Semi OT: Oklahoma fans not happy with Big 12 |

Semi OT: Oklahoma fans not happy with Big 12


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Obviously this is not big news to this site; however, many Oklahoma fans are not happy with the Big 12. I am officially an OU dad so I have been reading a few OU sites. I was up in Norman this past weekend helping my daughter move into her apartment and spoke with a few local fans up there.

Basically, they are unsure of what Texas is doing. OU refused an overture from the SEC and now many are regretting it. Many are now realizing that people are throwing around numbers that are not real nor are they likely to get significantly better. I.e. Each school has a media deal that is on top of their conference deal, but the claims for the Big 12 payouts are skewed to deny that teams from other conferences receive these funds. Also, they are now realizing that WVU and TCU received only a portion of the payout so the other eight teams received more than a equal share. When they compared that to the SEC, B1G, ACC and PAC 12 they realized they are about to get hosed. Also, they are now realizing that the LHN is a boon for UT, but their own 3rd tier deal requires them to pony up the production costs and staff 100 people to do so, the $7MM for 3rd tier rights sounds good, but is actually much less that advertised.

Many fans are looking for any out they can find, SEC, B1G, Pac 12, even the ACC by a few. All seem to realize that the GOR is the hold up in that the financial side of breaking the GOR is excessive. Some have concluded that if UT and OU both jump, the conference is effectively disbanded and they may break the GOR at that time. They know that the school administration makes the decisions, but as fans they are no longer disillusioned.

Also, it is rumored (as no one has a copy of the GOR) that there may be a "look in" where in some or all teams may be able to simply buy out their remaining time for a set fee (which amount is in dispute) but if so, conference realignment may start up again.

Most fans blame Texas, their president and/or DeLoss Dodds. Most don't care whether they remain in a conference with UT or not. Some big donors are having similar complaints/concerns/general dissatisfaction. Most realize that WVU was a mistake, at least as a solo eastern addition. Most dislike WVU already. Most wish they had Louisville, even if it meant 11 teams. Many are looking to add a Florida team. Some are fantasizing about Arkansas and MSState leaving the SEC.


The comments in the thread are backed up by the comments of Sooner fans I met in Norman.

Naturally, living in Texas, I viewed one of the many UT boards, which was established when OrangeBloods went wacky.

This is a very long thread (626 pages, 50 posts/page), skip to near the end. If you can get past the self adoration of all things UT, you can view some similar discontent with the Bevo 12. Most realize they missed the boat on Louisville, with some still thinking that Louisville will jump from the ACC if they get an invite (also, FSU is headed their way according to some nut jobs), but reasonable heads admit the GOR will stop that from happening.

Anyway, just passing along some anecdotal intel from the Big 12 perspective not originating from WVU. Also, most posters on both sites discount anything from a WVU source - proof that there is some good in these two fan bases. This can all be summed up with Arb's assessment: "It's good to be the Orange!"
Cuse is the Zen Master of the Old Big East. Quietly let the wind blow while we slid, slowly, to a better place with no fanfare and no recriminations.

We don't have a big, loud, obnoxious fan base. What we have is a brand, and good management.
I agree with your post, but tell this part to opposing basketball fans!
You have a point. While I would like to say that football drives everything - which it generally does - in this case there is no question that basketball had something to do with it. I was speaking of a different kind of obnoxiousness, though - the yammering and histrionic yapping of lesser teams who want to be noticed. During realignment, the desperate fan bases of desperate programs make the most noise regarding realignment. When it comes to hoops, our fan base is loud, obnoxious, and proud. Realignment? Pshaw. We come to OWN you. No Napoleon complex there!
Very informative post. Thanks for condensing what obviously was tremendous amount of information/opinion. It certainly doesn't hurt to know what what's going on in potentially competing (in realignment) conferences. Seems like most of the focus lately has centered on the B10, but it is good to know we have Orange fans in B12 Land watching our backs!
Cuse is the Zen Master of the Old Big East. Quietly let the wind blow while we slid, slowly, to a better place with no fanfare and no recriminations.

We don't have a big, loud, obnoxious fan base. What we have is a brand, and good management.

Conversation between DeLoss Dodds' parents in 1939...

"Hmmm... what should we name our baby boy?"
"Joseph? Matthew? Michael?"
"Actually, I think he looks like a DeLoss."
"That's an absolutely beautiful name! Let's go with that!"
I've wondered about that. Now I know. Thanks.
Conversation between DeLoss Dodds' parents in 1939...

"Hmmm... what should we name our baby boy?"
"Joseph? Matthew? Michael?"
"Actually, I think he looks like a DeLoss."
"That's an absolutely beautiful name! Let's go with that!"

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the bevo reminds me of obama. the media is in awe of them for no particular reason, and now the cracks...that smart folks have seen for years...are just becoming apparent.

id rank conf strength as follows

1. SEC
2. b1g
3. ACC
4. pac

5. bevo

6 everybody else

Oh Lord
Delaney will figure out that after adding 2 crap schools that water down B1G football he needs to another strong football, OU!
The only thing missing if it the conference took money from those who are talented enough, good enough and work hard enough to win games and gave it to those who are not talented enough, work hard enough or are good enough to win.

Sent from my SCH-I200 using Tapatalk 2
Meanwhile, yesterday's cover story in the sports page of the Dallas Morning News is how Texas's flagship football, basketball and baseball programs are all on a multi-year losing streak (no Bevo titles, no BCS bowls etc.) and how the natives are most unhappy. Deloss is quoted liberally and it was suggested his name is quite apropos. Going 9-4 in FB while watching Johnny Football tear them up is gut wrenching for the faithful.
id rank conf strength as follows

1. SEC
2. b1g
3. ACC
4. pac

5. bevo

6 everybody else

Oh Lord

That looks about right. And the B12 has taken some very big losses, which people seem to easily overlook. Nebraska and TA&M...those were huge. Colorado and Missouri while not huge are brand names.
Meanwhile, yesterday's cover story in the sports page of the Dallas Morning News is how Texas's flagship football, basketball and baseball programs are all on a multi-year losing streak (no Bevo titles, no BCS bowls etc.) and how the natives are most unhappy. Deloss is quoted liberally and it was suggested his name is quite apropos. Going 9-4 in FB while watching Johnny Football tear them up is gut wrenching for the faithful.

Especially considering Manziel was a Longhorn fan much of his life and that UT recruited him as a DB as opposed to QB. Someone down there must not have done their homework on that one..
Someone down there must not have done their homework on that one..

See David Ash, A'Shawn Robinson, Robbie Rhodes, Ketih Ford etc. and back to back blow out losses to OU.

the bevo reminds me of obama. the media is in awe of them for no particular reason, and now the cracks...that smart folks have seen for years...are just becoming apparent.

id rank conf strength as follows

1. SEC
2. b1g
3. ACC
4. pac

5. bevo

6 everybody else
Of particular note, the distance between (6) and (3). And it's good to be able to say that you didn't simply ride the coattails - you helped push (3) above (4).

the bevo reminds me of obama. the media is in awe of them for no particular reason, and now the cracks...that smart folks have seen for years...are just becoming apparent.

id rank conf strength as follows

1. SEC
2. b1g
3. ACC
4. pac

5. bevo

6 everybody else

Oh Lord

I might switch 2 & 3, or make them both two. Delaney watered down the conference quite a bit with UMD and Snooki High, while the ACC got bowl teams who are not afraid of playing good teams.
The only thing missing if it the conference took money from those fortunate enough to win games and gave it to those not fortunate enough to win.

They tried a variation where teams were rewarded for being on TV, win or lose. ISU, KSU, TTech and others realized nobody cares about them.

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