Player report card so far |

Player report card so far


All American
Aug 29, 2011
Michael Carter-Williams
Rough game against Detroit and despite the gaudy assist and steal numbers and our 10-0 record, that game made two things perfectly clear: 1) there was a reason Scoop was valuable to that team and logged a lot of minutes last year; 2) MCW struggles at times with decision-making (insert L&T joke here) and understanding time/score considerations. That said, his creativity is something we haven't seen since Sherm and he has been truly remarkable.

Baye Keita
Think Baye has had a really, really, really good year. Need guys like this on good teams. Doesn't need touches, but finishes them when he gets the opportunity. Really vocal and smart on the defensive end. Has rebounded and blocked shots. Never appears to complain. Love him.

James Southerland
Probably could give him an A+ even with some quieter games, but a great story. Does a lot of little things too, which makes him far more than simply a shooter. Playing with a lot of confidence. Loved the story about him mulling a transfer and his dad telling him not to sidestep the obstacle, but overcome it. The kind of accountability and commitment we see in rough .07% of athletes these days (and I"m not preaching, I'm probably not that committed either).

Jerami Grant
Maybe this is my own bias or ignorance but I really didn't expect much at all out of Grant this season. So the fact that he's not only playing well when he gets minutes, but is actually getting a few meaningful minutes seems like a real impressive showing so far. Thought he even played fairly well vs. Detroit. FTs are a work in progress.

C.J. Fair
Thought he played really well vs. SD State and Arkansas, arguably our two biggest wins. Actually thought he played well for the most part last night, two really nice passes in the first half. Not quite the scorer we were hoping for and I'd still say for us to reach the levels we'd like to reach, CJ might need to be more like a 13-14 ppg guy than an 11 ppg game. We'll see. But rebounding and defense have been solid and he's hit a decent number of threes without falling in love with them.

Dajuan Coleman
Some might grade him harsher, but I never got caught up in the 15 pts/8 rebs predictions that seemed to be sweeping this board preseason. I think the fact that he got himself in better shape, is playing legit minutes, and seems to be improving is really about all we could have asked for. Tough to give him a higher grade due to his obvious issues earlier in the season and some of his continuing struggles, but his minutes against real opponents appear to be going up: 9 vs. SD state, then 12 vs. Ark. before playing 16 in a closer than expected game vs. Canisius and 17 last night. The numbers don't blow you away and the defense is, well, a work in progress, but he's improving.

Brandon Triche
Please don't hate me for this. I like BT and think he's a good player. I also decide on my arbitrary grade relative to expectation. For example, I don't think there were many of us predicting MCW would be leading the nation in assists and steals at this point, thus the grade. For BT -- his numbers are basically exactly what I figured they'd be. 14.5 ppg is solid, .433/.317/.711 are roughly where I figure he'll end up (hopefully a tick up in FT and 3 pt shooting). He's passed the ball really well and helped out on the glass. He's also turned it over a bunch and just seems to occasionally struggle to figure out his role. I like him, but he's a complimentary piece and I don't think he's really exceeded any sort of rational expectation.

Rakeem Christmas
Rak is a phenomenal athlete, we know that. I like some of his acumen offensively -- the little drop-step baby hook last night was very pretty. Rak's last four games have been really solid and I'm hoping that trend has him much higher up on this list by the end of the year. I think his numbers will be about the same at the end of the season, but we'll feel better about them b/c they are coming against better competition. It will be interesting to see how he and DC play in real games b/c Rak is clearly better inside defensively but there are major questions about our boy DC on the wing, IMO.

Trevor Cooney
I'm actually pleasantly surprised with what Cooney is capable of outside of simply shooting the ball. Nice athlete, hangs in there defensively, quick hands, can handle the ball a bit. So I'm not going to crush him b/c he's not burning down the nets as a shooter. That said, his stock slipped in the past two games as he logged just 6 minutes vs. Canisius, a sign JB doesn't exactly trust him yet, then struggled in his 17 min vs. Detroit.
I think Brandon's been B+ material. I'd move Christmas and Cooney up a couple of notches, and Coleman and Keita down one notch.
Very good post for the most part. IMO, I think you have both Triche and Rak rated too low--I'd put them both in the B range--and Coleman rated too high.

Otherwise, great post.
Very good post for the most part. IMO, I think you have both Triche and Rak rated too low--I'd put them both in the B range--and Coleman rated too high.

Otherwise, great post.

Yeah, I have Coleman higher than most would b/c I had no expectation of him being a huge presence overall. I think he's been disappointing in some ways but has been progressing and has still managed to put up OK numbers. I really like Xmas and think BT has played solidly, but I think both can be much better going forward. I would be shocked if they don't end up the season in the B range.

Edit: Moved Triche to the B-. I think I had him a tad low. Probably that Detroit game too fresh in my mind.
Love him, but CJ has earned a C- at best so far - more likely a D.
He's gotta step it up.
good post, just a couple of quibbles:

I think you have MCW too high - he's the best player on the team, but he has committed too many mental errors and turnovers to earn the +

James does not quite earn a solid A because he needs to be more aggressive. I don't necessarily mean he needs to shoot more, but he needs to look to put the ball on the floor more than occasionally, do a better job finding his teammates, and look for more 2 point shots. The offense stagnated last night when James went into a shell, content to just swing the ball on the perimeter. The only field goal in the last 9:30 came when he found Roc . . . he needs to stay involved.

I also think you have Baye too high, and Roc too low. I would put them both in the B+ category.

Dirty - A-
BT - B+
Roc - B+
BMK - B+
CJ - B
JG - B
DC - C
TC - C
good post, just a couple of quibbles:

I think you have MCW too high - he's the best player on the team, but he has committed too many mental errors and turnovers to earn the +

James does not quite earn a solid A because he needs to be more aggressive. I don't necessarily mean he needs to shoot more, but he needs to look to put the ball on the floor more than occasionally, do a better job finding his teammates, and look for more 2 point shots. The offense stagnated last night when James went into a shell, content to just swing the ball on the perimeter. The only field goal in the last 9:30 came when he found Roc . . . he needs to stay involved.

I also think you have Baye too high, and Roc too low. I would put them both in the B+ category.

Dirty - A-
BT - B+
Roc - B+
BMK - B+
CJ - B
JG - B
DC - C
TC - C

I can see that. I think Baye has done what Baye can do, however. I mean, I really don't know what more anyone could want out of the third big man on the roster and a guy who isn't likely to play more than 12-14 mpg. I mean, it would be nice if he had a little more mass or added more offense, but I'm not sure that's happening with him.

As for MCW, while I agree he hasn't been perfect and that he will have to adjust as the competition improves, I think it's hard to knock a guy literally leads the free world in assists and steals. He could definitely improve, but this team has thrived and I'd argue MCW is the single biggest factor in that success.

CJ and Rak are tough to grade b/c I think both will rise to the forefront as we start playing tougher competition.
good post, just a couple of quibbles:

I think you have MCW too high - he's the best player on the team, but he has committed too many mental errors and turnovers to earn the +

James does not quite earn a solid A because he needs to be more aggressive. I don't necessarily mean he needs to shoot more, but he needs to look to put the ball on the floor more than occasionally, do a better job finding his teammates, and look for more 2 point shots. The offense stagnated last night when James went into a shell, content to just swing the ball on the perimeter. The only field goal in the last 9:30 came when he found Roc . . . he needs to stay involved.

I also think you have Baye too high, and Roc too low. I would put them both in the B+ category.

Dirty - A-
BT - B+
Roc - B+
BMK - B+
CJ - B
JG - B
DC - C
TC - C

Pretty much that, though I'd give Bs to Brandon and Baye.

For Triche, the decision-making still can be a problem. Then he goes and scores on a ridiculous layup attempt off a good spin move. He's a weird player. Baye struggled defensively last night, which is rare. His hands are improved, but I wouldn't call him a consistent threat to catch a pass or a rebound. And our guys treated him like it was a four-on-five game for stretches in the second half last night. What's up with that? Only has the green light when he's wide open?

Rakeem has opened eyes. He needs to be more consistent. (He could also use more minutes in certain games.) I still think we're doing the team a disservice by using him so much as an undersized center (and not using him as the classic four that he looks to be). I like Fair and (especially) South a lot, but if they're our answer at the 4 in March, our season is going to end just like it did last year and each of the eight years before that.

Grant has really surprised me. He's good.

Everyone knows my take on Coleman. It's not that his luck is bad, it's not that his shot just isn't dropping. Can't need a low dribble before you go into your post move at this level. Until he loses that, things will be difficult. Love that he's hustling, like his passing ability (yet another reason to play him alongside Christmas as much as possible), and wildly impressed that he improved his conditioning so dramatically.

No surprise that Fair is taking time to find himself. This happens every year when a guy goes from reserve threat to focal point of the opposing defense. Am a little surprised at the fact that he didn't develop a right hand over the summer. Two games in a row, he's had an automatic layup from the right side of the hoop, forced it with his inside hand, and missed. Magic Johnson was right - the game is a lot more difficult when you don't practice doing things the right way. Don't love the turnovers, but he'll lose those with more reps (and the addition of a right hand).

South: awesome. Could stand to go inside a little more often, but maybe that's discouraged (since no one else is hitting threes with any consistency). Nice pass to Grant last night; he can do good things off the dribble drive.

Mike's very good. He's exceeded expectations by a great margin. That said, one can identify areas in which even good players can stand to improve. Transition defense (and this goes for all three guards) - when everyone else is sucked toward the hoop when a shot goes up, a guard needs to rotate back. Transition offense - since he plays with very good players, he's had great success. He does, however, need to work on spreading the floor on the break. He takes the ball right at his teammate a lot, bailing out the defender. Turns a 2-on-1 break into a 1-on-1 break better than anyone since Flynn. Last night was a bit of a return to reality. Not every guard in the Big East is as talented (or inspired) as McCallum - that kid gave Mike a workout - but we're going to see some guys who can stay in front of him. The decision-making and shot selection will get better.
Rakeem has opened eyes. He needs to be more consistent. (He could also use more minutes in certain games.) I still think we're doing the team a disservice by using him so much as an undersized center (and not using him as the classic four that he looks to be).
I was thinking last night that Dirty and Roc are going to be a devastating forward tandem this spring, if they can only develop enough minutes for Roc at the 4.
Am a little surprised at the fact that he didn't develop a right hand over the summer. Two games in a row, he's had an automatic layup from the right side of the hoop, forced it with his inside hand, and missed.

It's weird with Fair b/c I feel like he does so many little things right. To see him going with his left from the right side of the hoop seems odd. But it's the way these guys roll. It feels like it is really rare to see a guy actually do anything other than occasionally dribble with his off-hand. As an aside, that was part of the reason I feel Onuaku was and remains underrated here -- could go either way effectively. Really rare.
good post, just a couple of quibbles:

I think you have MCW too high - he's the best player on the team, but he has committed too many mental errors and turnovers to earn the +

James does not quite earn a solid A because he needs to be more aggressive. I don't necessarily mean he needs to shoot more, but he needs to look to put the ball on the floor more than occasionally, do a better job finding his teammates, and look for more 2 point shots. The offense stagnated last night when James went into a shell, content to just swing the ball on the perimeter. The only field goal in the last 9:30 came when he found Roc . . . he needs to stay involved.

I also think you have Baye too high, and Roc too low. I would put them both in the B+ category.

Dirty - A-
BT - B+
Roc - B+
BMK - B+
CJ - B
JG - B
DC - C
TC - C

I can't quibble much with those grades. I would move Southy up to a solid A, Xmas down to a B and move DC2 to a C+.

For the most part, though, we're still in the silly season. I believe much will change in the coming months.
I was thinking last night that Dirty and Roc are going to be a devastating forward tandem this spring, if they can only develop enough minutes for Roc at the 4.

That has the potential to be an incredible pairing. I can't say that early returns look good. Christmas looks destined for a lot of time at the five this year. Doesn't help that our two true centers are pretty offensively challenged.
It's weird with Fair b/c I feel like he does so many little things right. To see him going with his left from the right side of the hoop seems odd. But it's the way these guys roll. It feels like it is really rare to see a guy actually do anything other than occasionally dribble with his off-hand. As an aside, that was part of the reason I feel Onuaku was and remains underrated here -- could go either way effectively. Really rare.

And I'd add a guy for whom I have mainly criticism: Devendorf. Great with the off hand.

It does seem a lost art; weird, because it's an obvious weakness to identify and doesn't require anything special (beyond repetition) to improve. It's more difficult to consistently make a shot with the wrong hand than it is to just improve the right hand.
And I'd add a guy for whom I have mainly criticism: Devendorf. Great with the off hand.

It does seem a lost art; weird, because it's an obvious weakness to identify and doesn't require anything special (beyond repetition) to improve. It's more difficult to consistently make a shot with the wrong hand than it is to just improve the right hand.

True -- and I'll say this about Devendorf too. While GMac is pretty much unparalleled when it comes to hitting big shots, I'm not sure I've ever felt more confident a player was going to drain an open jumper than I did with Devendorf. I know that seems ridiculous when Dirty is shooting .456 and Rautins was a 40%+ shooter, but I think Devo's percentages took a hit due to shot selection. But when he caught the ball in rhythm and had time and space, I feel like he never missed. Could be just a bad memory on my part since it's purely anecdotal.
True -- and I'll say this about Devendorf too. While GMac is pretty much unparalleled when it comes to hitting big shots, I'm not sure I've ever felt more confident a player was going to drain an open jumper than I did with Devendorf. I know that seems ridiculous when Dirty is shooting .456 and Rautins was a 40%+ shooter, but I think Devo's percentages took a hit due to shot selection. But when he caught the ball in rhythm and had time and space, I feel like he never missed. Could be just a bad memory on my part since it's purely anecdotal.

He was good, in rythym. But, watching all those iso devo plays... I found myself wishing JB would tell him to calm down and move the ball sometimes.
This thread is a good read.
Agree with many of the comments, but I would withhold the plus on MCW because his stats are against so many cupcakes, and he did not shine last night against a real good defender. Let's see if he can match up with Big East defenders.
I tend to lump Fair and BT. Both are solid in many areas, and people tend to overlook what BT does as a physical defender, a good finisher on the break, a guard who can do some work inside the paint. Still, both have flat-lined with what they showed last season (BT gets more minutes of course, but is the same player).
One reservation for all our forwards -- someone has to help when the guards get pressured in half court. Fair is better closer to the basket; not so great on the perimeter. Southerland has a range of skills in addition to his shooting, but hasn't shown that he can help as the supplemental ball handler/distributor when MCW gets bottled up. Of course, teams put their best defensive forward on James and deny him the ball as much as possible.
Good to see that people are coming around on Grant. He has to get better on defense, but he has some versatile skills.
Nice post. I personally wouldn't have Coleman ahead of Rak though.

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