What's after Nassib? | Syracusefan.com

What's after Nassib?


Walk On
Jan 26, 2012
I'm a little surprised at the lack of chatter related to life after Nassib. Has anyone heard who the likely starter is for next year? Is anyone concerned?
I'm a little surprised at the lack of chatter related to life after Nassib. Has anyone heard who the likely starter is for next year? Is anyone concerned?
Lack of chatter? That's all anyone discusses on this board.
There has been quite a bit of chatter about this scattered around the board. Most of it is centered about the QB competition.
With the emergence of our running game in the latter part of the season, I do not see a bit drop off if:
  1. The OLine can find a reasonable replacement for Pugh.
  2. Sugar Bear comes back from his injury.
  3. We figure out what to do with Broyld.
  4. The new QB can throw the deep route accurately and has some touch on finesse passes.
Strength in the running game and a QB that can stretch the field will go a long way to make up for what we lose with Ryan gone.
I am more worried about the D, especially the pass defense. We really looked poor most of the year.
I'm a little surprised at the lack of chatter related to life after Nassib. Has anyone heard who the likely starter is for next year? Is anyone concerned?
Seems like there has been a lot of chatter on it. Someone has even posted the probability of each understudy starting next year! (case closed I guess) I find the chatter somewhat useless unless it is from a coach or someone embedded in the program. As fans, we haven't seen any of them play yet. Broyld has the most game time but not at QB. Loeb got in for a few snaps but nothing near what a fan would need to see to evaluate. The recruits from high school have great highlight videos... but then again, that's why they are called highlight videos. I think it's too premature for the fan to evaluate who will be the starter next year or even narrow down the competition to 2-3 players. I am ready for Marrone to surprise us.
There has been quite a bit of chatter about this scattered around the board. Most of it is centered about the QB competition.
With the emergence of our running game in the latter part of the season, I do not see a bit drop off if:
  1. The OLine can find a reasonable replacement for Pugh.
  2. Sugar Bear comes back from his injury.
  3. We figure out what to do with Broyld.
  4. The new QB can throw the deep route accurately and has some touch on finesse passes.
Strength in the running game and a QB that can stretch the field will go a long way to make up for what we lose with Ryan gone.
I am more worried about the D, especially the pass defense. We really looked poor most of the year.
you're insane if you're more concerned about the pass D than who will be the QB next season - lots of talent returning on defense next year while the QB will be completely unproven
There has been quite a bit of chatter about this scattered around the board. Most of it is centered about the QB competition.
With the emergence of our running game in the latter part of the season, I do not see a bit drop off if:
  1. The OLine can find a reasonable replacement for Pugh.
  2. Sugar Bear comes back from his injury.
  3. We figure out what to do with Broyld.
  4. The new QB can throw the deep route accurately and has some touch on finesse passes.
Strength in the running game and a QB that can stretch the field will go a long way to make up for what we lose with Ryan gone.
I am more worried about the D, especially the pass defense. We really looked poor most of the year.
1. There won't be a "reasonable replacement" for Pugh. We're going to see a huge dropoff on whatever side of the line has an opening. My bet is Hickey stays at RT if Loeb is QB, LT if anyone else is QB. His counterpart will not compare to this year.

2. How does Ron Thompson have anything to do with a drop off? You have no idea what he brings to the table because he hasn't played yet. I think our injured WRs and Quinta coming back are far more important since you are filling spots for Lemon/Sales, who combined for almost 2000 yards.

3. Same with Broyld. Not important in terms of a drop off. If we can find his best fit he will help us but him not getting pt doesn't mean we will drop off.

4. Throw the deep route accurately and have touch on finesse passes... How about a QB that can make progressions and hit an open receiver? Finesse passes and deep routes are the least important things in a QB next year. Running this year's offense means there will be open guys. Can Loeb hit them in stride? Can he progress through his first two reads if they are covered? Can he manage the game without throwing balls up for grabs? These things are more important
you're insane if you're more concerned about the pass D than who will be the QB next season - lots of talent returning on defense next year while the QB will be completely unproven
Well, the D is proven also and it is not very good. We don't have one corner that is any good at pass D. They dropped pick 6's that hit them on the numbers for Pete's sake. The pass D finished the season as the worst unit on the team.
The cupboard is not bare at the QB position. Loeb knows the offense, is accurate and pretty mobile. If anyone beats him our they will have to very impressive.
(BTW - if you review everything that has been said about Ryan on this board in the past three years you would never conclude anybody would miss him.)
I do not want to take anything away from Ryan but a lot of the credit for the season also has to go to the staff (Hackett and Marrone in particular), the return of Pugh and Lemon and the improvement of the ST.
This is the deepest team in years with a large number of redshirts emerging next year and I am hopeful that we can improve on D, otherwise it will be another fair to middling season, regardless of who plays QB.
Well, the D is proven also and it is not very good. We don't have one corner that is any good at pass D. They dropped pick 6's that hit them on the numbers for Pete's sake. The pass D finished the season as the worst unit on the team.
The cupboard is not bare at the QB position. Loeb knows the offense, is accurate and pretty mobile. If anyone beats him our they will have to very impressive.
(BTW - if you review everything that has been said about Ryan on this board in the past three years you would never conclude anybody would miss him.)
I do not want to take anything away from Ryan but a lot of the credit for the season also has to go to the staff (Hackett and Marrone in particular), the return of Pugh and Lemon and the improvement of the ST.
This is the deepest team in years with a large number of redshirts emerging next year and I am hopeful that we can improve on D, otherwise it will be another fair to middling season, regardless of who plays QB.
Stopped reading after this ridiculous statement. If you don't think Brandon Reddish is a good college cover corner I don't know what to tell you. Lyn and Anderson were also very good at the end of the season. If anything blame the safeties, Wilkes and Shamarko are not good cover safeties and that cost us.
Hopefully Justin comes back I have not seen any projections above the 3rd round wishful thinking but why not come back and try to improve your position.
Hopefully Justin comes back I have not seen any projections above the 3rd round wishful thinking but why not come back and try to improve your position.
Because internet projections aren't a grade from the NFL Advisory Committee...
Because internet projections aren't a grade from the NFL Advisory Committee...
Well hopefully the grade comes back 4th round, giving him reason to come back and work to improve. We can hope can't we.
Why would you even tempt the internet gods with utter that handle. That 5,000,0000 demerits for you.

What's wrong with it? We are all going to miss Nassib, no?
Yes we will miss Ryan but not the poster with that handle telling us how bad Charlie Loeb was going to be.
Lack of chatter? That's all anyone discusses on this board.

Give him a break - look at his handle - the chatter will get there in a couple hours.
Why would you even tempt the internet gods with utter that handle. That 5,000,0000 demerits for you.
There are no worries Ms Loeb will not be posting here again
This guy may never post again now
I'm a little surprised at the lack of chatter related to life after Nassib. Has anyone heard who the likely starter is for next year? Is anyone concerned?

Other than two full threads about the topic in the last few days, you're right, nothing.
Well hopefully the grade comes back 4th round, giving him reason to come back and work to improve. We can hope can't we.
it won't. 3rd round at worst. most likely 2nd
For all the praise Pugh gets he sure committed a # of false start penalties so maybe the new guy can at least improve on that aspect.

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