Report from Maui |

Report from Maui


All Conference
Sep 1, 2011
I just found out the forum moved so this will be more truncated than I like, since I'm still jet lagged (got home 7 yesterday morning, dropped my suitcase home and went straight to work). Maui was fantastic! Both the island and the tourney. My friend and I got passes for all the games, so we weren't in with the Syracuse fan section, but because we were in the fourth row center court we know the players heard us screaming like banshees as they passed. It was wonderful to be in such an intimate setting. I think the games have been rehashed adequately so I won't go into many details but the team looked great. Whoever said the team would play up to their competition was right.

The banquet was a lot of fun. Basically it turned into a big roast as Bilas and the coaches traded insults. Mike Montgomery of Cal got off the best zingers. As a stand up comic I'd say he has a bright future if he decided to switch careers. (And maybe he should cause I thought he did a piss poor job coaching the third place game. His team was struggling badly and he refused to take time outs to settle them down and strategize. He had three left at the end of the game. What??? Boeheim would never do that, nor would most coaches IMO). Boeheim spoke last at the roast and got off some good one liners, as one would expect.

We stayed at the Sheraton where the team was. Beautiful resort, and some of the players were in the same wing as us so I got a few photos. I literally swam up to Ennis, congratulated him on a great game and said I could prove I was an Orange fan, then showed him my orange fingernails and got a laugh. Cooney was also very gracious. Also ran into coaches Hopkins and Autry. Hopkins modestly said Autry had been a great player while he was a crappy one. I replied crappy is relative. That earned a laugh and a high five from Hop. I also talked to Julie Boeheim twice after games. The second time I asked for a picture of her and she insisted my friend take one of the two of us. She just might be the nicest person on the planet. I did not run into Boeheim himself but a fellow fan showed me a picture of the two of them and yes Jim was smiling! I don't know most people on the board buty chatted several times with Joyce.

Overall it was worth every penny, and I highly recommend you go next time the team is in Maui.
Sounds like an awesome experience. Some family friends were over there also and stayed in the Sheraton and met some of the players - Gbinije, Coleman, Patterson, Baye, and JB (yes he was smiling in the pic). My friend said Patterson and Baye were both very friendly (several people on here have reported that to the be case about Baye so no surprise there). She also took a picture of her brother with Juli and experienced the same thing - Juli insisted he be in the picture with her and was very nice.
Great post!

One quibble: "I thought he did a piss poor job coaching the third place game. His team was struggling badly and he refused to take time outs to settle them down and strategize. He had three left at the end of the game. What??? Boeheim would never do that"

Never? To quote JB who didn't call a timeout as he watched a big lead disappear to lose going away at the end of a game said "If our senior captain didn't think we needed a timeout then I guess we didn't need a timeout."

I think his philosophy on timeouts has changed over the years but that particular JB What moment has stuck with me for about 35 years.
I literally swam up to Ennis, congratulated him on a great game and said I could prove I was an Orange fan, then showed him my orange fingernails and got a laugh.

Haha as I was reading this sentence I thought to myself, "man, I could see Ennis really being creeped out if you were some old fat guy SU fan swimming up to him in the pool."

But I agree with bballbeadle, more ladies the better.
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I just found out the forum moved so this will be more truncated than I like, since I'm still jet lagged (got home 7 yesterday morning, dropped my suitcase home and went straight to work). Maui was fantastic! Both the island and the tourney. My friend and I got passes for all the games, so we weren't in with the Syracuse fan section, but because we were in the fourth row center court we know the players heard us screaming like banshees as they passed. It was wonderful to be in such an intimate setting. I think the games have been rehashed adequately so I won't go into many details but the team looked great. Whoever said the team would play up to their competition was right.

The banquet was a lot of fun. Basically it turned into a big roast as Bilas and the coaches traded insults. Mike Montgomery of Cal got off the best zingers. As a stand up comic I'd say he has a bright future if he decided to switch careers. (And maybe he should cause I thought he did a piss poor job coaching the third place game. His team was struggling badly and he refused to take time outs to settle them down and strategize. He had three left at the end of the game. What??? Boeheim would never do that, nor would most coaches IMO). Boeheim spoke last at the roast and got off some good one liners, as one would expect.

We stayed at the Sheraton where the team was. Beautiful resort, and some of the players were in the same wing as us so I got a few photos. I literally swam up to Ennis, congratulated him on a great game and said I could prove I was an Orange fan, then showed him my orange fingernails and got a laugh. Cooney was also very gracious. Also ran into coaches Hopkins and Autry. Hopkins modestly said Autry had been a great player while he was a crappy one. I replied crappy is relative. That earned a laugh and a high five from Hop. I also talked to Julie Boeheim twice after games. The second time I asked for a picture of her and she insisted my friend take one of the two of us. She just might be the nicest person on the planet. I did not run into Boeheim himself but a fellow fan showed me a picture of the two of them and yes Jim was smiling! I don't know most people on the board buty chatted several times with Joyce.

Overall it was worth every penny, and I highly recommend you go next time the team is in Maui.
did you get Julie to paint your finger nails?
Once deciphered, the code reveals Beadle's true intent.

Attempt to obfuscate foiled. Like the rest of us, she really wants more pics of JLH.

Where do you get off being so clever?? Beadle can always be disarmed by strong wit!
Welcome, NYC! Please post more! This forum needs more of a female presence. And I'm not talking about all those pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt.

WHEW!!! NYC is a female... I got worried after the whole orange fingernail thing. :oops:
Yes I'm a female. No JLH I'm afraid. And I don't post more because, as big as a fan as I am (enough that I'll watch virtually any college b-ball game, including the women, who have gotten much better in the past few years) my knowledge fits in a thimble compared to most of you, and I end up putting my foot in my mouth. Unlike Igor, doing that embarrasses me.
Yes I'm a female. No JLH I'm afraid. And I don't post more because, as big as a fan as I am (enough that I'll watch virtually any college b-ball game, including the women, who have gotten much better in the past few years) my knowledge fits in a thimble compared to most of you, and I end up putting my foot in my mouth. Unlike Igor, doing that embarrasses me.

We have Marsh's female counterpart. But, does she drink PBR?
realorange said:
We have Marsh's female counterpart. But, does she drink PBR?
. No. My cheap beers are Trader Joes brands.
Yes I'm a female. No JLH I'm afraid. And I don't post more because, as big as a fan as I am (enough that I'll watch virtually any college b-ball game, including the women, who have gotten much better in the past few years) my knowledge fits in a thimble compared to most of you, and I end up putting my foot in my mouth. Unlike Igor, doing that embarrasses me.

No no! Don't worry about it. Do color commentary like you did in your original post. Say what you feel, perhaps more than what you think. If worse comes to worse, write songs! My basketball IQ is second to all, but people are very kind here. Get yourself an avatar and have Lawrinson help you with it.

This is the best advice I have. See you in the trenches. Go SU!

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