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Sources and Recruiting


2023-24 Iggy Winner ACC & OOC Record
Aug 26, 2011
Boggles my mind why folks on here are so block headed at times. Some of the posters who were making predictions on Noel's decision have very good sources and are right much of the time on the matters that are within those sources' control.

A recruiting decision coming from a kid is not one of the things that is within those sources' control. Jake or AC could very well be reporting word for word what their source (JB for that matter) believed to be the situation at the time it was being reported and it could have turned out to be wrong because (a) the source was mislead by Noel to begin with, (b) Noel literally changed his mind multiple times so information was correct at the time it was reported but changed after it was reported or (c) the flow of information was slow and was correct as far as the source knew at the time it was reported, but in reality was no longer correct at the time it was being reported. I assume noone on this board was getting their information directly from Noel so as we saw it was always subject to being incorrect.

Some recruits make a slow deliberate study of their choices and once they narrow down they are certain and don't waiver, others don't truly know what they want and are subject to changing their minds depending on who talks to them last. Seems to me that reporting on the second type is kind of like reporting the score of a football game before the final horn sounds. You may know what the score is at the moment, you have an idea how much time there is before its final, but you don't know whether the score will hold up or change before it goes Noel's case the score appears as though it changed multiple times late in the fourth quarter.
Agreed, and well said. Additionally, people continually say, "well who is the source" or "what exactly did they say" or "what's their connection" (which is about as smart as saying "pics or it didn't happen, by the way). People do realize that, if Jake or Francis or anyone else revealed their sources, they would no longer be sources, right? If we want to continue to have insiders with actual access to secret information, we probably shouldn't ask them to burn those bridges by publicly outing people who aren't supposed to be leaking information.
Yeah, we just need to follow the honor code and not make a prediction and make up "sources" or quote a source being your drunk friend who has no idea. Some posters on this board have legit sources, and we appreciate their input and opinions, let's not call them out for being wrong every now and then
I'm very appreciative for the connected folks here who try to provide information to the rest of us. The Noel recruitment was fascinating and showed how quickly the minds of these talented kids can change...and how adults associated with the process manipulate and are manipulated. Thanks to Jake, Francis, AC, PP, and others that provided analysis, though it wasn't good news at the end. Delivering bad news is tough, but it was good to hear it from you and not strangers.
Any information given by people with any inside information is appreciated. Just because a source said it does not make it set in stone so I'm not sure why some people feel the need to give complain about any information. All the people that post what they are told are doing everyone on here a favor by doing so and I'm sure they don't want to post incorrect info. At the end of the day the info is to give you an idea of what may be happeneing.
there is no question that we have some well connected posters with great sources. the information that they are able to provide is very valuable and much appreciated . . . but that doesn't mean that everything they post is a nugget from deep inside. that's the last I have to say on the topic.
there is no question that we have some well connected posters with great sources. the information that they are able to provide is very valuable and much appreciated . . . but that doesn't mean that everything they post is a nugget from deep inside. that's the last I have to say on the topic.
You are right, but I'm more apt to believe Jake or Francis when they say they are hearing from trusted sources than I am when some so-called recruiting guru who actually gets paid to do this crap says the same. The "gurus" just throw crap against the wall and see what sticks.

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