Proposed rule changes to NIL and portal to enhance player retention |

Proposed rule changes to NIL and portal to enhance player retention


Mar 21, 2019
Seeing how we have entered this wild wild west world of building a new roster pretty much from scratch every year, and this is not an SU specific issue but affecting many schools, there has to be some tweaks that can be made to make it easier to keep players in a program that is fair to both the players and the institutions.

(1) NIL should be structured as a multiple year deal with a vesting schedule up to 4 years. Allow NIL deals to be made so that on year #1 you vest say 25%, year #2 50%, year #3 75%, year #4 100%. Or even make the back end more heavily weighted. If you are truly one and done, you get 25%. If you get drafted to the NBA you instantly get fully vested but if you transfer you get only what is vested and when you go to the new school you start with 0% again so that is some built in advantage to staying at the current school.

(2) Allow NIL deals to be structured to include a "cash bonus" on team success. It can be exceeding how many wins in the regular season, it can be ACC tournament championship, it can be a NCAA bid, it can be a sweet sixteen appearance. Yes I know I know there has to be a degree of separation, no "pay for play" but one also cannot deny that with more team wins, the name, image and likeness of the individual player increases...more wins, more TV exposure, more people know about and follow...don't tie it to personal stats, but tie it to team wins. One surely can structure a deal say if the team wins 25 games, then a celebration event is scheduled and everyone invited to a car dealership and the players are paid $X for achieving this goal.

(3) Using the same logic, to maintain a good image, a player has to maintain his/her grades, go to practices, go to classes...all that. If you are dismissed, or can't stay eligible academically, or misses classes, misses practices or violate team rules, all that hurts your image and name and likeness, and that will be cause to reduce the NIL payout or outright cancellation of the NIL deals. This is not unlike the celebrities have their endorsement deals cancelled if they get tangled up in domestic violation charges, racial insensitive remarks, arrested for drug abuse etc...

(4) Stop the tampering. I don't care how you do it, just stop the tampering before the portal official entrance. Pay the AAU coaches or "third party liaisons" if you have to act as mystery shoppers to bring down the coaches or the players who try to break the rules during the season.

(5) Allow players to set their NIL requirements with more transparency. Let them set up a portal profile with the NIL amount they want. Let them set up a bid window like eBay does.

Quadir Copeland
Current School: Syracuse University
Position: Guard
Class: Sophomore
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 200 lbs
Points: 9.6
Rebounds: 4.6
Assists: 2.8
FG%: 47.8
NIL Minimum: $325,000
NIL Buy It Now: $500,000
Accept Best Offer: YES
Accepts Buy Now Pay Later: YES
Promotional Coupon Code: X21790GTY

(6) In the professional world, players are traded from one team to the other all the time, and they have to go to the new team whether they like it or not if they want to have a pay check. May be NCAA needs to give the schools (coaches) some degree of control. Well, since players have signed NIL deals, they are entitled to get paid for those deals. So let's say player A has a 200K deal and player B has a 100K deal, and both have been paid half of what's owed. The coaches if they do not like these two players, can put them into the in season transfer portal. On the portal a new entry will appear but no name, no school, only a transfer player number with his/her stats. Now another team coach looking for a player can look and do a search based on how many points, FG%, rebounds, assists, turnovers, any stats and will come back with a list of players with matching stats and a NIL price balance to be paid. This is similar to Priceline and Hotwire mystery hotels where they use opaque pricing. Once selected the players is then informed they are to immediately switch school from Orlando Florida to Anchorage Alaska. That will put some control back to the coaches' hand, and minimize disruptive player behaviors.
I struggle with discussing this without coming off as an ahole, but how do implement these with a private/public company? NIL is legally between two non-school (currently) parties, one of which is the player. NIL goes beyond the cooperatives. So how do you apply this to private/public company contract with players? Basically, you are saying Dr. Pepper that they have to structure their NIL contract with college athletes using your framework. That ain't happening.

Would you apply these same rules to the NFL, NBA or MLB? An NFL player gets traded doesn't mean they lose their Geico partnership.
Your solutions tie NIL to school performance/attendance. My understanding is NIL doesn’t have anything to do with the school. We all know that’s a load of bull, but I don’t think you’ll find a working solution if there’s a direct connnection between money paid for NIL and attendance/performance at a specific school.
Your solutions tie NIL to school performance/attendance. My understanding is NIL doesn’t have anything to do with the school. We all know that’s a load of bull, but I don’t think you’ll find a working solution if there’s a direct connnection between money paid for NIL and attendance/performance at a specific school.
not really, not explicitly tied to performance/attendance.

I only tie it to team wins.

Now if I tie it to player stats, like you need to have X points Y rebounds Z assists, yes that's performance and attendance.

Team wins is a step away from it. A player can be injured or even redshirted the entire season and he/she will still be able to get NIL payment based off team wins, in that sense it is not directly tied to THAT PLAYER's performance. Yes I know it is a bit of splitting hair, but at the same time, how can a player be awarded a contract based on name-image-likeness when we all know this name-image-likeness is implicitly tied to how well he/she plays already. I don't buy that these players still in colleges have an established name-image-likeness without the sport they play in.
I struggle with discussing this without coming off as an ahole, but how do implement these with a private/public company? NIL is legally between two non-school (currently) parties, one of which is the player. NIL goes beyond the cooperatives. So how do you apply this to private/public company contract with players? Basically, you are saying Dr. Pepper that they have to structure their NIL contract with college athletes using your framework. That ain't happening.

Would you apply these same rules to the NFL, NBA or MLB? An NFL player gets traded doesn't mean they lose their Geico partnership.

Not "MY" framework, NCAA framework. Right now if a company were to structure a deal with a player based on how much they score it would be an NCAA violation because it ties it to on court performance. There is already an set of DOs and DONTs established by NCAA. Not many college players will get a GEICO endorsement, most deals are funded by local establishments. If a pizza joint on Erie Blvd were to fund a NIL deal with a player and said player is traded half way through the school semester to Utah of course that pizza joint will be upset and rightfully so...

Having said that, obviously the trading players part was more of a joke to get some discussions going since we are still pretending these players are "student athletes" and care about education (and I know some of them are).
Just make it a 2 year contract.

Or even easier just go back to 1 “free” transfer every 2 seasons. Then you won’t see players transferring year to year.

They need to add some teeth to the portal monster so there aren’t 2,000 players in it every year.
Right now, NCAA has rules against this. If they relax those rules, donors would absolutely start to utilize a contract structure that protects their money. They are not going to be throwing kids half a million dollars for that kid to dip to another team the next year.

For big time corporations, they could care less what team the player is on. But the local school boosters invest in NIL solely in relation to pay for play. Even though the NCAA will not acknowledge that aspect of things. So yes, the local boosters would most definetly have incentivized contracts if allowed to do so.
Seeing how we have entered this wild wild west world of building a new roster pretty much from scratch every year, and this is not an SU specific issue but affecting many schools, there has to be some tweaks that can be made to make it easier to keep players in a program that is fair to both the players and the institutions.

(1) NIL should be structured as a multiple year deal with a vesting schedule up to 4 years. Allow NIL deals to be made so that on year #1 you vest say 25%, year #2 50%, year #3 75%, year #4 100%. Or even make the back end more heavily weighted. If you are truly one and done, you get 25%. If you get drafted to the NBA you instantly get fully vested but if you transfer you get only what is vested and when you go to the new school you start with 0% again so that is some built in advantage to staying at the current school.

(2) Allow NIL deals to be structured to include a "cash bonus" on team success. It can be exceeding how many wins in the regular season, it can be ACC tournament championship, it can be a NCAA bid, it can be a sweet sixteen appearance. Yes I know I know there has to be a degree of separation, no "pay for play" but one also cannot deny that with more team wins, the name, image and likeness of the individual player increases...more wins, more TV exposure, more people know about and follow...don't tie it to personal stats, but tie it to team wins. One surely can structure a deal say if the team wins 25 games, then a celebration event is scheduled and everyone invited to a car dealership and the players are paid $X for achieving this goal.

(3) Using the same logic, to maintain a good image, a player has to maintain his/her grades, go to practices, go to classes...all that. If you are dismissed, or can't stay eligible academically, or misses classes, misses practices or violate team rules, all that hurts your image and name and likeness, and that will be cause to reduce the NIL payout or outright cancellation of the NIL deals. This is not unlike the celebrities have their endorsement deals cancelled if they get tangled up in domestic violation charges, racial insensitive remarks, arrested for drug abuse etc...

(4) Stop the tampering. I don't care how you do it, just stop the tampering before the portal official entrance. Pay the AAU coaches or "third party liaisons" if you have to act as mystery shoppers to bring down the coaches or the players who try to break the rules during the season.

(5) Allow players to set their NIL requirements with more transparency. Let them set up a portal profile with the NIL amount they want. Let them set up a bid window like eBay does.

Quadir Copeland
Current School: Syracuse University
Position: Guard
Class: Sophomore
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 200 lbs
Points: 9.6
Rebounds: 4.6
Assists: 2.8
FG%: 47.8
NIL Minimum: $325,000
NIL Buy It Now: $500,000
Accept Best Offer: YES
Accepts Buy Now Pay Later: YES
Promotional Coupon Code: X21790GTY

(6) In the professional world, players are traded from one team to the other all the time, and they have to go to the new team whether they like it or not if they want to have a pay check. May be NCAA needs to give the schools (coaches) some degree of control. Well, since players have signed NIL deals, they are entitled to get paid for those deals. So let's say player A has a 200K deal and player B has a 100K deal, and both have been paid half of what's owed. The coaches if they do not like these two players, can put them into the in season transfer portal. On the portal a new entry will appear but no name, no school, only a transfer player number with his/her stats. Now another team coach looking for a player can look and do a search based on how many points, FG%, rebounds, assists, turnovers, any stats and will come back with a list of players with matching stats and a NIL price balance to be paid. This is similar to Priceline and Hotwire mystery hotels where they use opaque pricing. Once selected the players is then informed they are to immediately switch school from Orlando Florida to Anchorage Alaska. That will put some control back to the coaches' hand, and minimize disruptive player behaviors.
NCAA cannot control NIL rules.
Until the NCAA sets up a system where they its member schools are paying the players, nothing can get really done to solve the solution. Were over halfway there at this point, just find a way to get it to cross the line so donations are going to schools and be done with it.
Perhaps, college revenue sports and non-tree venue sports need to be delineated and dealt with differently and separately.
Just saw in another thread that some players are requesting NIL money to just show up for a campus visit. I wonder how common that is.

If this is common then coaches will be extra busy because the players will set up as many campus visits as possible just to make money.

It won't be long before NIL money is requested for a coach to visit a recruit at home, or to include a school in the Final 25, Final 15, Final 10, Final 5, Final media announcements.
Once they commit just tell them for every turnover, missed shot or defensive mistake they will get docked. This is just getting nuts. If that was asked for a visit, just decline and move on. No one is worth that kind of pompous attitude.

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