I thought you might like Shafer | Syracusefan.com

I thought you might like Shafer


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Hey hope everyone is enjoying the summer and has grown a set of gills! Wow i was home for a few weeks and my feet started to web but that is for another time. I decided to take a little break from my favorite virtual spot on the planet to see what the gang thought of our new head coach. As many of you know i pushed hard for him. Not that it mattered because it didnt but i feel that without Shafer Doug would have gone from being the head coach of the Bills to unemployed. Facts are facts and Doug gets all the credit for bringing Shafer on board but lets face it without his D Doug wins four games at most. Ok enough about TBFOSB and on to better things. So after a few months at the helm what do you think? What is the consensus on HCSS? Of course i think he is killing it and if we can hang onto him Shafer will go down as one of our better coaches. Ben, Mac, who knows but i would bet my left nut which is bigger than both of Grobs balls squared that he is ends up better than most. Kudos to Doc for sticking with with Shafer who isnt polished, is about as far away from an LA glam boy as JB is from grits and hasnt been a heads coach. Anyway from my seat im glad to see the General is off to a great start and by the way has truly won over the admin and key contributors. St Speaking of balls soooo glad that we have traded out that Sun Beast Eunich for a true commish! See you in the fall. Go Orange!
Talk is cheap... I like the guy a lot but if he doesn't win it will get ugly as it always does. If he wins here he will be loved for sure with his blue collar approach. There are still a ton of questions that need to be answered.

He has potential to be great but he has to prove that he can win first. Otherwise he will come off as a blowhard
Talk is cheap... I like the guy a lot but if he doesn't win it will get ugly as it always does. If he wins here he will be loved for sure with his blue collar approach. There are still a ton of questions that need to be answered.

He has potential to be great but he has to prove that he can win first. Otherwise he will come off as a blowhard

You've been gone so long I thought you were in rehab but thankfully nothing worked to change you...welcome back!
From what I have heard this staff is very intense - far more intense than the last one.

I am told that it took the players a bit of time this spring to get used to the intensity and the speed with which practices are now run.

I thought the spring game was the best I have seen in years.

And, I like the way the staff is recruiting. I love Josh Kirkland - he is the kind of smart, intense player that Shafer wants in the program.

Shafer presents as a strong, straight shooter.

On the basis of all of the above, I am very pleased with the HC.
That's funny kcsu - I thought you might too.
a very kcsu way to come back to the board... :D
Hey Bnoro hope that you are having a good fourth and summer so far. I took a little time off from posting to travel with my youngest daughter and visit my family back east. Great trip but too much rain. I was thinking about shafer and the positive vibes coming from the program and thought i would post. Most of my venom towards Doug is way overstated but still whats wrong with a little summer fun. I actually hope he does well in Buffalo as he was destined for the NFL and i believe will be very succesful. As to our orange if we can find a QB we should finish at 500 or better. Pretty tough slate for a new coach and staff but the D looks to be really good and that coupled with a solid ground game should keep things interesting. Back to the QB deal i feel badly for Charlie as he was a good soldier whos time would have come under DM. Oh well lets hope that our new OC can game plan as good as he can recruit. Happy Fourth.
a Hey Bnoro hope that you are having a good fourth and summer so far. I took a little time off from posting to travel with my youngest daughter and visit my family back east. Great trip but too much rain. I was thinking about shafer and the positive vibes coming from the program and thought i would post. Most of my venom towards Doug is way overstated but still whats wrong with a little summer fun. I actually hope he does well in Buffalo as he was destined for the NFL and i believe will be very succesful. As to our orange if we can find a QB we should finish at 500 or better. Pretty tough slate for a new coach and staff but the D looks to be really good and that coupled with a solid ground game should keep things interesting. Back to the QB deal i feel badly for Charlie as he was a good soldier whos time would have come under DM. Oh well lets hope that our new OC can game plan as good as he can recruit. Happy Fourth.
Glad to have you back, KC.

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