Some thoughts going into camp |

Some thoughts going into camp


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
DL - I think that Linton, Lockett, and Caleb are almost locks, 2nd string, in particular DT, are the uncertain spots

LB - Starters locked in, completion is for second string

DB - who can stay healthy. Consistent theme is they get dinged up. The corners are set, and I think Carter and Barron are 99% starting. Is Simmons and Coley a camp battle? Who are the guys in the rotation. If you go with the returning players that’s Hanna, Greenwood (both have starts and significant snaps), Folk and Nunn. I think there’s a good chance some get displaced by the three transfers. That’s 13 guys before you even get to the five freshmen, do any of the fresher win a job in the rotation?

OL - 7 returning guys with multiple starts. I don’t think there is any way (if healthy) Vett isn’t either the starting center or RT. If Ellis hasn’t eaten his way out of a job, then he’s at guard. That would give you Ilaoa at C/G and Tisdale as your swing tackle. The top seven guys average 6-5 324. That’s legit size.

Red, ECJ, and Bradford seem the most likely guys to fill out the second unit.

TE - not much to say, Mang and Mahar. They can motion Elmore for two tight looks.

WR - probably the most wide open spot. None of the returning players have done enough to lock up a job. What kind of offense are we going to see? The roster is like a P and D fever dream, a bunch of huge run blocking upperclass men OL, a 286?! lb 6th yr FB, an all American take it to the house power speed back that can run inside and outside zone with great balance, and a big run first Qb that can get the ball down field. If that’s the vision, who’s a willing blocker and can be physical is going to be a highly valued trait.

QB - no drama at 1. I think Del Rio-Wilson ends up 2 and Morgan 3.

RB - same as above, 1 is settled. Price and Allen need to contribute.

Specials - returners are wide open. The biggest competition on the whole team might be punter.
Hanna is so small out there. He gets dinged up just because of size. Honestly props to him for even playing as much as he does. What is he, like 175?
Love Hanna and Greenwood but we’re in big trouble if they continue to see meaningful snaps

Hopefully the transfers at safety were done to address this.
No doubt they were. Another big factor has been Carter’s and Coley’s health. Pray for health this season. We need safeties with experience and instincts. There’s a drop off after Barron and Jahad
DL - I think that Linton, Lockett, and Caleb are almost locks, 2nd string, in particular DT, are the uncertain spots

LB - Starters locked in, completion is for second string

DB - who can stay healthy. Consistent theme is they get dinged up. The corners are set, and I think Carter and Barron are 99% starting. Is Simmons and Coley a camp battle? Who are the guys in the rotation. If you go with the returning players that’s Hanna, Greenwood (both have starts and significant snaps), Folk and Nunn. I think there’s a good chance some get displaced by the three transfers. That’s 13 guys before you even get to the five freshmen, do any of the fresher win a job in the rotation?

OL - 7 returning guys with multiple starts. I don’t think there is any way (if healthy) Vett isn’t either the starting center or RT. If Ellis hasn’t eaten his way out of a job, then he’s at guard. That would give you Ilaoa at C/G and Tisdale as your swing tackle. The top seven guys average 6-5 324. That’s legit size.

Red, ECJ, and Bradford seem the most likely guys to fill out the second unit.

TE - not much to say, Mang and Mahar. They can motion Elmore for two tight looks.

WR - probably the most wide open spot. None of the returning players have done enough to lock up a job. What kind of offense are we going to see? The roster is like a P and D fever dream, a bunch of huge run blocking upperclass men OL, a 286?! lb 6th yr FB, an all American take it to the house power speed back that can run inside and outside zone with great balance, and a big run first Qb that can get the ball down field. If that’s the vision, who’s a willing blocker and can be physical is going to be a highly valued trait.

QB - no drama at 1. I think Del Rio-Wilson ends up 2 and Morgan 3.

RB - same as above, 1 is settled. Price and Allen need to contribute.

Specials - returners are wide open. The biggest competition on the whole team might be punter.
Agree with most of this.

Think rover is going to be a battle between Barron and Oliver.

Agree, the free safety position is up for grabs. Simmons, Hanna and Clark. Would not be surprised if Johnson gets a look here too. White wants the best athletes on the field.

From what I saw at the spring game, James Williams is going to win the punter job. The Aussie had a ways to go back then. Perhaps he has improved focusing on football all summer? Hope so because Williams did not look terrific in the spring.

At OL, we know Bergeron is the LT. We know Bleich is one of the OGs.

I think Davis, if healthy, is a lock to start somewhere. Could be at OG or perhaps at RT.

I agree that Vet is also going to start but I think he looked far ahead of Josh. I think he ends up at center as our only passable option there. That leaves RT.

If Davis moves there. Ellis the the other OG. Definitely possible.

I think in the end, Ellis has eaten himself into the 3rd OG and I see Enrique Cruz taking over the RT spot. Just not sure if he will be able to win the job right away. If not, Tisdale will hold it until Enrique is ready.

At WR, I feel confident Courtney is starting. Guessing Queeley, the best blocking WR we had last year, is going to get a lot of PT in large part because of this. I lean towards more experienced players to get most of the rest of the playing time, in part because they are likely better blockers. Alford, maybe Jones and maybe Gadsden (he is P5 sized already)

I think Courtney is going to return punts. For KOs, could be a lot of guys but I lean towards the backup RBs.
DL - I think that Linton, Lockett, and Caleb are almost locks, 2nd string, in particular DT, are the uncertain spots

LB - Starters locked in, completion is for second string

DB - who can stay healthy. Consistent theme is they get dinged up. The corners are set, and I think Carter and Barron are 99% starting. Is Simmons and Coley a camp battle? Who are the guys in the rotation. If you go with the returning players that’s Hanna, Greenwood (both have starts and significant snaps), Folk and Nunn. I think there’s a good chance some get displaced by the three transfers. That’s 13 guys before you even get to the five freshmen, do any of the fresher win a job in the rotation?

OL - 7 returning guys with multiple starts. I don’t think there is any way (if healthy) Vett isn’t either the starting center or RT. If Ellis hasn’t eaten his way out of a job, then he’s at guard. That would give you Ilaoa at C/G and Tisdale as your swing tackle. The top seven guys average 6-5 324. That’s legit size.

Red, ECJ, and Bradford seem the most likely guys to fill out the second unit.

TE - not much to say, Mang and Mahar. They can motion Elmore for two tight looks.

WR - probably the most wide open spot. None of the returning players have done enough to lock up a job. What kind of offense are we going to see? The roster is like a P and D fever dream, a bunch of huge run blocking upperclass men OL, a 286?! lb 6th yr FB, an all American take it to the house power speed back that can run inside and outside zone with great balance, and a big run first Qb that can get the ball down field. If that’s the vision, who’s a willing blocker and can be physical is going to be a highly valued trait.

QB - no drama at 1. I think Del Rio-Wilson ends up 2 and Morgan 3.

RB - same as above, 1 is settled. Price and Allen need to contribute.

Specials - returners are wide open. The biggest competition on the whole team might be punter.
If Veterello is the starting center and Tisdale plays at all, there are huge problems on the OL.
I feel all three DB transfers see significant playing time this year.
If Tinsdale is starting we are in trouble on the line. Concerned if Vet plays center. He was getting blown off the ball last year. It was the reason AS was moved to center.
Do not think Queeley starts. Did not show enough last year to beat out some of the younger players. If best attribute is as a blocker we need to find a better option. There are a lot of younger players with better upside.
Feel Linton will only be coming in on passing downs. Need more size on the edge to stop the run.
I feel all three DB transfers see significant playing time this year.
If Tinsdale is starting we are in trouble on the line. Concerned if Vet plays center. He was getting blown off the ball last year. It was the reason AS was moved to center.
Do not think Queeley starts. Did not show enough last year to beat out some of the younger players. If best attribute is as a blocker we need to find a better option. There are a lot of younger players with better upside.
Feel Linton will only be coming in on passing downs. Need more size on the edge to stop the run.
I think Queeley should be moved to TE like Keayton Thompson on Virginia. Vetterello actually played really well at RT, I have no idea why he started at C. We started to struggle once he got hurt and Tisdale had to come in.
Some interesting possibilities on the OL, second D-Line and at Rover/Safety. On the OL, Berg is a lock at LT, Bleich will start at one OG spot, and Davis, who is talented and mobile for 335, could play the other guard spot or RT. Ellis' weight is up, but he had a good year, and with his size I wouldn't rule him out unless he's NRFPT in fall camp. As far as center, Vet has had some issues, But I think he's the best available option in the middle. So my guess for starters is: Berg, Ellis, Vet, Bleich and Davis with Illoa, Cruz, Bradford and Tisdale in the second rotation. If Davis can take snaps, I wouldn't be shocked if the staff tried swapping him out with Vet at C/RT. That would be ideal to plug the middle.

My DL second string lineup (Go has the 1st string nailed) is: Geer, Darton and Nolton/Jacquez on the edge. If Darton's weight is down bc of health reasons, Fuentes could fill in. My surprise pick for the 2d string interior, wiith Jobbity and Hough being a year away, is Bassette. I think he's good enough to move onto the second line by mid-season.

At rover I think Barron is solid (if unspectacular) but Oliver's speed is exceptional. Either way Oliver makes rover better and deeper. FS Hanna and Clark are decent but, as with rover, Johnson adds size, range and depth.
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Barron I see being pretty valuable situation wise because obviously he's a good Rover but he could at times fill in at a traditional LB role for a few snaps.

The defensive depth in LB and Secondary could allow the staff to come up with good rotations and situational lineups.
Berg, Ellis, lloa, Bleich, Davis

Babers has repeatedly said top 7.

Vet top returner. Hard to see him not starting. The line was better with him at RTackle.

If Bliechs not healthy its Berg, Ellis, lloa, Davis, Vet. That's not a bad line.

If Ellis sits, then it's likely Berg, Bliech, llaoa, Davis, Vet

Does Vet go back to center (hope not), Ellis at guard. llaoa first off the bench?

Can Davis or Bleich play center? Roster says llaoa is up to 316. Hope so cause he gets pushed around inside.

Tisdale (6-5 301), Bradford (6-5 302), Kauhi (6-5 270), Petry (6-4 281), and Red (6-5 277) have played.

Top newcomers Cruz (6-6 302), Magnunson (6-6 280) and Hoeh (6-4 275)

OL and WR are most intriguing questions to me this summer.
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It sure sounds like the offense will include a lot more passing. Tucker referred to it in his remarks. Any way we can get the ball to playmakers, especially Tucker, in the open field sounds promising and hopefully that there's some confidence in Shrader's development as a passer. Tucker looked really good in his interview.
Berg, Ellis, lloa, Bleich, Davis

Babers has repeatedly said top 7.

Vet top returner. Hard to see him not starting. The line was better with him at RTackle.

If Bliechs not healthy its Berg, Ellis, lloa, Davis, Vet. That's not a bad line.

If Ellis sits, then it's likely Berg, Bliech, llaoa, Davis, Vet

Does Vet go back to center (hope not), Ellis at guard. llaoa first off the bench?

Can Davis or Bleich play center? Roster says llaoa is up to 316. Hope so cause he gets pushed around inside.

Tisdale (6-5 301), Bradford (6-5 302), Kauhi (6-5 270), Petry (6-4 281), and Red (6-5 277) have played.

Top newcomers Cruz (6-6 302), Magnunson (6-6 280) and Hoeh (6-4 275)

OL and WR are most intriguing questions to me this summer.
Vet's going to be the starting center.

People keep talking like he'll be bumped from that spot, but I see nothing that indicates he's not the best option there.

Vet was solid at center last season until other injuries on the line hit and things had to shuffle.
Vet's going to be the starting center.

People keep talking like he'll be bumped from that spot, but I see nothing that indicates he's not the best option there.

Vet was solid at center last season until other injuries on the line hit and things had to shuffle.
He only played the first two games at Center before moving to RT for the next 6. Then got injured at VT. In those first two games at Center the offense posted some mixed results shown below. But need to consider Devito was playing at QB.

Ohio University - 283 yds Rushing, 100 yds passing, 1 sack allowed
Against Rutgers - 67 yds Rushing, 191 yds passing, 6 sacks allowed

We know the following 6 games were were much better on offense. After his injury at VT we put up point of 21, 3, 17, and 14 against BC, Louisville, NC State and Pitt to close out the year. Obviously losing him played a part in that finish. Just looking at the stats, We know he's going to play, but i'm unsure if he'd be better off at Center or Tackle for us. I think it depends on what kind of talent we have stepping in as the 5th best lineman and what position their skillset is best at.
I think Courtney Jackson is a lock at slot.

I'm with Dino - if the OL is a healthy 7, we could be very good on O. The young DL must take some steps and find their way - because the back 7 is going to be very good.

Got that summer hope.
Vet's going to be the starting center.

People keep talking like he'll be bumped from that spot, but I see nothing that indicates he's not the best option there.

Vet was solid at center last season until other injuries on the line hit and things had to shuffle.

I thought Vet was much better at RT. I also thought Davis played well at RT so maybe that's the best combo. I can't imagine Ellis doesn't start at guard either. He's not 'eating himself out of a job' if he can move. How was his spring game?
I think our season comes down to a couple of factors:

  • Backup QB -- Shrader exposes himself to a lot of hits. Is Del Rio Wilson capable of seeing the field and contributing from the jump? If so, that goes a long way toward ensuring that there isn't a massive dropoff if Shrader gets dinged up.
  • OL -- which pieces gel? Seems like we have 4/5 of a high performing OL. Problem is, no natural RT, and several of the "top" OL are guards. Remains to be seen how Ialoa, Bradford, and others can fit in and provide depth. Vett's a fifth year senior, I believe, and Tisdale has started. That's a lot of experience. Need to find a functional starting group, and figure out the two-deep behind them.
  • DT -- lots of pieces here, including two incoming frosh who enrolled early. Do we have enough to effectively stop the run? Love the raw materials; fear that this group is another year away from being optimized, but the raw materials are good.
  • S -- how quickly will the transfers be ready, to elevate this group?
  • WR -- I think we've got a strong nucleus. Who's going to step up? And more importantly, how will they be utilized under new offensive coachings, in a new offensive concept?
Berg, Ellis, lloa, Bleich, Davis

Babers has repeatedly said top 7.

Vet top returner. Hard to see him not starting. The line was better with him at RTackle.

If Bliechs not healthy its Berg, Ellis, lloa, Davis, Vet. That's not a bad line.

If Ellis sits, then it's likely Berg, Bliech, llaoa, Davis, Vet

Does Vet go back to center (hope not), Ellis at guard. llaoa first off the bench?
There was a 3 man OG rotation throughout the 2018 season, with Heckel, Adams, and Roberts getting equal snaps. I'm sure Dino would love to have that again.

Note: I originally said 2017, but figured out the error of my ways.
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What have you seen to indicate anything at all? There has been no news since Spring. We won't know until camp is near closing.
Well, this is awkward.

I'm Dino Babers.

But in all seriousness, it's a fair point. The previous season when a lot of people thought Iloa would overtake Vet is sticking in my mind. There wasn't any reason then why Iloa would jump him, and then we saw Iloa play and it was like "welp, he's an option but it's pretty clear he's not the better center yet."

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