The Duke game is irking me |

The Duke game is irking me


Watching you.
Aug 15, 2011
I understand the amount of money that people are able to get by selling their Duke tickets, and many people already have. You have every right to sell them and make money off of them too. However, as a season ticket holder, why would you NOT want to go to the game? This is why you get season tickets in the first place isn't it? Sure you could almost pay for your entire season by selling your Duke tickets, but that just potentially allows some Duke clown to sit in your seats. It's games like this that baffle me.

It greatly upset me how much baby blue I saw at the Dome on Saturday. Many of whom were sitting in season ticket holders' seats. There wasn't a ton, but enough that you could certainly notice looking around. Some of those UNC fans were losers, too. Don't cloud the experience for everyone else in your section by selling your ticket to a fan of the other team. Again, it's your choice as a season ticket holder to do that, but does anyone else on here agree with me?

I can only imagine how many Duke shirts we're all going to have to see in a few weeks. If you haven't already sold your tickets, please reconsider and show up donning your best Orange gear.

Thanks, sorry for my rant but had to get this off my chest.
But. But..'s capitalism Rocco!

In all seriousness, if any of my friends sell their tickets to Duke fans, I will slap them. Despise seeing the enemy in the dome. Wonder if this would of happened if it was Georgetown or .
And I will say if someone wants to sell their duke tickets for a profit and they are on this board.. post that crap. I would buy them above market value ( not make you rich prices but would buy them to make you a profit) I hope there are no posters who didn't start by asking here.
rabble rabble rabble- us against them traitors- rabble rabble rabble
There is a price for everything. What if you could sell Duke tix for $50k/pair? Would you do it? Ok what about $10k? $5k? $2k? Etc...

The point is that these amounts of money mean very different things to different people. Sure some might wipe their ass with $2k every morning. But some might be stretching finances just to keep buying their season tix (especially in this economy), and the only way they can do it is to flip out the 1-2 big name tix to recoup costs. Does that make them less of a fan? Because they chose food and shelter for their kids rather than going to see Duke in person? Please.

Sure it would be ideal to sell to other Cuse fans (at market prices), but guaranteeing the team allegiance of of the person you are selling tix to on the internet is easier said than done.
man if thats what hoops duke tickets are worth can you imagine what the football duke su tickets will fetch- because football runs the world
There is a price for everything. What if you could sell Duke tix for $50k/pair? Would you do it? Ok what about $10k? $5k? $2k? Etc...

The point is that these amounts of money mean very different things to different people. Sure some might wipe their ass with $2k every morning. But some might be stretching finances just to keep buying their season tix (especially in this economy), and the only way they can do it is to flip out the 1-2 big name tix to recoup costs. Does that make them less of a fan? Because they chose food and shelter for their kids rather than going to see Duke in person? Please.

Sure it would be ideal to sell to other Cuse fans (at market prices), but guaranteeing the team allegiance of of the person you are selling tix to on the internet is easier said than done.

If you can't afford season tickets, maybe you shouldn't have season tickets in the first place. "Food and shelter for their kids rather than seeing Duke in person"? Ummmmm...
Good insight there.

thats a southpark thing - rabble rabble rabble -is what the crowds
say when they get riled over nothing important
Chill out man. $1000 means a lot to some people, who will travel thru rain wind and snow to make 16 home games, and sell one so they can make he other 16.

Chill out? No. I wasn't attacking anyone and said it's their right to sell if they wanted to. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
I highly doubt that someone who is selling their Duke ticket is going to all other 16 home games. I also doubt people are selling it for food. I don't doubt that people are selling it for an easy buck.
If you can't afford season tickets, maybe you shouldn't have season tickets in the first place. "Food and shelter for their kids rather than seeing Duke in person"? Ummmmm...

I honestly don't know how much season tix cost, but I imagine that if you flip Duke and maybe UNC they are basically free, right? I know plenty of die hard Cuse fans that can afford free "season" tix, but likely cannot afford to pay face.
There is a price for everything. What if you could sell Duke tix for $50k/pair? Would you do it? Ok what about $10k? $5k? $2k? Etc...

The point is that these amounts of money mean very different things to different people. Sure some might wipe their ass with $2k every morning. But some might be stretching finances just to keep buying their season tix (especially in this economy), and the only way they can do it is to flip out the 1-2 big name tix to recoup costs. Does that make them less of a fan? Because they chose food and shelter for their kids rather than going to see Duke in person? Please.

Sure it would be ideal to sell to other Cuse fans (at market prices), but guaranteeing the team allegiance of of the person you are selling tix to on the internet is easier said than done.

If someone needs the money that bad.. and is buying tickets to make the cash, I have to question what they are going to do with that money afterwards. Sorry but this thing call the stock market is a much better place to look into putting an extra thousand bucks. We are also talking season ticket holders who generally speaking are likely better off financially to afford them in the first place than the example you are trying to use of the person who a thousand bucks means something life changing . Again if that kinda money is life changing to you , then you aren't making wise decisions financially to begin with.
Given that the SUAD allowed season ticket holders to buy additional seats to the Duke game (8, IIRC), there's no reason why they can't (and aren't) selling the extras AND going to the game.
If you can't afford season tickets, maybe you shouldn't have season tickets in the first place. "Food and shelter for their kids rather than seeing Duke in person"? Ummmmm...

That's a liberal application of Maslow's Hierarchy.

Forget it--he's rolling.
It's even worse down in on Tobacco Road. I'm trying to get tickets for the Syracuse game at Cameron and the cheapest tickets I've found so far are around $900. The highest tickets are about $3,100 each! And these seats aren't down low or on the court... they're in the upper deck (although the upper deck is not very far up).

Some joker was even trying to sell a parking pass for one of the parking lots near Cameron for $340. I think I can hire a limo service for less than that!
The season ticket holders that are selling these tickets are probably the same season ticket holders who bought up to 8 tickets for a single game. I'm not denying that its not good economics, but in my eyes you're not as good of a fan if you sell to to opposition. I don't know any diehard Syracuse fan that wants Duke fans in the Carrier Dome. I highly doubt many, if any Duke fans are going to sell us tickets at Cameron!
Given that the SUAD allowed season ticket holders to buy additional seats to the Duke game (8, IIRC), there's no reason why they can't (and aren't) selling the extras AND going to the game.

But the "extra" tickets they bought aren't season tickets and aren't in season ticket seating areas. They are nose bleeds with a diagonal view of the court.
But the "extra" tickets they bought aren't season tickets and aren't in season ticket seating areas. They are nose bleeds with a diagonal view of the court.
dude I'm usually there right with you on everything on these boards. I've wrestled long and hard on the Duke game as the extra $ would be a nice kick in the wallet right now, but, alas, I'm still going (it was close). I get the allure of why some may want the extra cash. I've missed several games this year selling off a couple, giving away a few but ALWAYS and only to SU fans.

It's like I tell the young people in my life, always vote with your wallet in mind. Same here if your wallet is telling you it needs more in it heed that call, if not, thank our lucky stars.....
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My younger son and his wife went to Michigan State (had the program he wanted and we lived in MI back then). They still live in MI and have season tickets for football. They sell the tickets for games with Michigan, and it pays for the season tickets.

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