when he got to the league seemed staged, and him and his brother did nothing to sway that.
No doubt. I mean he was a winner in college and was huge for college football. But so much of him when he got to the league seemed staged, and him and his brother did nothing to sway that.

I honestly don't know a thing about his brother and am able to keep myself from clicking on 90% of Tebow articles but it's clear in quite a few cases that ESPN jumps on a horse and plans on running it into the ground regardless of on field performances. Even when Tiger was struggling to make cuts he was the lead on any golf coverage and you'd have to watch a few minutes to see who the actually event winner was. Right now there is a picture of Kobe in street clothes on the main ESPN page instead of a picture of the Spurs team that just destroyed the Lakers players that did play. It's just what they do.
I honestly don't know a thing about his brother and am able to keep myself from clicking on 90% of Tebow articles but it's clear in quite a few cases that ESPN jumps on a horse and plans on running it into the ground regardless of on field performances. Even when Tiger was struggling to make cuts he was the lead on any golf coverage and you'd have to watch a few minutes to see who the actually event winner was. Right now there is a picture of Kobe in street clothes on the main ESPN page instead of a picture of the Spurs team that just destroyed the Lakers players that did play. It's just what they do.
I try also to avoid that stuff. But I live in Denver, where I'm a season ticket holder and a Bronco fanatic. And he was the most divisive figure in the history of the Broncos. I've literally seen fights break out over arguing about Tebow, within our own fanbase. Our sports talk was dominated every single day with him for multiple years, and still is when something like today happens. The press was almost like they were when Elway came, knowing what candy Elway gave out on Halloween. So there was no avoiding knowing all things Tebow out here. Absolutely. ESPN used to be about sports reporting now they are all about drama. Going the way of MTV..
I sort of blame his HS coaches and childhood mentors in a way... How on God's green earth do you let a star QB get out of high school with that throwing motion? It's so fugly, it's literally painful to watch... You have to do whenever it takes to break mechanics like that at a much earlier stage of development... I guess it never mattered at previous levels because of his other natural physical gifts...
I really hate all the flack this kid has taken, and for BS reasons. Just because he's not afraid to be who he is, he gets torn down. Also, it's not his fault that people expect him to be the next John Elway when everyone knew he wasn't that coming out of college. He is not the prototypical NFL QB. Anyone who watched his college games could see that. So why does everyone expect him to be that now? You gotta feel for the kid, especially when the media had that Jets locker room divided on him even before he stepped foot in the place. None of that was his doing. As a Jets fan I wanted to see him succeed. Believe me, I did. The problem is that no one can succeed in that clown show that has become the NYJ offense. And to expect a guy who is not a true NFL style QB to do that when the team has been sucked dry of any desire to give 100% is ridiculous.

The kid is a winner. He proved it in college, against the best that game had to offer. He doesn't get into trouble. He doesn't speak out against teammates. He plays the game the way it should be played. It's amazing that the kid doesn't even have to open his mouth and he becomes a locker room cancer in the media, all because he decides to take a knee in the endzone. But it's OK for Ray Lewis to thank God in a post game interview at the Superbowl. It sucks that guys like Terrell Owens get all the press for being a$$holes and are still heroes at the end of the day. I wonder what it would have been like if TT won the Superbowl and took a knee at midfield. Would anyone really care then?

Tim Tebow's tumultuous NFL career has been an orchestrated story since day one thanks to the bi-polar sports media. They drove the unrealistic expectations and then took every opportunity to pot-shot the kid when he wasn't anything other than who he is.

I wish Tim Tebow the best. He'll catch on in the CFL probably and become a superstar. Meanwhile, the Jets will still be the Jets and be no better for having brought Tebow to town, if simply for the attention the team would get just for having him around.

And I think it was all for attention, but they got more than they thought they would...and couldn't handle it when Sanchez fumbled his way into the eternal blooper reel. Yeah, bring TT out in that mess and hope he becomes Joe Montana the minute he steps on the field. The Jets did TT, nor themselves, any favors. I hope Smith has better luck in NY than Tebow did.

As SU fans we would kill to have a kid like TT joining our team next season.

Agreed. Tebow also never got enough credit for being on the most brutal runners in the game. After Adrian Peterson and Trent Richardson, he was the biggest nightmare an NFL defender could face in the open field. Far more frightening that Rob Gronkowski, Frank Gore or Vonta Leach, and they're serious people in their own right.
The Church really needs Priests, Tim.
The Church really needs Priests, Tim.
You're advising him to give up football because he's a Christian? What a great culture we live in! [sarcasm]
I try also to avoid that stuff. But I live in Denver, where I'm a season ticket holder and a Bronco fanatic. And he was the most divisive figure in the history of the Broncos. I've literally seen fights break out over arguing about Tebow, within our own fanbase. Our sports talk was dominated every single day with him for multiple years, and still is when something like today happens. The press was almost like they were when Elway came, knowing what candy Elway gave out on Halloween. So there was no avoiding knowing all things Tebow out here. Absolutely. ESPN used to be about sports reporting now they are all about drama. Going the way of MTV..

Ironically, MTV used to have a show named Two-A-Days and they were a powerhouse high school football team in I think Alabama, Georgia, or Mississippi. They won multiple state championships but they played this hyped up team and they were holding up pictures of the quarterback who was supposed to be amazing and getting all sorts of D1 offers. It ended up being Tim Tebow and they actually beat him.

Tebow has been in the spotlight for a while. I wish some team would build a playmaking offense in the no huddle around him. I think it would be exciting to watch. That said, I do not want my team to be the team that takes a chance on that, haha.
Ironically, MTV used to have a show named Two-A-Days and they were a powerhouse high school football team in I think Alabama, Georgia, or Mississippi. They won multiple state championships but they played this hyped up team and they were holding up pictures of the quarterback who was supposed to be amazing and getting all sorts of D1 offers. It ended up being Tim Tebow and they actually beat him.

Tebow has been in the spotlight for a while. I wish some team would build a playmaking offense in the no huddle around him. I think it would be exciting to watch. That said, I do not want my team to be the team that takes a chance on that, haha.
Already did that with the Broncos. Wasn't a total no huddle, but revamped the O completely just for Timmy. And it was anything but exciting to watch. Probably the worst time to watch a Bronco offense in my lifetime. That flexibility though was one of the reasons that propelled the O coordinator at the time Mike McCoy, to head coach of the Chargers.
I really hate all the flack this kid has taken, and for BS reasons. Just because he's not afraid to be who he is, he gets torn down. Also, it's not his fault that people expect him to be the next John Elway when everyone knew he wasn't that coming out of college. He is not the prototypical NFL QB. Anyone who watched his college games could see that. So why does everyone expect him to be that now? You gotta feel for the kid, especially when the media had that Jets locker room divided on him even before he stepped foot in the place. None of that was his doing. As a Jets fan I wanted to see him succeed. Believe me, I did. The problem is that no one can succeed in that clown show that has become the NYJ offense. And to expect a guy who is not a true NFL style QB to do that when the team has been sucked dry of any desire to give 100% is ridiculous.

The kid is a winner. He proved it in college, against the best that game had to offer. He doesn't get into trouble. He doesn't speak out against teammates. He plays the game the way it should be played. It's amazing that the kid doesn't even have to open his mouth and he becomes a locker room cancer in the media, all because he decides to take a knee in the endzone. But it's OK for Ray Lewis to thank God in a post game interview at the Superbowl. It sucks that guys like Terrell Owens get all the press for being a$$holes and are still heroes at the end of the day. I wonder what it would have been like if TT won the Superbowl and took a knee at midfield. Would anyone really care then?

Tim Tebow's tumultuous NFL career has been an orchestrated story since day one thanks to the bi-polar sports media. They drove the unrealistic expectations and then took every opportunity to pot-shot the kid when he wasn't anything other than who he is.

I wish Tim Tebow the best. He'll catch on in the CFL probably and become a superstar. Meanwhile, the Jets will still be the Jets and be no better for having brought Tebow to town, if simply for the attention the team would get just for having him around.

And I think it was all for attention, but they got more than they thought they would...and couldn't handle it when Sanchez fumbled his way into the eternal blooper reel. Yeah, bring TT out in that mess and hope he becomes Joe Montana the minute he steps on the field. The Jets didn't do TT, or themselves, any favors. I hope Smith has better luck in NY than Tebow did.

As SU fans we would kill to have a kid like TT joining our team next season.

Ray Lewis is held in awe because of his intensity and charisma...my problem with Ray is he claims to be a Christian, however his life doesn't exactly show that. I know people make mistakes...but he has had multiple children with multiple different women along with his invlovement with a murder, which he to this day has still not lived up to his promises to the victim's families. I am sorry, a lot of people have respect for Ray Lewis, however I do not. So a person like Ray gets accolades, but someone like Tim, who is nothing but positive, respectful and works hard gets no respect...kind of sad in my opinion.
Already did that with the Broncos. Wasn't a total no huddle, but revamped the O completely just for Timmy. And it was anything but exciting to watch. Probably the worst time to watch a Bronco offense in my lifetime. That flexibility though was one of the reasons that propelled the O coordinator at the time Mike McCoy, to head coach of the Chargers.

It wasn't an offense really built for Tebow, as in the players weren't drafted to fit into the scheme. The Broncos just didn't have much at QB so they switched the offense to fit Tebow's skill-set and they did win games. Albeit, it was ugly but they won. I just want to see a team draft players on fitting that scheme rather than forcing everyone to adjust due to Tebow's peculiar skill-set. They really only went no huddle in the fourth or the end of the half anyways. That defense was tough, though.
You're advising him to give up football because he's a Christian? What a great culture we live in! [sarcasm]
Well, the Priesthood chooses you...much like the Saskatewan Swaddlebangers in the 4th round of the CFL Supplemental Draft ;)
It wasn't an offense really built for Tebow, as in the players weren't drafted to fit into the scheme. The Broncos just didn't have much at QB so they switched the offense to fit Tebow's skill-set and they did win games. Albeit, it was ugly but they won. I just want to see a team draft players on fitting that scheme rather than forcing everyone to adjust due to Tebow's peculiar skill-set. They really only went no huddle in the fourth or the end of the half anyways. That defense was tough, though.
Just curious, what type of players exactly would you draft that would be so different than the ones the Broncos had? Count me in the we won despite Tebow camp. Our D had to hold the opponent to 10 or less the whole game, then cue up the circus music in the 4th, score one td and a fg and we win or go to OT.

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