So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!! | Page 6 |

So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!!

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For all we know it could be a random check because he had a backpack which he opened in the store. Or he cut into hard to see corners. Or a concerned older adult gave a false anonymous tip. Maybe he didn't even buy anything and they wanted to do a authorized search without bothering customers.
Upon enlarging the photo, I conclude that he has the wrong jaw/cheek structure to be MCW.

I agree. That ain't him. I just looked at it as closely as I could and do not believe it is him.
HAH. An "old wealthy white lady" (from a few pages back) saw a black young man at a Lord & Taylor store and immediately called security.

Case solved by this thread.
She saw him in the expensive perfume section.
Someone go to the mall and check how tall the security guard is or measure the escalator and determine the height of the perp. Problem solved.
Railing in the second pic should be 42 inches minimum.

The more I think about it, I think this is a prank of a few kids trying to have fun. why would the cop be dressed like that to begin with and why would they handcuff him (which you can't see) and why would they parade him through the mall? They have back corridors to do that.

The twitter follower directly above the pictures looks awfully similar to the perp too.
I find it interesting that there is only one person detaining him in one of the worlds largest malls. And did he buy anything?? Where is the bag he bought? Mall looks pretty busy. Maybe he agreed to go somewhere to figure the mess out and the employees were to busy to go with them. I doubt they would detain him for a item he bought setting off the sensors at the door.

If he didn't do it, it would be a big time help for those who detained him or thought he did to come forward and help MCW's reputation. I hope they would go the extra distance. Hes in a role model position where charector goes a long way. If he did do it, (which seems likely) then he has to live with it.

Shoplifting is a lack of respect towards others. The thought of it makes me sick, but then again we were all young once. Its much easier to hate things like this when your older. JB always treats his kids like men, but off the court they are still invincible young adults who have barely felt regret.

I like how that one tweet is worded if it is him. It says please tell me you weren't arrested for shoplifting at the mall today. Instead of saying I wasn't, he says I didn't.
The thought of shoplifting makes you sick lol?
why would the cop be dressed like that to begin with and why would they handcuff him (which you can't see) and why would they parade him through the mall? They have back corridors to do that.

He didn't just try steal any random cologne. He took "Sex Panther" by Odeon. Stores take that one very seriously.
He didn't just try steal any random cologne. He took "Sex Panther" by Odeon. Stores take that one very seriously.
How did he even get into the cupboard!?
I've worked as a retail loss prevention detective for two well-known chain stores. LP staff at big-name retailers such as Macy's, L&T, etc. adhere to a protocol to ensure a productive detainment. In order to make an apprehension, the following needs to happen:

1) The detective must see the person approach the merchandise. (Usually, a suspect will attract attention to him or her self by giving off "alert signals" that LP staff are trained to recognize.)
2) The detective must see the person select merchandise.
3) The detective must witness an overt act that shows intent to commit a larceny. This is usually something like popping off an EAS tag (the thing that makes the door alarm go off), concealing the merchandise, etc. New York statutes criminalize concealment, meaning that if someone were to say, take a shirt off a store rack and put it in their purse, that's enough to constitute petty larceny. However, in practice most DAs will not prosecute and most police I know won't even effect an arrest based on concealment alone. More on this in No. 5.
4) The detective must perform constant, uninterrupted surveillance. This is to ensure that the suspect does not ditch the merchandise.
5) The suspect, with the pilfered merchandise, must walk past all points of sale. It's best to wait until the suspect actually exits the store, as many places these days have merchandise in the vestibules and past the registers. Police prefer that apprehensions be done outside the store as well because it makes the case stronger.

If the criteria above -- which are pretty industry standard -- are followed, then there should never be any doubt as to whether or not a theft occurred. If a detective makes an apprehension only to discover that the suspect did not, in fact, have any stolen merchandise, this is deemed a non-productive detainment and can be grounds for termination and civil lawsuit from the apprehended party.

There's really no excuse for store personnel to ever apprehend someone when less than 100% certain that a theft has occurred. This leads me to conclude that either A) The person in the photo being circulated is NOT MCW (I don't think it looks like him) or B) There was NO misunderstanding. MCW was caught shoplifting, or assisting another in the act, and was not arrested based on the value of the property and his level of cooperation.
I know LOL, its not common for misdemeanors making people ill!
Lol, im just saying, things like genocide and child sex trafficking make me sick. Shoplifting is more of the mildly irritating variety in my book.
Tell that to Paul Blart

Second. Worst. Movie. Ever.

I'd rather watch a Georgetown Princeton basketball game than have to sit and watch that movie back to back with "Balls of Fury"( the worst).
Second. Worst. Movie. Ever.

I'd rather watch a Georgetown Princeton basketball game than have to sit and watch that movie back to back with "Balls of Fury"( the worst).
nacho libre is the worst. sorry. had to be said.
Haven't seen it. I'll put watching it on my not to do list.

The only "good" part of the movie is this:

The rest of it is much much worse. So be the judge.

EDIT: I also suggest we change the original first post into this video so new fans coming on tonight don't continue getting heart attacks from this thread. Nachooooo better describes what we're talking about on here now.
Leonard Part 6 is by far the worst movie ever. Only one I've seen many people walk out of nearly the same time as each other.
So the security guard is like 6'9"? Because he towers over that guy handcuffed.

First of all, it is illegal for a security guard to handcuff & detain anyone. This picture has to be an actual plain clothes officer making an actual arrest.
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