So when was the last time |

So when was the last time

Yup...if we only had Jim Brown that season...we might have won it all.
Yup...if we only had Jim Brown that season...we might have won it all.

I would love to have seen Big Jim on the court with Bigger Wilt.

UNC defeated Syracuse in the East Region final. It took 3 OTs to beat Michigan St, and then 3 more OTs to upset Kansas to finish 32-0.

If Syracuse were to complete the task, Dook fans and ole Rat Face will be livid forever.
UNC defeated Syracuse in the East Region final. It took 3 OTs to beat Michigan St, and then 3 more OTs to upset Kansas to finish 32-0.

If Syracuse were to complete the task, Dook fans and ole Rat Face will be livid forever.

Because we will likely have beaten them three times- in our place, in their place and in Greensboro.

Dig those cheerleaders. I'm far from a prude but looking at the SU cheerleaders, I wonder why it's considered necessary for them to be dressed like Vegas showgirls to root for the team. Teenage fantasies aside, it's supposed to be about school spirit, not sex.

Dig those cheerleaders. I'm far from a prude but looking at the SU cheerleaders, I wonder why it's considered necessary for them to be dressed like Vegas showgirls to root for the team. Teenage fantasies aside, it's supposed to be about school spirit, not s e x .

That is actually an interesting question to consider, and I'd like to see what people could come up with. You are the Yin to JarHeadJim's Yang.

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