OT - Tiger...... | Syracusefan.com

OT - Tiger......


All Conference
Aug 15, 2011
Firstly, let me say that I am an ex-golfer. I gave the sport a try for several years & I was truly amongst the world's worst. The ultimate anti-Tiger or anti-Jack was moi.

Secondly, I do not really follow golf at all now, other than an occaisional headline.

So that brings me to my point. What is the fascination with Tiger? He has proven to be sleezy and immoral, he has proven to be ill-tempered & a sore loser, and he appears to no longer be amongst the best in the game.

To me, he is an ultimate anti-hero. Yet he constantly gets headlines and attention. Put him in the classifieds where he belongs as far as I am concerned. Personally, I hold the highest disdain for those who have talent and let it go to waste. That is most apparant sometimes with the big name athletes and actors, especially those with addictions, but it also holds true with ordinary people who may have smarts or talent, but simply lack work ethic.

Oh, gotta make the mandetory NN tie-in for this forum. I guess this is just another example of media hyping in all the wrong places.

and the fascination with Tiger was that he dominated a sport for a lengthy period in a way no other athlete has ever done in his respective sport (Including Jordan and Gretzky).

He is a dickhead tho.

and the fascination with Tiger was that he dominated a sport for a lengthy period in a way no other athlete has ever done in his respective sport (Including Jordan and Gretzky).

He is a dickhead tho.

Yes, Tiger still plays, but the era of his domination is ancient history. It is still possible he snags another major or two before his career is up, but the days of his domination are gone.

May as well still be headlining the Babe as far as I am concerned. At least Babe was honest about his womanizing.

Yes, Tiger still plays, but the era of his domination is ancient history. It is still possible he snags another major or two before his career is up, but the days of his domination are gone.

May as well still be headlining the Babe as far as I am concerned. At least Babe was honest about his womanizing.
i know you meant nicklaus... why didn't you like him?

Tiger's best days are DEFINITELY behind, but people are interested in a possible resurgence.

I don't like tiger as a person. But I do like seeing him play well and I have no idea why?
i know you meant nicklaus... why didn't you like him?

Tiger's best days are DEFINITELY behind, but people are interested in a possible resurgence.

I don't like tiger as a person. But I do like seeing him play well and I have no idea why?

I always admired Jack Nicklaus. I did not say I didn't like him, I only said my game was the extreme opposite of his game. In fact, to the small extent I was a golf fan, Jack was one of my favorites. I liked him as the fat boy underdog trying to take over Arnold's throne back in his early days.
Tiger is the dominant player of his generation, and maybe his personal life is not the greatest but his ability on the golf course is remarkable. Until 2009, nobody could compete with him then Y.E. Yang beat Tiger heads up and won the PGA and his personal problems at Thanksgiving destroyed him till now.
Appears his success on the links was directly proportional to the amount of sex he was having.
I will throw my 2 cents in seeing i probably watch and play more than most on this board.

My fascination with tiger was on the course. His ball striking ability. His putting in his prime was a thing of beauty. I mean he made everything when he was winning majors every year. The way he dominated these courses were ridiculous.

As far as him personally...he is a POS. The shell he has built around him...the private part of his life...the womanizing...the temper tantrums...its pathetic. The second after his dad passed it changed. He has blown through coaches...caddies and it hasnt done anything. He will not win again unless he starts making putts. Yesterday he hit some pretty awful putts and doesnt make nearly as much as he had.

He needs to dump this clown sean foley and put his tail between his legs and go back to butch harmon. If not then he will be spinning his wheels like he has the past 3 years.

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I am no Tiger fan either. And it isn't even because his off-the-course escapades. Who am I to judge. He just has always filled the role of the anti-hero to me. The guy who was groomed for success, and was destined to be the greatest according to every one of the experts. Additionally, there didn't seem to be any humility on the part of Tiger, no deference to the game or the competition. Frankly, this is his appeal to a lot of people -- his tough edge. Give me Gary Player's class, or Arnold Palmer's exuberance. Even Jack at his best seemed to project humility for the game. That's what I like about Rory. He doesn't seem to make himself larger than the game. Tiger is Drago from Rocky IV to me.
I will throw my 2 cents in seeing i probably watch and play more than most on this board.

My fascination with tiger was on the course. His ball striking ability. His putting in his prime was a thing of beauty. I mean he made everything when he was winning majors every year. The way he dominated these courses were ridiculous.

As far as him personally...he is a POS. The shell he has built around him...the private part of his life...the womanizing...the temper tantrums...its pathetic. The second after his dad passed it changed. He has blown through coaches...caddies and it hasnt done anything. He will not win again unless he starts making putts. Yesterday he hit some pretty awful putts and doesnt make nearly as much as he had.

He needs to dump this clown sean foley and put his tail between his legs and go back to butch harmon. If not then he will be spinning his wheels like he has the past 3 years.

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whats your cap bro.
Tiger is the sports world equivalent of a Hollywood child star (seriously, the dude was on national TV hitting golf balls at age 3) who, eventually, goes off the rails. He's a fascination for the same reason someone like Lindsay Lohan is a fascination, only Tiger actually used to be the most talented person in the history of his profession.
So I dont get the hatred stuff. I get it in the sense that society "feels" it is wrong to have sex with others outside of marriage. But Tiger is basically a sleeze because he enjoys bumping uglies? That I do not get. The guys biggest mistake was getting married. No marriage no issue.

How many of us would fare so well in the public eye? I would not as I particularly enjoy knockin boots...
So I dont get the hatred stuff. I get it in the sense that society "feels" it is wrong to have sex with others outside of marriage. But Tiger is basically a sleeze because he enjoys bumping uglies? That I do not get. The guys biggest mistake was getting married. No marriage no issue.

How many of us would fare so well in the public eye? I would not as I particularly enjoy knockin boots...
Exactly. A guy like Derek Jeter has it right. If you're a pro athlete, stay single and you'll be celebrated and envied for boning hot women left and right.

Of course, Tiger was married to a freaking bikini model...
It's his ON course behavior that makes him polarizing, moreso than his OFF course antics.
People of course are fascinated by tiger because people are fascinated by greatness, whether it's present or past greatness. All you need to do is look at ND football, Duke basketball, Yankees, Packers, whatever. People are drawn to legend. It's just human psychology and why would that change here?

As I've grown up I've tried to separate the personalities from the sport more. I try to watch Tiger for what he's great at, which is golf. Who am I to judge him for what he does in his private life? As long as he's not hurting me (nor any other innocent person for that matter) why would I care what he does? It doesn't make sense to me and your life becomes much better when you stop holding people to your own arbitrary standards of what makes right and wrong. That being said, Tiger appears to be a man without the ability to experience joy outside of conquering epic sex conquests (I presume this is why he cheated with uglies, to validate himself) or winning majors. And that, imo, is sad. For himself. Because it's all in his own head.
If you don't like egomaniacs who are womanizers and exhibit bizarre behavior off the playing surface then you might as well not follow sports. And the answer to why he gets headlines is the same reason people root for Fred Couples or love the story of Jack winning the '86 masters -- once you're on top in golf, you remain a person of interest until you stop playing. Tiger will make headlines for as long as he plays.
So I dont get the hatred stuff. I get it in the sense that society "feels" it is wrong to have sex with others outside of marriage. But Tiger is basically a sleeze because he enjoys bumping uglies? That I do not get. The guys biggest mistake was getting married. No marriage no issue.

How many of us would fare so well in the public eye? I would not as I particularly enjoy knockin boots...

I like the knockin boots reference. Takes me back to the Bill Belemy era. But I agree that I can't figure out why so many are turned off by the womanizing. The cheating is a different story, but these dudes using their celebrity to land a bunch of women is no more normal/abnormal than settling down with one person for 50 years or whatever. In fact, I think you could argue that multiple partners is a more natural male instinct than strict monogomy -- it's just not acted on (hopefully) due to social conventions (which are good).
People seem to like to judge. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but none of us are saints.
I think Tiger was made a big deal because everyone in golf wanted him to be. And he was a great story. He broke a big barrier for golf and had golf appeal to a much larger audience. The media and golf don't want to lose it. Huge ratings, lots of money. A highly hyped person making good on the hype. Was a great story. People in power do not want to lose it.

One aspect of Tiger that I like is that he is a golfer that is in good physical condition. Always thought if you wanted to be considered an athlete there should be a benefit of physical conditioning. Makes me question the game as an athletic event if you have some fat guy as the champion. And since I like to golf I want the best person in the field to be one that sees value in physical conditioning.
I think the quality of women he was shtupping had almost as much to do w/ Tiger's fall from grace as the fact that he was cheating on his wife.

Few things will speed public opinion against a sports icon faster than hooking up w/ the Perkins waitress while your young model wife is home raising the young kids.

This isn't to say that infidelity is acceptable so long as the other woman is as hot as your wife; but Tiger replaced Hugh Grant as poster child for that select group of famous guys who cheat on beautiful women w/ average (to put it mildly) gals.

When a man displays such baffling decision making then he no longer deserves to have people root for his success. He basically became your weird neighbor from 4 doors down.
I'm a mild-mannered guy, and I've done far, far worse things during a bad round of golf than Tiger did yesterday.

That game can make you see red.
I like Tiger the golfer, but you have to ignore him as a person. I personally hate someone like Phil more who I think is a total phony.

Tiger will be highly watched by both fans and haters alike, so that is a big part of his allure to media.

But the sports world loves cheering on for those who are trying to overcome adversity. John Daly is a still a fairly good draw on the PGA tour, and other then a few major wins, his career is basically that of misused talent, addiction and failure. But people love to see people try to overcome that.

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