Well, we got the next Sullinger & they got the next Anthony Davis | Syracusefan.com

Well, we got the next Sullinger & they got the next Anthony Davis

We should get at least two years for our Sullinger vs one year for their Davis. I'll take that.
He is not Anthony Davis.

Well, he chose to have to live with that comparison every game of his college career. Anything less than a title is a failure, after the year they just had.
The difference with Davis is that he's got a solid offensive game, probably even better than solid. Noel is still very raw on that end of the floor. He will get his boards and blocks, but I'd be stunned to see him put up more than 8-10 points per game next season.
I'd take the real Anthony Davis 7 days a week over 1 day of Sullinger. AD was a singular game changer that (usually only) comes along once a decade.

That said, I don't think NN is quite on AD's level. If he is, UK will be F4 again next year.
I'd take the real Anthony Davis 7 days a week over 1 day of Sullinger. AD was a singular game changer that (usually only) comes along once a decade.

That said, I don't think NN is quite on AD's level. If he is, UK will be F4 again next year.

Well, we got what we got, bro.
The difference with Davis is that he's got a solid offensive game, probably even better than solid. Noel is still very raw on that end of the floor. He will get his boards and blocks, but I'd be stunned to see him out up more than 8-10 points per game next season.

This. Well said. I am not crushed about this especially from a basketball standpoint. The exposure however would've been cool for sure if NN decided on SU.

Despite them showing flashes of being able to play together in a H.S. All-Star, I'm not sold that it would've worked here. Maybe through non-conference but as the season went on I think the lack of offense from NN would've been problematic. DC2 is certainly better offensively and will be great here but still is somewhat raw. Defensively we would've been REALLY good but to me NN and DC2 are strictly 5s right now and that isn't changing anytime soon. Anthony Davis and Terrence Jones (soph I know) had so much versatility and skill so they could really play off of each other. Not so sure about NN with DC2. I could be wrong for sure but I like DC2 staying strictly at the 5 for now and our group of forwards right now.
Yeah, and I'm not saying Noel won't be good, because I'm positive he will. But if Kentucky fans are expecting another Davis I think they are in for a rude awakening. He's nowhere near as talented offensively as AD. Again, I think he will be good, but, offensively, I'll take DC every day of the week. Defensively, well that's a much, much different story...
This. Well said. I am not crushed about this especially from a basketball standpoint. The exposure however would've been cool for sure if NN decided on SU.

Despite them showing flashes of being able to play together in a H.S. All-Star, I'm not sold that it would've worked here. Maybe through non-conference but as the season went on I think the lack of offense from NN would've been problematic. DC2 is certainly better offensively and will be great here but still is somewhat raw. Defensively we would've been REALLY good but to me NN and DC2 are 5s right now and that isn't changing anytime soon. Anthony Davis and Terrence Jones (soph I know) had so much versatility and skill so they could really play off of each other. Not so sure about NN with DC2. I could be wrong for sure but I like DC2 staying strictly at the 5 for now and our group of forwards right now.

Some good observations in here. Despite what everyone is saying, I don't see how DC2 and NN would fit together. I don't think DC2 is mobile enough to man the wings in an effective manner, so I'm not sure that we would have seen an effective combo of these two deep into the season.

That said, we always stop scoring around mid-February anyway... so I'd rather have a game-changing shot-blocking center for JB's teams as they head into late Feb/early March.

Yeah, and I'm not saying Noel won't be good, because I'm positive he will. But if Kentucky fans are expecting another Davis I think they are in for a rude awakening. He's nowhere near as talented offensively as AD. Again, I think he will be good, but, offensively, I'll take DC every day of the week. Defensively, well that's a much, much different story...

For JB's system, I'd rather have the stellar defender at center than the stellar offensive player.

I think the chances of NN being as good as AD are very slim. That guy (AD) was INCREDIBLE in my opinion. One of the most game-changing players of the last 15-20 years.
If we got Sullinger and they got Davis, who gets Fab Melo this time?
Oh I know that, Mason, and I'm not saying I wouldn't happily take Nerlens. But from an offensive standpoint, DC is far ahead of Nerlens, and rebounding I have to believe he's at least on par. I'm hoping Rak will improve enough to make up for at least some of the defense we lost by not getting Nerlens.

I'm still a little terrified of DC in the middle of that zone. He will rebound the position well, but from the little I've seen, his defense has been, at best, suspect.
Oh I know that, Mason, and I'm not saying I wouldn't happily take Nerlens. But from an offensive standpoint, DC is far ahead of Nerlens, and rebounding I have to believe he's at least on par. I'm hoping Rak will improve enough to make up for at least some of the defense we lost by not getting Nerlens.

I'm still a little terrified of DC in the middle of that zone. He will rebound the position well, but from the little I've seen, his defense has been, at best, suspect.

DC2 is only a center in JB's system.
For JB's system, I'd rather have the stellar defender at center than the stellar offensive player.

I think the chances of NN being as good as AD are very slim. That guy (AD) was INCREDIBLE in my opinion. One of the most game-changing players of the last 15-20 years.

Agreed and no question about AD. I don't think ANY of our guys could've scored on him 1-on-1. Maybe Dion if he got a head of steam going and made an acrobatic play. Davis would own Fab too. Amazing too since he is so slender. His offense will keep getting better. He's KG imo and a better shotblocker. KG was only 10/6 his rookie year.
Some good observations in here. Despite what everyone is saying, I don't see how DC2 and NN would fit together. I don't think DC2 is mobile enough to man the wings in an effective manner, so I'm not sure that we would have seen an effective combo of these two deep into the season.

That said, we always stop scoring around mid-February anyway... so I'd rather have a game-changing shot-blocking center for JB's teams as they head into late Feb/early March.


And people are forgetting about Keita and Christmas. We saw this past year that those two are without a doubt better suited to play the 5 than any other position. I would have loved to see Noel in Orange, but what could we do with four guys who are all best suited (at least right now) to play the 5?
after a title, KU sweeps in and steals the next AD. After our title we go out snatch Mookie Watkins. Seems about right. :noidea:
Some good observations in here. Despite what everyone is saying, I don't see how DC2 and NN would fit together. I don't think DC2 is mobile enough to man the wings in an effective manner, so I'm not sure that we would have seen an effective combo of these two deep into the season.

That said, we always stop scoring around mid-February anyway... so I'd rather have a game-changing shot-blocking center for JB's teams as they head into late Feb/early March.

I think people are going to be surprised with NN's offense. Granted, I am basing this on watching youtube videos, but he is an extremely fluid kid. Very coordinated. Good passer already, shows signs of a post game that I think will develop sooner rather than later. More of a true 'big man's' offensive game vs Davis who would flash little guy skills at times, but I think Noel will score 13 pts a game as a frosh.

As far as the 'fit' here, I think NN would have played 30 minutes a game. DC would have been at center for the 10 minutes NN wasn't in there. NN would have played 20ish minutes at center when DC wasn't playing and 10ish minutes on the wing with DC at center. Crunch time lineup probably would have NN at center with the vets (cj and js) at the forwards.

Course this is all subject to how good DC really is and what shape he comes in, whether Rak develops, whether CJ develops into a guy that you have to have on the court, etc.
Anthony Davis is head and shoulders ahead offensively than NN is or will be at any point in the season next year. Davis could shoot, take it to the basket and had great moves for a guy of his size. I cant even fathom howe much he would have dominated the college game if he were to stay at Kentucky all 4 years.

The only 2 things I want to see DC2 work on prior to practice is conditioning and FT shooting. This guy will have so many opportunities at the FT line and if he can make 75% of his FT's that will be one serious weapon we have.
We should get at least two years for our Sullinger vs one year for their Davis. I'll take that.

They might have gotten the next Andre Drummond, but he is no Anthony Davis
For JB's system, I'd rather have the stellar defender at center than the stellar offensive player.

I think the chances of NN being as good as AD are very slim. That guy (AD) was INCREDIBLE in my opinion. One of the most game-changing players of the last 15-20 years.
I disagree with the first sentence. The defensive vs offensive debate. It is kind of like the '09-'10 version team vs the '11-'12 team. The AO in the middle vs Fab. True, '11-'12 came out with the better record but I like the style of '09-'10 better. I was more confident with that team.

I think JB can coach better with a slew of offensive weapons. I think he can manipulate the zone to compensate for weaknesses of individual players. I think it is harder to create offense out of non-offensive players.

I also disagree with the idea that because SU has historically had a hard time scoring at some point, might as well just have more defense. That's just bordering on crazy talk. If you have a hard time scoring, having more offensive weapons would seem to be the tact to take. Not believing in some majic spell that you will never be able to score.

To the OP, I would say UK got their Fab, while SU got AO would be better comparisons. UK got a good defensive player who will need to develop an offensive game. SU has got a player that I believe will develop a consistent low post threat for SU (much like Sullinger too). I also think SU gets the benefit of more years.
I disagree with the first sentence. The defensive vs offensive debate. It is kind of like the '09-'10 version team vs the '11-'12 team. The AO in the middle vs Fab. True, '11-'12 came out with the better record but I like the style of '09-'10 better. I was more confident with that team.

I think JB can coach better with a slew of offensive weapons. I think he can manipulate the zone to compensate for weaknesses of individual players. I think it is harder to create offense out of non-offensive players.

I also disagree with the idea that because SU has historically had a hard time scoring at some point, might as well just have more defense. That's just bordering on crazy talk. If you have a hard time scoring, having more offensive weapons would seem to be the tact to take. Not believing in some majic spell that you will never be able to score.

To the OP, I would say UK got their Fab, while SU got AO would be better comparisons. UK got a good defensive player who will need to develop an offensive game. SU has got a player that I believe will develop a consistent low post threat for SU (much like Sullinger too). I also think SU gets the benefit of more years.

Agreed - I always want JB to have the best / most offensive weapons at his disposal. We didn't win in 2003 because of our defense (although it was a "weapon" in several instances); rather, it was our ability to put points on the board via Carmelo, GMAC, Hakim, etc. I think JB's teams are most suspect when the offense isn't potent - especially in the halfcourt. That's one of the reasons the 2010 team was so ridiculous - they had a very potent offense, especially in the halfcourt. Of course the zone was at its best that year as well - that's why I'll always feel that was possibly our best team ever.

Anyways... our defense is usually quite good / effective, but as Sgt Cuse states above it won't put points on the board. Certainly your D will give you opportunities to score, but if you can't capitalize due to lack of / impotent offense...

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