The Dome on TV |

The Dome on TV


2017 ESPN College Bowl Pick’em Winner
Aug 20, 2011
As those of you in the chatroom for the WfVU game may recall me mentioning, the Dome looked great on TV.

There are two primary reasons for this:
  1. true ESPN production
  2. "full" dome
The nice thing about having the "big boy" ESPN truck is that you get a bunch of extra cameras in the building. For BEGotW coverage things are limited to just a few cameras, mostly at the pressbox level. For this game there were cameras near one of the corners at a lower level and from the endzones, etc.. The resulting camera angles, thanks to the lower camera positions, were much better. Having a big crowd really helped the background scenery. I suspect the ESPN2 coverage for the USF game will fall somewhere in between these two extremes.
The only thing I'd like to see improved is the in-stadium audio level. The coverage really doesn't convey the "loud house" feel.
All in all, I thought the Dome looked great.
The field of play in the dome always appears "dark" on TV. Not sure why that is.
Not to nit pick but, at every game this year too many people stand silent when we need noise. It matters not whether they are young or old. Defensive third downs are usually the only time we exercise home field advantage.

It's almost as if a large contingent has COPD. It's pathetic when this old geezer is screaming his lungs out until after the snap when 70% of those around me are totally silent. By totally silent I mean, no screaming or clapping. As fans we can take it up another couple of levels. I would like to hear noise on every defensive play with the volume escalating on third down to rock concert speaker level.
I agree that it looks better but the audio is a problem.
In the chatroom I kept asking Ryan to get reports from his father about how loud it was.
At one point one of the announcers commented on the noise and on TV it didn't sound all that loud.
The only thing I'd like to see improved is the in-stadium audio level. The coverage really doesn't convey the "loud house" feel.

This is something I'ved notice for years. It's like there are no crowd mics - I've never understood it. I tune in to any game last night and the crowd noise on TV is super loud. The Cuse game and the crowd sounds muffled - and for those who are there they know that ain't true - it's deafening loud. The difference is like listening to a CD in surround out of high end stereo versus listening to an analog cassette tape out of an old radio.
It's almost as if a large contingent has COPD. It's pathetic when this old geezer is screaming his lungs out until after the snap when 70% of those around me are totally silent. By totally silent I mean, no screaming or clapping. As fans we can take it up another couple of levels. I would like to hear noise on every defensive play with the volume escalating on third down to rock concert speaker level.

A lot of that will come down to building the culture. True story - at one point I heard the two kids (both between 8-10 years old) behind me and yelling and screaming. Their mother kept telling them to be quiet, and I heard the little girl say "but THAT MAN is screaming, too!". Considering I was in a section similar to yours I'm pretty certain she was pointing at my back when she said it.

As I noted earlier there seemed to be a lot of kids at the game, so there is hope...we just need to train the adults that they come with that it's OK to make noise at a football game. Really as a little kid that was 90% of the fun of going to a game for me, you could scream and yell and do stuff that got you punished outside of a football stadium but was TOTALLY OK inside the stadium.
I agree that it looks better but the audio is a problem.
In the chatroom I kept asking Ryan to get reports from his father about how loud it was.
At one point one of the announcers commented on the noise and on TV it didn't sound all that loud.

I agree with this. I had the game sound pumping through the BOSE surround system and it still didn't sound all that loud to me. I had it on setting 72, pretty high. When I do the same watching other games or NFL, the crowd noise seems incredible.
There were two mics near the student section, but that was all I saw and they were tiny as well. ESPN definitely needs to improve this.

The older people , but mainly the parents of little kids around 30 and 40 need to loosen up and enjoy the game because they seem to always be trying to keep their kids in line and don't even pay attention to the game. What's the point of going if you feel the need to do this?
Watching replay the announcers stated they were having audio problems. If TWC is doing the games, they are doing a disservice to SU on both video & audio.

Actually seems it seems loud to me on replay plus announcers doing a good job talking about the crowd loudness.
Same for me -- seems I almost watched a different game. Because all game long the crowd seemed really loud. And the announcers kept talking about how loud the crowd was, and how good we were playing, and how our program has turned the corner and is going to be a good program in the acc, and then add in the constant crowd shots of the full dome, the bball midnight madness intro, and the shots of the campus (faegans, etc) and it was one big love fest of the Cuse... and it was fantastic.
I love the orange filter they used for exterior shots around campus -- The DOme, Faegans, etc.
The additional cameras make a huge difference. And I think the quality of those cameras is a notch up too.

After watching this game I now think that playing at night makes a difference. The sunlight hitting the roof during the day games creates more of a contrast between the roof and the dark filed turf. It draws out the darkness from the turf and creates a strong gray overall. Several shots during the WVU game showed the upper deck and the roof, and the roof was darker with less contrast. And I digress a bit, but for some reason it also looked almost like a light smoke was hanging in the air. And of course the lack of silver seats in the background is huge.

The sound I believe is an editorial decision that ESPN and the BE production teams make when they broadcast at the Dome. They filter out the noise. It probably helps the announcers because otherwise they would have the noise in real time and also in their ear pieces, and they wouldn't be able to operate effectively. They can adjust the sound to give a taste and they often do during the game.
The Dome looked fantastic. Well done to the parents and townies.

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