Who will be the emergency #4 guard? | Syracusefan.com

Who will be the emergency #4 guard?


All Conference
Aug 29, 2011
With only 3 guards on schollarship, who will be the emergancy fourth guard if SU loses one for more than something other that DQ. In the past there were walkons who were claimed to be good enough to start on lower level D1 schools. Guys like Reese and Thomas. Are any othe the current remaining walkons in that catagory? Also there were football players who were good enough to get schoolarship offers for B-ball too. Could JB ask one of them to try out for team after f-ball season for emergency use? If neither situations apply, who of the 6 non-guards could be used on a limited basis as a guard if only to give the starters 5 - 10 minutes rest in a game. It would appear the choices are down to Fair, Southerland or Grant.

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Forgot he was back this semester. Since he was a 4th year jr, does anybody know for sure if he is returning next year or graduating.
Forgot he was back this semester. Since he was a 4th year jr, does anybody know for sure if he is returning next year or graduating.
Yes. I mentioned in another post that he is returning next season.
Fair, Southerland or Grant.

I love Southerland, but he simply isn't a possibility. His handle is only marginally better than Billy Celuck's.
I love Southerland, but he simply isn't a possibility. His handle is only marginally better than Billy Celuck's.

Maybe but...
I think MCW could be good enough to get by doubles pretty easily next year. That speaks volumes towards needing a second ball handler when you have a dribbling and passing talent like MCW..

IMO Ball handling is second to isolation scoring. You can't attack teams that have lots of isolation as easy in the halfcourt.
The 09-10 team was a good example of this when KJO, Wes, and AO got going together with rautins on the perimeter and Rick in the low post at times.
Our assist totals were awesome, and when they weren't we attacked one on one.

IMO MCW, James, CJ, DC2 will brings a awfull lot of isolation together if we go with James or CJ at the two. Especially if they run screens, get positioning, and use their body off the dribble instead of their handle (like AO did). That could be our best isolation combo.

CJ is one of the top 2-3 players on the team next year and James will be the senior, and both will get mismatches at SG against any team in the country that they won't always get at the four. There would be little to no hesitation on CJ or James jumpshot at the two as opposed to worrying about a tight defender at the four and both have a quicktrigger. Any 2G in the country would be forced to play them tight if both get rolling.
Mookie, and then Nolan Hart, who like Reese and Thomas before him, is talented enough to have played for a low major progran
Jeepers, Reese is leaving one year too early because I wonder if he would have had some decent pt if he had that one more year.

I hope Fair and Mook are working on their ball handling over the summer. As for Fair, it could only help his NBA stock if he can show some skill in this regard.
Jeepers, Reese is leaving one year too early because I wonder if he would have had some decent pt if he had that one more year.

I hope Fair and Mook are working on their ball handling over the summer. As for Fair, it could only help his NBA stock if he can show some skill in this regard.
Decent PT? You're joking, right? We won't play a 4th guard this year. Look at MCW's lack of minutes this year. If Boeheim didn't want to get him some run to prepare him for this year, he would have rode the bench too.
I love Southerland, but he simply isn't a possibility. His handle is only marginally better than Billy Celuck's.

Lots of ppl criticize his handle, but it doesn't seem that bad to me and I don't see him turn it over much. He averaged, what, 16 mmg this year, and he has 13 TO's all year.
That's got to be the best on the team or close to it, in terms of TO's per minute played.
Lots of ppl criticize his handle, but it doesn't seem that back to me and I don't see him turn it over much. He averaged, what, 16 mmg this year, and he has 13 TO's all year.
That's got to be the best on the team or close to it, in terms of TO's per minute played.
If you're talking about Dirty, that was 13 TOs on about 20 dribbles.
If you're talking about Dirty, that was 13 TOs on about 20 dribbles.

Well, he doesn't face as much pressure as the guards because he doesn't have to bring the ball up the court. But he does handle it just like the other forwards, including CJ; and the numbers are what they are. He played 593 mintes, 16 mpg, and had 13 TO's for the year. Any way you slice it, for a guy with a 'suspect' handle, that's not turning it over much.
Well, he doesn't face as much pressure as the guards because he doesn't have to bring the ball up the court. But he does handle it just like the other forwards, including CJ; and the numbers are what they are. He played 593 mintes, 16 mpg, and had 13 TO's for the year. Any way you slice it, for a guy with a 'suspect' handle, that's not turning it over much.
Keita had 11 TO's in 431 minutes, should he be the backup PG?
I don't beleive Mookie is capable of doing anything basketball related other then taking a jumper.
I think people are understimating James and CJ. To busy looking at dribbling skill to miss the overall talent...

They are the kind of guys with the confidence that you can just throw out there at the two three or the four as swingmen and they could make something pretty good happen on offense).

James and CJ have become the quick confident trigger types that could just go off.
Yes you could make a argument they are hot and cold like Joseph but I trust CJ's midrange shot and James jumper more then KJO's longball. When they miss it looks good. More on confidence less on mechanics when they miss and thats the difference.

James averaged only 16 mpg and took 5.5 shots per game while averaging 6.8 ppg
Just for fun thets compare that to Rautins senior year. Rautins averaged 32 mpg exactly double the minutes of James...
So doubling James stats from this year....
James- 11.0 shots averaging 13.6 ppg, 6.0 rpg, 1.6 assists and 1.8 blocks (3rd year jr.)
Rautins 8.4 shots averaging 12.1 ppg, 3.4rpg, 2.2 assists and 0.2 blocks (5th year senior)

Also keep in mind your playing 2 true scorers if you put james and CJ on the same side together. Cuse 90% of the time runs SG and SF on the same side. Almost always. With their height they both will be able to run around inside and out. Completely interchangable and both can stop and pop a 10 foot jumper off one or two dribbles. Both could be killers on the offesnsive boards against other sg's/sf's. If the oppositions sf's don't leave the paint CJ and James could switch positions on offense when the chemistry isn't flowing.

I actually think MCW James Cj and Rak offensively could be good enough to run with Keita even...
A lineup of MCW(1) James (2) CJ(3) Keita(4) Rak(5) would be a strong defensive lineup.
That defensive lineup would be downright nasty to the core. Bottom line all 5 are scrappy and that would be very intimidating.
Unless they spend their entire summers at the Chris Paul camp, NOONE is scared of CJ/Southerland at the 2 spot. I cant wait to see CJ running pick and roll with Baye. #Championship.
Decent PT? You're joking, right? We won't play a 4th guard this year. Look at MCW's lack of minutes this year. If Boeheim didn't want to get him some run to prepare him for this year, he would have rode the bench too.

I'm not talking 15 minutes a game here, just a chance to get in earlier than before in blowouts or if Boeheim is working on something chemistry wise to see if it works.
Keita had 11 TO's in 431 minutes, should he be the backup PG?

Not the point. The point was -- his handle is suspect. I'm simply saying ... the numbers don't really back that up.

Notice that I didn't compare JS to the frontline guys, PF or C. That's not a fair comparison. It's also not fair to compare him to the guards who have to dribble the ball up and handle it quite a bit more. But comparing JS to CJ fair is 'fair'.

You could also point out that JS is mostly a catch and shoot player. He does drive to the hoop, and I would like to see this more to balance his game. But he's mostly catch and shoot, so this probably reduces his TO's as well.

All that said -- he's still NOT TURNING IT OVER MUCH. lol
Not the point. The point was -- his handle is suspect. I'm simply saying ... the numbers don't really back that up.

Notice that I didn't compare JS to the frontline guys, PF or C. That's not a fair comparison. It's also not fair to compare him to the guards who have to dribble the ball up and handle it quite a bit more. But comparing JS to CJ fair is 'fair'.

You could also point out that JS is mostly a catch and shoot player. He does drive to the hoop, and I would like to see this more to balance his game. But he's mostly catch and shoot, so this probably reduces his TO's as well.

All that said -- he's still NOT TURNING IT OVER MUCH. lol
no he doesn't
JS typically dribbled with the intent to get the ball to a guard. He rarely made an offensive move off the dribble. He didn't turn the ball over much, but he didn't create much either. Guards need to make offensive plays and get the defense moving whether it is off the dribble or by passing. Defensively JS would be very interesting at the top of the zone, I would love to see that. I think with his length and quickness he could give opposing players fits.
Sure he drives, just not often enough. But that's a different issue than his 'handle'.
He's not a Catch and Shoot player. He's a Catch and Shoot or Get Rid of the Ball as Soon as Possible player. JS with a handle is All Big East.
We don't need james to run the pick and roll with keita at the two nor drive. Hes a jumpshooter and one who started to develop alittle isolation doing so the last two years. As did Fair.

Hes not a catch or shoot and get rid of the ball as soon as possible. Thats false advertising. Maybe at a postition on the floor where hes not going to spot up his man for three, but a long midrange 2 that is far from the truth.

James and Cj could be our best midrange spot up two point shooters since warrick. Going back to my post above. Comparing Rautins 5th year with James 3rd. Did we need Rautins to drive his sophmore year? And don't tell me Rautins was a great passer though. His 2.2 assists per game wasn't all big east for the team with the most assists in the country at one time. And Rautins didn't have 2nd year AA MCW who could be our best point since Johnny Flynn next to him. He had 3rd year scoop.

James is becoming a better passer as well. I remember him making a awesome high pass over his head to a trailing big that was simply awesome in transition in the ncaa tournament. Hes also a pretty good weakside recovery shotblocker. The guy stuffed drummond big time. Imagine what he could do to 6'3 Sg's.

This seems to be a split thread with very different opinions. I will split it even more...

We have the post up in Cj(3) DC2, Rak to not need James to drive. Especially with MCW.
Put me on the record for saying A lineup of MCW, James, CJ, Rak and Baye would even overcome Baye's lack of offense so why are we doubting James at the 2? And that lineup is very possible defensively because all have aggressive tendencies and reflexes and if DC2 is ready for 25 mpg Keita will have a hard time seeing 10 plus minutes.

James could take some of Cooneys minutes and thats no knock on Cooney who will still get plenty.
Hes the SENIOR afterall.

The biggest downfall for our guards will be Triche sliding to point though as Triche and Cooney are both SG's before PG's.
That being said its really a second PG that we need. I would see MCW getting around 32mpg. and Cooney and Triche splitting the rest with Triche getting 8 of his SENIOR 30 plus minutes at PG.
But and its very possible James could be ready to take a few minutes at SG. It throws a wrench against the opposition.

I do not see Keita in the game long with Triche at the 1 because Triches offense will be more limited at the one. giving us 2 limited offensive players on the floor. That really plays to Triche and DC2 being reunited.

James had more shots then Fair per 30 minutes . The difference is about 9.7 for James and about 7.2 for Fair. People don't realize that.
fair averaged 6.7 shots in 26 minutes James averaged 5.5 in 16.
That means James averaged over a shot about every 2.8 minutes .
Fair averaged a shot about every 3.8 minutes.
James is a true scorer.

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