My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Another good tailgate by the SyraCRUZ gang. Good attendance. Props for the heated tents, which increased by tailgate enjoyment level by 1.8 times the normal level for a cold afternoon. There was a lot of talk about the new coach. No one really knows anything except Mark Blaudshun is an idiot. Truth.

Met two young frosh lacrosse players. Told them I would see them again in Philly for the Final Four. They weren’t sure where the Final Four is this season but I know a thing or two. Told them I expected four Final Fours in the next four years. They are on board with me plan, so the future finally looks good for SU lacrosse. ;)

Got to the dome about 45 minutes before kickoff. Some general comments…

1) Wake brought a large contingent of coaches upstairs. So large a couple had to sit in the neutral zone between the two coaching boxes. And one had to sit on a bench with the regular fans. In contrast, they did not bring many fans.. Maybe 100. I don’t remember hearing them at all at any point during the game. Which is similar to what happens in games played at their little stadium in Winston-Salem.
2) 9 tubas. Not good. On the positive side, only 1 tuba player appears to be a senior. So the tuba section, like the team, has a bright future. Assuming we don’t lose any tuba players in the portal.
3) Top notch 5G in the stadium again today. I she Spectrum/Verizon for my personal phone. My work phone uses AT&T. They were supposed to be the second to get 5G in place but apparently T-Mobile beat them to the punch. Not cool AT&T.
4) Caleb led the team running down the field In the spot normally taken by Dino, who ran hard out of the tunnel to lead the team even in his 60s.
5) Still can’t understand what Kim Infanti says. At least now, when she opens her mouth our ears are attacked by a devasting screeching sound. Baby steps.
6) They tried a new thing with air guitars during one of the timeouts. Only they started too late, or maybe it was badly planned and ran late. But it almost held up the game and people really hated it.
7) They again did their taped routine designed to get the crowd really excited and loud coming out of a time out. But again, they played it at the end of the 3rd quarter with no regard for what was happening on the field. And again, SU had the ball in a big series, near the goal line. Getting the crowd loud was the worse thing you could do and of course, that is what we did. Can’t we reserve that video for a timeout when the visiting team has the ball coming out of a timeout? Preferably during a key series when we really need a stop? Why not try and do things to help the team win instead of just using a brainless script? Don’t we want to try and help the team win games?

I don’t want to make this out to be Syracuse-West Virginia 1987. This was a game between two not very good teams. There wasn’t much on the line. Wake was playing strictly for pride. Syracuse, abandoned by its lame duck coach, played for a bowl game and played for themselves. Was not sure how they would react to the turmoil and Coach Babers’ decision to leave immediately. Was impressed that they played one of their best games of the season under pressure and without their leader. Says a lot about the senior leaders on the team and the assistant coaches left holding the bag after Dino left the program.

Was wondering how the team would play without Dino involved in the offense. I think some of us have had suspicions he was meddling with play calls too much and screwing up play calling pretty regularly. This game did nothing to stop that kind of thinking. The team was noticeably more aggressive than normal all game long. It seemed like Coach Beck somehow added 8 or 10 plays to the play book from what we have been doing the last couple of weeks. A couple were passing plays we just stopped trying when Garrett got hurt. But a few were clearly new plays designed to take advantage of defenders going all out to try and stop our run heavy offense. Garrett or Dan both had plays where they acted like they were going to run and then suddenly pulled up and passed it over the middle. I think we got two TDS over these plays and they also forced Wake to be more cautious attacking the run, which helped our run game continue to be successful all game long.

Really good game plan and execution by the team. Garrett started off throwing it with some zip and excellent accuracy but it seemed like he lost some zip and accuracy with every pass thrown. I could see him moving his arm around, trying to get the pain to go away after every throw. I bet he won’t be able to throw for a couple of weeks but I think everyone knew there was going to be around a month to recover for the bowl game (assuming we won). Anyway, props to Garrett for being a warrior and finding a way to get the job done and will the team to victory.

Props also to LeQuint Allen, who again got a lot of carries and appeared to go 100% on every one of them. That guy ran really hard and got a lot of tough yards for us. He rarely had a big hole to run through and sometimes there was no hole. But he always found a way. Respect.

Respect for Villari as well. He didn’t play quite as big a role in this game as in the Pitt game but he made a bunch of big plays. Tough runs, a couple really nice passes. And oh yeah, he made a really nice catch on a ball over his head in the end zone for the TD that really put us in great position to get a win.

Also props to the OL. No sacks allowed again. For maybe the 3rd game in a row. Yes, we didn’t throw it a ton but we did quite a few times. Don’t remember us even getting a serious hurry. Joe Cruz appears to be a big upgrade at OG.

Less penalties than normal. Coincidence? Not sure. Sad to see Wax and Barron make huge boneheaded plays to extend drives. Not the first time for Marlowe. Or the second. Or the third….

Thought the defense was okay most of the game until a collapse in the fourth quarter. It would have been an epic collapse had they not held on during that last drive. But they got the big stop when they really needed it so all is forgiven. Thought most of the problems we had on defense relate to another really poor job of pass rushing. This DL has been good against the run but very poor rushing the passer. Wake had way too much time way too many times. They converted a 2 point play late on a play where Kern, not noted for his nimbleness, had maybe 20 seconds running around before he finally found a guy wide open in the end zone. A lot of the blame lies with the DEs, who have struggled all season getting pressure and sacks. Caleb just hasn’t produced much. Lockett got moved to DE and has done well stopping the run but not rushing the QB. Jacquez again looked like he has the ability to be a sack specialist but he keeps getting hurt. Simmons got hurt today. Niot sure if he returned. Didn’t look super serious. Lockett appears to be out for the season. We lost Linton and Geer to the portal. Now Norton, who never played, as well. Jobity has done okay in limited minutes. And Thompson has been okay but frankly a shadow of his former self and a disappointment this year. We really need to get better at DE in 2024.

Thought Barron had another strong game, despite his one bone headed play. I think he got his cast off recently and today was the first day I noticed he was a holder on kicks again. Seems to tackle better for some reason now that he has two hands to work with. ;)

Our CBs struggled in man coverage again. Could use some help here in the portal. I like Gould a lot but today, he came in for Clark for one series and immediately gave up a long gain. Clark by the way seemed to be one of our best defenders and is finally back to playing like he did before he got hurt.

Denaberg missed another FG. Yes, this was another long one but you have to hit at least some of these. He has work to do to get better here. Props to him for another great job kicking off. Stonehouse had one punt and he killed it. But again, our punt coverage team was late getting down the field and again, there were multiple breakdowns on that punt and Wake got a giant return off of it. Licky has not had a good year coaching special teams. I am very disappointed with his work on the punt coverage team.

Was not a big crowd. The students did not show. A bunch of others did not show. But the people that did show were the true fans and most made a lot of noise. Good job all. I think Wake was bothered by it and the crowd played a big role in a number of penalties on the WF offense.

I think this game was a big game in terms of the perception of Syracuse football. Gething to a bowl game two years in a row isn’t a great achievement but for this program, it is and it is good to finally do it again. We had lost 3 straight to Wake. Unacceptable. Good to get that over with.

If we can win the bowl game and finish the season winning 3 of our last 4, that helps reduce the stench of the long mid season losing streak. We will show up in preseason predictions for the ACC in 9th, 10th or 11th place instead of 13th or 14th. If we get the coach I hope we get, we will get more respect still.

I would prefer to be picked in the upper tier of the ACC in the preseason polls but you have to start somewhere. We got to a bowl and while that isn’t amazing, it is a hell of a lot better than Wake. Or Pitt.

We have a lot of good players returning. Hopefully. We are about to get a much better head coach and a much better coaching staff. Hopefully. The schedule looks promising. We might actually go to a bowl three years in a row and maybe, just maybe get ranked next season.

Now Pitt and Wake can fight it out for last in the ACC preseason predictions. And hopefully in the ACC regular season too. It is go time for Syracuse.

Let’s Go!
The air guitars was a big miss but I loved the kids 100 yard dash race at the start of the 2nd half. That winner wore a pair of blue jeans and pointed up to the sky on his way into the endzone. It felt very CNY to me! My first Dome game this year and I loved this promotion.
I spent the second half in 248. I have to say, even the the sound was horrible still, it was far superior to the 300s. They need to dial it in.
I wonder if Mullen can get us some tuba players in the portal as well…… heck this board thinks he has no limitations (and I tend to agree)

In all seriousness great recap and the food at the Fine Mess continues to be the best tailgate food in the country!
The students "did not show" because they are at home for Thanksgiving break.
That's legitimate, but you could see students of other schools at their games.

Regardless, I was more disappointed in all of the empty seats I saw outside of the student section, especially in the lower sections which are mostly seats that are already paid for. People just have to want to show up and support the team on their way to getting to a second bowl in a row despite tons of adversity. I would've thought all of the people that wanted a coaching change would've been happy and showed up in support of JW pulling the trigger.
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Another good tailgate by the SyraCRUZ gang. Good attendance. Props for the heated tents, which increased by tailgate enjoyment level by 1.8 times the normal level for a cold afternoon. There was a lot of talk about the new coach. No one really knows anything except Mark Blaudshun is an idiot. Truth.

Met two young frosh lacrosse players. Told them I would see them again in Philly for the Final Four. They weren’t sure where the Final Four is this season but I know a thing or two. Told them I expected four Final Fours in the next four years. They are on board with me plan, so the future finally looks good for SU lacrosse. ;)

Got to the dome about 45 minutes before kickoff. Some general comments…

1) Wake brought a large contingent of coaches upstairs. So large a couple had to sit in the neutral zone between the two coaching boxes. And one had to sit on a bench with the regular fans. In contrast, they did not bring many fans.. Maybe 100. I don’t remember hearing them at all at any point during the game. Which is similar to what happens in games played at their little stadium in Winston-Salem.
2) 9 tubas. Not good. On the positive side, only 1 tuba player appears to be a senior. So the tuba section, like the team, has a bright future. Assuming we don’t lose any tuba players in the portal.
3) Top notch 5G in the stadium again today. I she Spectrum/Verizon for my personal phone. My work phone uses AT&T. They were supposed to be the second to get 5G in place but apparently T-Mobile beat them to the punch. Not cool AT&T.
4) Caleb led the team running down the field In the spot normally taken by Dino, who ran hard out of the tunnel to lead the team even in his 60s.
5) Still can’t understand what Kim Infanti says. At least now, when she opens her mouth our ears are attacked by a devasting screeching sound. Baby steps.
6) They tried a new thing with air guitars during one of the timeouts. Only they started too late, or maybe it was badly planned and ran late. But it almost held up the game and people really hated it.
7) They again did their taped routine designed to get the crowd really excited and loud coming out of a time out. But again, they played it at the end of the 3rd quarter with no regard for what was happening on the field. And again, SU had the ball in a big series, near the goal line. Getting the crowd loud was the worse thing you could do and of course, that is what we did. Can’t we reserve that video for a timeout when the visiting team has the ball coming out of a timeout? Preferably during a key series when we really need a stop? Why not try and do things to help the team win instead of just using a brainless script? Don’t we want to try and help the team win games?

I don’t want to make this out to be Syracuse-West Virginia 1987. This was a game between two not very good teams. There wasn’t much on the line. Wake was playing strictly for pride. Syracuse, abandoned by its lame duck coach, played for a bowl game and played for themselves. Was not sure how they would react to the turmoil and Coach Babers’ decision to leave immediately. Was impressed that they played one of their best games of the season under pressure and without their leader. Says a lot about the senior leaders on the team and the assistant coaches left holding the bag after Dino left the program.

Was wondering how the team would play without Dino involved in the offense. I think some of us have had suspicions he was meddling with play calls too much and screwing up play calling pretty regularly. This game did nothing to stop that kind of thinking. The team was noticeably more aggressive than normal all game long. It seemed like Coach Beck somehow added 8 or 10 plays to the play book from what we have been doing the last couple of weeks. A couple were passing plays we just stopped trying when Garrett got hurt. But a few were clearly new plays designed to take advantage of defenders going all out to try and stop our run heavy offense. Garrett or Dan both had plays where they acted like they were going to run and then suddenly pulled up and passed it over the middle. I think we got two TDS over these plays and they also forced Wake to be more cautious attacking the run, which helped our run game continue to be successful all game long.

Really good game plan and execution by the team. Garrett started off throwing it with some zip and excellent accuracy but it seemed like he lost some zip and accuracy with every pass thrown. I could see him moving his arm around, trying to get the pain to go away after every throw. I bet he won’t be able to throw for a couple of weeks but I think everyone knew there was going to be around a month to recover for the bowl game (assuming we won). Anyway, props to Garrett for being a warrior and finding a way to get the job done and will the team to victory.

Props also to LeQuint Allen, who again got a lot of carries and appeared to go 100% on every one of them. That guy ran really hard and got a lot of tough yards for us. He rarely had a big hole to run through and sometimes there was no hole. But he always found a way. Respect.

Respect for Villari as well. He didn’t play quite as big a role in this game as in the Pitt game but he made a bunch of big plays. Tough runs, a couple really nice passes. And oh yeah, he made a really nice catch on a ball over his head in the end zone for the TD that really put us in great position to get a win.

Also props to the OL. No sacks allowed again. For maybe the 3rd game in a row. Yes, we didn’t throw it a ton but we did quite a few times. Don’t remember us even getting a serious hurry. Joe Cruz appears to be a big upgrade at OG.

Less penalties than normal. Coincidence? Not sure. Sad to see Wax and Barron make huge boneheaded plays to extend drives. Not the first time for Marlowe. Or the second. Or the third….

Thought the defense was okay most of the game until a collapse in the fourth quarter. It would have been an epic collapse had they not held on during that last drive. But they got the big stop when they really needed it so all is forgiven. Thought most of the problems we had on defense relate to another really poor job of pass rushing. This DL has been good against the run but very poor rushing the passer. Wake had way too much time way too many times. They converted a 2 point play late on a play where Kern, not noted for his nimbleness, had maybe 20 seconds running around before he finally found a guy wide open in the end zone. A lot of the blame lies with the DEs, who have struggled all season getting pressure and sacks. Caleb just hasn’t produced much. Lockett got moved to DE and has done well stopping the run but not rushing the QB. Jacquez again looked like he has the ability to be a sack specialist but he keeps getting hurt. Simmons got hurt today. Niot sure if he returned. Didn’t look super serious. Lockett appears to be out for the season. We lost Linton and Geer to the portal. Now Norton, who never played, as well. Jobity has done okay in limited minutes. And Thompson has been okay but frankly a shadow of his former self and a disappointment this year. We really need to get better at DE in 2024.

Thought Barron had another strong game, despite his one bone headed play. I think he got his cast off recently and today was the first day I noticed he was a holder on kicks again. Seems to tackle better for some reason now that he has two hands to work with. ;)

Our CBs struggled in man coverage again. Could use some help here in the portal. I like Gould a lot but today, he came in for Clark for one series and immediately gave up a long gain. Clark by the way seemed to be one of our best defenders and is finally back to playing like he did before he got hurt.

Denaberg missed another FG. Yes, this was another long one but you have to hit at least some of these. He has work to do to get better here. Props to him for another great job kicking off. Stonehouse had one punt and he killed it. But again, our punt coverage team was late getting down the field and again, there were multiple breakdowns on that punt and Wake got a giant return off of it. Licky has not had a good year coaching special teams. I am very disappointed with his work on the punt coverage team.

Was not a big crowd. The students did not show. A bunch of others did not show. But the people that did show were the true fans and most made a lot of noise. Good job all. I think Wake was bothered by it and the crowd played a big role in a number of penalties on the WF offense.

I think this game was a big game in terms of the perception of Syracuse football. Gething to a bowl game two years in a row isn’t a great achievement but for this program, it is and it is good to finally do it again. We had lost 3 straight to Wake. Unacceptable. Good to get that over with.

If we can win the bowl game and finish the season winning 3 of our last 4, that helps reduce the stench of the long mid season losing streak. We will show up in preseason predictions for the ACC in 9th, 10th or 11th place instead of 13th or 14th. If we get the coach I hope we get, we will get more respect still.

I would prefer to be picked in the upper tier of the ACC in the preseason polls but you have to start somewhere. We got to a bowl and while that isn’t amazing, it is a hell of a lot better than Wake. Or Pitt.

We have a lot of good players returning. Hopefully. We are about to get a much better head coach and a much better coaching staff. Hopefully. The schedule looks promising. We might actually go to a bowl three years in a row and maybe, just maybe get ranked next season.

Now Pitt and Wake can fight it out for last in the ACC preseason predictions. And hopefully in the ACC regular season too. It is go time for Syracuse.

Let’s Go!
Nice post. I had no idea we have so many returning tuba players. Hope coaching targets realize this.
The students "did not show" because they are at home for Thanksgiving break.
True. I should have mentioned that. I don’t think this game was even part of their season ticket package.

Also should have mentioned that despite this, some students came back early, bought tickets and cheered their hearts out. Special props to those kids.
Lockett didn’t play. Jobity was really good. He hardly rotated out.
He barely played the first half of the season. Agree, at this point, we’re down to three healthy DEs, and Kevin is one of them.
The air guitars was a big miss but I loved the kids 100 yard dash race at the start of the 2nd half. That winner wore a pair of blue jeans and pointed up to the sky on his way into the endzone. It felt very CNY to me! My first Dome game this year and I loved this promotion.
As much as I dislike the air guitar promotion, I agree; the big kid race was very cool. I would guess there were 30 or 40 kids that ran simultaneously, with a wide range of ages and sizes. The kid that one was pretty small and could really motor!

he knew he won and celebrated early!
Nice post Tom.

I have a question regarding subbing. SU subbed late on O and it seemed to take Wake a awhile and by the time their sub came in there were 2 or 3 seconds on the play clock. Question is, how long does the D get to sub once the O is done subbing? I ask because it cost SU a TO and we all know they could have used that TO at the end of the half.
That's legitimate, but you could see students of other schools at their games.

Regardless, I was more disappointed in all of the empty seats I saw outside of the student section, especially in the lower sections which are mostly seats that are already paid for. People just have to want to show up and support the team on their way to getting to a second bowl in a row despite tons of adversity. I would've thought all of the people that wanted a coaching change would've been happy and showed up in support of JW pulling the trigger.
I bet most of those schools have either larger state school student population or most of them live closer by vs SU that seems to be very diverse contingent across the country.
And…. Which coach is that, eh?

“If we get the coach I hope we get, we will get more respect still.”
I bet most of those schools have either larger state school student population or most of them live closer by vs SU that seems to be very diverse contingent across the country.
Yeah were dorms even open yesterday? it’s not that easy all the time, people just love to complain about everything! Left on a red eye from San Francisco / Detroit to Syracuse last night. There were 4 Syracuse students doing the same. Why weren’t they at the game yesterday!
Nice post Tom.

I have a question regarding subbing. SU subbed late on O and it seemed to take Wake an awhile and by the time their sub came in there were 2 or 3 seconds on the play clock. Question is, how long does the D get to sub once the O is done subbing? I ask because it cost SU a TO and we all know they could have used that TO at the end of the half.
Good question.

Syracuse subbed a number of players after almost every play when they had the ball on offense yesterday.

We used a ton of heavy formations but often replaced the blockers with WRs and went with 3 WR looks.

It was kind of crazy. And a few times, we had a player or two confused and run out on to the field relatively late…maybe with 20 seconds left on the clock.

In these situations, a ref stopped next to the center and prevented SU from snapping the ball until Wake did their counter substitution and the WF players leaving the game finally left the field. The Wake defenders took their time to get off the field and yes, for one play, it cost Syracuse a TO they needed desperately.

I am not sure it is formally in the rules but I think the onus is on the offense to get the personnel they want on the field in sufficient time for the defense to counter with their subs.

The delays that play would have resulted in a time clock violation on Syracuse had we not called TO.

I think the refs have to use their judgement. Was the cause of the dElam mostly on the offense or did the defense cause it mostly because of excessive time getting off the field? Wake pushed things to the limit and was close to getting called for a penalty, I think, but SU really started the problem with a late sub.

So the refs didn’t call Wake for it. Pretty sure they can though. The defense has to make a reasonable effort to get off the field on substitutions in a timely fashion.

Not an expert on this though.
Another good tailgate by the SyraCRUZ gang. Good attendance. Props for the heated tents, which increased by tailgate enjoyment level by 1.8 times the normal level for a cold afternoon. There was a lot of talk about the new coach. No one really knows anything except Mark Blaudshun is an idiot. Truth.

Met two young frosh lacrosse players. Told them I would see them again in Philly for the Final Four. They weren’t sure where the Final Four is this season but I know a thing or two. Told them I expected four Final Fours in the next four years. They are on board with me plan, so the future finally looks good for SU lacrosse. ;)

Got to the dome about 45 minutes before kickoff. Some general comments…

1) Wake brought a large contingent of coaches upstairs. So large a couple had to sit in the neutral zone between the two coaching boxes. And one had to sit on a bench with the regular fans. In contrast, they did not bring many fans.. Maybe 100. I don’t remember hearing them at all at any point during the game. Which is similar to what happens in games played at their little stadium in Winston-Salem.
2) 9 tubas. Not good. On the positive side, only 1 tuba player appears to be a senior. So the tuba section, like the team, has a bright future. Assuming we don’t lose any tuba players in the portal.
3) Top notch 5G in the stadium again today. I she Spectrum/Verizon for my personal phone. My work phone uses AT&T. They were supposed to be the second to get 5G in place but apparently T-Mobile beat them to the punch. Not cool AT&T.
4) Caleb led the team running down the field In the spot normally taken by Dino, who ran hard out of the tunnel to lead the team even in his 60s.
5) Still can’t understand what Kim Infanti says. At least now, when she opens her mouth our ears are attacked by a devasting screeching sound. Baby steps.
6) They tried a new thing with air guitars during one of the timeouts. Only they started too late, or maybe it was badly planned and ran late. But it almost held up the game and people really hated it.
7) They again did their taped routine designed to get the crowd really excited and loud coming out of a time out. But again, they played it at the end of the 3rd quarter with no regard for what was happening on the field. And again, SU had the ball in a big series, near the goal line. Getting the crowd loud was the worse thing you could do and of course, that is what we did. Can’t we reserve that video for a timeout when the visiting team has the ball coming out of a timeout? Preferably during a key series when we really need a stop? Why not try and do things to help the team win instead of just using a brainless script? Don’t we want to try and help the team win games?

I don’t want to make this out to be Syracuse-West Virginia 1987. This was a game between two not very good teams. There wasn’t much on the line. Wake was playing strictly for pride. Syracuse, abandoned by its lame duck coach, played for a bowl game and played for themselves. Was not sure how they would react to the turmoil and Coach Babers’ decision to leave immediately. Was impressed that they played one of their best games of the season under pressure and without their leader. Says a lot about the senior leaders on the team and the assistant coaches left holding the bag after Dino left the program.

Was wondering how the team would play without Dino involved in the offense. I think some of us have had suspicions he was meddling with play calls too much and screwing up play calling pretty regularly. This game did nothing to stop that kind of thinking. The team was noticeably more aggressive than normal all game long. It seemed like Coach Beck somehow added 8 or 10 plays to the play book from what we have been doing the last couple of weeks. A couple were passing plays we just stopped trying when Garrett got hurt. But a few were clearly new plays designed to take advantage of defenders going all out to try and stop our run heavy offense. Garrett or Dan both had plays where they acted like they were going to run and then suddenly pulled up and passed it over the middle. I think we got two TDS over these plays and they also forced Wake to be more cautious attacking the run, which helped our run game continue to be successful all game long.

Really good game plan and execution by the team. Garrett started off throwing it with some zip and excellent accuracy but it seemed like he lost some zip and accuracy with every pass thrown. I could see him moving his arm around, trying to get the pain to go away after every throw. I bet he won’t be able to throw for a couple of weeks but I think everyone knew there was going to be around a month to recover for the bowl game (assuming we won). Anyway, props to Garrett for being a warrior and finding a way to get the job done and will the team to victory.

Props also to LeQuint Allen, who again got a lot of carries and appeared to go 100% on every one of them. That guy ran really hard and got a lot of tough yards for us. He rarely had a big hole to run through and sometimes there was no hole. But he always found a way. Respect.

Respect for Villari as well. He didn’t play quite as big a role in this game as in the Pitt game but he made a bunch of big plays. Tough runs, a couple really nice passes. And oh yeah, he made a really nice catch on a ball over his head in the end zone for the TD that really put us in great position to get a win.

Also props to the OL. No sacks allowed again. For maybe the 3rd game in a row. Yes, we didn’t throw it a ton but we did quite a few times. Don’t remember us even getting a serious hurry. Joe Cruz appears to be a big upgrade at OG.

Less penalties than normal. Coincidence? Not sure. Sad to see Wax and Barron make huge boneheaded plays to extend drives. Not the first time for Marlowe. Or the second. Or the third….

Thought the defense was okay most of the game until a collapse in the fourth quarter. It would have been an epic collapse had they not held on during that last drive. But they got the big stop when they really needed it so all is forgiven. Thought most of the problems we had on defense relate to another really poor job of pass rushing. This DL has been good against the run but very poor rushing the passer. Wake had way too much time way too many times. They converted a 2 point play late on a play where Kern, not noted for his nimbleness, had maybe 20 seconds running around before he finally found a guy wide open in the end zone. A lot of the blame lies with the DEs, who have struggled all season getting pressure and sacks. Caleb just hasn’t produced much. Lockett got moved to DE and has done well stopping the run but not rushing the QB. Jacquez again looked like he has the ability to be a sack specialist but he keeps getting hurt. Simmons got hurt today. Niot sure if he returned. Didn’t look super serious. Lockett appears to be out for the season. We lost Linton and Geer to the portal. Now Norton, who never played, as well. Jobity has done okay in limited minutes. And Thompson has been okay but frankly a shadow of his former self and a disappointment this year. We really need to get better at DE in 2024.

Thought Barron had another strong game, despite his one bone headed play. I think he got his cast off recently and today was the first day I noticed he was a holder on kicks again. Seems to tackle better for some reason now that he has two hands to work with. ;)

Our CBs struggled in man coverage again. Could use some help here in the portal. I like Gould a lot but today, he came in for Clark for one series and immediately gave up a long gain. Clark by the way seemed to be one of our best defenders and is finally back to playing like he did before he got hurt.

Denaberg missed another FG. Yes, this was another long one but you have to hit at least some of these. He has work to do to get better here. Props to him for another great job kicking off. Stonehouse had one punt and he killed it. But again, our punt coverage team was late getting down the field and again, there were multiple breakdowns on that punt and Wake got a giant return off of it. Licky has not had a good year coaching special teams. I am very disappointed with his work on the punt coverage team.

Was not a big crowd. The students did not show. A bunch of others did not show. But the people that did show were the true fans and most made a lot of noise. Good job all. I think Wake was bothered by it and the crowd played a big role in a number of penalties on the WF offense.

I think this game was a big game in terms of the perception of Syracuse football. Gething to a bowl game two years in a row isn’t a great achievement but for this program, it is and it is good to finally do it again. We had lost 3 straight to Wake. Unacceptable. Good to get that over with.

If we can win the bowl game and finish the season winning 3 of our last 4, that helps reduce the stench of the long mid season losing streak. We will show up in preseason predictions for the ACC in 9th, 10th or 11th place instead of 13th or 14th. If we get the coach I hope we get, we will get more respect still.

I would prefer to be picked in the upper tier of the ACC in the preseason polls but you have to start somewhere. We got to a bowl and while that isn’t amazing, it is a hell of a lot better than Wake. Or Pitt.

We have a lot of good players returning. Hopefully. We are about to get a much better head coach and a much better coaching staff. Hopefully. The schedule looks promising. We might actually go to a bowl three years in a row and maybe, just maybe get ranked next season.

Now Pitt and Wake can fight it out for last in the ACC preseason predictions. And hopefully in the ACC regular season too. It is go time for Syracuse.

Let’s Go!

I agree Tom, made it look like Dino had been tinkering with the offense

We suddenly played fast again at times, after Dino said repeatedly we couldn’t because we didn’t have the depth or players or whatever.

We threw some balls to the middle of the field, when shrader could take throwing.

We were aggressive when we needed to be. We likely win 2 more games IMO if we had gone for it like we did against Wake.

As I’ve always said, I love Dino as a human an representative of Syracuse, but the fact of the matter is, Dino just isn’t a a very good coach
Nice post Tom.

I have a question regarding subbing. SU subbed late on O and it seemed to take Wake a awhile and by the time their sub came in there were 2 or 3 seconds on the play clock. Question is, how long does the D get to sub once the O is done subbing? I ask because it cost SU a TO and we all know they could have used that TO at the end of the half.

I always thought that when the defense was subbing, they had to hold the play clock….

At one point Shrader was yelling at the refs that they needed to reset the play clock because of the substitutions.

I’m not really sure of the rule, but feel something wasn’t right yesterday with it.

Caused us to burn at least 1 TO
I was at FSU/UF last night. The amount of tubas was disturbing. Everywhere I looked….tuba. Also, fans and incredible athletes. Was quite a different experience than the dome.
Wake is a team I always think we beat in the prior year - you’d think it would be more of a rivalry game given our overall W-L against each other
I thought I was going to lose my mind watching our D allow Wake's QB a ridiculous amount of time to look and wait for receivers to get open and THEN to see one of their guys completely wide open. Way too much of that yesterday.

I was actually impressed with the fans who turned out yesterday. Not a bad crowd if you consider where our football team was yesterday (losing record, just fired their head coach, playing a crappy wake team).

Really proud of the guys who dug in deep to get this victory. I don't think it can be said enough how much different things feel finishing the regular season with a victory and getting a bowl berth. Now we just need to get the coach we want - let's go.
SU needs to hire Jason Smorl from the Syracuse Mets on a contract basis for the 6 or 7 football games to run the in game entertainment /experience.
I bet most of those schools have either larger state school student population or most of them live closer by vs SU that seems to be very diverse contingent across the country.
Good point. I wonder if the larger student population would be offset by the larger stadium/student sections. Proximity may be the bigger factor.
I was at FSU/UF last night. The amount of tubas was disturbing. Everywhere I looked….tuba. Also, fans and incredible athletes. Was quite a different experience than the dome.
People down south put tubas in their baby’s cribs when they are first born.

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