Scott Shafer at DeWitt Rotary luncheon yesterday |

Scott Shafer at DeWitt Rotary luncheon yesterday

Are you pleased with the selection of Scott Shafer as head coach?

  • Yes

    Votes: 39 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Walk On
Aug 27, 2011
I had the pleasure of listening to Coach Shafer at a luncheon yesterday. This man is impressive. No coach speak. Straight from the heart.

What I found most intriguing was a response to a question about what it would take for him to consider himself to be successful. He said that although most people willA base that on wins and losses, he will look back at how his children turn out, and his childrens' children, and what they've done in the community. He talked about his wife surviving cancer and his commitment to family. It was obvious to me from the beginning of his remarks that this man has good values and knows what is truly important in life.

Time will tell how things turn out from an X's and O's standpoint. But my guess is that when Coach Shafer sits in a recruits' living room and talks with the family, the parents will feel very comfortable about having their son spend the next 4 / 5 years with this man.

Good luck Coach! Let's Go Orange!!!
I had the pleasure of listening to Coach Shafer at a luncheon yesterday. This man is impressive. No coach speak. Straight from the heart.

What I found most intriguing was a response to a question about what it would take for him to consider himself to be successful. He said that although most people willA base that on wins and losses, he will look back at how his children turn out, and his childrens' children, and what they've done in the community. He talked about his wife surviving cancer and his commitment to family. It was obvious to me from the beginning of his remarks that this man has good values and knows what is truly important in life.

Time will tell how things turn out from an X's and O's standpoint. But my guess is that when Coach Shafer sits in a recruits' living room and talks with the family, the parents will feel very comfortable about having their son spend the next 4 / 5 years with this man.

Good luck Coach! Let's Go Orange!!!

Nice to have feedback on an SS appearance. The one thing I always point out with this stuff is that at the end of the day it's still college football -- it's pretty rare to have success without being pretty ego-driven, over-competitive and single-minded. I'm not saying SS is these things, but I just feel like some of the reason people here felt so scorned by DM taking a better job was because they developed some genuine personal affection for the guy. At the end of the day I basically just hope SS wins a lot of games.
Nice to have feedback on an SS appearance. The one thing I always point out with this stuff is that at the end of the day it's still college football -- it's pretty rare to have success without being pretty ego-driven, over-competitive and single-minded. I'm not saying SS is these things, but I just feel like some of the reason people here felt so scorned by DM taking a better job was because they developed some genuine personal affection for the guy. At the end of the day I basically just hope SS wins a lot of games.
For the record I have not said a single thing negative abotu Marrone's leaving SU. That said, I think you are a little off base about why people were/are so upset, simply because I think "genuine personal affection" and Doug Marrone is a big stretch. Even from the beginning Marrone was not a very warm and fuzzy individual. People liked him because he was an SU guy, he brought much needed discipline to the program and the team was no longer an embarrassment and was to an extent successful. However, I expect better than 25-25 and two winning seasons in the next four out of HCSS.
I had the pleasure of listening to Coach Shafer at a luncheon yesterday. This man is impressive. No coach speak. Straight from the heart.

What I found most intriguing was a response to a question about what it would take for him to consider himself to be successful. He said that although most people willA base that on wins and losses, he will look back at how his children turn out, and his childrens' children, and what they've done in the community. He talked about his wife surviving cancer and his commitment to family. It was obvious to me from the beginning of his remarks that this man has good values and knows what is truly important in life.

Time will tell how things turn out from an X's and O's standpoint. But my guess is that when Coach Shafer sits in a recruits' living room and talks with the family, the parents will feel very comfortable about having their son spend the next 4 / 5 years with this man.

Good luck Coach! Let's Go Orange!!!

Scott Shafer is solid. Regardless of what he does on the football field, the man has a big heart and is a great guy. Proud to have him taking over our football team.

Thanks for sharing.
For the record I have not said a single thing negative abotu Marrone's leaving SU. That said, I think you are a little off base about why people were/are so upset, simply because I think "genuine personal affection" and Doug Marrone is a big stretch. Even from the beginning Marrone was not a very warm and fuzzy individual. People liked him because he was an SU guy, he brought much needed discipline to the program and the team was no longer an embarrassment and was to an extent successful. However, I expect better than 25-25 and two winning seasons in the next four out of HCSS.

Yeah, maybe genuine personal affection is a bit strong. But whatever you want to call it -- maybe projecting qualities people deem "good" and "high-character", onto DM is what led to such a bitter taste. And, to be fair, I think we all would have expected much better than 25-25 out of DM the next four years, right? He had to right a sinking ship first, so overall record isn't entirely fair to DM.

But, my only point, is that if SS is a really good guy that's cool, but I really basically juts hope he wins a lot of games. If he's kind of a pr!ck or the world's most generous man is sort of a sidebar, IMO.
Yeah, maybe genuine personal affection is a bit strong. But whatever you want to call it -- maybe projecting qualities people deem "good" and "high-character", onto DM is what led to such a bitter taste. And, to be fair, I think we all would have expected much better than 25-25 out of DM the next four years, right? He had to right a sinking ship first, so overall record isn't entirely fair to DM.

But, my only point, is that if SS is a really good guy that's cool, but I really basically juts hope he wins a lot of games. If he's kind of a pr!ck or the world's most generous man is sort of a sidebar, IMO.

It's ok if a coach comes across as "distant" or even "dickish" as long as he is of high character and demands the same from his team. IMO, winning at any cost isn't an option here. We don't need a Petrino-like slob running our program.

So far I think we've struck gold with SS. He has demonstrated that he is a high character guy who genuinely cares about his players. Additionally, it appears that he and his family has embraced the community. I love the coaching staff that he has put together. The only missing piece is success on the FB field which I believe begins with a double-digit victory over PSU this fall.
Yeah, maybe genuine personal affection is a bit strong. But whatever you want to call it -- maybe projecting qualities people deem "good" and "high-character", onto DM is what led to such a bitter taste.
Thank you for putting that in to words better than I did in this post -

That's 100% the exact same idea I was trying to convey. Let's let these guys be coaches without making them in to moral pillars of society.
It's ok if a coach comes across as "distant" or even "dickish" as long as he is of high character and demands the same from his team. IMO, winning at any cost isn't an option here. We don't need a Petrino-like slob running our program.

So far I think we've struck gold with SS. He has demonstrated that he is a high character guy who genuinely cares about his players. Additionally, it appears that he and his family has embraced the community. I love the coaching staff that he has put together. The only missing piece is success on the FB field which I believe begins with a double-digit victory over PSU this fall.

I'm on board with basically all of this, even the win-at-all costs point (though I'd suggest that SU like most schools operates on a win-at-almost-any-cost approach, at least if you take the hoops rap sheet as an example). But my only quibbles are that I like the idea that Shafer is a good guy but it's not ultimately that important to me and really shouldn't be to any of us who don't have a personal relationship with him. And secondly, 'high character' is really, really tough to define and judge, IMO.

That's all. I agree with basically everything you posted and it seems like a great staff. I just encourage people not to get too wrapped up in the public images of the staff.
billsin01 post makes more sense and is far less condescending since he never used the "hero worship" angle.


Sure, man. I openly acknowledge Bills is a better poster than I am.

There's nothing condescending with acknowledging that people engage in hero worship for sports figures, and there's no sense in denying that part of the problem people had with Marrone is that he became a hero to them and now there's a sense of betrayal. That statement isn't even a stretch.

What you don't like about it is that it came from me - one of the few people that's actually been honest about Marrone at every step.
Love the part of the story about his dad, you can just tell he has humility and is humble no doubt from a great relationship with his father. Could not be more proud to have this guy as a coach.

Sure, man. I openly acknowledge Bills is a better poster than I am.

There's nothing condescending with acknowledging that people engage in hero worship for sports figures, and there's no sense in denying that part of the problem people had with Marrone is that he became a hero to them and now there's a sense of betrayal. That statement isn't even a stretch.

What you don't like about it is that it came from me - one of the few people that's actually been honest about Marrone at every step.
Wow...your self aggrandizing has reached yet another level.
My two cents? I don't care. Not even a little. GRob was a nice guy. Most people think Boeheim is a dick. Personally, I'll take a winning dick over a losing nice guy every time.
Wow...your self aggrandizing has reached yet another level.
False. I have always been at 100% self-aggrandizement. I am self-aggrandizement self actualized. I have transcended self-aggrandizement. There are no other levels.

I am the best of what you all believed Doug Marrone to be.
False. I have always been at 100% self-aggrandizement. I am self-aggrandizement self actualized. I have transcended self-aggrandizement. There are no other levels.

I am the best of what you all believed Doug Marrone to be.
you forgot one thing...gaveled!
you forgot one thing...gaveled!
You're right. Usually I only use the gavel when making decrees as arbiter of nicknaming and recruiting credit, but given your observation I'm also going to take upon myself the mantle of arbiter of self-aggrandizement.


Sure, man. I openly acknowledge Bills is a better poster than I am.

There's nothing condescending with acknowledging that people engage in hero worship for sports figures, and there's no sense in denying that part of the problem people had with Marrone is that he became a hero to them and now there's a sense of betrayal. That statement isn't even a stretch.

What you don't like about it is that it came from me - one of the few people that's actually been honest about Marrone at every step.

Agreed. You've been the star we all guide ourselves by. As a true acolyte, I will remain vigilant to protect myself from liking a coach or believing in Syracuse too much.

Thank you for helping me protect myself from myself. I hero-worship far too quickly and lack the cognitive ability to deduce a coaches quality on my own.

- Your humble servant,
(with a grain of salt of course)
Agreed. You've been the star we all guide ourselves by. As a true acolyte, I will remain vigilant to protect myself from liking a coach or believing in Syracuse too much.

Thank you for helping me protect myself from myself. I hero-worship far too quickly and lack the cognitive ability to deduce a coaches quality on my own.

- Your humble servant,
(with a grain of salt of course)
It is a burden, but it's a burden that lesser posters would buckle under, so I do what I must.
It is a burden, but it's a burden that lesser posters would buckle under, so I do what I must.

The mantle of leadership falls heavy - thanks for carrying us all through these dark times.
The mantle of leadership falls heavy - thanks for carrying us all through these dark times.
I have the quad strength of a sherpa on steroids.
As a person I think Scott Shafer relates to a lot of people on this board or syracusans and blue collar types in general. I think Doug did to but the difference I see is maybe ego/arrogance. Shafer comes across as more genuine, less of an ego.
As a person I think Scott Shafer relates to a lot of people on this board or syracusans and blue collar types in general. I think Doug did to but the difference I see is maybe ego/arrogance. Shafer comes across as more genuine, less of an ego.
Agreed...publically, SS seems far less guarded than DM.

He also seems to have a better grasp of the PR side of the college game as well. Being raised in a FB family doesn't hurt. Now all we need is another 13 game season.
Agreed...publically, SS seems far less guarded than DM.

He also seems to have a better grasp of the PR side of the college game as well. Being raised in a FB family doesn't hurt. Now all we need is another 13 game season.

I tend to see it this way as well. People tend to feel like 'PR' is a bad term or a way of saying someone isn't genuine. I see it more as a way of putting a public face on your program. I think Shafer gets and embraces the fact that positive PR and engagement is a key part of building a successful college program. I think, by and large, DM viewed it as a waste of time that would be better spent on film, in the weight room or on the practice field. I wouldn't pretend to know but if I had to guess the PR side of things (and the recruiting process perhaps) is one of the main reasons DM is Buffalo right now.

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