Glass Half Full |

Glass Half Full


Walk On
Sep 8, 2013
Yeah, that's always the way I try to be, but I do think there currently is a very good case for it. Our staff and young men are, oh, what I like to call "a snails breath away" from being 5-2 right now with a win over a top 25 team. If not for the unfortunate Central Mich incident, possibly even 6-1 with two wins over a top 25 team. That's pretty amazing for this season. I know... they are still losses, but...

To me its embarrassing that there is even any discussion over HCSS. I think its been a minority raising some flags and then the media (local and national) adding a little fuel to the fire. Not a lot, but just enough. I believe the vast majority of the fan base is behind the staff 100%. I cant imagine that there will no more W's this year, but even if that is the case, and the team shows progress, there is no reason not to allow the staff another year to continue to grow this team. Good things are coming.

Saturday, my hope is that the young guys got over their wide eye effect in their first road game (one in an NFL stadium) ,can focus more, and we see signs of progress in the away games.

Go Orange!
Yeah, that's always the way I try to be, but I do think there currently is a very good case for it. Our staff and young men are, oh, what I like to call "a snails breath away" from being 5-2 right now with a win over a top 25 team. If not for the unfortunate Central Mich incident, possibly even 6-1 with two wins over a top 25 team. That's pretty amazing for this season. I know... they are still losses, but...

To me its embarrassing that there is even any discussion over HCSS. I think its been a minority raising some flags and then the media (local and national) adding a little fuel to the fire. Not a lot, but just enough. I believe the vast majority of the fan base is behind the staff 100%. I cant imagine that there will no more W's this year, but even if that is the case, and the team shows progress, there is no reason not to allow the staff another year to continue to grow this team. Good things are coming.

Saturday, my hope is that the young guys got over their wide eye effect in their first road game (one in an NFL stadium) ,can focus more, and we see signs of progress in the away games.

Go Orange!

I believe the vast majority of the fan base could give a SHITE, that is the problem
I believe the vast majority of the fan base could give a SHITE, that is the problem
No the fanbase cares alot, its just there are only 25 k of us in the 700,000 plus greater syracuse region. Not to nitpick
I think the criticism of and impatience with HCSS is entirely understandable. Those who want a change certainly have valid arguments (some do not) and it is far from certain which side is correct. As you say, some will see thefootball half inflated and others half deflated.
  1. Most agree that recruiting has improved, but some feel it is due to the ACC and IPF. To me it doesn't matter - the talent is better.
  2. Most agree that the Lester offense is better, but there is a legitimate debate as to how much. For me I would have preferred an offense that took better advantage of the uniqueness of the dome, but I think Lester's offense is unique enough to give opposing DC's fits in coming years.
  3. Most agree that Shafer needs better and more aggressive game management skills. Time will tell if he can grow into this part of the job.
  4. Many feel that staff changes are in order. We will find out Shafer's view after the season ends.
  5. Most agree that Shafer deserves the 2016 season to see what he can do with kids who have had at least one year of CFB experience, others want to cut and run now. I am in the former camp.
Regardless of where you stand, it should be clear that the university is committed to big time college athletics! Joining the ACC, building the IPC and coughing up hundreds of millions for dome renovations is undeniable evidence that Syracuse under The Good Chancellor has a bright future. To me, that is the story. If Shafer wins, he stays. If not, we will hire someone else from a much broader pool than in previous years.

The future is bright my friends!
No the fanbase cares alot, its just there are only 25 k of us in the 700,000 plus greater syracuse region. Not to nitpick

Agree 100%.
I think the criticism of and impatience with HCSS is entirely understandable. Those who want a change certainly have valid arguments (some do not) and it is far from certain which side is correct. As you say, some will see thefootball half inflated and others half deflated.
  1. Most agree that recruiting has improved, but some feel it is due to the ACC and IPF. To me it doesn't matter - the talent is better.
  2. Most agree that the Lester offense is better, but there is a legitimate debate as to how much. For me I would have preferred an offense that took better advantage of the uniqueness of the dome, but I think Lester's offense is unique enough to give opposing DC's fits in coming years.
  3. Most agree that Shafer needs better and more aggressive game management skills. Time will tell if he can grow into this part of the job.
  4. Many feel that staff changes are in order. We will find out Shafer's view after the season ends.
  5. Most agree that Shafer deserves the 2016 season to see what he can do with kids who have had at least one year of CFB experience, others want to cut and run now. I am in the former camp.
Regardless of where you stand, it should be clear that the university is committed to big time college athletics! Joining the ACC, building the IPC and coughing up hundreds of millions for dome renovations is undeniable evidence that Syracuse under The Good Chancellor has a bright future. To me, that is the story. If Shafer wins, he stays. If not, we will hire someone else from a much broader pool than in previous years.

The future is bright my friends!

Very good post, Crusty.
No the fanbase cares alot, its just there are only 25 k of us in the 700,000 plus greater syracuse region. Not to nitpick

I see your point but to get the other 15-17K back in the dome on a regular basis you need to win. I don't think casual fans have the gut for this. It's like eating gravel, swallowing a chunk of skoal and chasing with grain alcohol every Saturday at this point, It's not for those with a weak stomach. We here can handle it, I know that for sure, it's the last 30% that can't and wont be back until the program is. I am game and not going anywhere.

IthacaBarrel said:
I see your point but to get the other 15-17K back in the dome on a regular basis you need to win. I don't think casual fans have the gut for this. It's like eating gravel, swallowing a chunk of skoal and chasing with grain alcohol every Saturday at this point, It's not for those with a weak stomach. We here can handle it, I know that for sure, it's the last 30% that can't and wont be back until the program is. I am game and not going anywhere. NO PAIN, NO PAIN, NO PAIN

If we field an exciting offense (trending up) and our defense grows up (why wouldn't they with our staff?) - and Coyle is seemingly more competent at building up the fanbase? A renovated dome?

It might be slow and it probably won't happen this year... But things are moving in a very good direction.
I have told this story before, but I think it bears repeating.
Circa 1979, walking back from lunch with custys on west 52nd street, one of the guys saw something on the windshield of a parked car. He walked over and looked at it and then broke out in laughter. He took the items off the windshield and showed it to the rest of us. There were four tickets to that week's Jets game against Cincinnati, I think, with a note "please take".

EDIT [We didn't take the tickets!]

Fans support winners and in New York there is no tolerance for losers. That goes for upstate aswell (save Buffalo, those fans are nuts). Win and fans will come back and you won't trick them with gameday gimmicks or better food.
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I see your point but to get the other 15-17K back in the dome on a regular basis you need to win. I don't think casual fans have the gut for this. It's like eating gravel, swallowing a chunk of skoal and chasing with grain alcohol every Saturday at this point, It's not for those with a weak stomach. We here can handle it, I know that for sure, it's the last 30% that can't and wont be back until the program is. I am game and not going anywhere.

Yep its the casual fan we need to get back into the Dome once or twice a season. They are obviously not coming until we are winning.
If we field an exciting offense (trending up) and our defense grows up (why wouldn't they with our staff?) - and Coyle is seemingly more competent at building up the fanbase? A renovated dome?

It might be slow and it probably won't happen this year... But things are moving in a very good direction.
Timing is everything in life. Shafer must deliver next year or his time is probably up. I think that is reality.
I think the criticism of and impatience with HCSS is entirely understandable. Those who want a change certainly have valid arguments (some do not) and it is far from certain which side is correct. As you say, some will see thefootball half inflated and others half deflated.
  1. Most agree that recruiting has improved, but some feel it is due to the ACC and IPF. To me it doesn't matter - the talent is better.
  2. Most agree that the Lester offense is better, but there is a legitimate debate as to how much. For me I would have preferred an offense that took better advantage of the uniqueness of the dome, but I think Lester's offense is unique enough to give opposing DC's fits in coming years.
  3. Most agree that Shafer needs better and more aggressive game management skills. Time will tell if he can grow into this part of the job.
  4. Many feel that staff changes are in order. We will find out Shafer's view after the season ends.
  5. Most agree that Shafer deserves the 2016 season to see what he can do with kids who have had at least one year of CFB experience, others want to cut and run now. I am in the former camp.
Regardless of where you stand, it should be clear that the university is committed to big time college athletics! Joining the ACC, building the IPC and coughing up hundreds of millions for dome renovations is undeniable evidence that Syracuse under The Good Chancellor has a bright future. To me, that is the story. If Shafer wins, he stays. If not, we will hire someone else from a much broader pool than in previous years.

The future is bright my friends!
i am one in the shafer camp. he has not been given enough time. he is beginning to mature into the job. we need more funds for assistants, and hcss needs to continue to mature and remain focused at game day. i believe he is making good progress, and still feel he will break out soon. we are poised to open up our game, and be more creative. we need to use strickland more(my typical rant---even i get bored with it)
I think the criticism of and impatience with HCSS is entirely understandable. Those who want a change certainly have valid arguments (some do not) and it is far from certain which side is correct. As you say, some will see thefootball half inflated and others half deflated.
  1. Most agree that recruiting has improved, but some feel it is due to the ACC and IPF. To me it doesn't matter - the talent is better.
  2. Most agree that the Lester offense is better, but there is a legitimate debate as to how much. For me I would have preferred an offense that took better advantage of the uniqueness of the dome, but I think Lester's offense is unique enough to give opposing DC's fits in coming years.
  3. Most agree that Shafer needs better and more aggressive game management skills. Time will tell if he can grow into this part of the job.
  4. Many feel that staff changes are in order. We will find out Shafer's view after the season ends.
  5. Most agree that Shafer deserves the 2016 season to see what he can do with kids who have had at least one year of CFB experience, others want to cut and run now. I am in the former camp.
Regardless of where you stand, it should be clear that the university is committed to big time college athletics! Joining the ACC, building the IPC and coughing up hundreds of millions for dome renovations is undeniable evidence that Syracuse under The Good Chancellor has a bright future. To me, that is the story. If Shafer wins, he stays. If not, we will hire someone else from a much broader pool than in previous years.

The future is bright my friends!

I agree with most of what you say and after cooling down after that loss to Virginia, I am willing to say ok and watch and see what HCSS can do. I like the guy and hope he makes the best of it. Might as well ride it out. Nothing to lose. Go Orange!
I think the criticism of and impatience with HCSS is entirely understandable. Those who want a change certainly have valid arguments (some do not) and it is far from certain which side is correct. As you say, some will see thefootball half inflated and others half deflated.
  1. Most agree that recruiting has improved, but some feel it is due to the ACC and IPF. To me it doesn't matter - the talent is better.
  2. Most agree that the Lester offense is better, but there is a legitimate debate as to how much. For me I would have preferred an offense that took better advantage of the uniqueness of the dome, but I think Lester's offense is unique enough to give opposing DC's fits in coming years.
  3. Most agree that Shafer needs better and more aggressive game management skills. Time will tell if he can grow into this part of the job.
  4. Many feel that staff changes are in order. We will find out Shafer's view after the season ends.
  5. Most agree that Shafer deserves the 2016 season to see what he can do with kids who have had at least one year of CFB experience, others want to cut and run now. I am in the former camp.
Regardless of where you stand, it should be clear that the university is committed to big time college athletics! Joining the ACC, building the IPC and coughing up hundreds of millions for dome renovations is undeniable evidence that Syracuse under The Good Chancellor has a bright future. To me, that is the story. If Shafer wins, he stays. If not, we will hire someone else from a much broader pool than in previous years.

The future is bright my friends!

Best post on this topic in weeks.
i am one in the shafer camp. he has not been given enough time. he is beginning to mature into the job. we need more funds for assistants, and hcss needs to continue to mature and remain focused at game day. i believe he is making good progress, and still feel he will break out soon. we are poised to open up our game, and be more creative. we need to use strickland more(my typical rant---even i get bored with it)

Sometimes there are reasons players don't play as much as we'd like (and we aren't usually privy to know those details). Its the way it is. I suspect that the staff didn't use him as much for a legit reason vs. Pitt. Hopefully he can see more time moving forward.
Also yes its true that the team could be 5-2 (if not for a few "reasons") and it also could be 2-5 (if not for a few "reasons"). But they are a very young team that is competing in these games, mostly down to the end. Is that much more expected out of so many players who are tasting this competition level for the first time. That's why I support another year and this staff. If this were a team filled with jr's and sr's starting everywhere I would likely be on the other side.
Yep its the casual fan we need to get back into the Dome once or twice a season. They are obviously not coming until we are winning.
The problem is in the past every time they get the casual fans up there it's been for a big time program and the program smacks us around. The lsu game this year was the first time in years we held our own. This year the buzz was generated and if the team didn't lay that egg at usf and managed to beat uv the Pitt game would have been nuts. I really don't blame the casual fans at all anymore. Football has been down for so long and the fans have been sold on a product that didn't live up way too many times over the years. Only thing that's going to bring back fans is wins. A stadium renovation will help for a game or two but once the allure of that is gone we are back to wins.
Sometimes there are reasons players don't play as much as we'd like (and we aren't usually privy to know those details). Its the way it is. I suspect that the staff didn't use him as much for a legit reason vs. Pitt. Hopefully he can see more time moving forward.
it is the way it is for sure. that does not mean that folks don't ask the question---i guess i am asking. if its blocking, then use him where he does not have to block!!--use his talent, if he can't block, don,t make him a blocker!!! again, use talent, do not make him into what you want, make him into what he can do well.
it is the way it is for sure. that does not mean that folks don't ask the question---i guess i am asking. if its blocking, then use him where he does not have to block!!--use his talent, if he can't block, don,t make him a blocker!!! again, use talent, do not make him into what you want, make him into what he can do well.
You also have to hold people like Phillips responsible, for messing up plays. Strickland made a good block late in the game for Dungey's 20+ yard run. So that shouldn't be the problem, I just feel Tim gets comfortable with certain groups of players, and doesn't adjust quick enough. Those adjustments should come as the season progresses.
Sometimes there are reasons players don't play as much as we'd like (and we aren't usually privy to know those details). Its the way it is. I suspect that the staff didn't use him as much for a legit reason vs. Pitt. Hopefully he can see more time moving forward.

He most definitely will see more time, Lewis is out against FSU, so it will be Erv and Strickland.

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