The Devo & Kris Jo Show |

The Devo & Kris Jo Show

They agreed with a lot I just said on orange nation about our offense, (it's better when we share the ball than when Judah tries to carry the team on his back), which Paulie and Steve rejected as an unfair criticism of Judah.

At the end of the video they are are speculating that Maliq Brown because of his attitude and all-around skills could make it on the next level and were trying to think of a comparison. How about this one?

(Minus the theatrics, of course.)
liked much when devo went on a 4 minute riff while kris was recovering from whatever da hell he was chokin' on. that's a good team mate and a broadcaster skill. but amazed if eric don't drop the effbomb on espn. secondly devo was a scorer. period. don't lecture about doing other things like playing defense and rebounding . stats show he really did neither. great offense. a lotta attitude.little else.
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Great interview with Elijah! Interesting about his flip from Seton Hall and Shaheen Holloway. His insight on the negatives and then the real positives of redshirting. His experiences in the NBA. Of course Devo and Kris’ thoughts on Benny etc. Relationships with GMac, Red etc. Elijah always had a great work ethic.
For this who can't listen at work (not recommended, lots of F bombs):
They essentially confirmed Benny kept skipping practices/workouts.
That's interesting. Weird. So weird, after already being suspended, that i want to correlate it with something similar in... Marilyn Monroe. She was (in)famous for being late to the set, often making production crew wait for many hours, and sometimes not showing up at all. And it wasn't because she was petulant, evil, or uncaring. She just had issues and couldn't cope. I would really rather believe in this side of things than that Benny was just a jerkwad. I'm not sure which is easier to believe, though, in wanting to go with the simpler explanation, Occam-style.

The other question, though, is when did this begin? If last year, why was he still starting all of those games? If it started this year, why?
That's interesting. Weird. So weird, after already being suspended, that i want to correlate it with something similar in... Marilyn Monroe. She was (in)famous for being late to the set, often making production crew wait for many hours, and sometimes not showing up at all. And it wasn't because she was petulant, evil, or uncaring. She just had issues and couldn't cope. I would really rather believe in this side of things than that Benny was just a jerkwad. I'm not sure which is easier to believe, though, in wanting to go with the simpler explanation, Occam-style.

The other question, though, is when did this begin? If last year, why was he still starting all of those games? If it started this year, why?
They suggested that as much as well. He just didn't get it.
That's interesting. Weird. So weird, after already being suspended, that i want to correlate it with something similar in... Marilyn Monroe. She was (in)famous for being late to the set, often making production crew wait for many hours, and sometimes not showing up at all. And it wasn't because she was petulant, evil, or uncaring. She just had issues and couldn't cope. I would really rather believe in this side of things than that Benny was just a jerkwad. I'm not sure which is easier to believe, though, in wanting to go with the simpler explanation, Occam-style.

The other question, though, is when did this begin? If last year, why was he still starting all of those games? If it started this year, why?
Are you suggesting Benny's problems can be traced to private relationships with high ranking politicians and celebrities?
That's interesting. Weird. So weird, after already being suspended, that i want to correlate it with something similar in... Marilyn Monroe. She was (in)famous for being late to the set, often making production crew wait for many hours, and sometimes not showing up at all. And it wasn't because she was petulant, evil, or uncaring. She just had issues and couldn't cope. I would really rather believe in this side of things than that Benny was just a jerkwad. I'm not sure which is easier to believe, though, in wanting to go with the simpler explanation, Occam-style.

The other question, though, is when did this begin? If last year, why was he still starting all of those games? If it started this year, why?
I have a friend who used to act this way and is a good guy even if my wife doesn't think so. I used to work for him and had to cover for him all the time. Somehow he never got fired and did a decent job playing politics in the corporate world. Took him until at least 35 years old to get mostly right, but he still struggles to get anywhere on time.
That's interesting. Weird. So weird, after already being suspended, that i want to correlate it with something similar in... Marilyn Monroe. She was (in)famous for being late to the set, often making production crew wait for many hours, and sometimes not showing up at all. And it wasn't because she was petulant, evil, or uncaring. She just had issues and couldn't cope. I would really rather believe in this side of things than that Benny was just a jerkwad. I'm not sure which is easier to believe, though, in wanting to go with the simpler explanation, Occam-style.

The other question, though, is when did this begin? If last year, why was he still starting all of those games? If it started this year, why?
I mean, on the flip side, maybe he just can’t deal with accountability to the greater good’s of a team concept.

None of us know, but I sense the Orange cat used his nine Syracuse lives here.
I have a friend who used to act this way and is a good guy even if my wife doesn't think so. I used to work for him and had to cover for him all the time. Somehow he never got fired and did a decent job playing politics in the corporate world. Took him until at least 35 years old to get mostly right, but he still struggles to get anywhere on time.
Psychology is a thing.

I had a friend—met at SU, sophomore year, and we were as close as brothers for the next 30+ years. He was always the most social, most well-liked of anyone in our social circle. But, he was a pathological liar. Back in school, and then thereafter in NYC, it was mostly just about social stuff. So, it was relatively harmless. Then, he started recruiting us for investments. And that's when it went into fraud. He eventually proved to be quite despicable, and it took years for the rest of us to find out how many people he had scammed. Thing is, he probably had relatively good intentions with the funds he solicited, but he had no character or ethics, and when he got into holes, he would just lie more and go after new people, without ever evolving/bettering his behavior.

All seems to stem from a small, innocuous story he used to tell about something his father did once. A little lie. But, the power in that lie was that it was a force to manipulate people. There's narcissism involved in that—thinking you're 'powerful' in a way, because you are 'doing things' to people and they don't know.

All this to say that a person can be quite wonderful and engaging to most people, and also have a devious, sketchy, scummy side, and it might take a lot of years and sharing of stories to reconcile it all. People deal with insecurities in different ways, and sometimes compensate/overcompensate. Some people can't deal with simple issues, but might be able to deal with more complex things. You would think that a player on a team would be first committed to "the team concept," but lots of things in life override what we want—even our most prioritized objectives.

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