Storylines: Battle is Back edition |

Storylines: Battle is Back edition


All American
Aug 29, 2011
A few thoughts on some of the bigger questions and themes for this program now that the roster is set (or appears to be until something completely unforeseen happens in the next couple months ...)

Reason No. 1 it's great to have Battle back: Experience and continuity matter
Outside of the couple blue bloods who are pulling in entire classes full of one-and-dones, there are only a few programs that have maintained a high level of play the past five years or so. I'm not claiming this to be a comprehensive list but the Novas, UNCs, Kansases, Gonzagas -- they've all had good core players returning to their roster and then sprinkled in some contributions from younger players.

Blame it on whatever but we haven't been there. Battle returning gives us a starting backcourt with seven years combined experience. Additionally, we have a fifth-year center a two returnees who logged a ton of big minutes (Brissett and Dolezaj) and Sidibe did more than get his feet wet, logging close to 400 minutes. I'd even include a guy like Hughes in the sense that he's two years removed from high school and practiced with the team for an entire year.

Compare that to this season where we had Battle (11 ppg as a frosh) and then Howard who was a junior and logged a bunch of minutes then whatever we were going to get from Thorpe and chuckwu. Hard to quantify that difference.

Reason No. 2 it's great to have Battle back: Battle the person
Said this in another thread but I think a huge thing about Battle coming back is that your best player is your hardest worker and a really, really solid kid. Seems to be huge in the lockerroom, takes fitness extremely seriously (4% body fat), plays 40 mpg, kills it in the classroom, seems to love being orange ... the list goes on. Don't think this stuff is just fluff. It matters and it hopefully helps us change the culture just a bit to encourage more kids to hang around or sign on with us.

What does Dolezaj look like in Year 2?
So I'm a huge fan of players like Dolezaj (guys who can make a big impact without needing the ball in their hands), but we saw him start to emerge as more of a factor on offense at the end of the year (something like 10 a game in his last six or seven games). We saw that mid-range jumper fall a bit more and he was stroking it from the line, which is a good indication that he's at least able to shoot.

So I don't know exactly what we'll see here, but if Dolezaj is a legit threat to score 15 on any night, then this offense should dramatically improve. Which brings up the next point ...

How much better ... really ... is the offense in '18-'19?
This to me is really the key question when we talk about top 25, top 10, final four contender types of discussions. What we know is that JB's offense (and I love the guy) is unlikely to change dramatically or be particularly progressive. We know he's unlikely to tinker a ton with lineups. We could see Battle at the 3 if Carey is ready to make an impact or Hughes at the 3 if he's ready to play, which could mean some stretches of Dolezaj at the 5. But ultimately we'll see a lot of the basic lineup of Howard/Battle/Brissett/Dolezaj/Chuckwu, if I had to guess.

We scored 66.6 ppg (317th) last season and just 64.5 in ACC play. Our offensive rating was brutal (240th overall). Will we really get that much better with the same players back and, for all intents and purposes, the same system? My answer is yes. I think the biggest thing is not so much that we will miraculously play at a faster pace and put up 80 ppg, but more that if all we do is go from ugly and brutal at times, to solid (let's say 72 ppg and 70 ppg in ACC play) that gives us so much more wiggle room. We won't have to be perfect to win games b/c of our defense, but we should be able to win some of those games when opponents are able to do a bit more on the offensive end.

By the end of the year we saw Chuckwu at least doing a little better job of finishing alley-oops and bunnies, we saw Dolezaj start to hit that mid-range jumper and we saw Battle doing a little more creating for others. Add to that that we won't need to rely quite so heavily on Howard and potentially have a healthy Sidibe and we go from playing 3-on-5 at most times last season to at least playing 4-on-5 and should be able to go with some lineups that make it 5-on-5.

I'll add more to this later but just wanted to get a start before the weekend. It's nice to be excited for a season again.
If Syracuse does have a top 10 type season, they could face more hatred and anger along the way than any school in history.

They would likely be assigned to one of UConn's homes in Hartford for the first round of the NCAA tournament.

Winning two games in Hartford would take them to Georgetown's home in DC for the Eastern Regionals.

The Final Four is being played next season in Minneapolis, hosted by the University of Minnesota. Yes, the university that former SU AD Mark Coyle ran off to shortly after taking the Syracuse job. I am sure he would be thrilled to see his former employer win a national championship with his new university hosting.

I can feel the love already.
If Syracuse does have a top 10 type season, they could face more hatred and anger along the way than any school in history.

They would likely be assigned to one of UConn's homes in Hartford for the first round of the NCAA tournament.

Winning two games in Hartford would take them to Georgetown's home in DC for the Eastern Regionals.

The Final Four is being played next season in Minneapolis, hosted by the University of Minnesota. Yes, the university that former SU AD Mark Coyle ran off to shortly after taking the Syracuse job. I am sure he would be thrilled to see his former employer win a national championship with his new university hosting.

I can feel the love already.
Solid write up. I'm optimistic on the offensive improvement. 12 more months of familiarity, workouts, practice, and just "hanging out" with teammates is huge. We had some new guys on the team that took some time. Oshae, Marek, Moyer, Sidibe, Washington were all new. Oshae/Marek/Sidibe having 18 months on campus with coaching vs. 6 months is huge. Not to mention time for Chukwu/Sidibe to get healthy, and some potential in Carey/Hughes for when Frank is in a slump and JB has no choice but to leave him in.
A few thoughts on some of the bigger questions and themes for this program now that the roster is set (or appears to be until something completely unforeseen happens in the next couple months ...)

Reason No. 1 it's great to have Battle back: Experience and continuity matter
Outside of the couple blue bloods who are pulling in entire classes full of one-and-dones, there are only a few programs that have maintained a high level of play the past five years or so. I'm not claiming this to be a comprehensive list but the Novas, UNCs, Kansases, Gonzagas -- they've all had good core players returning to their roster and then sprinkled in some contributions from younger players.

Blame it on whatever but we haven't been there. Battle returning gives us a starting backcourt with seven years combined experience. Additionally, we have a fifth-year center a two returnees who logged a ton of big minutes (Brissett and Dolezaj) and Sidibe did more than get his feet wet, logging close to 400 minutes. I'd even include a guy like Hughes in the sense that he's two years removed from high school and practiced with the team for an entire year.

Compare that to this season where we had Battle (11 ppg as a frosh) and then Howard who was a junior and logged a bunch of minutes then whatever we were going to get from Thorpe and chuckwu. Hard to quantify that difference.

Reason No. 2 it's great to have Battle back: Battle the person
Said this in another thread but I think a huge thing about Battle coming back is that your best player is your hardest worker and a really, really solid kid. Seems to be huge in the lockerroom, takes fitness extremely seriously (4% body fat), plays 40 mpg, kills it in the classroom, seems to love being orange ... the list goes on. Don't think this stuff is just fluff. It matters and it hopefully helps us change the culture just a bit to encourage more kids to hang around or sign on with us.

What does Dolezaj look like in Year 2?
So I'm a huge fan of players like Dolezaj (guys who can make a big impact without needing the ball in their hands), but we saw him start to emerge as more of a factor on offense at the end of the year (something like 10 a game in his last six or seven games). We saw that mid-range jumper fall a bit more and he was stroking it from the line, which is a good indication that he's at least able to shoot.

So I don't know exactly what we'll see here, but if Dolezaj is a legit threat to score 15 on any night, then this offense should dramatically improve. Which brings up the next point ...

How much better ... really ... is the offense in '18-'19?
This to me is really the key question when we talk about top 25, top 10, final four contender types of discussions. What we know is that JB's offense (and I love the guy) is unlikely to change dramatically or be particularly progressive. We know he's unlikely to tinker a ton with lineups. We could see Battle at the 3 if Carey is ready to make an impact or Hughes at the 3 if he's ready to play, which could mean some stretches of Dolezaj at the 5. But ultimately we'll see a lot of the basic lineup of Howard/Battle/Brissett/Dolezaj/Chuckwu, if I had to guess.

We scored 66.6 ppg (317th) last season and just 64.5 in ACC play. Our offensive rating was brutal (240th overall). Will we really get that much better with the same players back and, for all intents and purposes, the same system? My answer is yes. I think the biggest thing is not so much that we will miraculously play at a faster pace and put up 80 ppg, but more that if all we do is go from ugly and brutal at times, to solid (let's say 72 ppg and 70 ppg in ACC play) that gives us so much more wiggle room. We won't have to be perfect to win games b/c of our defense, but we should be able to win some of those games when opponents are able to do a bit more on the offensive end.

By the end of the year we saw Chuckwu at least doing a little better job of finishing alley-oops and bunnies, we saw Dolezaj start to hit that mid-range jumper and we saw Battle doing a little more creating for others. Add to that that we won't need to rely quite so heavily on Howard and potentially have a healthy Sidibe and we go from playing 3-on-5 at most times last season to at least playing 4-on-5 and should be able to go with some lineups that make it 5-on-5.

I'll add more to this later but just wanted to get a start before the weekend. It's nice to be excited for a season again.
Bills, what a great write up! I, too, am excited for the season and it’s rather an odd sensation because at the beginning of the last two, I was filled with dread. It was hard to watch the games with any kind of confidence. I used to record every game and watch them again (when we won) but last year there may not have been any game I watched twice (until the tourney).

Might we become too confident? Maybe . . But who cares? We’re back!
Dolezaj -- rail thin this past season, adjusting to US basketball, and becoming effective in March.

How much stronger can he get in the off-season? How much improvement in his second year competing in the US? It is reasonable to expect Brissett to improve; and Sidibe will improve a lot if his knee is free of tendonitis. But Dolezaj with some added muscle (even 8 or so lbs) might make the biggest year over year leap to give us another scorer and better rebounding from the PF spot.
Dolezaj -- rail thin this past season, adjusting to US basketball, and becoming effective in March.

How much stronger can he get in the off-season? How much improvement in his second year competing in the US? It is reasonable to expect Brissett to improve; and Sidibe will improve a lot if his knee is free of tendonitis. But Dolezaj with some added muscle (even 8 or so lbs) might make the biggest year over year leap to give us another scorer and better rebounding from the PF spot.
Guys improve a lot between their frosh and soph seasons. I like our chances.
Dolezaj -- rail thin this past season, adjusting to US basketball, and becoming effective in March.

How much stronger can he get in the off-season? How much improvement in his second year competing in the US? It is reasonable to expect Brissett to improve; and Sidibe will improve a lot if his knee is free of tendonitis. But Dolezaj with some added muscle (even 8 or so lbs) might make the biggest year over year leap to give us another scorer and better rebounding from the PF spot.

I’ll add a part 2 in a subsequent post b/c sidibe is interesting and the backcourt rotation intrigued me as well. Didn’t have time. But I agree on dolezaj.
I’ll add a part 2 in a subsequent post b/c sidibe is interesting and the backcourt rotation intrigued me as well. Didn’t have time. But I agree on dolezaj.

Finally getting around to adding Part 2, which I wanted to do particularly because of the Sidibe question and a few others. So without further ado:

Sidibe: How healthy can he actually be?
This is a big one, IMO, because if you look at his season and figure he was relatively healthy for the first 7 games of the season (he played at least 17 minutes in each game until that point), then he was a guy who put up 5+ ppg and 4.6 rpg (and that was while missing 12 of his first 18 FTs). He then played sparingly and made little impact for six weeks until his big game against Pitt and logging 35 minutes combined over the next two games. After that he was on ice until the conference tournament vs. UNC.

So the question for me is this: Do we get a healthy Sidibe this year ... or in general for the next three years? Of all the questions facing this program, this may be the most important (arguably). So the scary part for me, personally, is that tendinitis is not something I've heard of being repaired by a surgical procedure. It also doesn't take a basketball expert to understand that big guys and knee problems aren't a good match.

On the flip side, when healthy he looked like a potential college version of a Capella type guy -- surprisingly good catching and finishing around the rim with some athleticism to potentially expand his game beyond that AND a really solid playmaker defensively (8 blocks, 7 steals and a bunch of rebounds in those first seven games). Additionally, he even made some free throws as the year went on -- made 15 of his last 24.

So with Chuckwu graduating next year, probably the best stop-gap in Moyer transferring out, and missing out on Golden -- Sidibe's health is a huge factor for this team in '18-'19 and beyond.

How many guys does JB trust?
JB takes a bunch of grief on here for being unwilling to play more than 6.5 players but I tend to feel like JB's opinion is that his job is to win games in the season in which he's coaching. So if he doesn't trust a player, that player isn't going to be part of the rotation until the season is literally over. There is probably room for criticism here, but its the way it is for JB.

What's interesting, however, is that when JB has players he trusts, he'll expand the rotation. The '11-'12 season is a good example with a bunch of guys hitting 10+ minutes a game and no one over 32 mpg.

So for this group we know he already trusts Frank, Tyus, Marek, Chuckwu, Sidibe (if healthy) and OB. That's six. I get the vibe he really likes Hughes (obvoiusly, judging from the comments) and usually legit recruits at least get a good opportunity so I'm going to add Carey to that list. So the question is can any one of Buddy, HW or Braswell earn their way in? Guessing Braswell is a no, but Buddy is a shooter and the coach's kid, so he has some opportunity and HW got some minutes last year, so maybe? My guess is we have our 8 and that's where it will stay, but could be an interesting thing to watch with the other three guys.

If the rotation is 8, can we keep Braswell/Washington in the fold?
There are probably people here who won't care if one or both of these dudes transfer, but to me it would be a nice start to the '19-'20 roster to have them back. Washington gives you a veteran PG who will share the ball and Braswell has athleticism and shooting -- both are pretty valuable skills these days. Whatever their roles this year, I would expect they would at least be valuable depth next year. Hope we can keep a few of these developmental kids around as we move forward.
I agree with this idea that Battle as the person is important. I think Carey, Hughes and FH will really benefit from Battle and his hard work and dedication. It is also nice to know that Battle is the leader of the team and there will be no one trying to learn that role. I think Battle is going to play a ton (38 min) per game. I think Hughes sees no time at the top and FH sees less time than people might think if Carey is ready to rock and roll. Especially as the season goes on. I think there were multiple times Boeheim would have made a move but couldn't last year. Just my opinion.
The 2011-12 (when no one averaged more than 32 min/game) is also an example of what JB can do with a team that wins comfortably. When he has a team uncomfortably close to the bubble, and that has to fight through close games, there isn't a lot of opportunity for the 8th and 9th guys. The 2018-19 team should have more comfortable wins.

Agree with most of the above about the offense. There is also the question of how much better the defense can be, with 5 returning starters. It is likely that Chukwu and Dolezaj return a little stronger and the inside defense and rebounding gets better. Sidibe had some issues on defense, but he could improve with healthy knees. We will have to see about Hughes, Carey & Boeheim on the defensive end.
All 3 will earn PT. JB held his own in the day. Expect Buddy to be comparable. As a Senior JB shot 52% from the floor, averaged 10 pts, 3 assists and 3 rebs.
I don’t think anyone averages over 35 min a game. We were tough defensively, but imagine everyone working at full speed and not having to be tired. Well rested legs to go full speed. I think we can be better defensively than last year. Go CUSE
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