Notre Dame Gameday... | Page 11 |

Notre Dame Gameday...

Man maby should give kayla a chance as cuse woman are on roll bout to go 13-0 if continue to win this game out vs uva 15-7 cuse. Also i said it before kayla always has something to say or do when woman score. Usually it is a hug which if was coaching men i def try score all time to get s hug from her.
so is that really the rule in LAx that it has to be a loose ball to be a goal? I know its not the rule in Hockey in a goalies glove. but thats a crazy rule that you dont actually have to keep the ball from crossing the line.. Im not even sire how that works with a ball rolling around in a hude lax net?
yes. he made the save it looks like prior to it crossing the iine. goalie stick can bring he ball over as long as in his cross. ref was right there and shaking it off. announcers don't know the rule.
I think defense yes hasn’t been great at times but for most part arnt bad. They are young n mostly new. As kol hasn’t been starter n dwan is a freshman while olexo has mostly played lsm tho has been sensational at close. Cacameo usually close but played a lot out of box himself. So been some learning curves. I also besides olexo really don’t see that killer mentally if know what i mean. Someone who when does slide goes fast and hard. When we do slide it’s kinda half gas. When first guy goes takes a second for 2nd n 3rd to go which can be coaches problem or communication. I also worry bout losing these next games if people start jumping ship or even confidence. I def think coaches need to help players out during game specially big games or close games. I’d also like to see some better mid teams on schedule next year. Get rid of holy cross n st bonnie(tho first time playing them) and maby put a richmond, high point, denver(tho this year faceoff guy would murk us) or jacksonville. Teams who may normally find themslves competing for rank spot. Hofstra usually not bad but down year. Same goes for albany. I do like gotta play best to be best but can also play teams good but not best to earn some more Quality wins not vs top teams. I don’t know last two seasons been hard to watch when play rank teams. I think once team does get rank win will truely help their confidence but gonna be tough pulling any off from here on out. I also agree need call timeout when team scores 3-4 goals very fast. Just to settle guys down n catch breath. Also believe need to play some more guys keep legs fresh. Got beck on man down why not throw him in as lsm or wing let olexo stay down low at times. Also teach our dmids n fogos how to run away from trouble or carry the ball while also teaching our offense guys to go to ball when dudes in need of help. Fogo n coaching to be honest think have been downfall of this team this year. But i def think they are improved. Would of love to see cohen gotten more runs only seen him think once maby. Seniors need to step up when things go spur. Include you cook ur senior make a play.
God damn we are so close. Being there if felt like the vast majority of the game we were right there with them and looking just as good. Goes without saying the final score does not tell the whole story. It was pretty electric most of the game. Spirits were high. Even early I thought the offense was getting looks but not finishing. Then they really put it together for a stretch. Not an easy task against ND. The D it felt like they were more just hanging on with the help of Mark, but it was enough to stay in it.

Whatever BS there was with the Thomson shot, how about you just finish the freaking look on the doorstep and leave no doubt. Just insane it wasnt a clean finish in the first place. So much talent and he messes that one up. Was almost more mad with the loose ball push call on the other end right after. D was so worn down and then it was just over with the stretch at the X.

On D it really feels like we dont have the athletes to roll with these top teams. But it also feels like we cant slide in an organized way and slide to damn much. It's tough to watch. We look scared and slide before even thinking. But you almost cant blame it because guys lose a step easily. I said before we need to be putting up like 15 plus to steal one against a top team this year. It still seems that way. It will get better with personnel, but I just dont have total faith on that end of things. We need to hit the portal at ssdm next season at minimum. The depth there is not getting it done.

The O feels like its in a pretty good spot and they put on a show for a good stretch of the game there. I dont think the loose style burns us too often. The future is still looking real bright there. Having guys with elite stick skills and feeding share the ball is paying dividends. Just enough dodging to make it work. Still having bad decisions cost us at times. Spallina overall had a great game as well as Kirst Simmons and Leo.

The face offs late most of them the wings couldnt help much and the one where they did we just throw it away to give us truly no chance. Just dont have the horses in the middle and its tough to watch late in games. A lot of guys just overused because we feel we cant afford to play the backups. I get that, but if Rosa is completely beyond gassed where he cant even run away from a guy then how do we have him on the wing? You have to be real about the effects of fatigue and play back ups even if you dont fully trust them.

Its a really tough opponent and we held our own. Didnt wilt after getting punched early. After today I still think it is possible to steal a game against a top team. I like what Im seeing on O. Think we can keep the head up today.

Yeah this seemed very noticable today at least. Granted the Kavanaugh bros are very shifty/fast. but outside of Olexxo (who did a really nice job on PK) we're not athletic right now down low. Quint made the comment about not having enough ACC level defensemen earlier this season and I think he certainly has a point. Feels like Figueros is going to have a ton of pressure on him coming into next season. I would have had said no need to pick up a pole in the portal because we have so many on the roster but maybe that is something they consider?
A little surprised March is catching heat this season. The offense, despite having limited possessions due to the fogos, and starting three freshmen (with one more on the second line) is still putting up a lot of points. Dare I say, minus the Hopkins game (ironic), they probably would have won each game this season if they had won the faceoff battle. They put up 12 against a good Notre Dame defense early in the fourth quarter and then didn’t see the ball the rest of the game. Not sure how you can find much fault with what March has done this year.

As for the portal and fogos as it relates to last year, I think Richusa was a Irelan guy. I have to imagine he sold the staff on him. They probably should have worked harder to get someone else but not sure who else was available besides Zusi last year. Neuman at Rutgers? The kid from UNC who went to Penn State (he’s below 50%). Cant create fogos out of thin air. It really stinks they couldn’t have landed Tommy Burke for next year.

I’m really not sure about Gait or Petro. I’m not sure what Gait does. It feels like in this modern game you need someone that’s going to be much more involved in the pace of the game. Arguing with refs, taking over plays, talking to players. Just don’t see Gait doing a lot of those things. From an outsider he looks like a figurehead right now. We need more than his name brand. We need a guy to call timeouts. Draw up plays. Right now it seems all he does is delegate.

Petro I feel more conflicted about. I don’t think he has a ton of talent on that side of the ball. Other ACC teams have four or five star players on their bench. Is there one Syracuse defenseman any other ACC team would take on their team right now? Outside of Mark and Olexo the answer would be no. What’s concerning is the same things that dogged him at Hopkins seems to have followed him here. Our shorties are too small and slow for this level of lacrosse. Do the coaches realize this? This might be the lowest performing group of ssdms I can remember playing for SU to be honest. And that’s saying something.

It’s obvious he’s invested. It’s obvious he’s passionate. It seems like he and March do most of the recruiting. If Petro were to leave I feel like SU would be losing a piece of their head coach. I think it says a lot that I’d feel like SU would be on steadier ground if Gait left and Petro stayed as opposed to vice versa. He got gruff at Hopkins for being too loyal to veteran players. Is he doing the same at SU? It is concerning that Hopkins has been able to turn things around (and best SU twice) and SU is still spinning its wheels.

In a way I’ve been pleasantly surprised in the way SU has played this year. I think that’s what made the results that much more frustrating.
TERRIBLE mistake by refs in calling no goal when we were up 13-12. I know we couldn't win a face-off for the rest of the game but that is tough to take for a young team on the rise
The momentum shift was huge.
there was no camera angle to refute it? to me, it looked like he saved it outside the goal originally, the ref was right there.
To be fair the top class was recruited by Desko. The next two classes are top 10 but neither are top 5 or close to the 2022 class Desko put together.

And March, which is why he's here too. I don't know where to find commit dates, I though the St John's kids came later.
And March, which is why he's here too. I don't know where to find commit dates, I though the St John's kids came later.

Only 2 in this current class not recruited by Desko were Thomson and Figuerias. Both were late flips
Only 2 in this current class not recruited by Desko were Thomson and Figuerias. Both were late flips

Desko had help from March on Team 91 types. I cede the bigger point - but those flips are still big time guys.
Gait is not the answer. FOGO and wing play is absolutely disgraceful. If not for Mark I feel like our record could be significantly worse. We need a young fully engaged coach who will make adjustments on the fly as necessary and teach/emphasize basic lacrosse skills. Our coach is playing CEO I've got more important things to do......That doesn't work in todays game. This team does so many dumb things constantly where they do not have the margin of error to overcome them. Discipline and control is a major issue I see. Kept running out Fine when he was falling down on every draw and losing. Why? Passing, clearing, situational awareness....You're scoring goals passing and moving the ball pop pop pop get the team back in the game and then suddenly for no discernable reason, we go to iso hero ball and the offense shuts down. Why? Rhoa's crease violation is exhibit #1. There is no doubt in my mind we have the athletes and the recruiting and yet...... To be embarrassed like this at home by ND, wake up. Enough. And fug the ND fans laughing it up in our house with a huge crowd.
This coaching staff isn’t beating anyone with a pulse. They’ve been dreadful two years in a row. They’re hard to defend. I’m not that up on lacrosse, but they aren’t getting it done. To be 12-12 in the fourth and lose 20-12 is indefensible.
Also know what i noticed not just our guys but a lot of guys and maby it’s the times i don’t know but def wouldn’t fly in my time. Is when someone is going to shoot guys getting out way or turning to side. I get it being hit with ball doesn’t feel good of course. But it may also block the shot or deflect to our advantage let alone maby freeze guy to where can get takeaway. But the times i’ve seen dudes bail when dude is shooting is mind boggling. Mean you need to go all out. I would take step in front of many shots. Def having my stick by his stick as shooting. It’s little diff when your 8-10yards away but when guys close still turn away. Man up eat the shot and get the gb. Do we not remember what rawlette think was on unc in chip vs maryland who dove toward guy shooting which made shooter pull it more trying to avoid from guy blocking it which goalie was able to save it. To which unc went down field for cloutier to win game.
These are things i mean by killer mentality. Doing anything and everything to help your team or stop team from scoring. I saw it happen to uva suscade or w/e which duke scored cause he bailed. The o’neil fake n go was same thing. Defense scared get hit turns o’neil fakes goes for closer shot. I’d be fine with it if they had work toma and didn’t wanna miss work. But ur job is mostly lax right now. Plus could be team builder eating a shot n getting ball.
Just feel many times if our guys stood in way shots may not of went in cause would hit them or least get stick on it. Also notice on d our sticks our up but not moving much. There’s a lot of little things could help cause turnovers. Miss bomberry was great at picking off skip passes or knocking passes down. Grant long time ago but that was my one thing i was mad at desko for. Never understood why he put mellon on spencer in that playoff game. Mellon def was our best defender but was clearly outsized by spencer. To this day don’t get why didn’t have bomberry on spencer. Bomberry would of gladly took the bodied up by spencer. Wasn’t as fast as mellon but spencer quick not super fast tho. Always thought that was wrong matchup.
Comments are mostly acting like ND is a crappy team and/or that they were up 10-12 goals the whole game. They are one of the best teams and we were leading 12-11 in the 4th at one point. We played them pretty well. A lot better than the performances last year where we never had a shot in hell.

Not going to challenge everything here individually but I’m surprised that this is the game that has people all ticked off and talking about gaits longevity and what not. We hung with them and we already have accepted that the fogo and defense are lacking in personnel this season. It’s about the result I expected today. We looked better than I thought we would for most of the second and third quarter. We are close right now. We are hanging with good teams.
i dont know.. but when you slow that replay down i dont see much that says he controlled the ball as a save outside the line..

when i slow it down frame by frame you can see the shot its the top of the goalie stick then deflects down so at what point is the save made when he touches it or when he actually controls it..

and who made such a stupid rule?
I also talked with some other people who think the rule is possession of the ball. do we really think he had possession at that spot of the play as he is falling backwards into the net
It is actually amazing looking at the Duke Maryland UNC and ND games that we had chances to win these with the Face-off numbers in Every on of these games completely lopsided around 20%
also time for 23 to be down at attack with 22 it’s clear they have great chemistry and March had Kirst dodging from the top. Go back and watch the replay of the goal no goal clip what a cut but Finn and an incredible pass by Spallina For final 4 games leave Spallina Finn and Hiltz at attack start building
Also how do we not call one TO during 4th quarter demise after the two goal swing
I also talked with some other people who think the rule is possession of the ball. do we really think he had possession at that spot of the play as he is falling backwards into the net
I was at the game. I was sitting on the opposite side of the field from the camera angle regarding the Finn Thomson goal. In live game speed, it looked like a goal to me. That being said, the ensuing goal by Notre Dame is what turned the game in Notre Dame's favor. The faceoff stats, like most stats, don't often tell the entire story. A lot of the faceoffs at the end were won cleanly whereas earlier in this game, Syracuse was making them 50/50 balls in the midfield. Syracuse was a complete team for approximately 48 minutes of the game - too bad it is a 60-minute game - but then again, that has kind of been the theme this season. More experience will help cure that.

I think the time on the Cook experiment has run out. I'd like to see Cohen take his spot on the 2nd line midfield. As a graduate student, he should be a calming presence on the line. His unforced turnovers and missed goal scoring opportunities would be expected of a freshman or sophomore, but not of a 5th year graduate student. His miss on a wide open cage in the first half led directly to a Notre Dame goal on the ensuing possession and his unforced turnovers on the cradle were just mind blowing.
It is actually amazing looking at the Duke Maryland UNC and ND games that we had chances to win these with the Face-off numbers in Every on of these games completely lopsided around 20%
also time for 23 to be down at attack with 22 it’s clear they have great chemistry and March had Kirst dodging from the top. Go back and watch the replay of the goal no goal clip what a cut but Finn and an incredible pass by Spallina For final 4 games leave Spallina Finn and Hiltz at attack start building
Also how do we not call one TO during 4th quarter demise after the two goal swing

Gait likes to save his timeouts. He must get a bonus if he banks them.
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