Some thoughts, commentary and questions |

Some thoughts, commentary and questions


R.I.P Dan
Aug 15, 2011
1. Someone threw an object at Austin Etherington as he was exiting after his ejection. A friend said the object hit the player. Security then moved toward the person then backed off. Can anyone who was in that area provide any further information?

2. Check out the often maligned Dana O' Neil's piece on Trevor Cooney in the daily articles. She builds him into a GMAC type and also has high praise for his coach, our backcourt and the system. The title of it is 'Cooney follows a familiar path for Syracuse' it's well worth the read. Make sure to check out the comments that follow.

Hey Big 10 fan want a little wine with that cheese?

3. How about the job GMAC has done with Trevor Cooney?

Possiblythe most improved Orangeman since James Southerland or CJ Fair?

I think that Cooney's improvement over the course of one year may out do that of the aforementioned.


Because his total game has grown in leaps and bounds. His perimeter defense has been harassing, he slides very well, fights over and behind picks and just plain old hustles his a$$ off.

His shot has improved tremendously, from the 20's to the 40's from three and he really knows how to get open.

He's one part GMAC, one part Hop, one part Kristof Ongenaet,.

Not since KO's spill have we worried as much about a neck, spine or head injury to a player. It sure looked nasty, glad to see there are no apparent ill effects.

4. Tyler Ennis is everything we saw in his high school tapes and more.

Tyler has a lot to do with Cooney's confidence and improvement. Ennis delivers the ball on time and in position so that Tevor's timing is spot on.

After just 8 division one games he has gained the respect of the announce teams of Bilas/McDonough & Tirico/Dakich.

JB already had trust and faith in him before the season started.

What really separates Ennis from most first year point guards is the control that he plays under. There is no show off in him. He's just out there to facilitate. He is the definition of point guard.

"Tuesday was the fourth time that Ennis racked up at least four steals and the fourth straight game with at least three" wrote David Wilson of the Daily Orange. In addition he had 8 assists and one turnover not too shabby. On the season he has 41 assists and 9 turnovers.

I wonder when Dickie V is going to tell the world that he discovered Tyler and that Syracuse has one of the top, if not best starting guards in the nation?

5. Can we go to Canada every year? The team is gelling faster than normal, too bad Tyler Roberson's academics got in the way of his development. Can SU do this every year or does the NCAA have a rule that only allows this once in a blue moon?

6 Danny Schayes just landed a gig on the Gomez and Adams show. He was on as a guest yesterday morning and from what I understand was outstanding.

Danny has a voice for the radio and his comments are compelling and well reasoned.

It started out as a one-time interview. He talked about his 11 year old son and how the doctor has projected that's he's going to be at least 6-8.

Hey maybe someday he might just wear Orange.

I'd take another Schayes in a heartbeat. I grew up going to the Syracuse Nationals games and one of my favorite players was Danny's dad Dolph.

Dolly as Jim McKechnie, the radio play-by-play voice of the Nats on WNDR would call him.

My son, known here as Orange Onions, found a Danny Schayes Milwaukee Bucks card at the Dome about seven years ago. He's had it in his wallet ever since.

We spotted Danny at last night's game and at halftime we had him sign the card. His wife and son got a kick out of the attention we gave him. Danny's wife said that they decided not to influence their son into playing any particular sport. When he was around the age of reason he started finding out about the basketball legacy's of his dad & granddad. One an NBA top 50 all timer, the other a 14 year veteran of the NBA. That's when he said I want to play basketball.

7. Was New York Yankee star in Syracuse just to take in the game or was he here on business?

Maybe it has been explained elsewhere I haven't read all the articles. I checked his background to see if there was an Indiana connection, there was none.

He did, however, grow up in ACCland, Maryland and go to an ACC school Georgia Tech where he played baseball.

Mark now lives in Connecticut. If anyone has the answer I'd like to know. Please don't just say, he was here to watch a basketball game, lol.

8. Matt Park has an interesting moniker for the other three SU freshmen, he calls them, 'My Three Sons" because all of their names end in son, Roberson, Patterson and Johnson. Pretty clever.

9. Did anyone see recruit Malachi Richardson? If so did any fans approach him? He has SU & Indiana in his final six, I wonder who he was more impressed with?

10. 26,414 fans on a week night, no other university onsite facility can do that. It continues to amaze me that in this town we can pull in so many people for a college basketball game.

When I was growing up we had the NBA in the center of the city and were lucky to draw 3,000 plus.

Who ever would have thought, back in the late 50's or early 60's that 5 decades later nearly nine times the average attendance for the Nats would show up to see the Orangemen?

Don't take this for granted, it is as special as it gets, just ask the more than 100 DI schools who generate 9,000 or less at their games.

11. Dan Dakich (famous for keeping Michael Jordan to 11 points in his final college contest) said that Trevor Cooney made 22 straight 3 pointers while he stood next to him during shoot around's, 'I was mesmerized' Dakich said.

Dan also paid a compliment to the Syracuse fan base calling us as knowledgeable as there are in the nation. He also, time and again, dissected our offense and pointed out all of the nuances of the screens, the rubs the movement. All the while giving great credit to the patterns we run and saying many people are under the assumption that Jimmy just rolls the balls out.

All-in-all a lot of positive feedback from the former Hoosier.

12. Is Igor ready to cry uncle about the tavern league defense of James Arthur Boeheim?

JAB has crafted a monster which future, topnotch opponents will be ducking like the plague.

One Indiana sportswriter is imploring their basketball program to not schedule SU out of conference, 'we just don't match up good against them.'

This thing just keeps evolving, the recruiters know just the right parts replacements to look for.

The Kentucky's and the Duke's might get the cream of the crop but we are looking for players that fit our system. The staff is doing a great job in that regard.

The proof ? Making the final four last year and being an injury & an eligibility issue away from two other possible final fours and a possible national championship or two.

Baylor shot 57% overall and 47% from three but that is the exception besides we found other ways to beat them.

13. CJ Fair, as was pointed out by the announce team, didn't project to go high in the 2013 draft.

It was determined, after looking at all of the facts, that he would be better served by returning for his senior season.

Well things could have gone in one of two directions, either he could become a gunner and use the season as his audition for the NBA or he could do what coaches asked him to do and lead the team.

It looks like he has chosen the latter.. The results for CJ and the team are evident, 8-0, #4 national ranking and Maui MVP. Out of team play good results will follow.

Crean said of CJ, 'He's just efficient, his strengths are very defined.

Before the game Dakich compared him to former Hoosier great Calbert Chaney.

Right now CJ is viewed as going 25-40 in the draft, 40 scouts were at the Dome last night, some were surveyed.

I remember watching CJ's high school tapes and he was second fiddle to Will Barton. He's 2nd fiddle no longer and he's grown into the role of a no maintenance leader.
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I thought I saw someone dump some soda on the ejected player as he was almost into the tunnel. you're right, security started to descend and then backed off.
1. Someone threw an object at Austin Etherington as he was exiting after his ejection. A friend said the object hit the player. Security then moved toward the person then backed off. Can anyone who was in that area provide any further information?

I remember watching CJ's high school tapes and he was second fiddle to Will Barton. He's 2nd fiddle no longer and he's grown into the role of a no maintenance leader.

Great write up, Eyes !! Wonderful seeing you, and always nice for you to share your perspective.

I agree that the system is really humming these days, and even though we have been on a great run, there are no signs of it slowing down.

From my seats, I got a pretty fair look at the object thrown at the Indiana player as he was going up the tunnel. It was white and looked like a cup or maybe a popcorn container. Didn't seem to hit him, but it came close. Frankly, I'm surprised there wasn't more reaction. They didn't dare put that up on the video screen, or he would have faced a lynch mob.
Man, 40 scouts? Nice knowin' ya, Tyler ;)
Man, 40 scouts? Nice knowin' ya, Tyler ;)

I don't think NBA scouts would think he's ready to defend at that level yet. Although there is still a lot of ball to be played this season!
I saw Danny Schayes last night too - so is he now living or planning to live in Syracuse or was he visiting? A new Red Ram possibly? Is he still married to the Olympic diver Wendy Lucero? Hope his son shoots like his dad - great high post player.
5. Can we go to Canada every year? The team is gelling faster than normal, too bad Tyler Roberson's academics got in the way of his development. Can SU do this every year or does the NCAA have a rule that only allows this once in a blue moon?

Nope, can't do it every year. As I recall, teams are limited to one trip per four year period.

I thought I saw someone dump some soda on the ejected player as he was almost into the tunnel. you're right, security started to descend and then backed off.

Jason Kidd was at the game, too?
I saw Danny Schayes last night too - so is he now living or planning to live in Syracuse or was he visiting? A new Red Ram possibly? Is he still married to the Olympic diver Wendy Lucero? Hope his son shoots like his dad - great high post player.


This was taken in 2011, looks like her

Yes this is definitely her


This is his son Logan

Here is a write up by him on the Maccabiah Games

He mentions his mom in this article. Looks like Logan has a future in writing.
We can't go every year but it seems like such a no brainer to go to Canada once every four years. What did that trip cost? 20k?
Dan, what a tome! That must have taken you quite a long time to put together. It a great read with my morning coffee. An unexpected delight!

3 & 4. It is THRILLING to have them together in the back court. We should be the envy of all the land. According to what I read, this partnership began this past summer when Ennis and Cooney were in summer school together. They hung out constantly, and the staff encouraged it. They are buddies. Why, I bet they even know what each others favorite color is! It doesn't get any closer than that. After a great tandem play, they acknowledge each other, bump fists, etc.

On a related note, in the Indiana game when Coleman turned around and put the ball in the bucket during the first half, I saw Keita leap out of his seat and jump around, so happy for his teammate. If we can keep this kind of love fest going with our team, the sky is the limit!
That was very nice read...thanks. I agree on all your points...very well said

On the cooney someone else said you could see the potential in his all around game, he just didn't get the minutes to be comfortable out on the court and lacked the confidence he has this year to produce consistently. He's one heck of a player and I really enjoy watching him improve every game...
Dan, what a tome! That must have taken you quite a long time to put together. It a great read with my morning coffee. An unexpected delight!

3 & 4. It is THRILLING to have them together in the back court. We should be the envy of all the land. According to what I read, this partnership began this past summer when Ennis and Cooney were in summer school together. They hung out constantly, and the staff encouraged it. They are buddies. Why, I bet they even know what each others favorite color is! It doesn't get any closer than that. After a great tandem play, they acknowledge each other, bump fists, etc.

On a related note, in the Indiana game when Coleman turned around and put the ball in the bucket during the first half, I saw Keita leap out of his seat and jump around, so happy for his teammate. If we can keep this kind of love fest going with our team, the sky is the limit!

I've noticed the genuine happiness they often display for one another, and it's just heartwarming to see in this age of "me-first" ballers. I agree that when they have that kind of mentality, we see the synergistic effects as the team operates as a unit and is in the flow. I "can't hardly wait" through these longer gaps between games to see more of what this team is capable of!

Orangeyes, excellent writeup as usual! #12 put a big grin on my face. You brought your A-game just like the team did.

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